1 > TlLLAMoOK HBADLIGHT. JAN’.’A9Y r baotr«* 1 New 'Mimas are needed and old ones | aa illustration. Mwttaga raaaiag need fixing up and painted. The I churches, etc., have a««a tarns applies to barns and .mprove- full blast while ia otb«r ptecs* *««b Fred C. Baker. Editor. ments about 'he farm as well as iaa thia city, they are prohiMred. MM ' business houses. There are f hou- outside thia city daaesa -o*14 -aks ,auda of necessary jobs to be done in place at Fairvidw. tnsetlaga h*M. «a ' the county, but everybody appears well aa church sorvies*. poot ran** to be holding back 1 with 'be hope . ete. that i hey can get the t work perform- ; We hate to admit It, but thin ia the ed cheaper later. Thia I is a bad thing, Amongst the road propowZltoma *» the «nap ahot man flrat time 'hat for thia waiting game i is 'topping the 'bat of a hard surfaced road frtwa ever felt that he was gagged- with wheeia of progress. There la the 1 Portland, via Astoria sad Neab-K-b- that none bag on. county road work, which will give Nlc Mountain, to Tillamook City considerable employment. It ia fairly Whether this will be accosaptUbed There is thia atixfactlon. Thoee up to the County Court to get busy , depends somewhat upoa what 'be who have to wear masks can be and Mart the road work as won as • Stale legislature will do to provide ia not practical. Everybody get busy. thankful the thermometer the money. County Judge Hare i*- near the 100 mark. ------- o-- — forma us that Ttllazaook CtwsMy Just to bring out more forclfully would be willing to go SP-&4 with M“ think that the citizens, and what we have to say In thia snap the state for a hard surfaced road even th* mom enthusiastic advocate shot, we are going to swap Jobs with from Nehalem to this city, providing of 'be gauze mask, have had about the County Agriculturist. Editor a bond .measure is carried. The «asp enough of it and will be glad when Jones had been kind enough to al­ «hot man has always contended bat. the two weeks expire. low County Agriculturist Baker the tor a scenic road, the Neab-Kah Sto use of the columns of the Headlight mountain road would be a wonder to If yon want lo **» a typical hold-up for publicity work m connection with the traveling public and the fame d answers all man. Sheriff Campbell the office of county agriculturist for ' this «eealc road would h e ro me world deeerl pt lone- with that maek on H* several year« and * large amount of wide and far surpass the Columbia la thinking of arresting himself an an «pace bad been taken up at the ex­ Highway, although that is * nsgaifl- bold-up «»»pert. pense of Editor Jones, without one irent highway, but it iacka the Paci­ 1 word of thank« appreciation or re- fic ocean as one nt its «eenle feature* If the flu «Ituatlon become better, numeration for the same What does We understand that the Clatsop and whirl) brought it about The neeke. Editor Jones think of this kind of in- Multnomah delegations in the Stalo the quarantine, the embargo or that gratilule When County Agrtcultur- Legislature are favorable to the bummer of a rain and wind storm IM Baker had a little job work to propostUon. but Clatsop county is tba' •fr-irk 'he county last week five o«>t. what would Editor Jones handicapped beeause she has bonded There is thia «at infect ion the edro­ think of the county agriculturist if and expended all tbe money fro* eaten < of different ld»ae will be «ble be placed bls work elsewhere* Thor* that source It is somewhat dttfferent to «ay r "1 told y»» do ." «re other awn in the community who with Multnomah County. That coua- know where to find the «nap «hot •y ia not receiving one cent of tbe This is » when they want him to do them .State Highway Commission's funds, paper m*n « favor or withhold something from although it pays thirty-three percent print outlo