no’ aoD' and he continue« eirculat- mg thorn . We think the city erred Br»t. 1« Free C Boxer Edito: ” ible that *rr»Lgement« pot stating bow the mask* »ere to made to distribute the* blank, be wore m the ordinance; znd. •*«- through tbe poetoffl«» •“ - that of a narc surtaead roac Tron. litigat ion. my father and Marie hi« wtreeà of progrès* Portland via Asuzria auc Near-K^b- CdUector ot lulerual Revenue my inutltar My name is Frkneou ~ county roue work » Nte Mountain u Tiriamook Crty Denio- the I ß JLgatory Bird Law DietihciJy ongiaaJ wa* th .' Milton A. Mill«», w reeeinn» many Wueurer tn» will a* aceompluuec is UucoBiutuUonai T:*ey* a- ;h» satHrfactiot. Those iimuirie* concerning tbe pro»won« nouneeiuent «ent out by a rertaia aepeno* ■omew’ba upon wUa: the wht have u> wea- mask« cal be irà Är Stale Legislature wiL or tr provide Repo*:- .hat the United ótate» bu­ of the ne» Kevenue Bill providing Welsh muHMtiao »ben hi* »if* thankful the thermometer » not the money County Juogv Hare ix>- preme Court lli a decision against a for Income and other uxre. and -ented hizn with a baby girl. I, loo^ near the lot mark formt us that Tillamook. County Jersey City max held tuat the I'. 8- numerous requests are being luade 'be forte of four bar« of muiae ta- wribed on » letter-card The re- Just to bring ou’ more torclfuliy wouic De Willing tr gt 5'*-5(‘ will, migratory bird law is unconstitu- for forma on which to make return» W. mini. tha’ the citizens auc wha: w* nav* to iv in th» snap the state tor a hare su_farec roac tmna: appear* to be untrue, for the Collector Miller bay« that no «eri­ . eipient» «aouly recognizee ’tea* »■ ever the mow entnusiostic advocate shot we are going tr- swap job« with iron- Nehaiem -tr thi* city providing following notice w sent to all game nite intormatiou can be given, or from "The Meumah-—(Tnto u* , of the gallar masi. have had aboil' the County Agrieulturie. forms furnished, until the bill ha» child 1« born." Edito- a bone measure » carrorc The snap wrameu.-. enough of It anc will he giac »het Jone* nac Deer kuad ennugt u> a»- A facetious r>eotBiiiuan Cazk The article published in some of finally passed congress and becomes ano max ha* aiway* eontendec iha; tn* twe ereh expire llUl* amuued hi« friend« by aa ln-.matioB io» Coun-' Agriculturist Baker tn* (or a scenic roac the Neal*-Ran Nle the newspapers recently to the ef- a law. H »ill t11«“ lalte use 01 the cuiumm of the Headlight muuntaix roac wouic D* a wonder tr fee- the Federal nugatory bird time to have forms printed and ready through tbe newspaper* that in* b*t. tor punlicit' wot * m connection with LU* traveling puDlt: anc th* iame oi la* *a declared invalid by the U. B. lor distribution. He has made ar­ ter haJf had presented him with a the office of county agriculturist tor ton scenic roac wouic Deeom* world Suprem* Court and that in conse­ rangements to »end out a general little Cash. He went on to say that severa. y< ira anr. a large amount of win* anc tar su'paa* the Columbia quence ducMb and geewe could be notification from his office so that aa a reeult be would space had beet taker up a- th* el Higcway atthougL tha: » a magnif­ huntec indiscriminately erroneous all taxpayers may be informed prom­ cash in future, and t pens* of Edtto- Jon« without withnu’ on* icent higb»ay but i: lack* the Pac<- anc perniciously mi.-iieading- tbe ptly of the provisions of the propos­ he had to keep wort o' tnank.- appreciation or t »* fi* neeax a* one of its seentr ieBturw Tbe Federal magratory bird law ed law. The organization of his field would have to spend If the fit situation Deeom* better numeratiot tor the earn* Wha: aoe* We unaerstanc ’-da the CiaLsog anc paer^c by Congredr ia 1913 was ar- force will be such a.