TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 23, 1919 again into one of when the old 29th found out where I we loaded Now, coming dowu to the personal INTERESTING LETTER FROM FIRST SERGT H. B. ANTRIM. was at and yanked me back to those trick trains that they have side of the question. In hope that I Langres. I wan at Tours until May here. We passed right through thi have made a readable letter out of Gives His Experiences in France and i 24th, and In that time I learned a shuttered hulk of Chateau 1 bierry this aud that these records of my great deal about what the French and edged in pretty close to the real travels will be of Interest to you and His Connection with the Draft­ call the Garden of France. It was line through Epinal, Chalons, Bar to Mother. I am still enjoying the ing Department. here that I met the two Corder boys le Due, Gondrecourt to Neufchateau. best of health except that 1 dislocat­ ------ o------ and Tom Livesly, of Salem. Livesly This has beeu the headquarters of ed my knee last night playing foot­ Neufchateau, Vosges, France was a 1st Lt., commanding the head­ my outfit ever since, although I ball and it is quite painful now but Uovember 23, 1918. quarters company to which I was at­ have spent a good deal of the lime 1 am able to hobble on it. And need­ Dear Father.— As this has been tached. I was very sorry to leave out on detached service. We landed i less to ...... slute, 1 am in very . _ good spir- _ set aside as a day to write to the re­ there at that time for 1 liked the here on August 15th aud after a lit- ■ its nowadays with all of the pleasant spective fathers of the A. E. F„ and town very much and I was in line tie delay we set up shop and settled rumors that are flying around to as there has been a great many re­ for something good. The work was down to the same olu business. It 1 cheer us on. It really looks like we strictions done away with in the line very pleasant and as 1 always liked was here that 1 got my first gas mask J will be home some tin^s early in the of censorship, I will try to bring my drafting work time passed fast. But experience, but it was an entirely ! spring but I am not giving thut as past year’s history somewhat up to orders are orders und something thut peaceful project. The barracks we ' authoriative by any means. At any date. Only tonight did we get the a soldier cannot gainsay if he would, drew were full of cooties and it fell | rate, it is a wonderful relief to know orders relieving us of the former so back 1 went. Now the secret of to my lot to fumigate the place. 1 got I that the war is finis and that all of difficulties of trying to write wlth- the thing was that 1 did not have the rid of them alright and there has ' this horrible bloodshed hus ceased. out any material. And now that 1 least idea what 1 was being transfer­ never been any here since. Then 1 We can act more like normal human have over a year's supply on hand I red back for. But when 1 got there it settled down to two weeks study beings when the strain is lifted and should be able to compose a fairly wus all explained to me. It seemed work in the drafting room. That it does seem great to be able to leavS lengthy epistle. that men of the qualifications re­ brings us up to the days of prepara- the windows uncovered after dark. To start at the beginning I may as quired in the 29th are rather hard tlou for the St Mlchiel scrap. We But we are still soldiers and there well go back to our sailing. We left to find so that when they got one in were kept busy as the dickens get­ has been no relaxation of discipline Camp Devens on January 29 and ar- they never let loose of him. It is the ting out maps for that little muss, so far and every man has performed I stayed at Langres for about four only regiment in the service that and then Just before it came off 1 I his duty just the same as ever. the 30th. We went straight through can grab their men anywhere they was sent up to Lignyen-Barrois so I want to thank you again for all into Weehawken, New Jersey, and find them. They sure grabbed me as to be a little closer to the scene the rememberances of the past year were put on a tug that took ub over and for a time I was pretty sore, of action. Ligny is only 22 kilos from and assure you that my thoughts to Hoboken and straight on to our but when 1 got down to real work I St Mihiel and we could hear quite drift back to home and home folks noble ship the Calamares. She is a god rid of that feeling. plainly all the bombardment. Here very, very frequently. Perhaps I United Fruit Co. boat and not overly I got back to Langres on May 25th we worked like Trojans from August have not written as often as I should large. It took us two days to get and from then until June 16th I 27 th until after the big push was but that is rather a family weakness loaded with the mixed cargo and was taking a special course in draft­ pulled off on September 12th and that has been hard to overcome, but then we set Bail on January 31. I ing. We were taught the different