Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 16, 1919, Image 2

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Editorial Snap Shots
One thing about the flu. The mar­
ried men are staying home at nights
getting better acquainted with their
------- o-------
We must modify our opinion of
bootleggers. Those who are rustling
a little of the "critter" for flu pa­
tients are Good Sainaritians.
------- o-------
Al) kinds of theories are being ad-
vanced as to the origin of the flu
plague. The latest is that it was
caused by the poisonous gas used in
the war.
It is to be hoped that the south-
west wind and rata .norm that struck
the county this morning will have
the effect of driving away the flu
------ o------
Just hear them squeal. We mean
the Germans when they read the
terms of peace. And then keep close
tab on pro-Germans and German
sympathisers in the United States
and in this neck of the woods, for
you will hear them squeal also.
— . o------
Abe Martin Interpreti the lut Elec­
8100.000 is to be expended on sur­
veying, grading and graveling the
road. It is to the advantage of the
State Highway Commission to have
this road hardsurfaced, as well as to
Tillamook County, for it will relieve
the Commission of maintaining a ma­
cadam road, for it is one of the stip­
ulations with the County Court that
the Commission assume the expense
of the maintenance of the road. And,
further, it would be completion of
nearly ten miles of road which is on
the main highway of Tillamook
County. We cannot see how the State
Highway Commission can fail to ac­
cept the offer of the County Court.
It looks as though government
ownership of railroads is going to be­
come a political question of some im­
portance. It will be remembered that
Bryan advocated government owner­
ship of railroads on returning from
a European tour, and that seemed to
cook his political goose. McAdoo is
now advocating the same thing, but
goes a little in advance of Bryan. He
wants the government to appropriate
82,000,000,000 to help run the rail­
roads the next five years. If the peo­
ple have to dig up a lot of money, to
help run the railroads, why can’t the
government apropriate money and do
the same thing for every public
utility corporation? One thing is cer­
tain, railroad employees are in favor
of government ownership, who hopo
to maintain wartime wager under
normal conditions.
Secretary Baker says the navy is
deficit 8270,400,000, and wants con­
gress to appropriate that amount of
money to square the accounts to the
end of last year. The democratic par­
ty surely knows how to Bpend money.
It should change its name from a free
------ o-------
trade party to the free spenderB’
Some of our citizens are a little
mixed up about the 50-50 proposition
------ o------
in road building. It is on the tapis
England, which had less than a
that the government is going to ap­
thousand alien enemies in detention propriate a large amount of money
camps, is shipping them out ot that '
for road building, and should the
country to their own countries. . government appropriate a 81,000,000
for Oregon, the state would have to
it hundreds ot seditious persons were
put up a like amount. A plan, in all
allowed to remain in England they
probability, will be worked out at
would be the first to start a bolshev-
this session of the state legislature
iki movement.
whereby the State Highway Commis­
Even a Democrat ought to get a
laught out of Abe Martin’s explana-
tion of why ths Democrats loat the
laugh out of Abe Martin’s explana-
apolis New -
------- o-------
The followin' expressions regard­
in’ Tuesday’s political cyclone ap-
pear in the Weekly Sliphorn an’
come front a wide variety of Dintmy-
"This is an age o’ surprises. If any-
buddy had predicted what has hap­
pened he’d a been jugged as a luna­
tic. After carefully goin* over th’ re­
turns I’m convinced that the’ sleeper
rates t' Chicago played a large part
in changin' th’ next Congress. How­
ever, there’s no doubt that th’ six
cent nickel cigar started people to
thingin’ an’ caused much popular re­
sentment. Events’ll have t’ prove th’
wisdom of th’ turn over."
'Personally I didn ’t vote. Quite a
number of us fellers got t’gether th’
day before th’ election an' talked th’
matter over. We're all makin’ three
dollars an’ elghty-flve cents an hour,
an’ double time for overtime. Times
is good with us. O’ course we pay
more for terbaker, but we're makin’
good money. We decided to let well
enough alone an’ don’ vote."
’I’ve been a Dimmycrat so long
that Tuesday’s landslide wuz jest an
incident. These haint normal times.
