Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 30, 1919, Image 2

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be expended within the district and
bunchgrass country and the Willam­ the war was over, and from the look
30 per cent to the county road fund.
ette Valley.
Thia is what is going to happen if la­ The county road levy does not take
into account the special levies of the
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
What is the Democratic party try­ bor persists in wanting war time
26 districts ranging from 2.5 to 10
ing to do anyway? Simply bankrupt wages. It will close down a large pro­
nulls, and the levy for the special
per year $2 00 the country. It wl»l be remembered
road projects is included in the gen­
that one of its platforms said it was try and labor riots and disturbances
eral fund. Therefore iu spite of the
I going to reduce tbe high cost of liv­ will be prevalent. With a free trade
Advertising Rates.
ing. News dispatches from Washing­ tariff law manufacturers in the Unit­ showing on the face of the levy it ap­
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c.
ton stated that the administration ed States cannot compete with Euro­ pears that on a valuation of about
. .half page 17*4c. has prepared a bill calling for »1,- pean countries, and the only solution 121.000.000 the average millage for
roads this year is about 12 mills,
. . . full page 15c 250.000,000 to enable the govern- is that the high cost of labor must the road tax in districts which voted
come down or industries will close
... per line 7c.
which was »2.25 per bushel for down. What the government should special» being of course higher than
Readers, with reading matter
wheat. There is no longer a Demo­ be concerned about just now is the in those which did not. For
per line.................................. 7c. cratic party. It is a spend thrift ' high cost of living, and here is I partitive purposes it might be men­
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. party, pure and simple, and tbe long­ where it is open to some criticism, tioned that while Portland has been
free to charge Washington county
Resolutions ................. per line 5c er it is in power, deeper in debt will Food stuffs are now being shipped with indifference to road conditions
out of the country, making it scarce
tbe country get into.
and more expensive here, and with tbe levy paid by taxpayers of that
city for roads is usually but a frac­
A new comer stepped into the of­ the profiteers doing their best to
fice last week and asked tbe snap make more money on account of the tion of a mill. It is interesting to
shot man to advocate that the Bay­ scarcity, it is no wonder that people figure whal could be accomplished
Taxed to death, That is what the ocean road be completed. Evidently have a Just complaint about the high had Washington county Multnomah
I county’s valuation in addition to the
government is doing to cigars, to- they were not aware of our efforts cost of living.
baccos, and cigarettes.
willingness of its taxpayers
in that direction, but it goes to prove
that even new comers see what an
road taxes.
Not A Matter of Interest.
The best kind of a county agrlcul- advantage it would be to have the
turist in Tillamook county is the road completed from a business as
R. R. Deficit $196.000,000
The interest to be paid by Victory
cheese inspector and grader employ- well as from a tourists point of view.
--------- o---------
ed by the Tillamook County Cream- Talk about finding work for men. Liberty bonds to be issued in April
under govern­
ery Association.
just see how It would work. Put some
We know the next and last Liberty ment opetation during the calandai
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men to work or let a contract for the
From all indications the State road and it won't be long before a Loan will be a whopper—probably year of 1918 will fall short about
Legislature will provide (10,000,000 large number of men will be build­ six billion—and that’s enough to 1196,009.000 of the standard return
tor road purposes, which will meet ing cottages and bungalows at Bay­ start us preparing to raise it. Ameri­ which the government must pay the
cans with the reputation of being roads. This revised estimate was sub­
with the approval of the people of ocean.
dollar chasers won’t pay a great deal mitted by Director General McAdoo
the state, and will include the Neah-
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Kah-Nie mountain road.
The Tillamook dairymen who buy of attention to the interest of these to Senator Smith, chairman of the
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oleomargarine, commonly known as short term bonds because there is Interstate Commerce Committee, and
To become effective, masks should slaughter house butter, are short always bobbing into our mind the represent.- an addition of 160,000,000
consist of eight layers of gauze and sighted, and we think they deserve . thought of the interest our partners to the estimate given by Mr. McAdoo
should be sterilized every three hours. to be roasted by the snap shot man. i —the Yanks—received on their in­ in his recent testimony before the
Not many masks in this city are that This is how the slaughter house but-1 vestment.
thickness, and few have been steril­ ter affects Cheese. A large amount of I When our boys went into the Ar­
ized by all appearance.