puMieat tart »taa they aar* job if the state fund, and for that rea­ die’ion ia n e*wk fa. T/vr’Mnr«* fta* borne 1W» son Multnomah county is entitled to per« will is »a-i ■**4 *i ftaMvWrt or to «me recognition where some of the any price F'- . money should be expended and will AlhM paper trust directly benefit the people of Port­ 'h* »< want to kee l-us boss «PXV34- land A hardsur'aced road from Port- ba * A* B'f I’-M •4 7 JsawsS C / •aad to this city would greatly bene­ nan lope b 144 fit tbe merropnlis of Oregon, with its •i, Wa wars told by « ino'Maads of citizens looking tor tHt - tar 1 pu* 4, of the state the n 1-4 healthful pleasure tripe, in the sum­ l«*U' ita ’ would not be *ui >r 4 tty mMxy'z mer time, away from the heat and 4^ epidemic lasted f< vier Mr a d«M of the Willamette Valley or The news report« trv if aioaey V IHtMi by Eastern Oregon, enjoying the cool, ststed thnt an urn everybody invigorating atmosphere and science considerable experience with the dts- . idolenc tper«; on.« M> 1er« M a*C beauty of Tillamook and Clatsop eiise. expected that It would be pre- will be free -o admit, ths counties One cannot estimate the valent for the next two years, No the waste m road maildi enormous amount of auto travel jhat one can tell, bill the prospect of to be with a •uad aces for «very vot­ pa-«* through Clatsop and Tillamook stamping it out in a few months ing precinct nur. there uz good reas­ on to believe rhat eves «nw there counties should the State Highway does not look very assuring. are men who give a poor day s work Commission decide to nndertak# thia ■-■■ O-- ■— ■ work, provided the money is forth­ We are inclined to think that it when working tor the county. A coming. for the improvement of the would lie about the right thing to do good road master will know how to to pay the teachers off It la more ¡••medy this and we hope Mr Carroll Xeah-Kah-Nie mountain should be undertaken by the state and not the 'han pt nimble «hould »chool lie is equal to the occasion. The coming ear vlll give him ample opportunity two counties. We certainly hope that started up. another wave of 'he flu • i make good for county road work the Neah Kah-Nie proposition will would strike this section If 'here tumid be performed just as econom­ be earned through to completion. are any prospect« of the •chool be­ ing resumed we would not remm- ically as other lines of business inend thia, but there ts not and the How«tvw. we wish 'he new road boss Wants Jackson Law Amended. -tlatrler can iave .» little money any- .ilccese. and be will bave our com- mendatinn if he works ilia men to way. As the tear hers have been paid Sheriff Campbell has written to up io date they have been fairly good advantage and we may add this other sheriffs of the state wanting fire ilitMe who thick work when rhe Jackson law amended so i that rented. employed on road work. where the tax is below one dollar -------. --------g, not to send out notices, nor where Sometmdv mual have ag axe to ■-> » üillanumk Ìruòlight Cu,.l« lUlaiisg to Wrll* 'Wte* X I h firigittsl .WamwT ■ • Editorial Snap Shots .rind >y a hill that was introduced i ha mn«a waking it unlawful (o -tMmtrtict « da* dvke or causway .«rea» u»v laitqable water in the ir* .«* ¡«Mix be consent of the •eave» .*<;.*!*• if» and to imam any •sb ten ature wnhtn a 'Ime limit, htr *aro»iiiatl»ro «■ Salem toould *• hat Mu Mil is killed, tor .1 will mt a -top o ■igblng 'partition» u hin «maty .»hare tame ire aera»- ■ary <» got •»«■ to Ide valer * Jno a *Mo to* fin ■ nilaoSN*« ".ty h»n a **v j*rf 4 lw tutmr 1 W •nana tub« *11 person.« atfi •Mb fear 1* mu * I mho vt* I«**« •ro • tor wtna sro I'm** > o *• w « «Mr MW W n mut y ma z ■«**!