then work slackened up for a while. nevertheless I have appreciated more have really told you something of the phases of the game from a military It was here that 1 got my first close than I can tell the faithfulness with weather we suffered on the trip but standpoint, and needless to say, I impression of American results in which you and mother have kept up what made it worse, of course, was picked up a lot of pointers here. The this fighting game and they were the correspondence. There are some the various restrictions made by the instruction was fine and the course such that warms your heart. I liked things which are not capable of be­ danger of subs. We spent the sum of was very practical. During this time this little town of Ligny tine and ing expressed in mere words and so 19 long duys on board and finally my health was gradually on the was really sorry when 1 had to now, I find myself handicapped for landed in Brest on a fine Sunday mend, although I did not have very leave it. 1 had made several fine expression. None can have an idea morning, Fef. 17. We were taken out much strength. Took the Spanish flu friends among the French and was what a word from home means to us of Brest a short distance to an old on June 15th and the next day 1 beginning to feel more at home than over here, and so by reverse reason­ barracks that was built by Nepoleon got orders to move to Chaumont. I I had ever before at any French ing I suppose that our letters are sometime about 1800 and there we did not feel at all like moving, but I place. 1 made one particularly fine gratefully received on that side too. were rested up for two days. was anxious for the change that was friendship with an old gentleman So as well as circumstances will per­ The second stage of our journey is in sight and hoped for a chance to who is the superintendent of a large mit, I will renew my promise to write from Brest on up to our location in get out in the field where there factory where they make every kind often with as much news as I can the rear part of the , advance zone. would be a little more life and ex- of drafting and surveying instru­ think of. I will close by wishing you We left Brest on the evening of Feb. citement. At Chuumont I received ment in existence and through him all of the joys of a Merry Xmas and 19th and through the course of a some more instructions along the 1 obtained some real bargains in the a Happy New Year and may there be four days journey we passed through line of special means of map repro- way of instruments . But all good many more of them that we can such towns as St. Brieuo, Le Mans, duction such as the Hectograpt, things came t.o an end on Sept. 21st. share together, not counting out the Tours, Blois, Orleans, La Creusot, Jelly-roll, Cyclostyle, Mimograph 1 moved again via auto truck to next one. I will be thinking of your and then layed over Washington’s and the Dorrell process, All of this Souilly where we set up a sort of big* turkey next Thursday with birthday at lss-sur-Tille, leaving work 1 have found use for later. In temporary shop with a small de­ beaucoup longing while I am eating there late that night. We arrived at Chaumont I was among a lot of boys tachment of dsaftsmen. All we had roast duck. Love to all, I will close our final destination. Langres in the from the original B company and it here was the preparation and distri­ for this time, as ever, Your Son, department of the Haute Marne, seemed quite homelike. I stayed there bution of maps. It meant work hard­ Hugh. about 3 a.m., of February 23rd. As just long enough to celebrate the 4th, er than ever before tor this was just Notice of Final Settlement. this town sets up on top of a very hearing General Pershing speak from before the start of the drive to the ------ o------ steep hill we were pretty well wind­ the hotel de Ville, taking in a ball north and west of Verdun. We were Notice is hereby given by the un­ ed when we finally arrived at the game and other fixings of a real only 20 kilos from Verdun and top. And then, too, I had been sick large day, and the hooking a ride ubout 15 kilos from the nearest point dersigned, the administrator of the estate of Sophia Severance deceased, for the whole trip on the train and back to Langres that night. of the righting line. has filed in the County Court of Till­ that did not help my feelings any. It seemed that my school days I managed to get into Verdun and I stayed at Langes for about four were not over yet for they immed- I that historic spot left an impression amook County, Oregon, his final ac­ weeks, going to the hospital on iately placed me in another school, I on me that will linger to my grave. count with said estate and that the March 18. 