I — TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 6, Tillamook Jottings W. A. Wise, dentist Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. Let W. A. Church write your insur- ■nee. * Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Co. "Flu” Insurance—Ask Watson. Clough « Rollie W. Rollie Watson writes all kinds of Insnurance. * Dr. and Mrs. Wise have returned from California. Lost—-pocket knife, finder leave at this office. please Don’t fail to see the farm tank at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale office Saturday. Feb. 15th. Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ To be sure you have a place to live mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* buy a home today. Never has the de- Disinfect your home with B-K. to­ mand for houses been so great. Prop­ day and make yourself safe from erties are selling every day but bar- deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- gains are not all gone yet. Some of the best buys were listed today for bendefr, both phones. * quick sale. A payment down, balance Orchards and hedges and all kinds monthly, places you in a home of of shubbery trimmed. Good job your own. See Everson at once. * guaranteed. Charles Sohrade.', 9t:i At a meeting of the city council on Ave and 6th Street. * Friday evening it was decided to con­ For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one tinue the mask ordinance, which was mile north of Tillamook on Wilson I modified so that it is not necessary river. Inquire on premises. H. F. i for those in stores and offices to Stafford. wear masks, but those who enter The casualty list on Tuesday con- them must do so, which makes it tains the name of Fred W. Dunham, necessary for those attending church of Hemlock, who is reported to be or meetings to wear masks. slightly wounded. E. H. Lindsey vs. Walter D. Hines, director general of railroads, is a Circuit Judge Geo. R. Bagley de- cided, on account of the flu situa- suit filed in the circuit court to re- tion, not to hold clrcuit court last over $150.00 damages. Plaintiff al­ Monday, but will do so next Monday. leges that the railroad company in making a fill caused dirt and rock to Suttons' market has located oppo­ carelessly fall upon certain cattle site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh guards so that a bull belonging to and cured meats. Your patronage so­ the plaintiff strayed over it and was licited. * killed. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ ware.— R. W. Bennett. • For sale—2 mares, one ten years Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, old, one coming three years, no i reasonable offered refused.—-Ike Tillamook. Phone 72-W. ‘ Quick, Mutual Phone. • Why not place your feed orders for the future with Kuppenbender. * I There are just two kinds of Milk- i era—Sharpies and all others, Sharp­ For sale—Eight spring calves. ies will do all that other Milkers do, Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore. plus the "Upward Squeeze.” * Will buy your calf hides, 27 cents i Before buying your auto tires, in- cash at Tillamook Meat Co. | vestigate the Republic Standard five * Leland G. Irwin was regigstered at thousand mile guarantee, price right j at Tillamook Feed Co. * the Hotel Portland last week. Tillamook Meat Company will pay 27 cents cash for your calf hides. * Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ■tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- ei Warehouse. * Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ days by appointment. • When you want eggs for breeding purposes, baby chicks or chickens, call upon or write John Hofman, Tillamook, Oregon., Have 20 variet­ ies of poultry. * For Sharpies Mechanical Milkers Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ see R. F. Zachman, Tillamook. mook office across the street from R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays until pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. ♦ For fresh and cured meats call further notice. Sutton's Market. Both phones. M tried at the M. E. Parsonage, * Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms Thos. A. Hart and Minnie Olson, * both of Nehalem. The ceremony was 205-206 Tillamook Building. performed Jan. 29th by the Rev. One lot and small house for sale, Chas. E. Gibson. $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * i The best Is the cheapest In the end. Health, Accident and Life Insur­ Sharpies Milkers have proven them­ ance—covers "Flu”—See Watson. * selves an absolute success, for six We buy and sell second hand autos. years in Tillamook County. Why Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* spend your money on experiments. * For bargains in second hand auto­ The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ mobiles go to Case’s Garage. chine Agency is now permanently lo­ cated opposite the post office, where Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First monthly payments may be made and National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., supplies ordered. Both Phones. ♦ In Dr. Allen’s office. • A success requires no improvement. Very desirable apartments for rent Sharpies Milkers have not been above the Gem Theatre. See A. C. changed in construction since they Everson. came on the market, A success from • Wanted to rent a piano. No Chil­ the start. dren. Phone 35-J or P. O. Box 454, Married, February 1st, at the Tillamook, Oregon. * Joseph R. Methodist Parsonage, Real honest old fashioned Pork Thompson, manager of the Yellow Sausage is hard to get, but you will Fir Mill, and Anna Zimmerman find it at Sutton’s market. * Chas. E. Gibson Performing the ceremony. The Sharpies Milker is the fastest Wanted,, to rent, a dairy farm,, in- and most efficient milker in the eluding livestock of about fifty milk world. cows for one or more years. If possi­ Tarpaulins—any size—made * to ble not too far off from the coast. order, at the Auto Top Shop. ! Side Apply to Alfred Hlrsig, 246 Salmon 4-1. entrance-opposite. P. O. 4* St. Portland, Oregon. Let B--K be your disinfectant. It is Tillamook has an auto top and safe, clean and powerful. For sale at of harness repair shop in rear the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Auto I building opposite post office, Let wour co-worker on the farm be tops, curtains and cushions repaired the Cleveland Tractor. On display at and waterproofed, harness repaired. Both phones, * the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * 4 Just received a car of mill feed at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. 1 Prices • are lowest. For Sale—Berkshire pure bred pigs, four -months old. Enquire of A. E. Williams, Mutual Phone. The A. F. Coats Lumber Co.’s saw mill resumed operation on Monday, having been closed down since soon 'after the armstice was signed. Dur­ ing the shut down a number of Im­ provements were made in the mill. Rollie Watson writes Health, Ac­ For sale, a few Brown Leghorn cident and Life Insurance, contained cockerels, thorough breds. $1.50 each all In one policy. Rates are as low as W. Stulvenga, Tillamook. Oregon. • the lowest consistent with One Hun­ Rollie WatBon writes Are insurance. dred Years of Actuary Data. Our • Losses are promptly adjusted and policies cover ’Flu.” paid. Ask those who have been under Rollie Watson writes live stock in­ our protection. * surance. Every dairyman in Tilla­ For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair- mook County should have this in­ bank & Morse gasoline engine in surance on his stock—if only a little good order. W. D. Shafer, Rockaway, on each animal—as losses are fre­ quently occuring, yours may be the Oregon. * * For Sale, two 2 year old heifers, next. Some of the dairymen of Faiarview will calve about April 1st. H. A. Springer, half mile south of Tilla­ circulated a remonstrance against an increase in the county officials salar­ mook. * ies. It is reported that Representative Wanted a job for coming season by Edwards has reduced the amount of a Swiss cheese maker to work in a the increase asked for in the bill cheese factory.—John H. Linder, which he introduced. Hillsboro. R 1, Box 43, Ore. 3* Major-General Charles H. Martin, For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry who was colonel of the Third Oregon 50 to 60 cows.—Inquire of C. W. when that regiment held its annual Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, • encampment at Tillamook, is now in Tillamook, Oregon. , command of the'90th division, being Have you been in the new meat one of the eight divisions of the army market across the street from Daw­ of occupation on the Rhine. son’s store. They have the best meats We received a book printed in they can get. Give them a call. Fiance, from First Lieut. John Why pay four or five hundred dol­ Olson, which gives a twief history of lars for dairy land without improve­ the 116th Regiment, as well as the ments jvhen you can get as good soil pictures of the officers, of which with improvements for $300.00 per “Jack” is one. The regiment was acre.—43ee C. W. Miller about this 5,500 strong, and the officers belong to all parts of the United States. proposl ion. • • 1919, itaöliobt and equitable wage, and to the em­ ployer, a maximum degree of effi­ ciency. Roushbrugge, Dec. 25, 1918. To standardize working and living Dear Father—Just a few lines to conditions in camps and mills. let you know that I am still well and To provide methods of informing its in the best of health. Have just re­ members upon all questions of trade ceived your most welcome letter last interest to operators and workmen. night, of Nov. 25th, and I am very To foster personal relationship and thankful to you. I am also very glad a spirit of loyalty between the em­ that brother Pete got over so lucky ployers and employees. with his sickness. To develop to the highest degree Well today is Christmas day and I possible loyalty to the United States, am still in Belgium. We are going to its laws and government, and to pro­ have a big Christmas dinner today at mote and demand proper respect for 2 p.m.. Will write you as soon as we its flag. get our dinner. We also received To create a community spirit by the from the Y. M. C. A. two bars of promotion of matter pertaining to chocolate and three cans of jam for public welfare, in each locality. four men for Christmas present. To encourage when and where it is Most of by Christmas Eve was found feasible cooperative hospitals spent on a train, coming back from I J Brussels, traveling