Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 23, 1919, Image 8

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What the Editors Say
The War of Docton,
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For each eagle the Ford Motor
Company is to receive 120,000 profit
if the cost exceeds *275,000. If the
cost should be less than that sum, it
is to receive one-fourth of the saving.
Mr. Ford said in September, 1918:
“I will not take a cent of war profit
out of the war work 1 am doing," and
Admiral Griffin says he waved all
profit on the eagles and offered to
build them at cost, but the directors
of the Ford Motor Company would
not agree to this. Of course, Mr. Ford
could not hold out against the direc­
tors of the company which he is sup­
posed to control. His minimum profit
is estimated at *1,500,000 and his
son Edsel received a salary of *150,-
000 a year. In addition, his company
is to have the plant, virtually at its
own figures to build steel barges.
The total cost to the government
of this experiment is estimated at
*50,000,000 with nothing of practic­
al use to show for it, for the eagles
are pronounced “next to impossible”
for patrol and gunboat duty by reas­
on of their excessive maintenance
and operating charges. High officials
of the Navy Department say they
will not be needed till the next war.
Thus the eagles go in the same class
as Hog Island as a sinkhole into
which the public money has been
Pneumonic plague, imported from
The Germans have handed to the China as a consequence of the world­
Allies 300,000,000 francs in gold war!
"That’s the substance of the "Span­
which were extracted from Russia.
The Allies will take care of the mon­ ish influenza” explanation offered in
ey till the conclusion of peace.— a New York medical journal by Dr.
jmir r K. King of tue United States
Telephone Register.
army medical corps.
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three hundred and fifty thousand
Judging from the biuu.ous aetivi y
in a good many 'wet'” centers , i>ie lives have thus far been lost in the
last set of New Yeur’o ri^-latlo..- . v United States since the epidemic
Hi m !
reached an ‘Atlantic 1’ort” in the
solved to beat ,ae prcI'-Xl.ioa law
drinking the Country dr; thl . . -
Other explanations than that ot­
ter.—Umpqua Valley News.
fered by Dr. King fail to take into
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Kansas is a state thoroughly con­ account all of the facts. The decease
verted to the efficiency of woman of­ is independent of climatic conditions.
ficials, as evidenced by the result of It has raged in damp Boston, in
the last election. While the total moist Clevelauu and Detroit, in
number of women elected to office is windy Chicago and dry Arizona, in
not available it is known that nearly balmy Los Angeles, in frozen Alaska
of the county offices and in warm Porto Rico with equal
throughout the state are now held by fury.
It took the open air sleeper and the
women.—Sheridan Sun.
man who seals his windows and cov­
------- o
Everything seems to revert back to ers his head o’ nights.
It hit the riders in crowded street
the government. The Portland re­
construction conference got as far in curs and the lonely rider in the lux­
outlining work for the returning sol­ urious limousine.
Preachers and bartenders fell vic­
dier as to suggest that the govern­
ment pay him six months extra wag­ time alike.
es and provide him with some more
“There is no known preventative,”
clothing. This only defers the evil says Dr. Rupert Blue of the United
day. Let capitalists put out some of States public health service.
their money now in enterprises that
Dr. King tells us that pneumonic
will afford work and that are sure to plague first appeared in 1910 in Har­
bring them good returns. Portland is bin, Manchuria. It swept North "Doesn't peeling onions make you
OU can’t help cutting loose joy us
one of the richest cities in the world, China. It is yet prevalent. “The Mor­ weep?” “No, but
paying 20c. a
remarks every time you flush your
but her capitalists can be numbered tality” he says, "has been fearfully pound for ’em does.”
I» » l>y
R J Reynold!
with Prince Albert—it hits
on the fingers of one hand who have high.”