« •*>. Be aw* DO <*«WW * • eta* «—■>*.rla*i sa ma* .c* tUOM **« Ovro O W«s**a*«w ws r;C****O*a /••* <* >M b rix-i 'i* fit YrtM •a «wa-—•«««*>* « «M»« pwC «to’ . aw- gkr Wil t—pw p VwwvOy ta O i M r iti« ta-laC ¡<> See* er- >0 MOO tetUMH. guv« anti w»'JU m«'. Mud *uug •Mi nurny pe* I* plMUkHTOIk t»U sum it the epp» 'Lag not I m T*e 'M* M lute« '««*'*4 'be ik- ma IgpbUy i*ir. •• *a*M to M - mm 'in DW e*»«yv ge» Wt*w PUHUUMOIU M4 'la P*rWin Hlf Pv'iig • ‘A t et*v »* >tnr 'aba WM» pneaut-im»« *.t«C *ar muti« am tie IMM e in verna Ov* I *1Ta plan* MM*U > t- «UM!**•?♦ UUHUHMM llnmtllla I h another county that la alive io ths road situation, and when that wide awake county of Round Up fame laken anything in hand It makes a success of it. Umatilla peo- pie have enjoyed a small stretch of lurdmir faced road and the slogan 'hat they used tor the Round-Up. ■'Let er buck. ie liable to be applied r!*diixaitif tmm < niiltflim 1eld n tie uMury it tiie cuiuity i <'*• rote* U*ti M- I«* U4MM- U m « i *#, bu' I m Ovtfu tirato* H 4MU WtM' a«o U m *» A*/U* iUMid*MlliMt tl»»l I Ata/' I ah umv « MT CodUtM/M' U' MPflW UM HpWlUHl I« CU mmu «/ ««• h » wm H»** then » h> U m mi » Mutì p»’< <« Z« M j buiMMi «ftíorw U» At • mw til* r«4Ch' tuHU’hiUvlM k< ta m BVUAe* ’.ÍM»* M« |Mn»f iM/HMH' M«< Ml A* IMS* MfttUOMUMA U*M» MUH U« VÜMH ► 'jr p»i**wli**4 * Dexia« .be 0 A Mtgwtwiv M»d law U UmtoMtUutidmol <*>* >>k»tK .♦«♦ » Mt »H om * ‘ h 4 M V« »I »>iH> 4<*w Ito»«»* Ì,»* e> 0-0 »! <"V«H OMI *J.»V -l ..< -Atoil -b q*W»_ • < a */ < hm i ♦ »M* wf i b»> «»opro .»» >/ S'* field cei«4« « iwqpny«»« 4 V»«<*'» *‘*4 «' s*aey *4 a' i »I wim W to s’ii.i« « w be a IS-* Ir» *F Bee w » 4.' •4«*-V t-t *'»:.** uag ike b »4 •cb bird*. Act of A vauipaign lu vui tbe old iJ4> thri t w ill bv «atpe » hieb chiiorvn tn all wli _ m- «e* »• • went • oral uf ’« w t gr■v «**•» j this yvar by '-hw Court, end tbe rmteal actk* ot the Axeociat.on. vrvguu government in moving leg a juxiu AMOCiation. Oregon tsal of the case was mt rely to clear Education. I aitett ptacw Dvpu.".at«a: the court revords «nd »be beta aw •>t Agri Ctrl turw. and 'he Oregon Ag- there »a« no I king left io decide ' rtculturv College through the boys since tbe law la qoewuoa bad been and girts cluo work depkrtategt ■»- repealed by tbe ne»*aet of 1J11 »he der H. C ¿eymuur Migratory Bod Treaty Act pa-swd The fid prize offered aat year by las' June. 191&. is now in full force ' be Oregon Bankers' Asaoctat.oa was and effect throughout the United ‘ won by Jackson county This xmw - j States. Copies of the Treaty Act. and ciatuia will not only give »5<> ia cash 'the regulations thereunder tuay be Ito the county making the best *a»w- obtained by addressing the United ag in LJLJ. bat haw voted Jiiv toe States Game Warden. Portland. Ore. 1 ’he printing of pupils record I»H Associat.ua piaa- Hot» I i^n* tvnf vT * A '»r* L m U l wa hd4 to keop the aaÄ » hove to 4pend (fbinhimnic a birth tniwAr»ntmnaiic w h an »dvertinnmenr X) Send as your Bonds ay ?C7b3ue*- tetter and receive highest oajxk fxiee oy return mail. •FESTEBN STOCK AND 30» Ä 200 Central 31dg. Seattle Farmture For Saie Three Iron and i3rass 3ee -’■-■ um . f tM re­ dnMm. library table. brxr* r sults accumpushed ia the ast year Any One. readmg lamp (hanging 'ctax -------- o-------- Eloped— Croaked— Left town— Played pool— rhe tax is delinquent over two years. Got spliced —■ In his letter he says; Had a party — "The so-called Jackson law w b ich Had a shave— was pa.-wed by the people at the last Won a wager — election does not fit bis county as Came ? to town— condition.