TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 1Ö, 1919. What the Editors Say ... .w.u.... Notice of Final Settlement. who took the course now face the 26,688,000^ bu^neis Notice is hereby given by the un­ short 6,413.000 bushels. fact that they may never 1 become, -------- ‘ was dersigned. the administrator of the But the price of cotton was left tr> citizens of the United States and may I estate of Sophia Severance deceased, even be deported. But while, if the mount to unheard of quotations un- has filed in the County Court of Till­ der the law of supply and demand. charge be true, the counsuls are to be amook County, Oregon, his final ac­ blamed, this does not excuse those The government put its heavy hand count with said estate and that the on the wheat grower ’ s pocket but who secured exemption at the ex­ said Court has fixed the 7th day of pense of citizenship, for they were left the southern cotton grower alone ! February, 1919, ,at the hour of 10 I That was injury. The camouflage doubly guilty in not seeking to evade controlled o’clock a.m. of said day and date at responsibility to their adopted ' that the government wheat prices for the benefit of the ' the County Court room in the County country, but also in seeking guidance 'court House in Tillamook City, Ore­ from representatives of a govern­ w heat growers is insult added to in­ gon as the time and place for the jury. — Spokesman Review. ment they had intended to renounce. hearing of objections thereto if any. OME people do not realize the many If their adopted country was worth | and for the final settlement thereof. different ways in which this bank can living in it was worth defending, and Dated this 6th day of January. 1919. Just Reciprocity. serve them. It is unusually u^ll equip­ they cannot complain if they are sent I I M. W. Harrison,, Admin­ back to the country they decided up­ ped to furnish valuable information and istrator of the Estate of When the national administration on when called upon to make a Sophia Severance,, de­ advice on financial and business matters. • placed vaudeville performers and choice.—Hillsboro Independent. ' ceased. Our customers have often been able to 1 moving picture actors in the class ex­ empt from military service a some- avoid serious losses by making use of our Big Wash—Little Hang Out. Notice of Final Settlement. * what indignant public wondered why. access to first hand business information. The answer today ia before anyone The day after the signing of the who attends the entertainments pro­ Notice 1 b hereby given by the un­ The Los Angeles Times concedes Our membership in the Federal Re­ that it, "seems tough luck for a war­ armistice on November 11th, the iirst vided by these beneficiaries of an dersigned, the executrix of the last serve Banking System gives us special rior to come back from France and American shells filled with poison amazing bounty. Studiedly, ostenta­ will and testament of John Neiger. facilities for meeting the requirements of fight a woman to get his job back.” gas reached France. They were the tiously, and obtrusively the name of deceased. has filed in the County But lots of them will have to do it. product of a gas producing plant in President Wilson is glorified and his Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, this community. Moreover, it is our The girls who have made good and .Maryland upon which the govern­ claims for a third term artfully ad­ her final account with said estate aim to give a helpful, progressive per­ like It will not want to let go. There ment had expended $60.000,000. It vanced. However, the public is wise and the said court has fixed the 7th sonal-service to every depositor—regard­ are quite a number of little problems is true that some gas had been ship­ and those whose sons, sweethearts day of February. 1919, at the hour less of the size of his account. in this readjustment business.—Ob­ ped in containers to England and and husbands have been taken from of 10 o’clock a.m. of said day and France, there to be placed in shells useful and productive occupations to date at the county court room in the server. Put our sincerity to the test. Step in for the use of the American forces, fight for the nation have very little county court house in Tillamook City, Revocation or Buspension of state but the fact remains that the history use for the propaganda pressed upon Oregon, as the time and place for the ind have a talk with us. auto license as a means of really of the gas service is very closely a them by greasy Thespians who were hearing of objections thereto if any, Tillamook County Bank punishing speed maniacs is proposed repetition of the story of the ord­ kept in the safety zone by prudence and for the final settlement thereof. Tillamook, Oregon Dated this 6th day of January, 1919. by the county commissioners’ con­ nance and aviation programs—trem­ and presidential favor. Barbara Neiger, execu­ vention. It is expected that several endous preparation with mighty lit­ trix of the last will and bills dealing with this subject will tle to show for it at the fighting Socialistic Menace. testament of John Neig­ be proposed during the session, as it front. Like the ordinance experts and er, deceased. is a matter on which nearly every the officials of the air service, those legislator has his own positive ideas. in