"German Made" Professors.
the oleomargarine is now being sold, | gonne Forest. St. Mihiel, Chateau
and Belleau
which the past week reduced the Thierry. Cantigny,
That is a
puce ot dairy butter 10c. per pound, Wood, they didn't stop and ask the
on the part of the State Highway and as me butter market somewhat platoon commander what bonus they Mr. F. 0. Baker,
Commission and the County Court to controls the cheese market, that ■ would get if they won the objective Editor Tillamook Headlight,
have the Three Rivers road graded means that Tillamook cheese will be or ask for a guarantee against loss. Tillamook, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Baker.-—A few days
24 feet wide, as that is the only road torced auwn in price. Well, we don't They sacrificed when they joined the
looking through the files ot
ri'AHROl’GH the newly oryiitiized Oregon Cbiitn-
between here and Portland with a know what to call dairymen w ho buy ¡ army and they were willing to make
the Headlight in the Library, as 1
16 fool grade.
j her of Commerce- it will be ' Oregon for Every
slaughter house
occasionally do for 1 am still much
Community. Every Community for Oregon"
Regardless of financial drai*.« for
are helping reduce the price of
"What is the school board going to cheese.
the government or for charity, it has
in development work. Legislation, reclama­
do,” is a question that is being ask­
been "pretty soft for us" and if the across your editorial in the December
tion, irrigation, transportation, commerce, produc­
ed by a good many
persons. It
Live wire advertisers are the Hfe j government chooses to start its last
tion and marketing—will be promoted jointly.
should do one of two things: Open of every city, and in this connection Liberty Loan drive on the second an­ tact that there were professors in the
school on Monday or pay the teach­ it is leading business men who run . niversary of our entry into the war American universities that were not
A. W Bunn, f armer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
ers off and close the school.
C. J. Edwards, Alar. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
live auvertisements in local newspa- : or before, you can bet your last dol­ , should have been, and mentioning
------ o------
B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
pers who bring people to the city to | lar that the fellows that are wisely ! rumors that there were some sucli at
It it up to the Tillamook delegation
W. J. Riechers. Cashier.
trade and who receive the lion's shaking their heads and saying "It’s the University of Oregon, and that
at Salem to get busy. One of the pro­
share of the business. Take for illus­ going to be a hard job” will buckle the Legislature ought to investigate
visions in the bill is that the Colum­
tration Haltom's display advts in the in and have a part in the glory of the matter.
bia Highway Is to be built from Port­
Headlight, they bring people to this showing our fighters that tbe folks
As a matter of fact, the very few
land. via \storia and Sea: ide, to Til­
city from all parts' of the county, at home are "bears" at big jobs individuals connected with the Uni­
lamook county line. Now, gentlemen,
versity who could by­ tile greatest
its up to you to amend this to read to and other businesses are indirectly
It's not a matter ot interest.
benefitted on that account. People in
Tillamook City.
stretch of imagination be considered
of doubtful loyalty resigned and left
Another reason given for the advts. every week with as much in­ Washington County has $350.160.24 the University very shortly after our
entrance into the war. 1 am sure that
spread of influenza is that all dishes, terest as the news columns, and this
For Road Purposes.
cups, glasses, knives and forks, etc., goes to prove that it is the live wire
if you are familiar with the Univer­
------ o
used in eauug or drinking are con
sity’s record in war activities both
of every city, and Tillamook is no ex-! As the Tillamook Headlight was
laminated with the disease. This, to
on the part of the faculty and stu­
most ot us, l<x>ks hardly reasonable, ception to the rule. This week’s issue responsible for making the statement dents you will feel that Oregon has
but there are a good many foolish contains a two page advt, which is that Washington county had only ap­ no reason to be anything but proud
ideas ventilated and going the rounds sure to bring good results to the ad­ propriated »98,260.38 for roads, our of its University. The University
vertiser and good bargains to those esteemed contemporary, the Hills- would entirely welcome an investi­
as to how the disease is spread.
who come from all parts of the coun­ boro Independent, throws some fur­ gation by a committee of the Legis­
ther light on the subject. Our error lature or any body of reputable citi­
Don’t attribute the better flu situ­ ty to trade at Haltom's.
------- o-------
grew out of the fact that in publish­ zens. We should be very glad to have
ation in Tillamook county to quar­
When all the boys get back to Till­ ing tbe account of the budget meet­ the actual facts more generally
antine and masks. We believe with
The Tillamook Transfer Co., has
other persona that the rain and wind amook county who went into the ing the Independent only mentioned known. With best wishes.
storms fixed the flu in this county. army or navy, why wouldn’t it be a 'the amount ot load money we men­ I
Sincerely yours,
the wood output of the
So when any other part of Oregon good time to get them all together tioned in ns report ut the budget
Karl W. Onthank, Secretary
Co., Mill. If the wood
wants to rid itself of flu all it has to
’ -------□-------
Ke-aiuu.g the impui lance <A a cor­
do is to pray for a Tillamook rain weather is suitable in the summer.
supply from this plant is not auf-
The editorial referred to had refer­
and wind storm, for it’s a sure cure Or it may be a good idea to make rect statement of the facts the In­
i bat a feature of the county fair. dependent requested of ex-Judge D. ence to disloyal university professors
ficient for the local demand we will
for flu.
The »nap shot man is only expressing B. Reasoner the exact figuras. he in general, and incidentally to the
V till orders from other sources.
The government is asking for II.- the sentiment of the people of the i ' ■having been in office when the levy University of Oregou, which, like
250,000,000 to tickle the wheat county when he advocates some plan I | was made and having available the many similar institutions, were hon­
Place your orders for wood with us.
growers—and play politic«,
Why being devised whereby we can get all I data on which it was based, His eycombed with "German made” pro­
______ .. shows the following
fessors who were in sympathy with
can't the government ask for a like the boys together. As they were tak- statement
amount to tickle the dairy industry, en from the county in small groups, ' District road, tax t .......... »68.782.26 Germany, and radically pro-German.
29.478.11 We are glad to know that that class
for the dairymen of Tillamook coun­ makes it much more desirable that'County road tax ..
ty have as much right to demand they assemble here in a body. We District special (26 dis). 69,094.88 have ail 1 esigned from the U. of O.,
that their product be kept up in feel sure that the business men Budget road improvem'U 40.000.06 for it is good riddance to bad rubbish
price, and they receive soma of the would do their part in giving the Bridge fund ........................ 20.600.00 as well as purged the university of
boys a banquet and a good time Maintenance ......................
6,550.69 disloyal professors. With German
While they are In the city,and pro­
spies and German sympathizers hav­
Total 1913 tax.......... »333.905.94 ing forced their way into government
The liardsurfaced roads in this vide a suitable medal for all of them
SÍ.254.30 establishments, universities, etc., it
county, although there is but small to keep as a souvenir« that they be­ Cash on hand.. 1918 tax
1» no wonder that the U. of O. was
mileage, is enjoyed by those who longed to the Tillamook county con­
|330.tío.24 contaminated and had its quota of
have autos in the winter. The spring tingent in the world war.
------- o-------
I "German made" professors, one of
Machinery and trucks
like day on Sunday 1 brought out hun-
It is unfortunate whenever a good
1919 tax .................
dreds of autos and I the people thor-
20.000.00 whom, it is reported, posed as a
i woman, and the action of the Eugene
oughly enjoy their outings at this roads movement is started In Oregon,
Gland total................. »350,160.24 ' Commercial Club showed that the
season of the year. It is not surpris- the cement and patent pavement
It appear« from the above Uleré­ j university was open to newspaper 1 ^5H5252SH5ï5252525E5HSBHS25aSH5Z5Z52525HSE52S2SH52SaSH525Z52SaSE525HS
Ing that the people deiaand more people start a ruction. These spec­
ial interests have their advocates, fore, that the 1919 tax ____
alo*. . n: o- jcriticism. We may mention another
bardsurfaced roads.
and us a result there is friction and ’vide« »233,905.94 for road pui .1
little incident. There is a "tag" sheet
---------- o---------
and in addition, because roads «aunt,. . blished at Eugene that continues
The Stat» Board of Health in a
malign the fuculty and the good
circular received a few days ago. Stale Highway Commission, which is I be built without machinery and its
says the flu is a crowd disea.se. but endeavoring to give the state a sys­ I cost must enter into the costA nf the name of the university. We were
notwithstanding this schools, theat­ tem of highways that are a direct I highway, it is proper to add th. $20.- greatly surprised
ers. churches, meetings, etc., have benefit to all communities. As the ooo provided tor that purpose. mak­ article* are published in the classic
ing a total (253,905.94 produced for city of Eugene, and that nobody had
been running as usual in Portland.