« now exist. are Paid hia bill»— There about 4*.000 beach lots in this Been held u>— county, and a very large percentage Seen a i movie — f th i have been delinquent for the Been arrested— last five or six years. This makes Broke his neck — notice to each one extremely diffi- Robbed a bank cult and expensive, The taxee on Started politic» - many of these lots amounts to lesa Made a fortune - 'baa ide each.” Cheated the flu It m taking considerable time and Heard a sermon — expense to comply with the Jackson Suid tor divorce- Law ia this county on account of the Bought a flivver— large number of beach lots that have Cussed the masks-— become delinquent. Sheriff Campbell Been qua t an 11ned— u unable to tell what the postage Seen a new baby will be. but it will be considerable. Committed suicide - It was those who allowed their taxes Licked ike marshal u> become delinquent who had to Seen a train wreck bear the expense, but under the Stewed their masks Jackson law throe who pay their Popped the question iw» have to pay for the extra Gone without a meal dermal help and postage Tasted any critter" Killed the ptufiteers Hugged his best girl Heard the school bell pMh.iu ito lafhtefixa « rdiuance Played guru» et poker Burned their busiimas mask* Busted up I* business te <»wn Congregated on stivet id a-. Did a rushing bu-inetst <..««- Swallowed Journal lies auu Kau« the lerlu* ut pem , dia- Raised the pm* of ebeew Reduced the eauo vf jiving Seen TIII uumm >1 i Vie! I lieaid til* f,vd I>>eds lr«>so Choked off (be wusp shot i. Mukrantlubd th* querentii . All ible is live itttorz cd/1 up ihe Headlight y*M hoax of any of the lot tbs fJu has put ill» tad the plans for future work. Liter­ ature neluding all necessary mJer- , mation relative to the campa.gn wLi i he .«ent out by the boys' aad gtrta ‘club work depar tnent of the CoiJegc Wasco, Union and Linn enuatxes were highly complimented tor re­ sults obtained in the contest This thrift committee consists of F. J. Tooze, su pe rimen den- of schools in Oregon City, ehamnas Dean J. A. Bexeil school of con- i merce, 0. A. C., Corvallis. J W. Mc­ Coy, banker, Ashland. Clyde T. Boa- ney. county superintendent of schools. The Dalles; Thomas W. Wes­ banker, Portland. Mrs. Gertrude Orth, teacher; Luke Goodrich, bank­ er, A. C. Strange, superintendent of city schools, Baker City. James H Albert, of Salem. The bankers a*oe< active In thia movement are E. G Crawford, president, and L. J Hart­ man. secretary Stats Bankers JUso- clatlon, and A. C. Schmitt. W. K Ky- ler and H Kirchberg, thrift cotantit- tks Oregon State Bankers' Awiocza- i Ion. Piarli for Red Crosi Neckh« A M a J A I —— p——— VViiat a lU ha known a* tbv Kvd Cross necklace is beino ««wiubled si Ixtndon as rapidly a» pearl* «re do- natwd Qtiaen Alexandria «nd tb* | Prlnceas Vlrioria have givea proriu. Iljther» ars rumina fiom vario*) liti ed persotiagtw in ih« Hrltish emygrq. rrom peopln atayliiii tatilPMH« Ita»* hmimìh , U m » death rale t'VM lUU.st'4 mi the ivpuUHf l'V '-Wp&'A* yviluw («ter ui »malliiui U in ebi Una itti thvie an» vawk I lAkpartaAi to Baakzi >• Coger« and tt wtig tf «rPan tra* r*Mp M i» iha City uf M fìi I vì » «Win*. g gp**ranr *g .«* ad 0* • h< » «¿wa at Vera V tub ------- W' v »-«*•<«••> inM'u* ■» p*y **v M The pendi ug «nvsage me« uri i'htu« m a big --huila*« ut drupa aedi Hnwety PwW* M < * « a »M roti •*)< < evrii the Mr-iUau vwh»M at • tnw if f* *"i“Hne»nu • >«acs tarma k M s A wi M probably be passed i , jri i irne prov i*tg th fkiiUtg Lu'kglft fin buttai fMYy-ifr» m«M*r. w b» vMy «odlnan«* «a i' i-dlltii io mt»««t ih* üUhi'N • OU iiiww«. ’obaceo j nd • itrown Mvnwfra«* n 'he «l»y ¡bara r— B vmi j deader rp , HtìXC « >nr «n i DDo 1)*r * ‘he-e'aa hh \i KB W 1 ìto ftHtütr.ddi « I1 JHF . i tir <-tllglMw "to’ Paid |400 for He« /» “U >lte day foHvx :....... Ur------- ’ «pnrtnwm* Oons* or ronming OÍ Uw Ade Mit <«i .‘■• lii I .InlHrs Ku « , r ioti»* ndleatlng I» pr«*«nca il itumkl isx u« rke» .«oi^ aich ti «anse •» «M*a DaMM* tir tvwwn »« C'U «W ^F>v»»r t »4^ laremat rfte h Rlw « p in« imi» twflcating tb* prcaenca trf uder the praasn« Aw wf meli liaea-M» U* rovini in thè um paid 4*0 thut proviAed by Ihe nap AM fl st