charge of the chemical section of i Vice President Marshall looks to the War Department are now engag­ our returning soldiers to save this -—Oregon Voter. Notice of Final Account. ed in convincing the people that just country from ruin at the hands of ------ o------ ------ o------ There is no substitute for hard work as the armistice was signed, they bolsheviki, socialists and anarchists. Notice is hereby given that the un­ were on the point of beginning to get In an address at Boston a few days All the successful men of today have dersigned has filed in the County served their apprenticeship of hard ready to start shipments of their pro­ ■ ago he said; “In spite of all fears and misgiv­ Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, work and long hours—much longer duct to our armies. Glowing stories his final account as administrator, hours than men put in as a rule to- are told of the immense amount of ings, this republic of our is going to and that said court has appointed gas produced, as if that were the test be the republic of the fathers be ­ ali the day. The man who thinks Monday, the 3rd day of February. comforts of life will be handed to of efficieny. They claim that the cause those 2,000,000 men, who were 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., him by some bolshevik organization tons of poisonous gasses ready for prepared to die in the name of de­ at the county court room in the court has his eyes trained on a rainbow shipment abroad was considered to mocracy ’over there’ are going to see house in Tillamook City, Tillamook and his feet stuck in a bog.—Item- one of the greatest military assests of to it that they and their decendents County. Oregon, as the time and the nation.” Stress is laid on the fact shall live for the rights of humanity izer. E that all along the Atlantic seaboard over here. America is all right, and place for hearing objections to said E For disenfecting where Contagious or E The battle against Prusslanism has arsenals, magazines, fields and docks the American has justified hln self final account and the settlement I thereof. made America a better democracy be- were stacked high with gas contain­ in the sight of God and man.’’ John William Jennings, adminis­ infectious diseases are prevailing. ers. Attention is called to the fact i cause class distinction was wiped out Mr. Marshall is entirely correct in trator, with the will annexed, the that adjoining the $60,000,000 gas E I in the army. The millionaire and the his assumption that the returning CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ poor young man fought side by side; plant there is a ten acre field filled soldiers are going to stand fast for estate of Hugh Faraday Barnard, de­ the aristocrat and the lower class 1 with containers, each holding a ton the preservation of the public ceased. ful Germicidal mixture and by its use H. T. Botts, E went over the top together. The ques­ 1 of the murderous stuff. And now all of our fathers. They certainly are. Attorney for Administrator. K will improve general stable conditions. this fine spirit of this is to el ’ d in a big splash. The gas tion is whether t__ ____ _ But it might be very well to take h i companionship and action will con­ is a total loss. It cannot be converted cognizance of the fact that they will Executor's Notice to Creditors. tinue during the days of peace.— into any useful purpose, and is a not stand alone. They are going to positive danger to the community. As have plenty of support. For despite News Reporter. E Notice is hereby given, that the s. means of safe disposal, it is pro- the yowling, the howling, and the I ------ o------ K In Oregon 32 new laws are demand- posed to take it all out to sea and caterwauling of the ’Gene Debses, the undersigned Earl N. Filsinget, by an E I ed by labor organizations of special dump it overboard. What an anti- Bill Haywoods, the Tom -Mooneys, order of the County Court, duly RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. i benefit to organized iabor, but most climax!—Umpqua Valley News. the J. Ham Lewises, the Jansy Bak­ . made and entered, has been ap- ' of them will fall upon the taxpayer I • ers, the George Creels, and a lot of I pointed executor of the EBtate and with increasing expense to meet and Our Wheatgrowers Injured and In- other wild-eyed "friends of the peo­ the last will and testament of Karl many new offices. Among these are ple” the great majority of the citi­ . Grautnann, deceased, late of Clark suited. bakery inspectors, bricklayer inspec- zens of the United States have their ■ County, Washington. Notice is fur­ ------ o------ 5a525aSa52Sa5BK5H5?5B525H52SclS25SSaS2525?5H525252525MH5aSH5tlS?5a5?5?S5 j tors, food inspectors, paint inspec- of ther given, that all persons' having The New York Tribune very justly faces sternly set against the policy jnso | claims against the said estate must ' tors, creating safety first officers for paternalism ’ that has been so ’ ' present the same to the undersigned, all corporations, etc. * The demand censures those metropolitan news­ lently and impudently imposed upon for class legislation is on the increase papers and politicians that are try­ this country during the past few or to his attorneys, within six months from this date, with vouch­ and the office holding class and or­ ing to make appear that the govern­ months. ers duly verified, according to law. ganizations of all kinds are the most ment control of wheat prices was an They are resolved that the govern ­ . fruitful source of legislation, pro­ act of favoritism to the wheat grow­ ment belongs to the people rather Dated this December 17, 1918. Earl N. Filsinger, Exe­ ducing a never-ending stream. Legis­ ls, The truth, as the Tribune says, than the people to the government, cutor of the Estate and lators, watch your step.