TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 6, 1919. OREGON NEWS NOTES RESUME OF WORK OF ARMY CASUALTIES AREJABULATED OF GENERAL INTEREST OREGON LEGISLATURE Principal Events of the Week Half of Session Has Passed Total of 53.807 Americans Killed and Missing With Few of Really Import­ Briefly Sketched for Infor­ in War. ant Bills Presented. mation of Our Readers. . Salem.—When the legislature as­ The total county Indebtedness of sembled Monday for the fourth week Klamath county is now $132,249.76. of the session there was very little to A large attendance of growers and its credit in the way of bills passed others 1 b expected at the fourth an­ and sent up to the governor. As a nual meeting of the Western Walnut ihatter of fact, very few of the im­ association to be held In Portland Feb­ portant measures have been intro­ ruary 6 and 7. duced in either house. After a long vacation, occasioned by While the house did considerable the influenza epidemic, the Monmouth work last week, the senate mostly public schools opened again Monday, marked time, due largely to the fact having been closed since a week be­ that the senate committees reported fore the Christmas holidays. out few bills for consideration. Both With practically no new "flu" cases houses from now on must get down to for several days, the Albany health a steady grind and work longer hours authoiities have removed the ban on if the usual congestion during the last that city and allowed public meetings days of the session are to be avoided. In churches and theatres, and schools Perhaps the most Important piece to reopen. of legislation passed during the third Because several small school chil­ week of the session was the Dlmick- dren have been fun over and serious­ Kubli syndicalism bill, designed to ly hurt by automobiles of late, the suppress Bolsheviki, I. W. W., and La Orande Parent-Teacher association kindred radical movements. The bill has launched a campaign against care­ carried an emergency clause to make less driving. It effective immediately when signed Representatives of a party of French by the governor. Canadians, who desire to secure farm­ The house by a very large vote ing land and locate in the Willamette passed the Gordon red flag bill, which valley, have been in the Albany sec­ forbids the display of the red flag, tion the past few days looking for de­ the emblem of anarchy and Bolshe­ sirable tracts. vism. This bill will undoubtedly meet The Oregon Congress of Mothers with approval in the senate. and Parent-Teacher associations will Senate Passes Anti-Trust Bill. hold a child welfare drive in Portland The anti-trust bill passed the senate February 12 for the purpose of financ­ without opposition, but it is likely to ing the work of the parents' educa­ cause discussion in the house and will tional bureau. be amended or voted down. An offer of $270,000 has been made At this time no one can tell just by A. L. Hill and other business men I what may be expected in the way of of Medford for the purchase of the j road legislation. There is lack of Pacific & Eastern railroad property. harmony about many features, but the The offer is now under consideration I $10,000,000 road bonding bill is being by the bondholders. whipped into shape and is scheduled One section of the McKenzie river to appear this week. It will provide wagon road, construction of which that 75 per cent of the funds given was halted by the declaration of war, the highway commission shall be will be built this summer, according spent on the primary roads outllued to word received by Clyde R. Seitz, in the road building program of 1917, district forest supervisor. while the remaining 25 per cent is to Captain J. L. Wood, of Albany, is be used in the discretion of the com­ one of 30 officers selected from the mission on any roads which it may Engineer oorps of the American Ex­ decide are necessary of improvement. peditionary force to appraise the prop­ It will provide that the rate of interest erty damage caused by the German is not to be more than 4% per cent army in its operations in Belgium and and that the bonds shall be retired France. at the end of 25 years. The senate and house conferees on Non-Partisan Judleiary Sought. the revenue bill have been asked by A bill introduced by Senator Nor- Senator McNary to place a per gallon blad, of Clatsop county, provides for tax of 10 cents on loganberry and a non-poUtlcal judicial system in Ore­ pther fruit juices instead of the 20 gon. This measure is one which has per cent gross sales tax as approved for many years been advocated by the house. , throughout the state, and the present The taxpayers of Umatilla county assembly is expected to enact this bill are getting behind the movement to into a law. induce the county court to call for a It is provided in the bill that all special election for submitting to the candidates for these offices shall be voters the plan of'issuing serial bonds placed on a separate ballot at pri­ providing for permanent road con­ mary elections and this ballot shall struction in the county. be officially designated as the “official Construction on the depots for the primary nominating non-political ju­ Prineville railroad, one at the junc­ dicial ballot.” tion and the other at the terminus in Anti-Lobby Bill Prepared. the city of Prineville, has been start­ Complying with President Vinton’s ed, and on the completion of these structures, regular passenger traffic request that legislation be introduced curbing the activities of the huge over the road will begin. Motor vehicle registrations for Jan­ paving lobby that descended on the uary, 1919, exceeded those of January, legislature last week to lobby against 1918, by nearly 12,000, according to measures striking at the paving trust, tabulations for the month made public Senator Dlmtek drafted a drastic at the office of Secretary of State Ol­ measure prohibiting lobbying. Authority to oopstruct a new peni­ cott. There were 49.062 motor ve­ tentiary buUdlng at a cost of $500,000 hicle registrations for the past month. Portland had the lowest monthly ie sought in a bill introduoed by Seas fire loss during January since May; tor Rttner. The Mil provides that the 1910, with the single exception of one quastion bo referred to a vote ef the month, December. 1917. The exact people at the neat general, regular er fire loos has not yet been tabulated, special election. Senator Dimlok's bMl making it a but Fire Marshal Grenfell estimates the January loss at approximately crime to teach the German language in the pubUc schools aad colleges of $5000. The fruit crop in Douglas county re­ Oregon, was passed by the senate by turned over $1,000,000 to growers in a vote of 18 to 11. Governor Signs Eight Moaeuroo. 1918, and as labor ani weather condi­ Eight bills have been signed by tions were unfavorab,.' fruit men are Governor Withycombe and filed with highly pleased. Through deals closed last week at Secretary of State Oloott. They are: Soldiers' and sailors’ commission Hood River, J. R. Nunamaker and sons, Don, Floyd and Neal Nunamaker, bill, appropriating $1004)90 and carry­ already owners of 75 acres of full­ ing an emergency clause. Now effec­ bearing orchards, have Increased their tive. Measure appropriating $552,385 to holdings by 75 acres. The aggregate of the sums paid will reach $50,000, it meet deficiency appropriations of the emergency board. Emergency clause is said. A total of $14,270.56 was collected attached. Measure appropriating $25,000 1» for the Oregon soldiers’ and sailors’ fund, raised in Portland by various pay per diem and traveling expenses entertainments for the benefit of Ore­ of members of the legislature and sal­ gon men overseas and cf this amount aries of clerks and stenographers. a total of $5425.09 has been disbursed, Emergency clause attached. Bill empowering cities and towns, leaving a balance of $8845.47 intact in without consent of property owners the fund. The attendance at the public school affected, to annex property that has at Noti, 23 miles west of Eugene on been or will be surrounded by the city the Coos bay branch of the Southern limits. Measure has particular appli­ Pacific, is so great that one room can­ cation to Portland. Two bills by Senator Baldwin plan- not accommodate all the pupils and another will be added. The teacher ng state bank members of the federal and the larger boy pupils of the reserve system on the same footing as national bank members. school will do all the work. Measure empowering the state high­ The big sawmill of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company at Springfield re­ way commission to sell obsolete or sumed operations Monday after hav­ wornout machinery. Measure extending the power of ing been closed for a month. During eminent domain for county courts and this time repairs have been made to various units of the plant. The com­ the highway commission so that uss pany's mill a| Wendling hgs.been op­ may be made of property before com­ pletion of condemnation proceedings. erated throughout the winter. Washington.—An official tabulation by divisions for the American expedi­ tionary forces, 95 per cent complete to date, was made public by the war department, showing that major cas­ ualties in the 91Bt (Oregon, Washing­ ton and other western states) totaled 1702. The 91st division did not get to the front until about three months before the armistice ended hostilities. How­ ever, it saw a total