TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 6, 1919 ©illamuok ìSeaòlirjht Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year 12.00 wanting quick action in road con­ struction. The "knockers" are doing ! their best to prevent the building of ' hardsurfaced roads, which are de­ manded by the people in all parts of 1 the state, and the system now being worked out by the State Highway I Commission meets with hearty ap­ proval of all progressive citizens. There Is a good deal of truth In what Commissioner Thompson said in his address to the State Legislature last week when he remarked that the State Highway Commission was nearer the people and bad their con- ' fidence. war. The Congress leaders say it al­ VICTOBY NO BAB TO INVESTIGA­ ready has been shown that hundreds TION OF GBOSS WASTE. of millions of dollars were wasted —---- o------ 1 through incompetence and inefficient Public Has Bight to Fix Besponsi- direction of the airplanes, ordinance | bility tor linnecessary Taxes. and shipping programs alone Many The Usefulness of This Bank Democrats agree with the Republi- Robert J. Thorne, assistant io the cans that the American people are | acung qu'ai tennaster general, wear­ entitled to know where the respon­ Advertising Bates. lug a distinguished service m,.-a:.l, lu sibility lies for much of the burden Display Advts, per inch • • 20c. a jevtlll ..»U’esa s leuow members < I wipe out accountability for unneces- OME people do not realize the many ............ per line Local» 7c. the club a peek into the back dnr of I sary burdens."__________ different ways in which this bank can affairs as they were conducted :u Beaders, with reading matter Washingtei during the war. serve them. It is unusually well equip­ Furniture Fer Sale. per line..................................... 7c. "lu cue m’duie of last winter's ex­ ped to furnish valuable information and Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. treme co.-, ' he cited as an sx a .p. Three Iron and Brass Bed Steads, advice on financial and business matters. Besolntions.................. per line 5c. What is the matter with the of official methods of res tape > spr: gs and mattresses, chiffoniers, Our customers have often been able to I Grange, anyway, that every time a received a telegram from Lamp t.r».. movement is started for good roads, saying:"It i» ¿X degreed oeloir ze.v, dressers, library table, library or avoid serious losses by making use of our Editorial Snap Shots. State reading lamp (hanging), rockers, Master Spence has to butt in lZ.OOu man are witnoui gloves.’ v- dining chairs, rugs. Six hole South access to first hand business information. ani register a protest? Good roads the same day another toieg.ain ca... - Probably the price of Tillamook are a god-send to the farmers, and ‘.rom camp Custer, say is» .hat 1,0« j Bend Mailable Range; 22 calibre Our membership in the Federal Re­ Winchester rifle, and other articles cheese will never reach again what now that they have been enjoying men hud no overcoats use we. . too numerous to raeation. All clean serve Banking System gives us special is being paid for it today—38c. for some hard surfaced roads, why, they without army shoes. and in sanitary condition. triplets and 39c. for Young Americas. are demanding more of that class of facilities for meeting the requirements of ”1 started out io see what 1 See them at house, Cor. 3rd Street That'B what organization and coop­ road. Spence undertook to criticise do about tne snortage or equipmc a.. this community. Moreover, it is our eration in Tillamook county have the State Highway Commission, ----- but jx found 2o,000 pairs or noraex..-« and 2nd Ave., or inquire at Ever­ son a, Tillamook. aim to give a helpful, progressive per when pinned down and forced 1 done. to i giOTes «tores. 1 auxed why i—y ------o_----- prove what he had been saying about • uad noi been .urmsueu .o me llbops sonal-service to every depositor —regard The Willamina Times says: "Billy the building of roads, had to admit 1 and r>as told that they were being Buy Your Meat for Canning Now. less of the size of his account. ------ o ------ Vinton, of McMinnville, becomes be did not know what he was talking • hele for tue motorcycle corps. Looa- president of the Oregon State Senate about, but justified himself by say­ ' ing 1’urthei 1 found ample supply of i Meat will be high this winter. Get Put our sincerity to the test. Step in —more honor Old Yamhill County.” ing that he was opposed to bonding. ' khuxl coats, i asked why they wern’t it now for canning, while it is cheap. and have a talk with us. Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per And we seem to remember that just He was opposed to bonding two years 1 being used, and was likewise tote before the election last November ago. The people of Oregon were over­ mat some cure’or other forbade their pound. Tillamook County Bank Beef steak, 18c. to 28c. per lb. several newspapers in that county whelmingly in favor of bonds for being used after Dec. 1. Tillamook, Oregon Beef pot roast, 12Vic. to 22c. per resorted to knocking methods to do roads and are doubly so today, blushes Bed Tape Bules. pound. Old Yamhill county out of that hon­ Spence is out of joint with every pro- "The men were suitering in the Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per ib. or. gressive movement in the state, hav­ meanwhile, and so the reu tape was Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb. ------ o------ ing developed a grouchy spirit. cut in »pite oi me screams or horror All meats are government inspect- It is to be hoped that the parents It is only natural to suppose that tuui arose from tne officials, and the will use proper precautions in send­ where a good salary is involved there supplies were sent where they were ed. Tillamook Meat Co. ing their children to school. A little will be efforts made to bring about a ueeueu. discretion may prevent the spread of change. This is the situation today in ' r lound,” he continued, “when I the flu in the schools, .which would regard to the office of secretary sales went oo.vn lo Washington, not one Card of Thanks. have to be closed again. Should any man for the co-operative associations aim/, a.- 1 had expecteu, but about wish to thank our friends ami We child have the least symptoms of the of this county. It is the job that some firteeii. each branch ol tiie military flu they should be kept home, and few are after. For several weeks the service w..s a Unit and each was relatives for the kindness and sym­ parents who do otherwise should be snap shot man has patiently listened working lor itself and against tiie pathy, during the illness and death severely punished. to both sides of the controversy, and others. 1 expected to find oue man of our beloved husband oon and ------ o------ from present indications there is buying motor trucks. Instead I found brother. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Altenburger It will not be many months before liable to be a split between the co­ lour men buying them, outbidding and family. lumber schooners will be coming to operative associations, and if that each other and upsetting the whole Mrs. Chas. Altenburger. Tillamook Bay, bringing merchan­ takes place it will be a backward industry. An example oi the compe­ dise from California ports. This is move. But history Is only repeating tition which prevailed among the Dreadful Cough Cured. liable to bring about a great reduc­ itself. In the early days of the cheese various departments may oe seen in tion in freight rates, not only on industry, it was the persistent efforts the business of renting u dock in For disenfecting where Contagious or A severe cold is often followed by a merchandise but on feed and hay as of the Thayer faction that kept the Baltimore. The quartermaster s de­ well, for it will bring Tillamook dairy association in a state of turmoil partment ofieren tiaO.OUU, then came rough cough for which Chamberlain’s infectious diseases are prevailing. county in closer touch with Califor­ and bitter feeling between dairymen. j along the engineers with an offer of Cough Remedy has proven especially valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olsen, Marys ­ nia markets. It took several years to overcome that | 87 5,000, and, finally it went to the CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ville, Mo., writes: "About two years serious situation, which was a detrl> navy for 8110,000." ----- o----- ago my little boy Jean caught a ful Germicidal mixture and by its use Congressman Hawley has Introduc­ ment to the dairymen and the cheese Cites Other Examples. severe cold and coughed dreadfully ed a bill requiring the Adjutant Gen­ industry of the county, for the atm As a sampie oi the governmental for days. I tried a number of cough will improve general stable conditions. eral of the Army and the Secretary was to obtain control of the cheese of the Navy to furnish the Adjutant Industry in this county. Happily the contracts that were so liberally medicines but nothing did him any General of each state with the nuines dairymen took the bull by the horns strewn during the war, Mr. Thorne good until I gave him Chamber­ * lain’s Cough Remedy. It relieved his and records of men from the states and undertook to manage their own cited the following: "One day 1 received a communica ­ cough right away and before he had who served in the Army and Navy, affairs, and since that time the during the war. This is a very necea- cheese industry has been handled tion saying that about 6,000 tons of finished taking one bottle he was is Just fine RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. sary bill, for the reason it has been with flattering results and they