Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 23, 1919, Image 9

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IRo1* Company of Hartford, Conn.,
agreeing to send an honor roll to the
------ o-------
’recipient of the letter for *1. The
It would be a good thing for all letter, he said, was received in an
the manufacturers ot the United ' envelope from the office of the adju-
States to resolve that “Made in ‘ tant general and sent under govern-
America” is a good enough slogan 1 ment frank. Senator Borah.said this
for every loyal citizen in the U. S. A. ' was a "picayunish petit larceny sys-
------ o-
. tern -- to get 31 out
____ of - the kin of those
Secretary Baker says he isn’t afraid wounded in this war,” and added
ot taking responsibilities, It's like that his purpose of bringing the mat-
the case of the small boy who gets ter to the attention ot the Senate
hold of a loaded shotgun,—It’s' was so the adjutant general's office
other people that have a right to be would know how this matter is be-
ing carried on."
■jCIiipS 01 1 dwCls
The Usefulness
of This Bank
OME people do not realize the many
different ways in which this bank can
serve them. It is unusually well equip­
ped to furnish valuable information and
advice on financial and business matters.
Our customers have often been able to
avoid serious losses by making use of our
access to first hand business information.
Our membership in the Federal Re­
serve Banking System gives us special
facilities for meeting
Kt the requirements
this community. Moreover, it is our
aim to give a helpful, progressive per­
sonal-service to every depositor—regard­
less of the size of his account
Put our sincerity to the test. Step in
and have a talk with us.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
For disepfecting where Contagious or
infectious diseases are prevailing.
It would be taking unfair advan-
age of about ninety-nine percent of
the advocates of President Wilson’s
fourteen points to ask them to Indi­
cate what at least six or seven of
them are.
- —o------
Clatsop County Heads List for Over­
Supscription and Tillamook 8th.
Final computation of figures for
Oregon’s war savings stamp cam­
i paign for 1918 shows that the 3tate,
as in all other patriotic drives, ex­
I ceded its allotted quota. Purchases
throughout the state amounted to
I $16,489,972.83. This is one-half of 1
■ percent in excess of the state quota,
according to figures given out at the
state headquarters.
What the War Really Cott.
------ o------
It is far from the real truth to
measure the cost of the recent war in
; dollars and cents. The war cost:
Killed and died of wounds 7,909,768
Wounded, died of disease and
"Doctor" said the young man, as
he drew a large wallet from his
breast pocket. "I am Cash & Payup’s
new collector. Would it be conven­
This is a terrible toll "to make the
ient for you to settle that small ac­ world safe for democracy"; and the
count this evening?"
world is still far from that desirable
------ o------
Can you imagine the excitement
that would have been caused among
Poor Pat.
our Democratic commoners if a Re­
------ o------
publican President had dined at Dame Fortune knocks are full of
Buckingham palace on fifteen mil­
lion dollars worth of gold dishes?
You cannot nail her in a box.
------ o
She's shy and shifty as a fox.
Count von Bernstorff said in Ber­ Before he made munitions Pat
lin that Holland was the only place Was eating at the Automat.
Herr William Hohenzollern could While he was making guns and
have gone. "Where the hell could we
send him if not there?” he damanded He dined on viands fit for kings.
to know. And echo answered “Hell.” The war fell flat.
Unthrifty Pat
The executive council of the Amer­ Is eating at
ican Federation of Labor has reject­ The Automat!
ed the proposed national political
Labor party. Mr. Gompers is opposed
The War After the War.
to the formation of any labor party
he cannot deliver to tKe democratic
The war has to a limited extent
party regularly every two years, as
created a condition favorable to the
per custom.
I American cotton goods
Part of the responsibility for this Great Britian, which before the war
acrimonious controversy rests upon enjoyed leadership in this field, has
President Wilson himself, for he has been forced by the necessity of con­
never defined what he means by the centrating on war production to cur­
freedom of the seas and has left the tail her exports of cotton goods. This
question subject to all manner of in­ has enabled the American manufac­
terpretations, says the New York turer to gain a stronger foothold in
several foreign markets, notably Lat-
World, a democratic organ.
' in American and the Far East, al­
Well, if we can accomplish in our though his ability to take advantage
treaty what the Christian religion of the situation has been restricted
has failed to bring about in two by the lack of tonnage and later by­
thousand years, establish permanent participation of the United States in
peace on earth, good will to men, and the conflict.
Great Britian will shortly be in a
the golden age at one sitting, that
will be going some. But someway position to resume her exports of tex­
when the average man looks inside tiles in about normal volume, it is be­
of himself, he isn't so sure about it. lieved.
The figures show further that IS
ot the 36 counties of Oregon exceed­
ed their quotas, with Clatsop County
taking the lead, both in over-sub­
scriptions and in obtaining Its quota
Oregon’s quota, as originally fixed
by the Treasury Department, was
$17,253,740. This was a $20 per
/capita, giving the state an estimated
(population of 862,687. Later read­
justments brought the quota down to
The record of each county, showing
quota, maturity value of stamps sold
and percentage standing follows:
Stamps Sold
... $ 370.860 . . .... $ 561,950.64 ........... . 151.5
94,528.90 ........... . 143.2
......... 66,000 . . ....
361,902.33 ........... . 140.0
258,366 . . ....
50.260 .. ....
63,797.45 ........... . 126.9
Wheeler . . . .
397,720 .. ....
492,769.57 ........... . 123.9
Baker ...........
. ...
141,120 .. ....
174,741.93 ........... . 123.8
Lincoln .........
470,640 . .____
550,997.46 ........... . 117.1
Coos ...........
......... 151,540 ..____
172,402.17 ........... . 113.8
Tillamook . .
92,227.86 ........... . 113.4
Gilliam .
81 320 . .........
124^755.98 ........... . 111.2
112,140 .. ....
Grant ...........
. ...
439,180 .. ....
486,151.40 ........... . 110.7
Umatilla ... .
512,520 .. ....
564,792.68 ........... . 110.2
Linn .............
Deschutes . . .
. . . .
125,000 . . ....
135,660.32 ........... . 108.5
43,480 .. ....
Curry ...........
46,834.18 ........... . 107.7
533,440 . . ....
567,463.33 ........... . 106.4
Washington . • A,................ ...
. . . .
620.000 . . ....
658,824.56 ........... . 106.2
. . . .
436,700 . . ....
459,003.72 ........... . 105.1
Yamhill . . . .
Douglas .. . .
468,040 . . ....
477,648.87 ........... . 102.0
. . . .
170,000 . . ....
169,647.39 ........... . 99.8
Josephine ...
Multnomah . ........................ ... 6,322,280 ..------ 6,220,398.07 ......... . ,, 98.4
Benton .........
........... 271,020 . . ....
266,258.72 ........... . 98.2
275,020 . . ....
266,192.55 ........... . 96.8
Columbia . . .
. ...
423.380 ..____
409,297.71 ........... . 96.7
321,160 ..------
Polk .............
297,617.42 ........... . 92.7
. ...
325.580 ..........
Union ...........
300,784.34 ........... . 92.4
. ...
971,800 ..........
Marion .........
887,103.39 ........... . 91.3
, . . .
82,160 . .........
Crook ...........
74,660,61 ........... . 90.8
. . . .
208,540 . ..........
Wallowa . . . ,
188,321.22 ........... . 90.3
. ...
119,580 ..-------
106,379.56 ........... . . 89.0
. . . .
748,580 . ..........
Clackamas . .
641,203.40 ........... . . 85.6
. ...
146,000 .,.........
Hood River .
124,570.69 ........... . . 85.3
90,160 . .........
74,908.76 .........
83 1
Klamath . . .
. . . .
238,000 . .........
175,947.16 ........... . . 73 9
. . . .
102,540 . .........
^54,904 93 .
53 2
. . . . .
Jefferson . . . .
84,000 . .........
42,591.84 .......... . . 50.7
. . . .
236,200 . .........
102,731.72 .........
Total . . .
. . . $16,414,326 . ............$16,489,972.83 . . . . . 1000.4
In making public the final figures, for the epidemic the county would
not only have made its quota, but
State Director C. S. Jackson said:
“The war saving result is. another would have reported a very sub­
testimonial to Oregon’s loyal support stantial surplus. The subsidence of
of the Government’s war finance. the war enthusiasm affected us far
But for the influenza epidemic, we less than it did other lines of patriot­
ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
would have sold from 10 to 15 per ic work. A year of educational work
will improve general stable conditions.
cent more stamps. We timed our has informed Oregonians of the value
clean up campaign to begin in Oct­ of the stamps, and as the year drew
ober, at the close of the fourth liber­ to its close there was a notable ten­
ty loan drive. Then the flu struck dency on the part of the investors to
the state and we were deprived of the increase their holdings, coupled with
splendid assistance we should have purchases by people who had not
previously bought, and lively in­
had from the school children.
------- o
Multnomah county affords an illus­ quiry’for the 1919 series. The war
Whenever some politician under­
We are Some Spenders.
tration of the conditions that we had savings stamps has established itself
takes to put a particular extensive
it cost Great Britlan, Senator to meet. It came within 1.6 per cent and the outlook for this year's busi­
piece of bunk over on the people they
habitually tell ’em that it is guaran­ Frank Kellogg reminds us, thirty- of its quota. It is easy to see that but ness is exceptionally bright.’ *
teed to keep ’em out of war. It may four billion dollars to carry on the
saKsasasasasasasasaraszsasasEsasasasasasHsasHsasasasasasasMzsssasasass be the politicians fault if the people war four years, raise five million
are fooled the first time, but it men, clothe, equip and care for them,
Notice to Contracton.
Notice of Administratrix Sale.
------ o------•
would be the people’s fault if they police the seas of the world and
Notice is hereby given that the un­
swallowed the same hook the second transport millions ot men, and buy
Sealed blds will be received by the
all the necessary supplies, many of dersigned administratrix will sell at Directors of School District No. 28,
them in our markets at the war pric­ private sale from and after the 15th Tillamook County, Oregon, for the
Henry Morgenthau has been ap­ es, and convey them to Europe. Not day of February, 1919, the following clearing of two acres of land, situat­
pointed, along with Joe Guffey, the including loans, the United States described real property, situate in ed near the residence of Fred Kebbe,
Pennsylvania deserving Democrat, will have spent when the bills are Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit:
Sr., said land to be cleared of all
voting trustee of another property paid, thirty-one billion dollars, an<f
Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane trees, logs, stumps and brush, so that
taken over by Alien Custodian Pal­ counting the loans to the allies, our Fuller’s Addition to the town of Bay the land can be plowed, and leveled
mer. Well, Henry deserves some­ total outlay will be equal to that of City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, ready for school building and play
thing. Didn’t he say before the last Great Britian. The worst part of it is according to the recorded plat there­ ground. Clearing of the land to be
election that the Republicans who that now the war is over there is no of.
completed not later than May 1st,
2nd Ave. E, bet Areen let and 2ndaSts.
were trying to elect a Republican signs of cessation of extravagance; it
Said sale will be made for cash 1919. Each bid must be accompanied
Congress were just like the assassins is evident the was{e is to go on so and will be subject to confirmation by a certified check made payable to
Successor to J. S. Stephens.
of Lincoln who met at Mrs. Surratt’s long as Congress continues to furnish by the County Court of Tillamook the district clerk, for an amount
eh2S2525Z5ZMSE5E5?52S25Z5eS252525a5ZSZ52S25Z5a525a52525Z5Z525252525ZS25 house? If that doesn’t constitute a the money from the people’s pockets. County, Oregon, and bids will be re­ equal to 5 per cent of the amount of
claim on recognition, what would? I
ceived either at the residence of the the bid, which shall be ferfeited to
undersigned or at the office of H. T. the school district in case the bld be
Poison Gas Causes Flu.
------ o------
We are again told that the parcel
Botts, attorney at law, both in Tilla­ accepted, and the bidder shall fail,
post has eliminated the high cost of
The chief of a hospital in Kansas mook City, Oregon. This sale is made neglect or refuse to enter into a con­
(living by putting the producer and City agrees with the Chicago doctor in pursuance, of the order of the tract, and file a bond satisfactory to
consumer together. One fine thing who thinks the plague is not influ- 'County Court in Tillamook County, the directors. Bids to be received by
about it is that by the time butter, enza or a form of pneumonia, but is Oregon.
the directors not later than 2 o’clock
for instance, gets half the way from a nerve disease caused by poison. The Dated this 1th day of January, 1919. p.m., January 27, 1919. The board of
the man who mailed it to the man Chicago statement the other day
directors reserves the right to reject
Catherine A. Long
who is supposed to receive it, it is went on to say that the disease does
Administratrix de bonis any or all bids.
strong enough to walk the rest of not act like a germ disease; and the
Dated this 13th day of Jan., 1919.
of the Estate of Mina J.
the way. The dividend declarations Kansas City doctor remarks that it
Geo. R. McKimens, Clerk.
Campbell, deceased.
of the mail order houses for 1918 is something new. "I believe it is a
show, however, that the service as epidemic of poisoning, resulting in
now operated performs its intended the breaking down of the central 25ZS2525HSZ5a52S2SZ525252525a5Z525aS25asa525a5aS25ZSE5B52525H525BS25H5?S
nerve station. The Chicago state-
ment attributes the plague to the
Intensive road building will be un­ release into the air for several years
dertaken throughout the entire coun­ without intermission of poisoned gas
try during the coming year, accord­ in France, the result of being a cor­
ing to the public roads and rural en­ ruption of the atmosphere near the j
gineering bureau of the department earth. The ’flu” is at any rate the g CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
from which the newly created divis­ most terrible scourage this country
ion of public works and construction has suffered in a generation. It 1« re- g
development has been organized. The ported that the morality of the larg-
Department of Agriculture estimates •r insurance coinpanlee will be forc- 3
that new construction throughout ed to the wall.’ '
Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamoi k Or. M
the country will amount to $300,-
000,009. and with deferred construc­
William Gibbs McAdoo.
tion it is estimated that $1,060,000,-
------ o------
000 will be spent in this form of in­ The Who pre-eminently Who.
ternal improvement, of which 50 per Is William Giggs, the McAdoo.
cent, it is expected will go to labor. (Whom I should like to hail, but
So many Frenchmen lost their lives As Royal Prince and Heir Apparent)
in the four years’ war that France A man of high intrinsic worth,
believes the survivors and their fam­ The greatest son-in-law on earth
ilies will be controlled by the non- With all the burdens thence accruing
combatant vote at elections. Accord­ He's always up and McAdoolng
“The more a man Good taste, smaller
ingly a French writer proposes the From sun to star and star to sun,
knows about genu­ chctv, longer life is
of the dead shall be felt in the His work Is never McDone.
what makes Genuine
reconstruction of the country which He regulates our circumstances
ine tobacco, the Gravely
cost less to
/they saved, by a ’Bufferage of the Our buildings, industries, finances
surer he is to see chew than ordinary
dead’.” This will permit these dead And railways, while the wires buzz
the value of Real plug.
and gone heroes to vote through the To tell us what be McAdoos.
Writ, tt:—
Gravely in compar­
intermediary of the women in their He gave us (Heaven bless the giver)
G ravely
families and in this way woman suf- 'The tubes beneath the Hudson river,
ison with ordinary G enuine
will waterproof your old oil clothing, boots,
frage may come to France. France i don’t believe he ever hid
hats, tarpaulins, vmvas, etc.
/•r btilet on ckernnf pint-
owes this to the wives and mothers ¡ a single thing he McAdid.
For 21 years the standard for Firemen, Team-
of its heroes.
His name appears on scrip and tissue
•terw, Sailors, Sportsmen, Farmers. If your
' On bonds of each successive Issue,
dealer doesn’t carry it, send |1 for pint can.
Do it youraelf.
Sending under government frank On coupons bright and posters rare.
of advertisements for honor rolls to And every Pullman bill-of-fare.
(Sole Manfrs.)
relatives of soldiers whose names ap­ But while, with sympathetic crood-
pear in the casualty lists was criti- '
cized in the Senate the other day by I sing his varied McAdoodlings
Senator Borah. The senator read a And write these eulogistic lines,
Plug packed in pouch.
letter signed by the American Honor The thankless McAdoo resigns.
Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile
AUEX. JWefiAlR & CO.
Ritehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
ySw betcha!
Peyton Brand
We Most Economise—Everybody is Doing It !
Save Your Old Oil Clothes, Boots, Etc.