That a great many people have been
growin’ rich durin’ th’ last two years ,
ther kin be no doubt, but our politi­
cians overlooked th' great army ot
malcontents that have been strug- i
glin’ tho’ th’ war on peace salaries I
eatin’ cornmean an' liver an’ payin’
four prices for shoes with pasteboard
soles. They wus probably thinkin' o’
th’ wealthy rlviters o’ Hog Island
when they voted Tuesday when 14
year old track greasers kin make as I
' much as th’ governor o’ th’ state '
somethin’s bound t’ happen. When .
some fellers are makin’ so much they
won’t lay off long enough t' light
ther pipes, all signs fail. We’ll lick
’em the next time.”
Compare the Food Energy Content
of Various Food Products With
Columbia Brand
The Thrift Spread”
Porterhouse Steak. 1100
Mutton Chops .... 1415
Cream Celery Soup. 235
Milk.......................... . 310
s 3| joibo
........................... H9(ddy
................... saotBtuox
..................... saojmoj
• .mans patninntuQ
......... pesjg JB9UA1
............................ aaiH
jnou )BaqA\ ’J|l“H
( The above figures taken from U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Bulletin 142)
Columbia Brand Oleomargarine Contains
3410 Calories to the Pound
and save a worth-while sum on your grocery bill. Taste»
good on bread—fine for frying and baking—sweet, pure,
wholesome—-not touched by hand in manufacture or
sion will appropriate certain sums
of money for every county with the
understanding that each county ap­
propriate a like amount of money
Churned Fresh Daily.
Put up in Waxed Odorproof Cartons.
for state highways. From the looks
of things Tillamook County will be
right in line to take advantage of
these 50-50 propositions offered by
"We'll never kuow whether the
the federal government and the state president made a mistake or not fer I
if that plan is adopted by the state Somethin’ tell me it was th' original
legislature and the coming bonds.
intention o’ th’ country t’ make th’
' president saved a couple of senators?
Hum all appeatances the flu situa- However» ther's one thing l'nt con-
tion in Oregon is causing some flur-1 vinced of—I’ve long contended tha
ry, with, as usual, different methods th’ president’s language is too cop­
to cope with it. The whole trouble ious fer th' average voters' under-
was in starting at the wrong end. standln'. I don't get half he says.”
Instead of quarantineing
patients I
and the houses, embargoes were plac­ ! "Well, th’ unexpected has happen-
ed on meetings, schools, churches, ed, but I don’t know why it wuz un­
Put your finger in the calves mouth and feel the way the
I etc. It is not to be wondered at that expected. We ought t’ have guessed
First it sucks gently. Next it squeezes downward
the epidemic spread, when no re­ it. Ever'thing wuz so quiet that we
and the roof of its mmth. Then it stops sucking
straint were placed on persons suf­ should have smelled a mouse, Ther’
fering with it. It will be remembered wuz no reason t’ keep quiet about
for an instant while it swallows, 1 erring go of your finger and
that the snap shot man has advocat­ sustainin’ Wilson. Why didn't we
allowing the blood to flow freely.
ed a strict quarantine from the first, think o’ that? A great many things
treating all flu cases the same as may have brought Tuesday’s result
'Chis is the natural safe way to mrtk.
Here is another reason why the small pox and other infectious dis­ but it's my opinion that th’ people
Naw put your finger in the teat oup of the Perfection
Bayocean road should be completed. eases. It may be wise, even now, to resented being’ tampered with an’
It will not be long before the timber consider the advisability of establish­ th* picture the-aters left th' people
Notice how it first applies » gentle steady suction,,
owners and mill men will be advo­ ing an emergency hospital where all in no mood t' be trifled with,
second squeezes downward, and third rvdeases your finger from
cating the building of the south jet­ flu cases should be taken and treat- country has spoken.”
the sucflion.
ty, which should have the support of I ed. It is probably true that people
■Doubtless a great many people wuz
everybody, and by completing the I are a little more careful than when
Thru is the same way of milking as that used by the calf.
road as soon as possible this would the flu first made its appearance, too satisfied t’ vote. I’ve been in
be a great convenience. As the road and that accounts for the low death politics ail my life an' I find that
It is nature's way. No wonder the cow likes it.
