TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 9, What the Editors Say Clemenceau and Daniell Lift the Curtain. 191» Notice of Hearing on Petition to Ex­ F. R. Beals, Trustee for J. R. Eld­ ridge, 1 acre. tend Drainage District. SANITATION. J2)R o. L. HOHLFELD, ------- o T. J. Harris, Sr. and wife, Mary ----- -o------- ----- o — VETERINARIAN. That the germ is the cause of most In the County Court of the State E. 2 acres. How is this. By George! Our deadly disease is more than mere Bell Phone—32J Clemenceau and Secretary Daniels, D. W. Ijams, Estate, 3 1-3 acres. Mutual Phone. George has again been mentioned one speaking before the French of Oregon, for Tillamook County. theory—it Is a real fact. The work That the present main ditch of Notice Is hereby given that hear­ for the presidency, and only be­ chamber of deputies, the other before of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ Tillamook Oregou. cause he made a few remarks on the naval affairs committee of the ing on the following petition will be Tillamook Drainage District is con­ phoid hospitals in the canal zone, army comforts. It is getting danger- house ot representatives at Washing­ held at the Court House in the City structed across the south part of the the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ our for our senators to make eloqu­ ton, have lifted the curtain and giv­ of Tillamook,« County of Tillamook, lands proposed to be added to the dence of the fact that the safety of AVID. ROBINSON, M.D., ent speeches on any important sub­ en the American people a revealing State of Oregon, on the 5th day of district, and by constructing a ditch man does not depend on good or bad of leading therefrom in a northeasterly February, 1919, for the purpose ject.—Willamina Times. luck, but upon the fight which each glimpse of the very heart ot Presi- determining whether the prayer of direction all of the land to be added PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON individual makes upon the disease dent Wilson's negotiations. I to the district by the proposed germs, the cause of most losses of Answering searchinkg questions said petition shall be granted. “Peace must have no hatreds to All persons owning or claiming an ' change of boundaries, can be drain- NATIONAL BUILDING, life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ breed war” is an excellant slogan, from certain French deputies. Prem­ interest in lands described in said : ed and made more sanitary and pro- on to kill the germs of disease several but this does not mean that the na- ier Clemenceau said: TILLAMOOK ! ductive, but the same are low, .wet OREGON. vital questions must be looked squar­ "You know that reservations have petition are hereby notified to ap- tion of the men who fought and , and swampy at this time for lack of pear at said place on said date and ely in the face or disinfectantlng will who won shall be bamboozled out of been made on the question of the show cause, if any there be, why the . such drainage. T.. BOAI.S, M.D., be little better than useless. First— all the fruits of this victory. There freedom of the seas. Premier Lloyd That the said drainage cub be pro­ prayer in said petition should not be Has the disinfectant the power to must still be a little expression of George said to me the other day: vided for a small cost per acre, and granted. kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, the old Jacksonian slogan, •To "You will admit that without the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. the value of the lands wftl be in­ Erwin Harrison, British fleet you could not have con- | Can the disinfectant be used safely That the victors belong the spoils.” creased much more than the cost of Clerk ot the County Court. Surgeon S. P. Co. whenever disease germs are found? is a part of making the world safe tmued the war.” I answered in the : reclaiming the same will amount to. affirmative. The British premier To the Honorable County Court of 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ for democracy.-—Observer. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) We further petition your Honor­ Tillamook County, Oregon; where and every where, and by any then asked me if 1 was disposed to o able body to appoint three commis­ The undersigned being the Board Tillamook - do anything in opposition to British body, and can it be used with safety? Oregon In the transition from war to of Supervisors of Tillamook Drainage sioners, as provided by law, to as­ ideas on freedom of the seas. I ans ­ Therefore a disinfectant that can be peace, there doubtless will be a District of Tillamook County, Ore­ sess benefits and damages on ac- used with safety must not be a poison period in which some laborers en­ wered in the negative.” gon, being thereunto duly authorized count of said proposed change, TJOBERT H. McGRATH, or coatine acid, whereas