« to rendir every Combining a birth announcement which brougn I about The mana* Editor Jones tn mg of th» kmc of m- Multnomax aeiega:ion* it tn* State guec before the U. 6. supreme Court possible assistance to taxpayer» with an advertinement ■trikes one th* quarantine the emoargv or that gratitute Wnet Countj Agricultur- legislature are tavomo» to the upoE iu constitutionality but for throughout the state uf Oregon, and a* the last word m enterprise, tn4 tunw of a rait anc wine storn. is: Bake- ha* a littie jot wor* te proposition but Clatsop eounty 1« reihODr no: made public the court deputies will be located at many ad­ Mr Fox. a poultry dealer who m- that struck the county fast week* gtv* out wmr wouie Eüito’ Jone* nandicappec i*ecaus* su* Da* Dona-c die no* render a decision m the niat- vantageous points so that informa­ wrted tbe following none* m the There is this satisfaction the advo­ think of the eounry agricultures: if anc expenaec all the money from ter and on February 2», 1916 the tion may be secured direct to guide papers, should be congratulated on cates of dlfteren' loeas »11 tw able h* placed h» work eisewhere- Ther* tna source It » somewna: diifteren' eou~ oroereC the case restored to the them in making returns when the the novel way in which be c»mnieiid- to aay "1 told you bo ” are other m«ig ix the communi'y whi' with Multnomah County That eoun- auciie lor reargumeiit. The treaty proper time arrives. | ed hi« wares: The basic principles ot the Old In­ Another little Fox found its way Th» » a hac picture for news­ kno» where te fine the snay sho' ; ty » not receiving one cent of the D***weer* the United States and Great mai. wuex they wan: hin. te ut tnen 1 State Highway Conmuasion'« funds Brittan lor mt protection of migrat­ come Tax Law will no doubl be ap­ i into my establishment between 14 paper men to ponder over "New* a tarer or wtthboid somethmg tron. although tr pay* thirty-tnre* percent ory oink wa.* ratified by both gov- plied to the provisions qt the new prm outlook for yea: » bad—d,Te- and 11 laBt night, but notwithstand­ publication but »ber. they hâve pil >of the state fund anc tor that rea­ emmenu Dee-ember 7. 1918. and on law, and it would he well for every dic’-ior » maar tha’ many newspa­ ing its arrival there will be no worz fai. ti patroniz* tfa* boni* new* son Multnomah eounty is entitled to June 28 1918. Congrest passed the individual and corporation to pre­ per- will be unabie to get supply a: diminution in tbe number of quality paper anc send lt elsev her* or te son» recognition wner* som* ut the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to give ai.y prise.*' Why? Simply ¡»»-cau»* th* pare figures and ascertain the exact I of the geese for »inch my ectahlito- Portlanh money should be expendec and will eftec: if the treuty provisions, which amount ot income so as to be ready ment has long been famous Remem­ paper trast curtaiiec productioi auc directly Dene fit the peopi* of Port ­ wa- approved by the President July 3 to make returns with as little delay ber that the old Fox i» al war* cua- Wll keep il the profiteering ous*- 1 no* been appoint- land A narasurfacec roac tron. Pon- 1918 and on July 31, 1918, the as possible. lit ioug ae poaaiui* I ning in Hecunng fur buFinettf ih« tr Tillamook County iauc to thi* city wouic greatly bene­ President promulgated regulatiin* - o I plumpest gOUHfc.” fit the metropolis of Oregon with lt* anc ttie snap sho it min nope he hg* thereunder governing the hunting re toia by b prominent doctor Boys' and Girls' Club Work tare th* other dz day that he lu * qualification* - tor tha: position thousana* of cnizen* looking tor and possession of such birds. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS Th« Migratory Bird Treaty Act of prised the flu It devolve* upot. Lin whether the healthfu) pleasure trip* in the sum- A campaign to encourage habits of me: tune away from the heat and taxpayer* are u> get their money« FOB SPOT CASH 19)8 specifically repealed the old ir swell mouths thrift will be waged among school j lit newt a few OMVh ago wor th in roue building o: whethe: a Ous: of ’.he Willamette Valley or Migratory Bird Law of 1913. which children in all sections of the state ANY ISSUE enjoying the cool, wa still lief ore the U. S. Supreme eUAted tiiax as arnn doctor. WlH uac large amount of moue* 1.- wastec by Eastern Ortjgon I this year by the Oregon Bankers’ -D- invigorating atmospuer« e anc science Court and the recent action of the ' Association, Oregon State Teachers' cunsioerBDi* experience with tire di.- indolent Operation* Most everybody $100 $50 i Clatsop government in moving for a dismis- experiec tha* n would be pre- will b, trw tt adnii: tha' there » not beau’y of Tiiiamooc and Association, Oregon Department of $500 $1000 counties One cannot estimate the then usee the waste 11. roue buiidiug to clear :aa; ot the case wa* merely vaieiiT for tht itex: rwv yearu Ms Education. United States Department --------o-------- every voi- euormou* amuun' o ’ auu travel xhat tc be with a roac lios* tor > because the court record*, and also him * ran tell, bu; the prosper' of of Agriculture, and the Oregon Ag­ Send u» voni Bond» by registered, h lamping it ou; id fc lew mon ih* mg precinct. Du: there » good rea.— pas* through Clatsop auc Tillamook there was nothing left to decide riculture College through the boys’ ol u believe tha' even ire» ihere coun'.ie* snouic ’.i»e Slate Highway ¡since the law in question had been letter and receive highest market duet* no: loot ver? assuring and girls’ club work department un- ar« met, whi giv« a p»*o- day « work Commission decide to undertake th» repealed by the new'uct of 1918. . jbe i der H. C. Seymour. price by return mail. W< are inclined tn think Ida: it »ben working for th* county A work, provider, the money » fortb- .Migratory Biru Treaty Act passed The |50 prize offered last year by WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. would b* about tbe ryrir thin* u> pi.5 the leachen- off 1! h mor« and eff«*ct throughout the United : won by Jackson county. This asso­ Seattle Wash. itiui) pr;UMibk »bnuid school ix 1* equal In tli* occasion Th* coming undertaken by th« state anc uo: the iBiate* Copies ol the Treaty Act, and ciation will not only give 150 in cash stariec up anothe- wuvf of tbe fit yea- will give him ampit opportunity twr counties We certainly hop* tha: th* regulation* thereunder may be to the county making the best show­ Furniture For Sale would rurikt thiF section If there ti niakt gooc lot county roue work the .Neul> hat-Nie proposition will obtained by addressing the United ing in 1919, but has voted 1200 for ------- o art an: prosper! of the sebooi be- should De perform«** just a* ecunoD' De carried through u completion iHtate- Gun» Warden. Portland, Ore. the printing of pupils’ record books. Three Iron and Brase Bed Steals, resumed we would no’ recom­ icaliy a* other line* of bUSlIièifc The Teachers ’ Association is plan ­ springs and mattresses, chiffoniers, mend tha» bui there p nut anc the However we wish th* new road host Wanu JbœnoL Anrenaec SmetTilnunooKen are Muzzled Have ning to publish a report of the re­ dressers, library table, library or diKtrir’ can save « littte monej any- sllcees* and he will have our com sults accomplished in the last year Any One rockers. waj Ae the lichen- have been paid niendatiot if b* work* hi* met u- reading lamp (hanging) Sheriff Campbel, ure wrtrter to and the plans for future work. Liter­ up ir Uaie the$ have been iairiy good advantage anc we may add tin* other sheriff* of th« stait wanting dining ehairs, rugs. Six hole South ature including all necessary infor ­ Eiopeo — —fir* thoue whi, shirk work whet the Jackson la» amended k '.reared Bend Mailable Range. 