is built to the ship yard and partly rate in this county, for there is no people have t’ be hungry for food or
That is why bo many hundred fanwus dairymen with high
built on the bay side, it should not doubt whatever that a large number hungry for office before ther arous­
be a very large amount of money to of deaths were due largely to im­ ed. 1 don't mind bein' quoted as say­
priced steck use the Perfection, they fediit is safe.
in' that th’ president’s appeal un
complete the road.
booh . It is rank foolishness for any­ doubtedly solidified th’ opposition
------- 0-------
one afflicted with the disease to be
Another cabinet officer has re­ out when they should be home and in but what gits me is what ossified th
signed. McAdoo resigned because the bed. By all means quarantine the , Dimmycrats. It haint likely that, the
big salary he was receiving wasn't patients and the homes, for that is ( farmer with hay or oats an' corn, an'
big enough to maintain hint and his the first place to contend with in ths wheat, an' hogs, an’ cattle, an’ chick-
, ens an' eggs, an’ apples t* sell at th'
family, and Attorney-General Greg­ effort to stamp out the disease.
prevailin’ prices, cared
ory resigns because of "pecuniary i
------- o-------
about th’ price o’ cotton. If I had
responsibilities." These may be good
Instead of property being called listened to my wife instead o’ my
excuses but they see the hand writ-1
upon to pay heavy taxation for roads, friends. I wouldn't be sufferin' t’day
ing on the wall, for the November
those who use the roads should be with th’ humllation o’ defeat.
elections gave a good Indication that
made to pay more for their building
the Wilson administration will go
and maintenance, It is autos and
down to defeat with the Democratic auto trucks that are now using the
Cure at a Cost of 25 Cents.
party. These cabinet officers want to roads, with but few other vehicles
get out before the wreck occurs.
----- o-----
"Eight years ago when we first
doing so. As an illustration, the tim­
ber owners ot Tillamook bay about moved to Mattoon, I was a great suf­ Just as Scores of Tillamook. People
It would not be out of place for the 60 percent of the road fund in this'ferer from indigestion and const I pa-
Waiting does not pay.
leading business men to get together county, or to make it more plain | tion.” writes Mrs. ^Robert Allison.
If you neglect kidney backaehe.
for the purpose of forming a county they pay 8120,000 of the 8200,000 'Mattoon. 111. "I had frequent i r.'t-
Urinary troubles often foLkiw.
organization for the purpose of see­ to be expended on roads in this coun­ 1 aches and dizzy spells, and there
Act in time by curing lite kidneys.
ing what can be done to provide ty this year, whereas autos and auto ¡a feeling like a heavy weight pre ,.-
Doan's Kidney Pills are «specially
work for soldiers who return and de­ trucks pay the paltry sum of 81.738.- ling on my stoma h and chest all the
sire employment. Probably this will 60. Probably very few of our citizens time. I felt miserible. Every morsel for weak kidneys.
Many people in this hsmLity re-
not be a very serious situation in this have considered this question in that of food distressed me. 1 could not
county, as the farms, saw mills, nnd light, and It will, ho doubt, surprise I rest at night and felt tired and worn commead them.
Here’s one case:
logging camps will C_.'.
.. I them to find that ___
absorb a large
those who use the berlaln’s Tablets cured me and. I
James C. Duncan, >?eal estate
number of men wanting employment I ____________
roads pay so ______
little into the county I have since felt like a different por-
dealer, 315 S. Meridian Sk. Newberg,
Paid Adv.
but it is just as well, to keep in treasury. It looks to us that this is Ison.
Ore., says: "I used to be subject to
touch with and interest ourselves ln|tt ____
ulost un
fB|r ____
method _ of taxation
h..n thav
kidney trouble. I had a ®o frequent
Plant More Berries.
the boys .. when
they rnfnrn
return un<l
and find
find ' an(| a ROO(j argument that a new sys-
------ o------
desire to pass the secretions, espec­
employment for those who need it. I tern should be devised. We are inclin­
Graves Bros., will contract jour ially during the night a:vd had to get
ed to think that the automobile tax
To those who advocate government should be raised considerably, mak­ Logan berries and blackberries tor 5 up several times. After taking a box
of Doan’s Kidney Pillst my kidneys
ownership of railroads we waul to è ing the flivver class pay at least $50
Arrange to plant some acreage this became normal. Just as soon as I
say that it cost the people of the
notice my kidneys are »®t acting just
more to >100, with a much higher tax on spring. For particulars write.