—Telephone is that the government laid its hand and they are grimly determined that .on wlieak for the benefit of our al­ the last Will and Testa­ I Register. lies and the consumers in the non- socialism in this country shall be ment of Karl Graumann I ------ o------ curbed. The result of the recent elec ­ deceased. Address, I In pre-war days the rarilroads were • wheat growing states of this country tion was a hint of what is. in their Salem, Oregon. one of the newspapers best adver­ atnd thereby held down the price and minds, but only a hint, for thousands Johnson & Handley 2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd„Sts. tisers. Under government operation deprived the farmer in the wheat there were who stood by the admin­ I railroad advertising in newspapers is growing states of hundreds of mil- istration because we were at war, Attorneys for the Executor, Tillamook, Ore. cut off. Now in Director General Mc- ■ lions of dollars that would have while many thousands of others still ■:i Successor to J. S Stephens. i Adoo's "information for the press,” i come to them if prices had been left cling to their party because convic- «ílié5HSÍ5¿S¿3«SE5aSS5252S2S¡í5H52SE5ESH5HS25a5HS25HSESaSaSH525a5HSÍS25a52S , which is of course for free publica- ! to the law of supply and demand. Notice of Final Account. ed that its acceptance of patriotism I tion, newspapers are advised of rail­ I ’A year ago last summer (says the was a mere temporary expedient. Notice is hereby given that Louisa road excursion rates to different •Tribune) cash wheat was selling in Zurfleuh Grab, the executrix of the parts of the country in order to build the Chicago market for >3.25 a bush­ up traffic. Freight and passenger el. In other western markets as high Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. estate of Henry Zurfleuh, deceased, ----- o has filed with the County Court of rates have been increased 25 per as $3.75. The government stepped in Notice is hereby given, that the Tillamook County, Oregon, her final cent—more than private manage­ and fixed a price of $2.20, Chicago ment ever thought of asking. The base, subsequently raised, for the undersigned Thomas McGlinchy, by acoount requesting that the same be an order of the County Court for Til­ approved by the Court and that the newspapers are wondering how long next year’s crop to $2.26." ■ it will be before the Director Gener- ' Undoubtedly wheat would have lamook County, Oregon« has been ap­ administration upon said estate be al uses legitimate advertising to gone that year to $4 a bushel or pointed administrator of the Estate closed; and that the court has fixed I build up the trade the roads now higher for the American crop was of Edward McGlinchy, deceased, late Saturday, the first day of February, I need. Why not advertise a little Mr. down to 651,000,000 bushels in 1917 of Tillamook County, Oregon. Notice 1919, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the court McAdoo. The war is over and the as against a yield in 1915 of more is further given, that all persons house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as having claims against the said estate the time and place for hearing any newspapers have advertising Bpace than 1,000,000,000 bushels. for sale and advertising is a legiti­ I The record proves that government are hereby required to present the objections to said final account, and mate expense of any up-to-date busi­ control put the price down by more same, duly verified and with proper all persons concerned are required to i than a dollar a bushel. Count it only vouchers, to the undersigned admin­ present their objections, If any, at ness.—Umpqua Valley News. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN 'a dollar and on that conservative istrator, at 546 Marshall St., Port­ said time and place. ------ 0------ THE COUNTY. That was a crisp correspondence basis price regulation deprived the land, Oregon, or to his attorneys Louisa Zurflueh Grab, between Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hearst. wheat growers of the Pacific North­ within six months from this date. Executrix of the estate of See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. Dated this December 17, 1918. ; Mayor Hylan, of New York, asked west of $73.948,000 on their 1917 Henry Zurfluer, deceas­ Thomas McGlinchy, Charles E. Hughes to serve on the crop of 73.948.000 bushels. Accord­ ed. Administrator of the Es­ Geo. P. Winslow, Mayor’s committee to welcome home- ing to the records of the United tate of Edward McGlin­ Attorney for said estate. coming troops. In a letter declining States department of agriculture, chy, deceased. his appointment Mr. Hughes said he Washington's sacrifice on that basis iBSHszsasaszsKzsasaszsaszszsasas Johnson and Handley, regarded "this relation to Mr Hearst was $29.218,000, Oregon’B $12 963.