22 calibre I > that Cruaketr- mation relative to the campaign will «uiiployec on road work Winchester rifle, and other articles ------- o where the tax *« below ont dollar Left town— be sent out by the boys' and girls’ bomenody must bave ai axe tu too numerous to mention. All clean nor r where Played pom— uot tt «end out notices club work department of the College. grmd by a bill thMt wa« introdurre and in sanitary condition. Cmatilu is auother eounty that » the tax » delinquent over TWO ▼eart Got spliced — Wasco, Union and Linn counties il thè hnuM makiug il unlawful lo alive io tbe road situation and whei. In ha letter he say* See them at house. Cor. 3rd Street were highly complimented for Hac a party- — re- eonstruci i nani dyk* or causwsy tha: wide awake county of Round Up Th« bi -cal led Jackson la» wmch 1 ¡Han a shave— and 2nd Ave., or inquire at Ever­ suits obtained in the contest. acroeie aay uavigabi« water in thè fame lakex anything in nane it war pu.*e**e by the people a’ the last This thrift committee consists Of son's, Tillamook. state without thè consen: of thè make» a ■ucceae of It. Lmatilh. pei- ehwtion doe* not fit hi* county as | Won a wager— ! Came to town — F. J. Tooze, superintendent of Stai» Legislature and u remo», any pie have enjoyed a snial. stretch uf conditions no» exist There are Paid illb bili«-— schools in Oregon City, chairman; suct «truciur* withir. a urne limi; harasurfaeed road and the mogul. aboil 44.0(19 4«.(iti9 heart b«»ct lots in this Beet held up— Dean J. A. Bexell, school of com­ Our repreweniativ«» ai balen sbolliti tha: they used tor the Ro uno-Up eo nr a»d a very large percentage j Sean a movie — merce. O. A. C., Corvallis; J. W. Mc­ «m that th» bill » killed for it wlli "Let er buck” » liable to be applied nav« haap delinquent for the Been arrested— Coy, banker, Ashland; Clyde T. Bon­ pu: a stop u.- iogging nperaiione in to the good road* movemen’ it that ¡as’ five OT or su six yaaz* Th» muke- ney, county superintendent of th» eounty »’bere oam* are m**-e* county Uiuatllta County loos a long iiiitiee to eacfc on» extremely ditte Broke hh- neck— Robbed a hunk— schools. The Dalles; Thomas W. West sury lo get log* lo uhe water step forward toward the goa. whet ' cut’ and expensive The taxes on ¡Started banker, Portland; Mrs. Gertrude politic*— a meeting of representative citizen* i many of ttkCM- lot* amounts tv lea* BY FRANKLIN DUANE, ■* D- Made a fortune— Orth, teacher; Luke Goodrich, bank­ One » safer Iron, fin ln Tillamook from ev«iry community m that coun­ i than 20c each ’ Cheated tbe flu — er, A. C. Strange, superintendent of City than m any par’ of the county, ty and from farmers auc vommemu It » taking considerable time anc cijy schools, Baker City; James H. Heurc a aernioi.