tin were to be sent to Australia,” he cured. I think hard to keep track of men who have have obtained unprecedent prices for said. "Investigating further this cur­ children.” ious item, 1 found that the Secretary joined the Army or Navy from this butter fat. It is something to be a5ï525HSZSHSa5a52SZ5a32525aS252Sa52SaS2SÎ5252SÎ52525E5Z525î5aS2S25aS25ÏS state and county. proud of th* the dairymen dropped i of State and the Secretary of War their petty grievances and worked had entered into an agreement to re­ The snap shot man has on several together for the common good of the ceive 32,000,000 pounds of jam from occasions recommended that road dairy industry of this county. We are Australia. The price agreed on was a 5Z3Me5B5E»SaSE5a3E5aS2525E3ESES2525a525a5a525aK525Ma5Z525a5B525HSZH districts Nos. 1 and 3 start hardsur- sorry to admit it, but it would not considerable one, even for Jani, The facing a small portion of road for a surprise us that all this team work jam is now scattered all over the map starter. As they have taken an equal and working together is about to pull of the world; 16,000,000 pounds is in amount of th* road money, it looks to apart. We do not propose to »ay one » rance, 16,000,000 pounds elsewhere us that each road district should ap­ word that will add fuel to the fires, aad 10.000,000 pounds still on propriate part of the road money to but would rather pour oil on the berry bushes of Australia hardsurfaeed roads. This road dis­ troubled waters. The question for picked. "One would think.” trict constructed several miles of the co-operative association to de- hard surfaced road from Its yearly clde is this: "What Is best for the Thor.ic, ' mat the brunches apportionment, and the other two dairy industry of Tillamook County?’ war ucpa. ...lent would be one districts should have done likewise. In thia connection it must not be lost family. Instead they carried on sight of that if unity of purpose same formality that exists between It may not be generally known that brought about such successful and one nation and another. Between the 2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd Sts. the county agriculturist is an advo­ flattering results, ft will require army and the navy the formalities cate of the silo, whereas the cheese more of that pull together spirit tn resembled those existing between the § Successor to J. S. Stephens. a inspector and grader is opposed to the future, for the reason that the United States and Mexico during President Wilson ’ s expedition at them. The latter knows that flavor price of cheese is going to drop, and When contemplating Monumental in cheese is one of the primary fea­ drop considerably the next two years, Vera Cruz.” work, do not over look White This is only one, literally, of scores tures und when there is an oft flavor and it will require a whole lot of In cheese brought about by feeding sklli and experience to prevent It of similar instances where the pres­ Bronze. Thii material cannot rust or too freely of the silo product, its a from dropping too low. The special ent administration squandered mon­ corode. There is nothing to support matter of Impossibility for cheese Interests will do their best to force ey "like drunken sailors", and which vegetable life. It is hard and dense I makers to make a first class cheese, the price of chese down in the future furnishes the reason why tiie newly and will not chip or crack. In beauty The cheese inspector knows, for he as in the past, and should there be a elected congress will not be willing detects the smell of the silo in the split, with this faction and that fac­ that the mere successful conclusion of design, artistic and general effect cheese. That’s why he Is a good tion each having a salesman, one can of the war shall act as a bar to the no stone can compare with White cheese expert and u good county ag­ readily see what is going to happen. exposure of the gross waste, extrava­ Bronze. riculturist. This Is no time for personal feelings, gance and uiismanagegnient which I Bepresented By t petty Jealousies and office seekers to characterised the present administra­ ------ o------ C. E. BEYN0LDS. butt in and cause friction. It Is unity tion’s conduct of the war. 1 h it right for the government to — Oregon. Kobt. T. Small, the Washington Tillamook guarantee wheat at 12.25 a bushel of purpose that should predominate, I correspondent of the Philadelphia I not a pulling asunder because some now that the war is over? By that I Public Ledger, writing of the pro­ method the consumer will have topuy fellow wants to turn the other fellow administration managed or mi . im­ ¿Ship pur hides furò direct Io Ol\t. nearly double what flour is worth aged the war, says: and the people will be taxed to pay "The war, the Republican leaders AIBANY TANNING CO. the difference. Tfce administration is Boston Papers. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN alhahy oree. posed Congressional investigation oi going to ask Congress to appropriate ------ o- ■— ckirt- the icddlemans orofit and the manner in which the Democratic THE COUNTY. -ereive prompt returns • 81,250,000,000 to carry out this plan. Leroy M. Pickford, of Boston re­ argue, was the greatest event in the And one of the Democratic platforms cently died and left in hie will a history of the natmn during the last See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. ». promised the people ti^at that party specific request that his executors six jwmo. years. ri It reached some tangible scavMVU in FHJIIir ian$iuji would reduce the cost of living. How should see to It that a copy of a way into virtually every homestead remarkably strange, to make the peo­ Boston, Mas»., paper be aent every ple pay war time prices for their day to every resident of hie native |o< the entire United States. Tiie draft laM its hand upon every iadustry flour and tax them to death as well town, Newburg. Mian. The editor of and «very vocation. The entire social, TOWER’S to carry out the plan. • Pittsburg paper thereupon pub­ domestic and industrial fabric of the lished the following. ¡country was affected. FISH BRAND Boston man places a blight on his The state legislature has again a Aoceunt oi Stewardship Asked. | "Congress _______ gave over to the Presi- large number of bills to Increase the home town. "It is not clear why Mr. Pickford dent au’thority’ for the complete con- salaries, of state and county officials, and it seems to us that thia is an op­ sbould put a blight on his home town | duct of the war. Now the Republl- portune time to bring about a more especially since he left it 3» yearn ' cane are proposing to call upon him uniform system. There are counties ago. To be afflicted with a Boston i tor an accounting of hl» stewardship, which are paying good salaries while dally is cause enough to move away | and they assert the Investigations Waterproof other counties the salary for some from any town." , they undertake will be followed with Aboeiutely. I th« keenest personal interest in the offices are very much lower for do­ ------- _i_-------------- » It's loose fit antj “good ing practically the same work in millions of homes where service flags “You can't ever Good taste, smaller PttaUee from Canada counties where the population and with stars of blue and gold have hal­ feel “put you at ease on the assessed valuation are the same. lowed the memory of sons, husbands beat good old chew,longer life iawhat any job that turns up. Canada has a surplus for export of ... I and fathers _ ___ makes Genuine Grave­ In Tillamook the salaries of moat all given to the cause of lib- Gravely Plug. It:8 ly cost less to chew than bushels — of ,-------- potatoes throughout county officials are far below other ov»r 28.000.000 ------------------ -- I erty —- ......... —-1 the world. The SATISFACTION countiee. and for that reason we thia year, and the United States also statement of these men tn camp, the ordinary plug. G uaranteed got the real tobacco think the state legislature should do ' has a large supply. Last year we im­ : adequacy of the training they receiv­ a j Town co boston ITritt to:— something to make the •alarles more ported nearly 3.000.000 bushels of ed. the amount of protection afford­ taste that keeps a G bnuinb G ravely potatoes from Canada despite our ed them by artillery and airplane uniform. own surplus, which was so great that observation as they went over the DANVI1.LB. VA. — o— man satisfied." TBE KKW »BST MAGAZINS we were being exhorted to stuff our- /»r bouUtt *■ clswia; Moat every state law maker known , selves with them. Canadian growers top in France, all are matter with full well that if they object to the ; found a better price here than they which the American people are vital­ concerned, the Republicans be­ emergency clause being attached to could find at home; and potatoes ly the road bill their conatltutents will came In free of duty under the Dem­ lieve. "They further assert, that virtually be down on them, and for that rea­ ocratic tariff law We may look for son we believe they will consent to a repetition of last year, with the every man. woman and child In the the emergency clause being attached chances good that there will be a United States is to be taxed for the to ad bills. The people of Oregon are considerable increase in the imports. next twenty years to pay for the en­ ormous sums expended during the I S I __ ____ I CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. SEE W. A. CHURCH, FOK INSURANCE Fire, Life, Occident, Automobile flüEX. MefiRIR & CO. GENERAL! HARDU1ARE Ritehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. REFLEX SLICKER says the super to the engineer Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG ZViig packed in pouch.