through No Man’s for the care of the sick and injured, i Land in a box car, with all kinds of and medical attention to the families of members. soldiers, every nationality. To favor the development of logged I and six other soldiers got a 48 over lands for actual settlers, upon a hours pass to go to Brussels, and on Saturday at noon, Dec. 21st, we left School Superintendent Advocates reasonable system of payments. To institute, when feasible, em­ for Proven, a small village about 4 that Schools Open. ployment service. kilometers from here. We got a train ------- o—----- To further recreation and educa­ A fire alarm was turned in on Sun­ there about 4 p.m. and left for The County Health Officer, Dr. day morning soon after seven o’clock, i Brussels. This was a French permis- Boals, informes me that the "flu” tional facilities in the camps and there being a fire in the home of W. i sion train so we did not have to pay situation throughout the county is mills. J. Riechers. It originated in the ' any fare. We got on a second class most satisfactory. There are very few kitchen, the stove causing some pa- I German coach,, but the allies have it cases, and he considers it safe to Money In Tourist Travel. pec to catch fire. The fire was con­ ■ now. The train was made up of sec- open schools. I Oregon will act as a host this sum- fined to the kitchen and was extin- i ond and third class coaches and In view of this statement I wish to guished by buckets of water and a some box cars, but every one was suggest that all schools not already I mer to the National Editorial Asso­ fire extinguisher belonging to Rollie filled up with soldiers. The train was opened to resume work at the earl­ ciation as one of the results of the W. Watson, but the fire did dam­ run by an English crew. We traveled iest date possible. The children have activities of the Pacific Northwest age to the amount of $300.00. through Ypres and from there lost several very valuable months, Tourist Association. This body of through No Man’s Land. It was night and now that the situation justifies, men and women is made up of the and dark, and some way or other the no time should be lost in resuming brightest minds in the newspaper You Do Want Better Cows! world and the results that will ac­ train pulled apart out In No Man’s the regular school work. crue from a publicity standpoint are Land and left our part behind. We Some say nothing can be done this It is through the sire you get them. had to stay there for an hour or so year, but there yet remains half the beyond all computation. During the Just recall that our herd sire, Maple­ before the other half of the train I school year, and by intensive work past two years the Tourist Associa­ crest De Koi Beauty, has five sisters came back and picked us up again, the teachers can accomplish more tion representing Oregon, Washing­ with an average yearly production and continued on our trip, slower than half the year’s work. Then the ton and British Columbia has spent of 1171 tbs. butter from 23,726.6 lbs. than a snail can crawl. We passed effect of too long continued vaca­ $112,000 to attract tourists to the milk; that his dam made 664 tbs. through Rouliers, and other big tion upon the child should not be Pacific Northwest and the results butter in 10 months; that she has 10 cities and finally reached Courtrai. I lost sight of. They should be back in have been far beyond expectation yearly record sisters that average tell you it was some combination. school for the training in study. We when war conditiins are taken into 1046 tbs butter from 20,603.3 lbs. Had a train made up of German do not want them to lose the habit consideration. That Oregon has re­ milk; that the entire number aver­ ceived the greater benefit over the coaches, run by an English crew on of study, and school punctuality. age a 4 per cent test. We will sell other commonwealths is evident in a Belgian railroad, with French sol­ If for any reason the situation in a our spring grade calves at a reason­ diers tor companions. I climbed up particular district should become the attendance at Greater Lake. able price from cows with C. T. A. on the tack and went to sleep, but bad, thfc board can close the school There are 11 national parks in the records. United States and all but two showed Mutual Phone, Bert Folks. could not sleep very long on account for a few days. attendance except that it was so cold. We had a pretty The child should be trained for the a decrease in nice evening, spent in singing and business of life, and nothing should Greater Lake and Rainier National. For Sale. parlevowing with the French sol­ be permitted to interfere with this, Crater Lake showed an increase of ------- o------- diers. After we reached Contrai excepting the care of his health. between 25 and 40 per cent and A Registered Holstein Bull ten about 2 o'clock in the morning we That feature being rediced to the nearly 50,000 people visited Rainier months old, a fine individual, bred got a French crew and left on our minimum, let us send him to school National while all parts of the Pa­ cific Northwest were included in the by E. Werner, Aurora, from his fam- monotonous trip. We passed through again. ous Sire, Fobe De Koi 2nd Johanna Andenarde and about 12 o’clock