TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 23, 1919. CHIVALRY IN THE TRENCHES SEEMED TO COME TO THEM FAMOUS MEN OF GREEN ISLE FLYERS THEIR ESPECIAL CARE Country Hae Few Moro Picturesque Corps of Dosters and Trainers to Look After the Aviators tn This Coun­ Figures Than the Throe Widely try and Abroad. Known Myloe Brothers. Lieut. Col. Sir Thomas Myles, M. D* —better known as Sir Tom Myles— who has been In America on a British medical mission. Is one of the most picturesque figures tn Irish life. As medical students in Trinity college, Dublin, the three Myles brothers were •famous for their encounters with mem­ bers of the "heavyweight” division of the Metropolitan police. It used to ba naId of the Myles brothers, that, if they found It necessary to beat up tha Dublin “finest" at night, they were equally assiduous in patching them up In the morning. So there was no hard feeling on either side. Sir Thomas was knighted in 1902 when he was president of the College of Surgeons In Ireland. It was as bouse surgeon In Steven’s hospital that he made the first examination of the bodies of Burke and Cavendish, the victims of the famous Phoenix park murders. The strange thing was that, at the moment, neither Sir Thomas nor the police knew that one of the bodies was that of the chief 8BC- retary, and the other that of the under secretary for Ireland. It Is a habit of the Mylee family to be over six feet in height, and with shoulders and fists In proportion. In the Zulu war one of the chiefs was run to earth tn his kraal by the British, who wished to capture him alive. Vol­ unteers were asked for and Sir Thomas’ brother John undertook the task. He crawled through the long covered entrance nnd enme out too minutes later, dragging the kicking potentnte behind him by the scruff of the neck. For the care and conditioning of flyers In the air service the United States government Is now appointing a corps of doctors and trainers large euough to equip each training field and 1 camp for flyers, both here In the Unlt- I ed States and In France, with a proper organization. The doctors will be I known as flight surgeons nnd the train­ ers as physlcnl directors. The medical branch of the air service is not alone confined to the selection of the flyer, hut to his care and condition after he has been admitted to the service. It has become apparent that the flyer Is | unlike other soldiers, comments Sci­ ence. In the air service lie has become an Intricate, highly sensitized piece of mechanism with troubles all his own. To keep his complex organism physi­ cally fit a special master mechanic had to be provided solely for him. The flight surgeon. therefore, has been given freedom of Independent Initiative In all questions of fitness of the flyers. Subject to the approval of the commanding officer, he Is expected to Institute such measures as periods of rest, recreations and temporary ex­ cuse from duty as may seem advisable. He takes sick calls of aviators, he visits such eases as may be in the hos­ pital and consults with the attend'ng surgeon regarding them. He makes the examination of candidates for aviation and Ilves in close touch with flyers. The physical directors are assistants to the flight surgeons nnd their duty Is to supervise such recreation nnd physical training of the flyers as are considered necessary. If citations of Metz hnve especially Interested American rentiers, refer­ ences to Reims have ti ppen led most to the French themselves. For Reims Is very dear to them—for historic, for patriotic, for religious, and for liter­ ary reasons. Nothing, perhaps, has rejoiced our French allies more than the fact that the Germans have never been able to take Reims, however close they have come to it. It Is the damage that has been done to the glorious cathedral of Reims that constitutes one of the greatest artistic tragedies of the war. Here, in this magnificent cathedral, the kings of Im­ perial France were crowned. Here Joan of Arc led Charles VII to his cor­ onation—the sainted Joan who freed Reims from Its enemies. One of the great pieces of news from the western front was to the ef­ fect that Reims had been finally and definitely cleared from the menace ot the German guns. Armor Again in U m . An ancient calling la again very much alive. The armorer 1» at worlt turning out armor for fighting men ; and, tn a most distinguished case, the chief armorer of the Metropolitan Mu­ seum of Fine Arts, New York, Dan­ iel Tachaux, has been working for modern warriors with the very ham­ mers and anvils that once wars used la armoring their medieval forerunners. To be sure, armor nowadays Is not so cumbersome that when the wearer Is upset he has to lie fiat on bls back until somebody kindly stands him up again; but it has turned out that, for practical purposes, modern design adds nothing to the protective detail of the separate pieces of old-time armor. Greatest Jackpiano. A machine so gigantic that the curv­ ature of the earth's surface had to be taken Into consideration In its con­ struction, is being built for the UnIN ed States army as part of the program for the “salvage” of war waste, saya World's Work. It Is a huge planer, 500 feet long, which is to be used la the manufacture of gigantic lathes, which in turn are for use in the enor­ mous “relining” plant which the ord­ nance department- Is building in France. Fewer Students. War and the industries made neces­ sary by war have had the effect of depleting the student bo: pack and riding. JIM. Horses A new method of fighting the U-boat any or all blds. cavalry mounts, $181; light artillery, Move Czar's Body Again. eling of buildings. menace Is for the attacked vessel to Dated this 13th day of Jan., 1919. 7188; heavy artillery. $221; young A new chapter to the travels of the drop a depth charge as the torpedo Geo. R. McKimena, Clerk. ¡Torres, $142. dead has been added by the exhtrnae Fined for Throwing Kisses. approaches. In daylight the wake of tlon and reinterment of the body of Three voung men were fined «10 the torpedo ran usually be seen quite the former Emperor Nicholas. Na­ each in Worcester, Mass., for disturb­ Significant Hint. clearly When the depth charge ex­ poleon's remains lay for nearly twen­ ing the peace, on complaint of the "Bill says you insulted him when he plodes it either cause» the premature Ship f jw Hides.^5.^13 direct Io ty years In St. Helena before removal management of a carpet factory that, started to tell you of the number 6f explosion of the torpedo or else diverts to the Invalides. The body of Rameses by throwing kisses to the girls em­ enemies he had killed arid captured nt' , the deadly missile from Its course. This the Great lies In Cairo, his heart tn ployed In the mills, they distracted the •he front single handed.” ■vss found out quite by accident. A Paris. Christopher Columbus, dead, attention of the girls from their work, "I never said a single word, but list­ ship’s officer in his excitement one dsy óuvw the laddlemons profit and i has traveled almost as far as the so that they fell short of 100 per cent ened in silence. All I did Wax t«' pnt receive prompt returns ■ threw a depth chsrge overboard. It uld efficiency. great vtrrag«* traveled whet» living. on my gas mask.** the trick. Abundant Testimony as to Splendid Work They Have Done in Eng­ land Since War Started. I •4 We have made arrangements with The Evening Telegram, the leading and thoroughly reliable evening newspaper ot Portland, whereby the Evening Telegram and Tillamook Headlight can be obtained for 13 months for $5.00. This offer la good only up to and Including February 10th. his Is a good opportunity to obtain a fine daily newspaper and the best aud leading county news­ paper of Tillamook County for a small amount of money. Send in your subscriptions to the Headlight at once. I ALBANY TANNING CO. <