poisonous Here is a perfectly frank declara­ gaged in war industries and men re­ by a resolution adopted by said , Dated this 5th day of December 1918 ■*- C ounsellor - at L aw , tion that France will support the disinfectants endanger the life of leased from the army and navy will board of supervisors in session on Geo. Williams, British determination to maintain human beings or animals, this can be be seeking new tasks and so far as the 5th day ot December, 1918, do Carl Hunt, verified by turning to the files of ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING governmental Intervention is con­ Brittan's naval supremacy; with an hereby respectfully petition your M. W. Harrison. earnest hope that President Wilson our daily papers. When buying a dis­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. cerned, the tasks on which they may Honorable body, and ask that the Supervisors of the Tillamook infectant be sure what you buy as be employed should be of the highest will concur in that determination, boundary lines of said district be P orti and O ffice Drainage District of Tilla ­ but with a resolute purpose not to your life may depend on that pur ­ public utility. Public works would extended so as to include the lands mook County, Oregon. 1110 W ilcox B li >. furnish suitable employment for yield if his opposition should be en- , hereinafter described, which lands State of Oregon, County of Tilla- / chase, look at the label, note the countered. germ killing power and It it is poison many unemployed men, and among i are not described by and included In mook ss. When Clemenceau declared that or not. Disinfectants are measured such enterprises there are few kinds I the petition and decree of the court I, M. W. Harrison, I George Wil­ purpose to President Wilson the upon the germ killing strength of QARI. HABERLACH whose construction is better worth 1 incorporating said district. liams, and I, Carl Hunt, being first undiluted carbolic acid, which they expanding and pressing than public president replied, as quoted by the J The lands which we ask to have duly sworn, each for myself, say that French premier to the chamber of term a phenol coefficient. Look for roads.—Itemizer. included in the district are all those and that the matters therein stated ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. deputies, in these words. the phenol coefficient on the label. Included within the following are true, as I verily believe. ------ o------ "I approve of what you said. What T illamook B lock I B. K. was tested by the United Burleson ex- Postmaster General boundaries, to-wit: I Subscribed and sworn to before States Hygiene Laboratory and found presses the opinion that the govern- I have lo offer the allied govern- ! Beginning at a point 20 feet east I Tiilamook me this 5th day of December, 1918. Oregon to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus men can buy the telephone and tele­ meats will change in no way your of the west line of section 31 in Geo. Williams H. T. Botts. or ten times stronger than undiluted graph systems and pay for same out answer to Premier Lloyd George." township 1, south of range 9, west Carl Hunt. Notary Public for Ore. What the president now has to of­ Vv. M. and 30 rods south of the carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much of the earnings in twenty-five years. EBSTER HOLMES, M. W. Harrison My commission stronger than coal tar disinfectants In the meantime the public would fer to the allied governments is dis­ northwest corner of said section, said expires Dec. 21, 1919. closed in Secretary Daniels ’ state ­ —much safer. like to know how much diminution point being the northwest corner of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW of service there would be, ,what ap­ ment to the house committee, for It the original Tillamook Drainage Dis­ Safe—B-K, contains . no . poison, Administrator ’ s Notice to Creditors. is inconceivable that the secretary of propriations would be called for trict, as described in the petition COMMERCIAL BUILDING, acid or oil. ------ o----- from the treasury, whether he would the navy would have spoken thus therefore, and running thence north Notice is hereby given, that the Clean__B.--K. is colorless, leaves want the same power to exclude without the expressed approval of to the north line of said section 31; undersigned Thomas McGlinchy, by first street , stain on floors or walls. from the telegraph service that he the president. thence east to the west line, extend­ an order of the County Court for Til­ "It is my firm conviction (said Drodorant — B.-K. destroys foul TILLAMOOK, now has to exclude from the mails ed of Third Avenue East, in Tilla­ lamook County, Oregon, has been ap­ OHEGO m odors leaves no odor of itself. and to what extent the telegraph Secretary Daniels) that if the con­ mook City, Oregon, and running pointed administrator of the Estate and telephone systems would be ference at Versailles does not result thence north to a point 60 feet west of Edward McGlinchy, deceased, late Cheap to Use—B.