Dec. The present conditions in the city various phases of publicity. The total expenditure of the tour­ Duke, and a dam with a good record, 22nd, at noon, we reached the big of Tillamook and in the adjacent will sell or exchange for a good cow and beautiful city of Brussels. I have country fully justify the drastic ists and vacation seeker per annum or heifer. never seen such a beautiful city be­ measures udopted about three weeks is not less than one billion dollars Chas. Macpherson, fore, and all the people were glad to ago. to stamp out the "flu”. The and it is to secure our fail- share of Grand Ronde, Oregon. see us. They never did see many strict quarantine and ban on public this Immense revenue that this as­ American soldiers there before and and private gatherings have un­ sociation exists. It is safe to say that in a very- they were certainly glad to see the doubtedly done the work. The offi­ Notice. Yankees there. Of course everything cials are to be commended for their short time the Pacific Northwest — z —o------ - is pretty high here. We paid 18 sincere efforts in this direction, and and it can be demonstrated by fi„ur- The Pleasant Valley Cheese Com­ tranks apiece for our dinner, but, of the citizens for their corporation, in es—can derive from fifty to one pany wishes to receive bids on haul­ course, we ate at a big hotel with the united effort to better conditions. hundred million dollars of actual ing cheese from its factory to Tilla­ silver plates, and, of course, every­ Last Monday the Bay City schools cash from the encouragement of Illis mook car and depot, and supplies thing was fixed up great. We visited resumed. Also school district No. 38 travel. This cash remains in the Pa­ cific Northwest. It is not sent out for from Tillamook to its factory, Pleas­ the Royal Art Museum, and certain- at Riverdale opened. ant Valley. Leave bids at office of i ly seen some great statutes and pic­ After a winter of disuse, school any raw material, nor for any other Carl Haberlach, Secty., Tillamook, tures. After we walked all through houses should be thoroughly clean­ commodity, but remains here to help Oregon, on or before February 28th, the different parts of the buildings ed. ventilated and disinfected. Some every individual citizens in the de­ 1919. Company reserves right to re­ we left and went to the Palace of kind of disinfectant should be used velopment of his business, and in tho ject any or all bids. Justice, which is a great building, every day in the building and toilets. payment of his tixes and the tourist Pleasant Valley Cheese Co. and it is located right on the hill and I trust our schools will again re- is absolutely the forerunner of the you get a good view of the city, and suine, as I feel that very few are settler, the new investor and the manufacturer. it certainly looks good from there. Wanted Bids on Hauling Cheese After we looked all round the differ­ justified in remaining closed any Travel by rail was discouraged last longer. and Supplies. year and as far as going abroad is con ent other places, around the big G. B. Lamb, ——o------- square we went to see the King’s County School Superintendent. cerned there will be nothing doing Red Clover Creamery Company Palace. I tell you it is certainly a nice this year. The var is over and the wishes to receive bids for hauling place. We also visited the Royal people have the money and a desire cheese from its factory to Tillamook Theatre, the Postoffice and different Loyal Legion is Reorganized on to travel. We have so far expended depot and cars and supplies from other big buildings. We also went to $112,000, to attract attention to the Peace Basis. o Tillamook to its factory. Leave bids some big theatre in the evening. It greatest asset we have and we only at Carl Haberlach's office on or be- was about midnight when we went W. D. Smith is here to explain new need to keep up the work to secure fore February 15th, 1919. Company to bed and we certainly had a nice plans to lumbermen and loggers of returns based on this expenditure reserves right to reject any or all bed too, in a big Palace Hotel. We the Loyal Legion. For the first time far beyond the desires of the most bids. lived like kings while we stayed since the Loyal Legion of Loggers avaraclous. To illustrate: the Park to Red Clover Creamery Co, there. and Lumbermen has been separated Park Highway Association at u re­ On the 23rd we went to the rail- from the government an organization cent meeting in Spokane reported road station to find out when we meeting will be held to explain the 10,000 machines entering Spokane The Allied Churches. could get a trip back again, and purposes of the new body.. Officers over the Yellowstone Highway with there we found that we could not get will be elected and the new work ex­ an average of four in a machine. Chas. E. Gibson, D. D. Pastor. Suppose these machines were gather­ a train until 2 o’clock the next morn­ plained. 11 a.m. Subject—"The Worth ing. So, of course, we took in the Never before in the history of the ed together ifi Spokane in one day. While Church.” town again. It never cost us anything U. S. A. has such an organization You know what its costs you to 7:30 p.m. Subject—"Was Man to travel in the street cars, and we been perfected, operators and em­ travel. Take this amount and multi­ Worth the Price God Paid for his get reduced rates at some of the ployees both being eligible for mem­ ply it by 40,000 and look at the to­ Redemption?" theatres. bership, it being on a strictly fifty­ tal and this 18 the way this new Prayer xneetlng on Wednesday money that costs us practically They have everything a man want­ fifty basis. evening. Bring your bibles for a ed to buy, even had Icecream. I had Dues are matched by the operators nothing to get flows in a steady bible study. Subject—"My First about 120 Franks, and, of course, for each man in their employ. A con­ stream into our lap. House Bill 76 Duty.” spent all, but I am not sorry at all, ference committee Is elected In each I calls for another appropriation to Sunday School at 10 a.m. under because a man does not always get a locality, and to them all grievances cover the coming two years, for the White. the supervision of Prof. O. V. chance to see a place like that and are reported and taken up locally, 1 same amount asked for two years we took in all the best things. 1 tell and if they fail to udjust the trouble ago and dependent upon Washing­ Evening Telegram and Headlight. you I have never seen such a nice it goes to the Board of Directors, and ton and British Columbia following place before and someday I will take finally to a Federal Judge, whose de­ I with the same amount they gave ------ o------ previously. No appropriation has cision is final. We have made arrangements with another chance to see it again. At about 1 o'clock in the morning, A lodge of ninety members was or­ ¡secured more for Oregon or been The Evening Telegram, the leading and thoroughly reliable evening on Dec. 24th, we got on the train, ganized at Garibaldi, Feb. 3, being better administered. The work is newspaper of Portland, whereby the but all the cars were so filled up so I 100 percent membership; also at under the constant attention of some lof our leading business men who give Evening Telegram and Tillamook ¡got in a box car with some American Wheeler and Bay City. The aims and object of the asso­ their time free of charge and pay Headlight can be obtained for 12 soldiers and we had all other nation­ their own expenses when attending months for $5.00. This offer is good laities mixed up. We had Algerians, ciation are: To maintain the basic eight hour the meeting of the Board of Direc­ only up to and including March French, English, Canadians, Aus­ tors. 10th. his is a good opportunity to tralians, Belgians, and Americans in day. The state revenues are used to de­ our car, about 35 men in our car. It To provide an organization on the and obtain a fine daily newspaper the best and leading county news- was so cold so some of the Americans basic principle of a 'square deal,” in velop every other asset, either by paper of Tillamook County for a hunted up a stove and we heated up which both employers and employ­ maintaining departments, enforce­ small amount of money. Send In the car a little. We stayed in the car ees are eligible for membership and ment of laws, maintaining Institu­ your subscriptions to the Headlight until about 5 o'clock when our train may meet on a common ground, and tions, and the building of roads and started away, and it took us until ! to avoid strikes and lockouts. bridges and the simplest way to in­ at once. about 7:30 in the evening to get To promote a closer relationship crease these revenues Is by a devel­ Some people who went jauntily to back. We certainly had a nice time. I bet ween employer and employee In opment more potent than any that the peace conference to settle every­ Now I want to tell you what kind ' the lumber industry. has gone before which will result in thing as easily as the fellow who of Christmas dinner we had today. To provide means for the amicable the coming here of thousand- of started to mop up Niagara Falls with Well we had a big piece of turkey, adjustments on an equitable basis, of men and women, who will see us as a nickle sponge, are beginning to , Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, all differences that may arise be­ we are and who will in a large meas­ discover that the problem is not as 'gravy, dressing, nice rice pudding, tween employers and employees. ure either remain permanently or simple as a sum in addition. cocoa, one‘orange, two cigars, two To insure to the workman a just leave their money for investmei. s. Private Jos. Zirr in Belgium. -o-------- packages of cigarettes, one can to- ; bacco, 12 pieces of good chocolate candy, one package of chewing gum. II tell you it was great. Of course I I would rather have been home, but under the circumstances have enjoy­ ed myself very much. We also got issued our pine tree emblems,, which we will wear on our I left sleeve now. I I also want to tell you that I have ' received your most welcome Xmas. ; package, for which I thank you very | much. | Well, will have to close for this time, will write you soon again. I also see that you have received the $15.00 for October. I think you will get for Nov. soon now. Tell every­ body hello from me. I wish everybody my best wishes. I am your loving son and brother, Pvt. Joseph Zirr, Co. B. 316th Fid Sig Bn. A. E. F. A. P. O. 776.