Probably in the metropolis of Oregon posed of successful business men, we I roads by the 1919 tax. The Inde­ taken action to prosecute the person
hundreds of persons attending the are content to leave it to that body pendent has heretofore explained the »ho published such scandalous mat­
movies, churches and schools are not as to the material that Is to be used balance of (96,254.30 of the 1918 ter. With all due respect to our
considered crowds, but just small, in­ on the roads, and the people should lax remaining unexpended and which friend, Kari ft . OnthaBk, he would be
be willing to leave that to their , is available this year. Labor and doing the university a great service
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillaeiock Or
significant parties.
judgment. The people are now de­ material «onditions during the past by swearing out a coinplaint against
--------- o---------
Hornet, for
Now that the attorneys are able to manding more hard surfaced roads year are well understood and were the publisher of the
butt in with litigation over the flu and are willing that the state legis­ not anticipated when the levy was criminal lfbel, for it is about time to
ordinance, maybe they will bring in­ lature should provide the money. But made both by tbe county and tlis prove or disprove the scandalous
to question the legality ot the city the acrimonious tight between the dlatne's. Under the war conditions accusations, and It can be done in
election. No telling what is going to material men is again forced into the it was possible to do the work plan­ this way.
happen when attorneys get started
and delve Into affairs. As it will only causing friction, but unjust a«- ed unexpended at the close of the
Hated to Have Him Suffer.
create some Interest these dull, news­ cusations are being hurled at the year. In this connection it mught be |
------ o
ies« days. It will be a happy relief as State Highway Commission. The mentioned that many persons who ■
well as a change to have something ¡stat« Legislature should ignore spec­ are not informed have gained the im- ' A young minister was preaching
«xcitlng going on, even if It Is onl? ial interests and politely tell them to pression that district funds unex­ his trial sermon In ;. village chapel.
technicalities that are raising a rum- keep their hands oft. This is no time pended at the close ot the year revert He was expatiating on theological
to be quarreling, but united effort in to the general fund, but they are re­
subjects and was very positive, re­
obtaining better roads for all parts of manded that the law provides that a
------- a— -
peating several times. "I am correct,
The Oregonian says: "Those fel- Oregon.
tax can only be expended tor the pur­ though all the commentators disa­
lows up in Bunchgrass who hail wlth
pose for which it was levied, and bal­ gree with me." That evening, ient
The government set the high price ances carried over are always cred­ as tbe sei vics was about to com-
joy a heavy fall of snow are welcome
to the comfort they find In it. The of wages in the ship yards, and now ited to the districts.
nience. an old lady entered the door
that the yards have been turned back
valley takes its in rain.”
It is possible that the erroneous and walked straight to the front____
Our worthy contemuporary over-
conclusion by those who gave the looking up into the young minister's
looked the fact that over here on the A strike went into effect last week county the unenviable notoriety was face as she handed him a market
Coast we take our in a deluge, which at Seattle, the demand being made reached from reading the report ot ket carefully covered, said:
nxak<« everybody feel happy, for a for (1.06 au hour for mechanics and the tax levies published January 3, j i
'Brother. I heard you say
hirh gave
pnvn tho
southwestern stem winder is a health »7.00 and »6 00 a day for helpers u
the tvvillao-A
millage fnr
for the coun- morning that all common taters
restorer and death to flu bacteria,
ty road fund as 4.5 mills, yielding agreed with you. I have brought
That is why Tillamook is a much government action
would bring (98.260.39. As is known, this is di- « basket of our very beet, which I
about serious labor troubles when vided on the basis of 70 per cent to hope you can eat."
desirable location than
cTillatnunk leaòlight
Before buying a
Look over the County
Editorial Snap Shots
Scrap Pile !
You will find no SHARPLES
there they are all WORKING
State- Wide Co-operation
The First National Bank
We Most Economise-
Your Old Oil Clothes, Boots, Etc
I dale
Tiilauiouk Meat Co. I *M>a- ’—Paid Adv.
Dalla«. Ofegòn.'l
ir • —
Owner and PuMI