Tobacco Co.
the temerity to venture to draw some
It’s a scuttle full of jimmy
"In 1917" adds Dr. King, "about
"Do you know 1 saw the Auroro
of their money from bank coffers and 200,000 Chinese coolies, collected Borealis the other night for the first
cigarette makin’s sunshine and as satisfy-
place in enterprises for the public from the northern part of China, time.” "Did you, my dear? Was it a
ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four I
good.—Telephone Register.
where pneumonic plague has raged I good show.”
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at intervals since 1910, were sent to
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It’s never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure­
The proposed law providing for com­ France as laborers.”
For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more
pulsory registration and voting may
In March 1918, some of these Chi­
Senator King said at a luncheon in
sound a trifle drastic, but excuse is nese were captured by the Germans,
than you ever had in your smokecareer.
Washington; “1 heard recently an
found in the fact that only about 40 "Spanish influenza” soon appeared
it has the quality.
eloquent sermon on the subject of
per cent of the registered vote was in the German army and spread to
woman’s fashions. The next, natural­
cast at the last election and selection Spain.
Prince Albert you’ll write it down
of candidates and adoption of either | It has gone around the world In ly”—and here the senator smiled—
your tongue or parch your throat.
"the text was naturally taken from
initiated or deferred laws is never by less than a year!
our exclusive patented process
all the people and almost invariably | Dr. King believes pneumonia and
------ o------
by a minority. Oregon has adopted a bubonic plague germs mingled in
cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue!
Partly Good ?
system of lawmaking by which the the blood of some obscure Chinese
Toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin
"For a spell England was in a bad
mass of the people have the privi­ coolie in Harbin and produced a new
humidors—and—that clever, practical pound crystal glass humidor with
lege of either making the laws or ap­ disease terror.
sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition.
proving or disapproving. If all of the
All great wars of history have Rucker. “Only recently new-laid
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
people do not perform their duty in been followed by disease epiremics. i eggs were as high as 25 cents a piece.
this respect it is hard to see how
The next war must be against this A doughboy friend of mine in London
on furlough pushed his egg cup
there haH been improvement over the plague.—Walla Wallu Bulletin.
away one morning and said to the
former plan, while there is a danger I ,
waiter: ’I can’t eat this egg; it’s bad.
that the minority may not express
Henry Ford's Eagles.
‘Ave you tried the other end, sir?”
the will of the majority. Therefore, I I
demanded the waitress."
drastic as the proposed measure may i
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appear, it Is logical, and the two
The one new thing which the
horns of the dilemma appear to be Navy Department wan to have con-
Wanted a Widower
"Marriage with so many of our
either adopt it or go back to the old tributed to the defeat of Germany
Put your finger in the calves mouth and feel the way the
( was the Eagle boat. It was decided marriagble young men in France is
to be the one thing needed to hunt quite difficult.” remarked 'Congress­
calf milks. First it sucks gently. Next it squeezes downward
The United States army has pro­ the U-boat to its lair or to the bot­
with its tongue and the roof of its mouth. Then it stops sucking
duced a president from every war we tom of the sea. A hundred eagles the two girls who were conversing in
have been in—Washington from the were wanted and wanted quickly. a Paris tea room. ‘I’m going to learn
for an instant while it swallows, letting go of your finger and
revolution, Jackson from the war of Who could better meet these require­ teachin’ one of them said. ‘Teaching’
allowing the blood to flow freely.
1812, Zachary Taylor, from the Mex­ ments than Henry Ford, who grinds cried the other; ’why I'd rather mar­
ican war, Grant from the civil war, out "flivver” automobiles as a ma­ ry a widower with six children than
This is the natural safe way to milk.
Roosevelt from the war with Spain. chine grinds out nails? So to him, or be a teacher.’ 'Ah so would I.’ sighed
This unbroken chain of precedent rather his company, the contract was the first, ‘but where's the widower.”
Now put your finger in the teat cup of the Perfection
,------ o-------
must furnish great encouragement to let on March 1, 1918, and the Navy |
Milker. Notice how it first applies a gentle steady suction,,
those who would like to make Gen­ Department advanced *3,500,000 for!