— lor tbe reaaun that al: person* suf­ organ lzation* indurarti wiihou a expense to compì» with tbe JackMni Suid to: divorce— Albert, of Salem. The bankers most fering with tbe flu and '.hore who single diaeeuting voice a program mt la» tn th» eoun'y on aecoun' of th« Bought ■ flivver— active in this movement are E. G. have toaaa exposed in the home are at read building for the nexi wo ! large num be* of beach iots tha: bav* Crawford, president, and L. J. Hart­ quarantiiMKl It » not re m other year« calling tor tbe expenditure ul beconi« delinquent Sheriff Campbel Cuseec the mask*— man. secretary State Bankers' Asso­ IHi-ie of the county, bu' it «boule be over Sl.h49.009 It » reported that » unst>» tr tell wha: the poetag* Bc-1 quurari titled— ciation. and A. C. Schmitt. W. E. Ky- lt may be. and ni, doub » a wire no «uci. hurmotiinu* meeting was i will b* bu: it will be coiisidenibie reren a ue» baby — ler and H Hirchberg. thrift commit­ precaution ten ductor«. n unies and ever lieic to tbe tnmory of the county lit wa- thorn » hi allnwad their taxes Committed suicide— —ickec the marshal— tee Oregon State Bankers’ Associa­ thorn- il attendane* ut. influenza lt was voted to circulate whe had to at one* I u> beciim* helinquotr whi tion. >Heen a trau, wreck— wea: gauze mask* but petitions calling for an election on j mmT the expens* but unde: the I Slewed then masks— court». there are tbure tn «lore» und offices road bonds lor SL.aO9.UO9 which 1* I Jacksor: la» those whe pay therr wht have to wear then, all da* whi the limit tor ’.be county auc the tuxe» have to pry for tt» axtre Popped the question— Pearl» foi Red Croîs Necklace. ■ Gone w :tbout a meal— think they are deiramentai u> health court was autboruMd io name an ex­ clerical heir and postag* *. I Tasten auj 'erttwr”— ecutive commit lee to coudur- ai eo- a * What will be known as the Red i Killed the profiteers — * iJut adv ice when th« flu fire: mad« ueaiioBal campuigii Highway Gun>- Cross necklace is being assembled at Tillamook Crry is 11 Emo: .Hugged hi» best girl — its appeuruuce. » alm gi«*c advice nniKioner Tliunipaon was prewnt aud London as rapidly as pearls are do­ ¡Heard the school bell— today We will repea: it Directly awiured tbe mee-tlug of an «qua. nated. Queen Alexandria and the it Passing th* influenxa ordinance Played game al poker— yuu have contracted th« direum «cur amount of etale aid Th« meeting Princes» Victoria have given pearls Bu-ned then business — mi Thuraday evening uue vita) error for a d«>cto: gi to bed ano reman. gave him a v^ie of confident* and Others are coming from various titl­ Bustec up ix business— occurred ip no’ stating h> I her» until you are good and well »ill req tie«: Ule reappointment ed personages in the British empire, Congregated on street — wer« io be wurn The city. u. own Prupe: care of a patient and gotid from people on the continent, from Did a rushing business— nmt ion. undertook to print une nurMing prevent* gone many per 1 anada and from this country. The The City Council on Thursday Swallowed Journal lies — rulaie the ordinance *< :hai .tie hod « fron, contracting pneumonia • dea is to make this the th* finest pearl idea which 1» th« caure of the appalling passec » quarantine ordinance U' , zen« could bt properly informed UliL Know the term«, of peace__ necklace in the world When all the comba. '-he npaiiisb influeuz* and Raised th* price of cheese — a large numi»T of copie» were c die­ dea'.i. rale al: over the world Too pearls have been assembled the orna- __ w Reduced the cos of living— many purMiu* ha»< treated tbe re­ :ha pa— of It which cuarantin«» a I tribui«?* Another meeting of tbe city meni will be sold to the highest hid- fluenza lie lightly but we want to patient and th« hum* » one tha: i council wa* held on Monday evening Seen Tiliauaioker* muzzled— | der. emphusiz* .Lu» the flu always pre- ■home heve been passée w hen th« when the error was remedied by uu- Heard the good road* boosters— cedi*» pneumonia and th« pensili suf piugu* first mane il» spi**., ance It tknrizing .he niuvoT to issue a prno Choked oil th* snap shot man— Fhi Killing Mexicans Ieri ng with it who will not take » surprising that In ’esorting lo laiuatiur re to ho» the mask* shoald } WuaranttMd Ju quarantine officer- »■U» precaution» and get eolde are wearing of mask« the framer« of the I b* worn These tim. were pos ed in j AL tha- 1 b live interesting news, so Travelers from Mexico say influ­ cal) Hp th* Headlight offioe when the on«- » hi- come dowi with pneu- ordinance did not enmpe. everybody I the atty in th« city u> 1» inoculated a« the 1» having tha urdinahct printed i von hear ul any of th« above events, enza la slaying Mexicans by thou­ monu. ordinance ewere most el. other turn» and distribuís* 'be city did noi «r- for the flu ba* put the muzzla on tbs sand*. the death rate exceeding that ever «»used m the republic by typhus Qulle a numb«*: of busihea» ni*-i. a« to ho» bee to cope with the die culaie a correct an* accurate copy of news. yellow fever or smallpox combined f««al peeved on account of compelling ea» The City Council did the rigfa’ the ordinance a» passe* by the city. are — 40. Odd X cases -w»ws»v Wirer p penaiu* w w«a: musa Bu th« «liai thing tiowevet ib pussiug the urdí ! tt being fuli of errors fron: lop to Important to Beaierz lb Cipes and it is estimated there --------- n ih« City of Mexleo. One-ihlrd of Tubarne ■but man ha» little or hi sympathy liauc* and everyp«**? shoulo awin' bottom A governor of one of the the CABM at Vera Cruz siiecumbed lot them They will not gei together the official« m wing that it » I weeiaru stales offeree to pay any at­ her» i» a big shortage of drugs and Th« pending revenue measure torney g koi'oo U 1» could tell What a» buamew met and diacuaa- mattare strictly romp lied with We wi one of th« President « peace terms "hick Will probably be passed with­ ■»ft!»*, even the Mettra,, ciiktom af pertuining to th« health and bua»- point om h««wevet a tew matter meant 1 b the city ordinane« a* in a very short time provides in r*nt-ihg caskets for burial purpeeas s ue<* of the city, but allow a tew loo* peculiar to u* The » huh ty w i liter ted with the iltseas* to meet the situattan ■ thrown broaticas: in the city there creased taxes on cigars tobacco and onlj ha* cruna« it any what ahouid be u<>m Eve dealer in them- Nntwitbsiantlin* that we have wv coni end that if thmie precaution« I » one sentence tha: 1« likewim un- cigarettes ccunmodoiae wif, I h * required to en- peranus w ho advucata difiereot pre are m i eeuBH -e ir. the city they are ; intelligible, ru Paid $400 for Hen ‘ Apartment house nt rooming vehtory tils mock k op tlw day follow- Caul Hin* to cope with th« Spallisi IB I «Hjuall« neoeBHar* in all parts of the ----- -o------ Practical a* a aounty and why it doe* not apply to Illg the pasaaee of iiouac indicating the the Act and to prreenc* uf fluent, one muai give them eredi’ Four hundred dollars for mi* hen plow, and just the county » tw*eauiH the eounty of P«y additional t othe* parts of the wunt>. I writ of review. arp.Madmd keep posted as te the date of tb< par* ------ «------- tor there are muar influenza cam- IH ihn» — The editor called the attention of sage of the Act and take hit tnren- Whereas. in ISSI, w« «hipped the couutry ttuai ib the city ThiF all I the Marshal to the error» w hen he ’ory or that 50WEt> abroad nearly lkfi.onopo0 pound» of Blanks for the pu-potw of filing in­ •m a tv prove that there » ne un» I wa« distributing the ordinance and cheese ln J»J4. Just before the war >^*-n mettine tn the »tat« •'U|* advised him to have the same cor- , ventory and return will tr turnnb- _______ OMID off our trad*, we shipped onb with the d Pur Lia nd a* reeled to avoid trouble but this war Milton A. Mille: : ollector of cut :.&oo.eçi). ¡Tillanuuik Brahlighì Weekly Health Talks TOWIR' FEB BRAND REFLEX SUCKER