SPECIAL EXTENSION for SEVEN DA1 leginning SATURDAY, FEB. 8, at 10 A.M of our Phenomen (1 Unprecedented ONE HOUR SPECIALS ONE HOUR SPECIALS “Everything ! re Underpriced” I to 2 P.M 1C to 11 A.M the ■ 'BÜTTERICK P a SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8ih f fl p a izg I I >D » Î rr, /. Î < 10c. Yard Crash Towellings, A **#»*^-l U l J Li 4 * ± ♦ r v- nz- 4 19c. Yard Percales-Ginghams, Act « c <2 L Ca -r* >r ri __ j _ I Men’s Lisle Socks, Ms,-- - - c.— 15c. Pair j'1 V—J Ä Babys’ Soit Sole Shoes, * T a- a-***’ LA; WEEK we announced the expiration, in accordant 12 noon Saturday. Februarv 1st. The City Council until midnight, Friday February 7th. Knowing tbi age of the Great Bargains« LI’ i £* WlLr'l llVlli i J • A w U. M SEVEN DAYS. BEGINNING Si 93c. Pr. 1 l Y, Bleached Muslins, _ 19c. Yd. Actual $2.00 values. Felts and Plain and Mixed Tweeds. A good quality envelope.for business or personal correspondence. Actual 10c. packages. Actual $2.75 values. All sizes—Blue-Grey and Striped. Men. 19e. BOYS'. GIRLS’ AND WOMEN’S HOSE SPECIAL . 29e. BOYS’, GIRLS’ AND WOMEN’S HOSE SPECIAL 39e. WOMEN S SILK, FIBRE. AND LISLE HOSE PAIR 69e WOMEN S PURE THREAD SILK HOSE SPECIAL $1.49 WOMEN’S PURE THREAD SILK HOSE SPECIAL $1.98 WOMEN S SILK & CHAMOISETTE GLOVES PAIR 79e. WOMEN’S $2.00 & $2 25 KID GLOVES SPECIAL $1.79 Men’s and Youngmen’s Dress and Work CLOTHES. Greatly Underpriced BOYS AND GIRLS UNION SUITS SPECIAL $1.19 WOMEN S TO $2-25 MUNSING UNION SUITS ECH $1.69 MEN'S $225 MUNSING UNION SUITS SPECIAL $1.75 Great Clearance Sale of SPRING BEDDING. MEN’S $6.00 WOOL MUNSING UNION SUITS $4.35 WOMEN S $1.35 AND $1.45 UNION SUITS SPECIAL 79c. CHILDREN S UNDERWEAR VALUES TO 50c FOR 19c. MEN S $3 TWO PIECE UNDERWEAR GARMENT $1.98 LADIES’ AND MISSES TO $14» UNION SUITS 49c. Entire Stock of FOOTWEAR Underpriced. <4yle> will ap- MEN’S $9.c. FLORSHEIM SHOES SPECIAL PAIR $6.95 the great MEN'S $10.00 FLORSHEIM SHOES SPECIAL PR $7.95 MEN’S $11.00 FLORSHEIM SHOES SPECIAL PR. $8.95 MEN’S $12.00 FLORSHEIM SHOES SPECIAL PR. $10.45 MEN’S $9.00 HEAVY DAYTON LOGGING SHOES $5.95 LADIES’ $8.00 DRESS SHOES SPECIAL PER PAIR $3.65 nder pricing in this Clearance Sal YOUNGMEN’S SIZE 33 to 38 $17.50 SUITS FOR $12.75 MEN S 4 YOUNGMEN S $30.00 SUITS SPECIAL $19.85 YOUNGMEN S SPRING 1919 SUITS VERY SPCL. $21.45 ALL HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $45.00 SUITS $29.85 ROSENWALD & WEIL $40.00 OVERCOATS NOW $27.65 MEN’S $12.50 BLACK BEAR” MACKINAWS NOW $6.95 MEN’S $12.50 LEATHER CAPE LOGGING SHIRTS $8.65 MEN’S $12.50 LOGGING SHIRTS SPECIAL EACH $9.45 Actual $2.00 Dutches« Brand 2 Piece Underwear. Boys’ Knickers. 95c. Each. $1.48 Pair. Fancy Mixture»--All sizes LADIES’ BROWN AND GREY KID SHOES PR PR $6.85 LADIES $10.00 RED CROSS SHOES SPECIAL PR $8.95 LADIES $12.00 RED CROSS SHOES SPECIAL PR. $9.95 will find the greatest and most oods you have been invited to lat at would have been counted a HOPE and OTHER ACTUAL 40c OUTI 39c. PLIAN AND PI 39inch PLAINCOLC 36inch COMFORT C 50c. SOISSETTES ai 40c, SILK MULLSJ 39c. SCRIMS ANDFl 35c. SERPENTINE ( 35c. and 39c. YARDV 44c ROMPER CL01 HED MUSLINS. . ANNELS RESS GINGHAMS. ÎFORT SATEENS. ES, 35c. values. icTPOPLINS. îolors Only. JISSETTES. S AND KIMONETTES. ERCALES. inch wide. BOYS’ 10S TO 2 SCHOOL SHOES VERY SPECIAL $3.29 BOYS 2‘i TO 5% SCHOOL SHOES VERY SPECL $3.63 MISSES’ 8 j 2 to 11% DRESS SHOES SPECIAL PAIR $2.35 Hemstitching, 10c. Yard. MISSES’12 TO 2 DRESS SHOES SPECIAL PAIR $2.85 A Bargain Men! You should not miss. $ 1,35 Each Men’s Furnishings—Main Floor. many items received just this GOOD SIZE ALL FEATHER PILLOWS EACH $1.39 72x78 SILKOLINE COVERED 72x84 COMFORTERS Included in the Great Underpricing of American Lady, Nemo, « and Gossard Corsets is included a shipment of new spring styles just received this week. ACTUAL $2.00 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS PAIR ACTUAL $2.25 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS PAIR ACTUAL $2.50 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS PAIR ACTUAL $3.00 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS PAIR ACTUAL $6.00 NEMO CORSETS SPECIAL PAIR $1.39 $1.69 $1.79 $2.37 $4.65 SILKOLINE COVERED COMFORTERS $4.68 62x76 GREY COTTON BLANKETS PAIR 72x90 “PULLAWAY” BLEACHED SHEETS EACH 81x90 “PULLAWAY” BLEACHED SHEETS EACH 81x90 “WEARWELL” BLEACHED SHEETS EACH $3.79 $1.69 $1.83 LADIES’ $2.75 OUTING FLANNEL NIGHTGOWNS $2.19 LADIES’49c. CORSET COVERS VERY SPECIAL 33^. LADIES’ 95c. TO $2.25 NIGHTGOWNS SPCL 69<*.to $1.69 $1.98 $10.00 ALL WOOL GREY BLANKETS PER PAIR $6.50 Also the entire stock of Ladies’ Phillipine Embroidered, Ital­ ian Silk and Crepe de Chine Nightgowns, Envelope Combina­ tions and Camisoles Underpriced. Entire Stock of PIECE GOODS Underpriced. Entire Stock of Misses’ and Women’s. Suits, Coats and Dresses Underpriced 27 INCH UNDERWEAR FABRICS ETC. SPECL YD. 19^. The Miss or woman who who has put off purchasing her Suit, 27 AND 36 INCH FINE UNDERWEAR FABRICS YD. 29^. Coat or Dress can certainly save good bright dollars by choosing 27 AND 36 INCH FINE UNDERWEAR FABRICS YD 39c. now. Alterations carefully made when necessary. ACTUAL 75c. TO $1.25 DRESS GOODS SPECIAL YD 49