On a Contingent Fee.
second squeezes downward, and third releases your finger from
eral Pershing the successor of Wil- construction of a new plant in the
“The German people were promis­
won. It is argued that history, hav­ Rogue River, Michigan, where the ed a lot of things by the kaiser and
the suction.
ing got into the habit of repeating boats were to be built. The first boat his militaristic coterie it they won
itself with special emphasis in the was to be delivered by August, ten in the war, but now they’ll get nothing.
This is the same wray of milking as that used by the calf,
mutter of soldier presidents, is not August, twenty in September, twenty The speaker was Senator Lewis.
is nature’s way. No wonder the cow likes it.
likely to change now, and that fail­ five in October, the total being later “The German people,” he continued,
ing at leust to nominate Pershing reduced to sixty, with twelve addl- “have been fighting this war on a
That is why so many hundred famous dairymen with high
would be flying in the face of desti­ tional for Italy.
contingent fee.
You know, of
stock use the Perfection, they feel it is safe.
ny. And yet the Pershing boom
Mr. Ford had never built a ship, course, what a contingent fee is? No,
would be making much smoother but he set out to show shipbuilders a Well, in a contingent fee ease, if you
progress if it were only possible to tiling or two about their own trade. lose, your lawyer gets nothing, and if
find out whether the general is a re­ His lad is efficiency. He created a you win. you get nothing.”
publican or a democrat. It now ap- main building 1700 feet long, with a
peurs that in recent months there nillroud track running
through it,
One On The Doctor,
has been some Intense inquiry along mounted a platform on railroad cars
A certain Lox Angeles doctor sat in
these lines by clever men In both ¡and laid the keels of the eagles on it.
a front seat in a theatre recently. In
parties, with no results as far as When completed, the boats are rolled 'the
breathless silence, as the third
anybody knows.—Spokesman Review out on a hydraulic elevator, which
act neared its climax, there was a
lets them down to the water. No such commotion near the door, and then
¡antiquated method for Mr. Ford as a grave voice said:
Better Roads in Progress.
i building boats on ways sloping from
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"Is Dr. Blank in the audience?"
Almost every Oregon paper you the shore to the water and then
Dr. Blank rose calmly. He passed
pick up these days is full of news slidiug them off the ways by their down the isle with a serious, self- axe. Contributory cause was another
about good roads. The desire for such own momentum. He is modern and contained air of one on whom the man's wife.
a movement covers the entire state 1 efficient.
life of fellow creature depends. A I “Deceased died from blood poison­
and by spring if all the present plans 1 The story of the eagles was told in young man awaited him at the door. ing caused by broken ankle when an
carry there will be a lot of hard sur­ the Daily Iron Trade, of Cleveland,
"Well," said the doctor. "Well, »ir, automobile struck him between
faced and good macadam roads built. and was read to the Senate at the in­ what is it?"
lamp and radiator.”
There is a day coming, but a few
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years away, when every well settled er of those sad stories of the contrast
Something Worth Seeing.
Soldier Language.
district will be served by a system between promise and performance.
The colored troops overseas
Aussles there are by the score in
•ven better than numerous railroads, ¡The first eagle was launched on July furnishing all sorts of laughs for are
the London, with their distinctive fedor­
and it is estimated that in 25 years
more sophisticated doughboys. One
the entire country will be covered by .“like a sieve." A flivver need not be of them concerns a chocolate-colored as and their reputation of being the
^l^HI^not onjy means solving the problems pre-
that system. Oregon is getting a good 1 water tight, but a ship must be if > ank who had never seen a body of highest paid fighters on any front,
•tart towards this ultimatum, and she Is to flout. Spot welding was the water larger than a creek and who past or present.
sented us by War—but those of Peace Time. It
already has a stretch of road from : expedient to stop the leaks.