- Chamberlain’i Cough Remedy. to the city's welcome as most unsuit­ 000, Idaho’s $13.844,000. Montana’s Attorneys for the administrator. ------ o------ Tillamook, Oregon. able,” and " our men cannot fail to $17.963.000. I Before using this preparation for resent it." Mayor Hylan replied that 1 If the government had kept its a cough or cold you may wish to Mr. Hughes' pleasure at the return hand off the wheat market and the Notice of Administratrix Sale. know what it has done for others. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL of the troops "must have been very price had gone beyond $4 a bushel, ------•------ Mrs. O. Cook, Macon, Ill., writes, “I deep-seated when you allow your as is more likely, the wheat growers Notice is hereby given that the un- have found it gives the quickest re­ CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND personal feelings with respect to an of these four states would have ave re- re- designed administratrix will sell at lief of any cough remedy I have ever Individual to influence you, rather ’ celved $148,000,000 ------- ------- - J more 1 for __ the, ( private sale from and after the 15th used.” Mrs. James A. Knott, Chill­ BRICK'; DOMESTIC STEAM AND than your duty to the soldier bays. ” I 1917 crop than they received under day of February. 1919. the following icothe, Mo., says: "Chamberlain's and added that he supposed "if you ' government price fixing—$2 more a described real property, situate in Cough Remedy cannot be beat tor SMITHING COAL. and Mr. Hearst had been of draft age bushel for the 73.948.000 bushels Tillamook County. Oregon, to-wit: coughs and colds." H. J. Moore, Oval Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. Went. TilluniOt k Or. and had been called by the govern-1 grown in Montana, Washington, Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane Pa., says: “I have ased Chamberlain’s inent. you would have refused to 1 Idaho and Oregon in 1917. Fuller’s Addition to the town of Bay Cough Remedy on several occations serve." Mr. Hughes answered that I Who were the beneficiaries of this City, in Tillamook County. Oregon, when I was suffering with a settled he could show his appreciation of the,government price suppression? Very to the recorded plat there­ cold upon the chest and it has always soldiers' work without participating * largely the people of the non-wheat according brought about a cure. of. SSaS2SH5a52SZ52SZS25aS2525a5aS2S2Sa5B5aSÎ5252S2SH5ZSZSÎSHS252S25aSî52<^ ib the use of the city’s welcome as a growing states of this country. Said sale will be made for cash vehicle for a public testimonial to The North Atlantic group of states and will be subject to confirmation WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS Mr. Hearst.”—Telephone Register. as shown by the reports of the Unit­ by the County Court of Tillamook ----- o—— ._______ of agriculture. County. Oregon, and bids will be re­ FOR SPOT CASH ed States department If there is truth in the report that had a wheat deficit in 1917 of 110 - ceived either at the residence of the ANY ISSUE. the Swedish and Swiss counsuls in ’ 534,000 * bushels. --- . . That . the Swedish is. that group undersigned or at the office of H. T.1 Oregon «ere active in advising na-1 of states had to buy. for their ow n Botts, attorney at law, both in Tilla- $50 $100 I fives of those countries to hand in consumption, 110,000.000 bushels mook City. Oregon. This sale is made $500 $1000 1 first naturalization papers to secure | from the wheat growing states of the ------ o------ in pursuance of the order of the I exemption from the draft It would, Union Massachusetts bought 17,000- County Court In Tillamook County, Send u» your Bondi by registered, seern that these gentlemen should not 000 bushels. New York 43 540 000 Oregon. letter and receive highest market be overlooked by the authorities. A 1 bushels. New Jersey 12.047.000 bu- resident of Washington county who shels and Pennsylvania 23 580 000 Dated this 1th day of January, 1919. price by return mail. Catherine A. Long BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL ‘PHONE .claims to know, asserts that such ad- j bushels. Administratrix de bonis WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO vice was given to many who looked) Of the same 1917 crop the south • of the Estate of Mina J. IWi to the counsuls for guidance, and . Atlantic stales bought 10.473,000 200 Central Bldg. Campbell, deceased. Seattle Waah. The Usefulness of This Bank S I E I CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. SEE W. A. CHURCH, FOR INSURANCE. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile AUEX. JVIeNfllR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. LAMB-SCHRADER co . Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector —o------ Being denied a request to carry a red flag at the funeral of one of their members at Spokane Sunday the I. W. W..’s did the next best thing by adorning the neck of the deceased with a flowing red necktie and made their floral offerings prominent with red flowers.—Sheri­ dan Sun. ■ o • - - It is estimated that it will cost the government at least half a billion dollars to maintain the guaranteed 1 price of wheat raised in this country j next year. Oh, well, what is the dif­ ference? The money will be well dis­ tributed, and it should help quite a little to boom trade and keep up pros­ perity.—Observer.