United States 8130.000.000
Graves Broik.
right. I take Doan's Kidney Pills a
run the railroads in September than auto trucks and motorcycles. This, to
Dallas, Oregon. few days and they never fail to re­
it did the corresponding month in our way of thinking, would come
lieve the trouble.’’
the previous year, when the rail- 'near making those who use the roads
Furniture For Sale.
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
roads were not operated by the gov- pay for their building and tnalnten-
simply ask for a tiduey remedy—get
ernment. The free trade party have ante, relieving the timber, farms
Three Iron and Brass Bed Steads,
proved itself to be free spenders ot and other taxable property of the springs and mattresses, chiffoniers, Doan’s Kidney iilw—the same that
people's -------
and it few -----
hun- burden of contributing so much for dressers, library table, library or Mr. Duncan had. Fester Milburn Qo.
mv K-',--
Mfgrs.. Buffalo, X Y.—Pr Adv.
dred million dollars a month for the'road purposes. Now that the good
reading lamp (hanging), rockers,
railroads and a tew hundred million roads question is being discussed dining chairs, rugs. Six hole South
dollars for other things, is giving the again and there is a strong sentiment Bend Mailable Range; 22 calibre Buy Your Meat for Canning Now.
Democratic party a splendid record in favor of more hardsurfaced hlgh- Winchester rifle, and other articles
tor blowing In the people’s money. >»ays in ail parts ot the state, this is too numerous to mention. All clean
Meat will*l>e high this winter. Get
’one phase of the question that
------ -o.... ■
it now for canning, while it is cheap.
and in sanitary condition.
The County Court made the Slate should not be overlooked by the state
Beef by the Quarter, 9c. to 14c per
See them at house. Cor. 3rd Street
Highway Commission a good, sensi­ legislature in framing new road and 2nd Ave., or inquire at Ever­ pound.
ble, business proposition when it of­ ¡laws.
Beef steak, 18c. to 28c. per Tb.
son’s, Tillamook.
fered to pay halt the expense ot hard
Beet pot roast, 12Vic. to 22c. per
If the 150 tons of information col­
surfacing the Three Rivers road, and
Quick Cure For Croup.
it should accept it. Otherwise it will lected by Cvloned House and itis
Boiling beef. 9c. to 17c. per Tb.
be an expensive road to maintain corps of 150 college professors had
Beet for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb.
Watch for the first symptoms,
and it will be a long time before it been lost enroute to Europe the hoarseness and give Chamberlain's
All meats are government inspect­
is hardsurfaced if it is not done now. I peace conference would have had to Cough Remedy at once. It Is prompt ed.
which is the proper time, as about | be postponed for a couple ot years.
and efficient.—Paid Adv.
Tillamook Moat Co.
Our esteemed friend Bro. Trombley,
publishes a newspaper fib every
week, when he says: "Largest cir­
culation of any newspaper in Tilla­
mook County.” Now, dear Bro., how
ure you going to square yourself
when the great white book is opened
at the last day and you are confront­
ed with these fibs? And it don’t look
exactly right and consistent for a
Sunday school teacher to be publish-
ing little fibs like that.
------ □------
Those who are at a loss to know
what bolsheviki means may obtain a
good idea from this item of news:
"Russian peasants in northern Rus­
sia are HaId to be glad to be freed
from bolsheviki rule. ’The bolsheviki
promises us that we would have land,
peace and plenty," one sturdy old
man said, ‘but we soon learned what
was their theory. It was just this:
Tonight I go over and steal your cow
and tomorrow night you come back
and cut my throat and steal it back."
UNION MEAT CO., Portland, Oregon
The J. C. Robinson Co
The Headlight is the Best
County Newspaper.