1 was shipped to the base this time at the Aerial Photography. ' I will always recall that now famous said Court has fixed the 7tli day of hospital at Chaumont which is That does not mean that I ever motto of commanding general at the February, 1919, ,at the hour of 10 about 30 kilos from Langres. I was learned to take pictures or anything j time of the Hun push in 16 “Illes o’clock a.m. of said day and date at the County Court room in the County operated on there on March 25th, like that. In this game we study the \ n’passerant pas”. They did not Court House in Tillamook City, Ore­ just the day after my birthday. As it photos to locate enemy batteries and either. gon as the time and place for the was just that time that the Germans any other points that could be of 1 also contrived to get up into ac- pulled oft her big push at Cambrai military value. We make up entire tual contact with some real fighting. hearing of objections thereto if any, and the room was badly needed for maps from the original photos. This It was on the third or fourth day of and for the final settlement thereof. wounded in closer liispitals, I was is a trade all in itself and one that the scrap and 1 went clear up into Dated this 6th day of January, 1919. M. W. Harrison,, Admin­ evacuated to the hospital at Chatar- requires a good bit of skill and pa­ the edge of the Argonne woods. I istrator of the Estate of oux in the department of lndres. I tience. I finished this course on July was where 1 could see the German i Sophia Severance,, de- arrived there on Easter morning IStli and reported tor actual work I trenches und could see the shells ceased. quite a little worse for the trip. In in the drafting room. When you stop bursting among them and I there fact I was all in for a while. And and consider that our regiment is were quite a few coming from the Notice of Final Settlement. then as the drive continued and more charged with making all of the maps I other part of the compass too, some room was needed 1 was again packed required by our armies you may of them were going over quite harm­ Notice is hereby given by the un­ up and moved, tills time going clear have some idea as to the amount of lessly and some were not so distant. dersigned, the executrix of the last out of the zone of action to Bordeaux work in this line we turned out. There is no. telling just how far I will and testament of John Neiger, However, I was disatisfied with ' would have went if it hud not'been deceased, has filed in the County down in the southwest corner of France. I arrived here on the 3rd of this for I wanted to get in the field for the fact that the Germans put Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, April. I was st01 unable to get out of on survey work and 1 had been con­ over a barrage a kilo in front of us her final account with said estate bed and so much moving had gave tinually hounding the Major for a and right then I had enough. I airrt and the said court has fixed the 7th me a backset so it was about a week chance at it. At last he relented and no hog, not that way. I went back (lay of February, 1919, at the hour later before I got up and around. It on July 24th I was assigned to and rested up from my scare. I got of 10 o’clock a.m. of said day and was very pleasant down there at that another school, this time it was call­ ■ a few souvenires out of that expe­ date at the county court room in the time of the year, and the opening of ed the Orienteur school, being for dition. county court house in Tillamook City, spring seemed to help me wondefully the general instruction in the meth- On October 3rd I got odrers to re­ Oregon, as the time and place for the bo that when 1 did get up 1 made I ■ ods of field survey as used here. I port back to Neufchateau and 1 was hearing of objections thereto if any, great strides toward health again. started off with the plane table and totally at sea to know for what reas­ and for the final settlement thereof. I was discharged from the hospital on was progressing rapidly when there on. I was kept in suspense until I Dated this 6th day of January, 1919. April 19 with the understanding came orders sending me to active du- got there, wondering if I was going Barbara Nelger, execu­ that I was to go back to my original ty in the field. trix of the last will and to draw a court-martial br a dis- It seemed strange that after all charge or something else nice and organization, but there is where testament of John Neig- things began to slip for instead I this time over here 1 had not done pleasant like this, Well, 1 found a er, deceased. was sent to a casual depot at Blois anything but go to school except for surprise alright for here is where I in the department of Loir-et-Cher. the short time I was in Teurs and got my promotion to first sergeant, Notice of Final Account. In one respect I will always be glad what few days I had worked in the and again after' quite a long period Notice is hereby given that the un­ that the error was made for it was drafting room. But this move rem­ I donned stripes. This company 1 is there that I learned more French his­ edied all of that and from that day made up of a nucleus of the topo- dersigned has filed in the County tory than all the rest of my life put to this I have not had a single Idle graphic men from our old Company Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, together. Blois was at one time the moment. It has been tyork from sun B and A.with scattering squads from his final account as administrator, capitol of France and there is a tine to sun—both ways. On August 2nd I later arrivals. We have been asso­ and that said court has appointed old castle or chateau there that was proceeded by truck with a small ciated with the first army ever since Monday, the 3rd day of February, the homes of the kings and queens party through Provins Nogcut., Col- its organization, and as such fill a 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., for nearly four centuries. It was by umnierras to La Forte-sours-Jouarro place called G-2-c in the General at the county court room in the court the grace of good luck and ill health where we found another detachment staff organization, We have, as a house in Tillamook City, Tillamook that I landed a detail that put in the of our company set up in business. company, the duty of making all County, Oregon, as the time and position to gather this information Here we operated a small printing | surveys, all maps, and all printing place for hearing objections to said firsthand. The first and last thing plant on which were turned out for the 1st army, as well as distribut- final account and the settlement they do at a casual camp is to drill maps and job work and we had ing all maps that go to the various thereof. John William Jennings, adminis­ and the first time they took me out several draftsmen as well as quite a corps and divisions. You may gather and tried to run me through my large map distribution. This place from this that we are a talented as trator, with the will annexed, the paces I wilted on them and then It is just back of Chateau-Thierry and well as a diversified bunch. By far estate of Hugh Faraday Barnard, de­ was found that I was too weak to do we were on the tail end of that | the greatest percentage of the men ceased. H. T. Botts, marked the 1 are college products and there is a such strenuous stunts so they looked scrap. This place Attorney for Administrator. around to find a nice easy job for me. furtherst advance of the Huns in very high personnel throughout the The one they picked was a permanent 1914 and there are still many regiment. That is one reason, I sup­ Notice of Final Account. guard at this old chateau, la Chateau marks of his occupation. While here pose, that they hang onto a man so de Blois. I was billeted in the castle the British opened up to the north tight when they once get him. Notice is hereby given that Louisa Itself and so it was a most common of us and we could see very plainly Since I have come back here I have Zurfleuh Grab, the executrix of the stunt to tread the path of kings, even the flash of the firing and the steady made a pilgrimage to the shrine of estate of Henry Zurfleuh, deceased, If they were dead ones. It was here rumble told the tale of the big guns France—the birthplace and home of has filed with the County Court of that 1 ate dinner in the same hotel Our stay here was uneventful except Joan of Arc, or as the French ver­ Tillamook County, Oregon, her final that housed Columbus when he thut it gave me my first, hinf as to sion gives it, Jean D'Arc. It is in a acoount requesting that the same be came to solicit aid of the kings of the largeness of the operations. It small village named Domremy about [aPproved by the Court and that the France before Queen Isabella took was a continual source of interest to 11 kilos from here. The government administration upon said estate be him up. The pfece is still doing me to see the stead stream of sol- has preserved everything and it is all closed; and that the court has fixed business in what I imagine is about diers and big guns roll by. You open to the public in the form of a Saturday, the first day of February, the same old way.-It was here that would not think there were so many museum where there are daily, hun­ 1919, at 10 o’clock a.m., at the court I saw my first acquaintance on this motor trucks in the world as I saw dreds and even thousands of visitors. house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as side of the water in the form of a in one day here. Every Yank that conies into this sec­ the time and place for ¿tearing any But when our doughboys chased tion always makes a special effort to objections to said final account, and Ballston boy in the did Third Ore- gon band. We were present at a the Bosche off the map here there get there. It is the most sacred spot all persons concerned are required to presentation of war decorations to a was no further work for us to do so on Frrench soil and one cannot help present their objections, if any, at we pulled up stakes and left, It but feel that the French people still said time and place. lot of French soldiers. Thad some conservation with the seemed that there promised to be have a sort of blind faith that Jean Louisa Zurflueh Grab, Engineers qualification officer here more fun over