An American was sitting on the
involves plans, methods and habits—bettering
was so impressed by the size of the
Astoria to the Dalles and from Port­
top deck of a motor omnibus when
them all as we made our work, our living and
land into Yamhill county which for high tor her draft; "the compass was
our play conform with conditions.
after the fourth day out. Suddenly an Aussie climbed up and sat dawn
continuous length is excelled 111 but abnormally slow because of the ex­ he was called by a friend. "What do beside him.
Think seriously wherein the First National
few sections in the United States, tremely large percent age of iron and
you want?” he answered dully from
Bank takes a part in all of these
We are coming into the new age of steel in the vessel; the arrangement his berth. "Dar’s a sailing ship goin’
"Ah there, Aussie.”
transportation -the age of the rad­ ¡of the pilot house was faulty and in- by. Come an’ see a sailing ahip
"Well heeled Yank?”
* ^^“nn^F^mer
P Heisel. Farmer.
ians railroad. The motor truck on th* I convenient." and there w as unusual
Now even though seven million
"Look a here nigger.” came
C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres.
paved road is the next great factor ¡difficulty In turning up the turbin. sharp retort, "I’m done sick of youah men have been fighting together and
H. c. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
In efficient industry joined with ef­ | The Summer and Fall were spent in
salln' boats an’ whales. I’ll done sail risking their Ilves for each other and
W. J. Riechers. Cashier.
ficient arglculture. In 25 years far­ J tinkering and in trial trips on the into you if you don’t remember what all that, still there are Units, espe­
mers may have the equivalent of a Detroit and St.Clair rivers and Lakes I told you befoah. Call me when you cially when a perfect
fast local freight and passengei ser­ St Clair and Huron, and Eagle 1 did
done see a tree, and foah nothin’ broaches another perfect stranger on
vice at their very doors by seeing to ' not leave the Rogue River until a else. Understand?”
the subject of a loan, At least. It
•t that the motors have paved roads
looked like a bid for a
. Mo the
ed. The original programme of an
to travel upon.
Yank. not wanting to •»em inhox-
Efficiency experts have demonstra­ eagle a day simmered down to one a
»■table frnnwd a little white lie.
We were beginning to believe • K
ted by practical teats that local month and only six more eagles were
"WnU, I «on
know. You see we
freight may be hauled cheaper by launched before November 1. though 1 the fluey ' was the only cau- st bavew't been pw.d yet."
motor trucks on paved ioa<*s than by engines and a large part of the ma­
Fine said the Australian. "Then
ateeiu-propelled train* up to a dis terial for the others had been made. of a monthly bulletin of v . a
let ate pay your tare."
tance of thirty or forty miles. Thia In fact, the Ford plant was highly
Atatance may be Increased as nieth- efficient at building engines and causes of death sent to huii
"Died suddenly; nothing *en
Chamberlain's Tablets.
oda and inventions Impiove or cheap- boilers, but riviting a hull to keep out
“Went to bed feeling well b<-
------- o-------
dp fuel is utlliied. The quick stopping water was a new art to It. Mr. Ford
starting of trucks and th* abll- should have delivered ninety-three up dead."
When you are troubled with lndi-
’ Patient should not have died a* he <*’’"» or constipation, take Cham­
to deviate from the main road completed eagles by December 15,
fully recovered from his xickne-.
■nd make special deliveries of course but the Iron Trade says:
berlain'. Tablets. They strengthen
"The cause of death was his moth­ the atomach and enable it to perform
Make the motor truck
‘ Ax a matter of fact, exactly seven
era tor paved highway tx c<»mji‘M*..id been completed by that date and,
It. functions naturally. Indigestion
“Don’t know cause of death He is usually accompanied by constipa­
Just as sure as fate. It is the Coin
died without the aid of a physician ’ tion and is aggrevated by it. Cham­
that first reallMs its great
“Kicked by horse shod on left kid berlin s Tablets cause a gentle move­
potentialities that Is going to profit
*"e, Register,
ment of the bowels, relieving
’ Died from blow on the head with constipated condition.—Paid Ad.
tita nun
monthly in
The J. C. Robinson Co.
Dr. E.^L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector