TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 23, 1919. Lyster, T. W., farmer, Tillamook INFLUENZA MYSTIFIES AS .... o------- Lyster, Lee, farmer, Hemlock TO TRANSMISSION. Allen, P. E., farmer, Nehalem. Masou, Homer, farmer, Tillamook ------- o------- Allen, Cleveland, laboorer, Nehalem Maxwell, Wm., farmer, Tillamook Experiments Put Medical Experts Allender, Frai.k, farmer, Hemlock McClay, Robert, farmer, Beaver More in Dark. Ailey, C. L., laborer, Wheeler. McClure, J. C., clerk, Bay City -------o------- Anderson, Andrew farmer, Tillamook Mcllvaine, C. W., theatre. Bay City Anderson, Lewis, millman. Hemlock McKillip, Chas, farmer, Hebo An experiment which makes the Armentrout, F. S. rainier, Hemiova McKimens, Geo. R., farmer, Mohler transmission of influenza a more baf­ Y AN Ordinance passed by the City Council on Atkinson, Eugene, Uiu..., .Sana,....» McKinley, J. W., laborer, Bay City fling mystery than ever, and which Austin, A. M., survey v, . ulanibv... McMillan, N. farmer, Garibaldi at the same time places on record an Saturday, January 18th you are required to wear McNair, Alex, merchant, Tillamook 1 act of self-sacrificing heroism by Ayer, E. R,, i-rmcr, I!___ Messner, W. F., farmer, Cloverdale about 100 naval volunteers, has just a “Flu” Mask upon entering any Business House Bailey, D. A., .„rmcr, CT-vc.dale Baker, W. F., printer, Tillr.moc . Meyer, Frank, fanner, Hebo been completed by officers of the United States Public Health Service, j Mlles, H. A., farmer, Woods or Public Building of any kind. Bales, E. M., carpenter, Tillamook Miller, C. W., bookkeeper, Tillamook co-operating with medical officers of Barrett, P. W., printer, Tillamook the United States Navy at Boston j Batterson, S. M., farmer, Nehalem Miller, W. M., logger, Tillamook Batzner, Brad, blacksmith, Nehalem Moore, H. B. farmer, Hemlock and San Francisco. Directions for the Use tJJMasks are Not Morehead, Edw., farmer, Beaver Beals, A. G., farmer, Tillamook. As nearly everyone knows, sclent- | ists all over the world, in combating J Morgan, John, farmer, Tillamook Beals, F. it., realestate, Tillamook Of çJMasks. Uncomfortable. Beebrfieiser, J., laborer, Bay City Munson, Edgar, telephone manager, the spread of influenza, which is still Bell, W. A., farmer, Beaver. Tillamook going on, have proceeded on the as­ The same side of the Mask A sense of safety and com­ Billings, Dennison, farmer, Tillamook Nevins, J. T., shoemaker, Bay City sumption that it iB transmitted Blackburn, A. T., farmer, Hemlock Nielson, N. M., fanner, Tillamook [chiefly by coughing and spitting. should be out each time it plete protection makes it a Boatman, W. 8., farmer, Hebo. Nelson, John, merchant, Bay City Experiment is Made. Bodyfelt, O. W., farmer, Hebo. Noyes, W. E., farmer, Tillamook is put on and it should pleasure to wear them. All The theory has been that the dis­ Boon, Albert, blacksmith, Cloverdale Olson, Jonas, farmer, Tillamook eased mucous thrown out by these cover both the mouth and Boquist, N. G., farmer, Tillamook O'Neel, E. B., engineer. Hemlock cases of influenza, and the acts is filled with the germs of influ­ Boquist, G. E., farmer, Tillamook Owens, F. L., fanner, Tillamook lodgment in enza, which thus find the nose. If these precau­ Fearsan, C. E., farmer, Beaver. j Brandt, H. A., farmer, Saudlake. inhabitants of all houses experiments JJrode, L. F., clerk. Bay City. Pennington, A. A., merchant Tilla­ healthy tissue. All the tions are observed, the Phy­ heretofore made seem to indicate affected are now quarantined Briody, Fred, farmer, Cloverdale. mook I strongly that Influenza is transmit- Brooten, Heury, farmer, Cloverdale Pesterfleld, J., farmer, Tillamook sicians and Health Authori­ ted In this way, and it is well accept­ thus ensuring perfect safety Peterson, Andrew, farmer Garibaldi Broughton, W. E., farmer, Beaver. ed that most other respiratory dis­ Browning. J. J., farmer, Blaine. Phelps, A. W., farmer, Tillamook ties claim there is no danger and freedom of action to eases are so carried. Brown. J. J., carpenter, Tillamook Phillips, Irvin, farmer, Hemlock The latest experiment consisted in of the wearer contracting Buell, F. L., farmer, Tillamook Porter, T. A., farmer, Oretown those not affected by the submitting the hundred men who Burdick, M. B., lineman, Tillamook Proctor, J. H., farmer, Hemlock volunteered for the purpose to every Spanish Influenza. epidemic. Burton, C. F„ farmer, TiUamook Provoost, H. L., merchant, Bay City possible method of infection with in­ Butler, J. W., canneryman, Bay City Quick, I. F., farmer, Tillamook fluenza germs through the nose and Carter, E. F., farmer, Sandlake Ray, Chas., farmer, Cloverdale throat. These men risked their lives Cason, W. F., farmer, Blaine. Redberg, L. J., farmer, Oretown ç^Army and Navÿ Regulations ç_jlllow for the general good, and for the ad­ Chilcott, Ross, farmer, Hebo. Reddaway, W. N., laborer, Nehalem vancement of science. They went Christensen, C., farmer, Bay City Richards, R. O., farmer, Beaver 90 People in this Store at One Time. through a singularly trying and re­ Christensen, J., farmer. Hemlock Riechers, W. J., banker, Tillamook pulsive ordeal. They, and everyone Christensen, W. H., farmer, Oretown Robedee, W. R., merchant, Woods else believed that they were being Regarding the assembling of crowds the local Health Au­ Christensen, C. H., farmer, Nehalem Robison, That, banker, Tillamook inoculated with the dread disease Clark, Frank, farmer, Tillamook Rock, S. H., farmer, Oretown which is destroying millions of lives thorities have based their restrictions upon accepted Army Coffey, A. S., laborer, Cloverdale Rosenberg, J. H., merchant, Tllla-1 all over the world. Compton, A. A., farmer, Cloverdale mook. andjNavy Regulations which will permit over 90 customers in Volunteers Escape Disease. Condit, E. M. merchant, Tillamook Rowe, Frank A., banker, Wheeler Their heroism is fully equal to that [ Crenshaw, H., merchant, Tillamook Sales, W. H., farmer, Mohler this Store at one time. Curl, Carl, farmer, Beaver displayed some years ago by the men I ¡Scovell, E. K., farmer, Nehalem Curtis, David, farmer, Tillamook of the Army Medical Corps, who ex- [ Sellon, M. A...farmer, Nehalem In order, however, to give you the utmost protection pos­ Daniel, A. C., farmer, Mohler. posed themsedves in Cuba to the | Shearer, M. A., laborer, Garibaldi Daniels, L. C., farmer, Tillamook Shillinglaw, Thos, farmer, Hemlock bites of mosquitoes in order to de­ sible this store will admit not more than 25 customers at Darby, Daniel, farmer, Tillamook termine finally whether yellow fever Smith, Henry, farmer, Beaver Davis, J. T„ farmer, Beaver. was transmitted by that insect. The Smith, Chas. A., farmer, Cloverdale one time during the period the Influenza Ordinance is in Davidson, H. 8., farmer, Beaver. only difference in the two experi­ Stafford, J. T„ fanner, Tillamook effect i.e. Saturday, January 18th to Saturday, February 1st. Davidson, Fred, farmer, Tillamook ments was in the result. Some of the Stillwell, Robt., farmer, Tillamook Dawson, C. M., merchant, Tillamook Stone, C. F., contractor, Tillamook officers who exposed themselves to Dawson, Grant, farmer, Meda Sappington, F. L. civil engineer, the bite of the mosquito contracted Dolan, A. T., contractor, Tillamook yellow fever, and one of them died, Rockaway Donaldson, V., farmer, Tillamook thereby establishing the soundness Thomas, A. L., farmer, Tillamook Donaldson, Joe., furmer, Tillamook of their theory. The volunteers who Thompson, A. D., fanner, Nehalem Doughney, C. L. farmer, Nehalem submitted themselves to inoculation Thun, Herman, farmer, Blaine Dunn, D. J. farmer, Meda. with the germs of influenza were ful­ Tilden, A. S., farmer, Nehalem Dunham, B. B., farmer, Beaver. Tlnnerstet, Geo., farmer Tillamook ly expected to take the disease, and Durrer, Jos., farmer, Tillamook Tohl, H. W. hotel keeper, Nehalem were prepared to die, but not one of Dye, Connie, logger, Tillamook them developed any symptoms of in- Tomlinson, Ira, farmer, Tillamook Dye, N. J., luborer, Tillamook Trowbridge, M. C., farmer, Tillamook I fluenza! Earl, I. J., farmer, Tillamook Vaughn, Guy C., farmer, Tillamook The astonishing negative result, Easom, A. L.„ farmer, Mohler \vakeley, F. M., farmer, Nehalem which is the sensation of the day in Eberhardt, L. V.. abstractor, Tillu- Watt, Robt., millman. Bay City scientific circles, should not tempt mook. Werschkul, D. T„ farmer. Cloverdale anyone to be careless in the matter Ebinger, Paul, furmer, Tillamook White, L. J., farmer, Meda. of coughing and spitting or in expos- By this arrangement customers can purchase Masks and Edmunds, D. T., merchant, Pacific Wiiey, C. B., fanner, Tillamook ing himself to infection by those acts. City Wilson, Thos. R., fanner, Meda As officials of the Public Health adjust them before entering the Store. We protect your health Edson, W. H., furmer, Blaine Williams, Geo., farmer, Tillamook Service point out, it may be that the Edwards, U., farmer, Sandlake and your pocketbook. Shop where you can shop in safety. Williams, Janies, farmer, Tillamook germs of the disease disappear as Elliott, C. A., farmer, Bay City Williams, Geo. H., cruiser, Bay City soon as, or immediately after, the This Store is well ventilated and can be heated or cooled Elliott, S. W., farmer, Tillamook Woods, Roy, farmer, Beaver {symptoms appear. Something like Erickson, John, farmer, Tillamook Worthington, E. A., farmer, Tllla-[this is true of other diseases. within a few minutes as the weather demands. Erdt, Carl, farmer, Beaver mook. fare of Mouth Urged. Everson, A. C. reulestate, Tillamook Zuercher. John, farmer. Tillamook In meaaei8> for example, it has been Finlayson, A., farmer. Bay City found that the germs which cause Fletcher, D. 11., merchant, Oretown the disease are all gone within five See[Our Two Double Page Special Ads in The Tillamook Fletcher, Win,, luborer, Tillamook Cheat The Flu. or six days after the appearance of ------ o------- Foland, G. H., farmer, Tillamook Headlight of January 11th and 18th. the rash, and the case is no longer Folks, B. A., farmer, Tillamook Wear a mask and cheat the "flu,” contagious. The discovery of the fact Foster, J. C., farmer, Cloverdale Cover up your beauty; which was made by Anderson and Therein you will find needed seasonab'e wearing apparel Fowler, II. L„ furmer, Tillamook Tragic news is this indeed iGoldberger, of the Public Health Ser- Fowler,, Gus, furmer, Beaver. For little Mildred Cutey; for every member of the family, Footwear for Men, Women I vice, only a few years ago, has led to Freeberg, A. B., farmer, Tillamook .Spoils that luring rosebud smile. I shortening the quarantine period for and Children, and Novelties for Personal and Home Use at Freeman, Frank, farmer, Tillamook Screens the saucy dimples— Imeasels by more than half. Friable, OtiH, barber, Tillamook But Lily White price concessions that are*imply astonishing. Briefly out­ "These new experiments in the Gage, W. A., farmer, Cloverdale Is all delight; transmission of influenza," said Sur­ lined there are Suits, Coats, Dresses, Silk Waists, Cornets. Gardner, A. F., farmer, Blaine Hides her mole and pimples. geon General Blue, "show how diffi­ Gaylord, A. H., insurance, Tillamook Petticoats,under-things of Silk and Cotton, and Millinery for cult is the influenza problem. They Don't we know a lot of plugs George, J. L. banker, Cloverdale by no means indicate that we can af- Who ought to wear a muzzle! Gilbert, W. J., clerk, Tillamook Ladies and Misses—Men’s, Youngmen’s and Boys’ Suits, I ford to disregard coughing and spit­ Problem, this has been for years, Gilbert. F. S., farmer, Beaver I ting as Overcoats, Mackinaws. Gum Boots, Logging Shirts and Foot­ Quite a weary puzzle. common means of spreading Gist, Archie, merchant, Tillamook I disease, and even in the case of in­ Wow we'd work this very thing; Glick, Wm., farmer, Clov-rdule wear, Underwear and Furnishings of all kinds—Footwear for I fluenza fills source of infection How the doctors do it; Goeres, Wm., farmer, Tillamook I should always be borne Men, Women, Boys and Girls—Women’s Neckwear, Gloves, Strap some guuze in mind. I Goldsworthy, J., farmer, Beaver believe, however, that we have not On their jaws; Goodspeed. D. E„ laborer, Tillamook Silk and Lisle Hose, Knit Underwear, Handkerchiefs, paid sufficient attention to other Let them whistle through it. Graff, John, farmer, Hemlock. I paths of infection, especially to the Sweaters and Knit Goods of all kinds—Staple Goods of all Haag, Arthur, farmer, Beaver. Ought to do a lot of good, lips, mouth and hands. The fact that Hall, Elmer, farmer, Hemlock Hot air conservation; kinds, Sheetings, Towels, Percales, Ginghams, Outings and I the disease was much less common Haltoni, E. T., merchant, Tillamook Halts the hopping Spanish germ, in army camps, where the steriliza­ Draperies —Wool and Wool Mixed Dress Goods, Plain and Hanks, C. J., teamster, Nehalem And the conversation. tion of all eating uteusils and dishes Hanson, H. C., farmer, Tillamook Great relief Is this to us, Novelty Silks of the newest and most popular weaves—Men’s *ere rigidly enforced, shows the im- Hart, G. E„ farmer, lllamook All these years we've listened; I portance of the mouth as an avenue and Women’s Umbrellas—Travelling Bags—Remnants— Hathaway, J. H . farmer, Tillamook To these guys, of infection." Helsel, Peter, futnter, Tillamook As in our eyes. Odds and Ends of goods from every department and our En­ There can be no doubt but that Henderson, G. A., farmer. Nehalem Tears of rage oft glistened. these experiments at Boston and San tire Stock of All Wool Blankets and White Goods both in the Hess, E. A., laborer. Bay City All jokes aside, now isn't it Francisco were carried out with the High. W. A., druggist, Cloverdale bolt and made up. Just like our village leaders; utmost thoroughness. Himes, R. L., laborer, Tillamook Those grave and portly gentlemen, Hiner, Len, machinist, Tillamook Physician! are Puzzled. Those hale and hearty feeders, Hobson, F. 1’., farmer, Garibaldi The result of this experiment have Io start a "drive ” - a hue and cry, Holden, Verner, farmer, Tillamook left the medical world completely be­ Keplete with "organization", Hollett, J. J., farmer, Blaine wildered. ■Moulding laws Honey. J. B. farmer, Tillamook The only thing which can be con­ To force the cause Honey, hane, furmer. Bay City sidered proved about Influenza so far simple sanitation. Of Hopkins. D. P„ farmer Tillamook is that it is still a mystery, both sb Howard. H. E . merchant, Nehalem Certainly it's very tough to the nature of its causative germ Hudson. J. J., furmer, Cloverdale Upon our merchant princes. and as to its means of transmission, Hunter. Frank, luborer. Tillamook And on the movies, and the gents and therefore especially dangerous. Jacoby. Theo, utility, Buy City Who sell friend mush and quinces. Authorities, however, still consider Jackson. R. E.. surveyor, Bar View But If the quarantining scheme influenza a crowd disease, and all Jennings, J W,, furmer. Bay City Is futile and defective; unnecessary gatherings of people Johnson, *-*— W. H . farmer, - Tillamook Let's shut the town should be discuuiaged when Influ­ Johnson. J. H„ farmer, Tillamook Tight up and down, enza is prevalent. Jones. It . A.. fanner, Blaine And storm the main objective. Jones, D. L. farmer, Blaine Jerry Owen, in Oregon Voter Cure at a Cost of 25 Cents. Kennedy, , J. G. merchant, Tillamook -------o------- Keyes. W. . H lineman, Tillamook Buy Your Meat for Canning Now. "Eight »ears ago when we first King. Henry L.. clerk, ____ r Tillamook _________ moved to .Mattoon, I was a great suf- Klnnaman. farmer, Tillamook Meut will be high this winter. Get ferer from indigestion and constipa­ Kinnaman, O. W., farmer, Beaver Klnnaman. Clyde, farmer. Bay City it now for canning, while it is cheap. tion." writes Mrs. Robert Allison. Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per Mattoon. 111. "I had frequent head­ Kraner, L. M telephone. Cloverdule pound. I Plant More Berries. aches and dizzy »petto, and there was Lane, C. M., furmer, Hebo For Sale For a Short Time Only. Beef steak. 18c. to 28c. per th. Ownenhip Notice. a feeling like a heavy weight press-j Lantz, E. G. photogrupher. Tilla­ - — o — Beef pot roast, 12Vic. to 22c per ing on my etom*3h and chest all the mook One of the best ranches in Tilla­ Graves Bros., will contract your pound. time. I felt miserable. Every morsel l*rson, Louis, farmer, Tillamook mook County, close to town, fine im-I Thto is to certify that I am tie [of food distressed me. I could not Logan berries and blackberries for 5 provements. good buildings, electric 1 Boiling beef. 9c. to 17c. per lb. l-iwrenee. J. I., farmer. Cloverdale years. owner and publisher of the Tilla- Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb. rest at night ar.d felt tired and worn Leland. P. E., farmer, Hebo. to date. This mook Headlight, published at Till«- Arrange to plant some acreage this lights, thoroughly _ . up ---------------- All meats are government inspect­ berlain's Tablets cured me and I alien, Jerry, furmer. Hebo spring. For particulars write. ed. have since felt like a different per- 1 bo and is only on the market now for a I Graves Bros.. Tillamook Meat Co. eoa.'—Paid Adv. stockholders in the same. farmer, Cloverdale Dallas, Oregon. brief period. It will pay you to see Fred C. Bak. Everson. JURY LIST FOR 1818. WEAR A MASK Masks are On Sale In the Recess of the Store 10c. Each 3 for 25c TILLAMOOK OREGON. ---- o---- £ it'."“.?.', o”«™- •»- >»««»- - j.