on this side of the D'Arc is still leading them from her Executrix of the estate of proved world and history has since and on May 13th he ordered me to place on high. And so I am going to Henry Zurfluer, deceas­ Tours for duty with the Chief Bill­ the truth of the belief. On Au.;ust cherish my visit there in memory as ed. eting officer. I was placed in charge 14th we loaded up all of our outfit one of the most profitable days I Oeo. P. Winslow, of the drafting department and had on trucks and pulled over to the have ever spent. Attorney for said estate. just got my warrant as a sergeant railhead at Nogent le Artaud where SANITATION. That the germ is the cause of most deadly disease is more than mere theory—it is a real fact. The work of tuberculosis sanitoriumB, the ty­ phoid hospitals in the canal zone, the yaccine laboratories are all evi­ dence of the fact that the safety of man does not depend on good or bad luck, but upon the fight which each individual makes upon the disease germs, the cause of most losses of life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ on to kill the germs of disease several vital questions must be looked squar­ ely in the face or disinfectanting will be little better than useless. First— Has the disinfectant the power to kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, Can the disinfectant be used safely whenever disease germs are found? 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ where and every where, and by any body, and can it be used with safety? Therefore a disinfectant that can be used with safety must not be a poison or coatine acid, whereas poisonous disinfectants endanger the life of human beings or animals, this can be verified by turning to the files of our daily papers. When buying a dis­ infectant be sure what you buy as your life may depend on that pur­ chase, look at the label, note the germ killing power and if it is poison or not. Disinfectants are measured ' upon the germ killing strength of undiluted carbolic acid, which they term a phenol coefficient. Look for the phenol coefficient on the label. B. K. was tested by the United States Hygiene Laboratory and found to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus or ten times stronger than undiluted carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much stronger than coal tar disinfectants —much safer. Safe—B-K. contains .no .poison, acid or oil. Clean__ B.—K. 13 colorless, leaves stain on floors or walls. Drudorant— B.-K. destroys foul odors leaves no odor of itself. Cheap to Use—B.--K. 13 30 much stronger than other disinfectants that it does more disinfecting for the same money. Use it in Barber Shops, Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, nursing bottles, operating rooms, purifying air, sick rooms, etc. B.--K. is not a cure all but athor- ough germ killer. Protect yourself now against any dangerous disease germs that you may come in contact with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ antee. B—K stands absolutely on what it does for you. Use It according to directions then if you don’t find it exactly as represented by us we will refund your money—For sale by Kuppenbender, bith phones. 0R. O.SL. HOHLFELD, VETERINARIAN. Mutual Phone. Bell Phone—32J • - Tillamook Oregon. J-^AVID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, — TILLAMOOK p OREGON, T. BOAI.S, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. , (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook - . . . Oregon TD OBERT H. McGRATH, C ounsellor - at L aw , ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . 0ARL HABERLACH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORN EY-AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON . QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, J I - - Oregin. T. BUI 1 a ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxea Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamooa .... Oregon Both Plionee. C. HAWK, Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City ' - - - Oregon - 0R J. G.'TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to > Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. rp H T he . L atest r GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt I iubk Tillamook "- - - - Oi Igon. J OHN JLEI.AND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, T illamook B lock , Tillamook ■ . - - OtegSA. ROOM NO. 261. ! Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric Iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the H. T. Botts, Pres. Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- I.aw and Notrary Public. Western Electric Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. ; J The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. I Ask for a demonstra­ tion. COA SI ; POH ER CO > THE ELECTRIC STORPI Law Abstracts. Real Estate, .Insurance. Both Phones. DELCO-LIGHT The completa Electric Light ami Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot, smoky lamps. ACKLEY & MILLER Tillamook Garage, Tillamook Oregon.