-K. ls 80 much stronger than other disinfectants £)R- L. L. HOY, made adjuncts of a political machine in a general agreement to put an end of the southwest corner of Block 30 of Tillamook County, Oregon. Notice to naval building on the part of all that it does more disinfecting for the —Umpqua Valley News. of Thayer’s Addition, to what is now the nations, then the United States Tillamook City, Oregon, and running is further given, that all persons same money. Use it in Barber Shops, ------- 0------- having claims against the said estate Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON We regret to read that Secretary must bend her will and energies, thence east along the south line of are hereby required to present the boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, Daniels is already figuring on the must give men and money to the tusk said Thayer's Addition or Additions, same, duly verified and with proper T illamook B lock , cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ biggest navy in the world, in case the of the creation of incomparably the and an extension thereof to a point vouchers, to the undersigned admin­ greatest navy in the world. ” conference at Versailles does not re­ en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, south of the southwest corner of In effect therefore, the president is Block 16, of A. A. Miller’s Addition istrator, at 546 Marshall St., Port­ nursing bottles, operating rooms, Tillamook Oregon. sult in a general agreement to put land, Oregon, or to his attorneys an end to navul building on the part saying to Lloyd George and Clemen­ to the town of Tillamook, now Tilla­ within six months from this date. purifying air, sick rooms, etc. of all the nations. Such talk prior to ceau,' ‘If Great Britian persists in mook City, Oregon; thence north to B.-K. is not a cure all but athor- | Dated this December 17, 1918. the conference can have none other her purpose to maintain her great the southwest corner of said block ough germ killer. Protect yourself | Thomas McGlinchy, and commanding navy the United than a bad effect, and arounce the 16 thence east to the south west now against any dangerous disease I Administrator of the Es­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. spirit of rivarly in those with whom States will run her a race for the corner of Block 15, of said Miller’s germs that you may come in contact tate of Edward McGlin ­ Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in we are courting friendship. It sav­ commanding mastery of the seas.” Addition; thence north to the north­ with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in chy, deceased. Behind all the pomp and glitter of west corner of said Block 15; thence ors ot one bulldog guarding a bone Office. quart and gallon bottles. Our guar ­ Johnson and Handley, from another. There is a lot of truth the profuse entertainments which east to the northeast corner of said antee. B—K stands absolutely on Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Attorneys for the administrator. French and English have laid at the in the position ot the Quakers, who block 15; thence north to the north­ what it does for you. Use it according Tillamook, Oregon. T illamook B lock , say the more you prepare for war feet of the president stalks that over east corner of Block 13 of said Mil­ to directions then if you don’t find Tillamook .... Oregon the more war you will have.—Tele­ whelming issue. ler's Addition; thence east to the It exactly as represented by us we Executor's Notice to Creditors. The Spokesman Review ventures east llue of lot 4 in Eli Goodspeed's 1 Botli Phones. phone Register. will refund your money—For sale by the guess that Lloyd George and Park, according to the recorded plat i Kuppenbender, bith phones. Notice is hereby given, that the The aerial mail service will not ap­ Clemenceau will take Secretary Dan­ thereof; thence south to a point 60 undersigned uuuQinibuw curl Earl ix. N. r Fllslnger, by an w. C. HAWK, iels' threat as a bluff and if need be feet south of the south line of said on i er of the County peal to military flyers. It is too tame will call it; that they will reason Goodspeed’s Park, thence west to the ma(je an(j entered r Court, duly a sport. To the men who have braved has been ap­ that the American people would not northeast corneF of Block 1 of High- Dnintpri PYPriitnr » dangers from the Hun airplanes, pile up the blue checks and make land Addition to Tillamook City; pointed executor of the Estate and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ornamental Fire Places Built aerial mull service flying would be the last will and testament of Karl of Brick and Stone, All Fire monotonous. Flying is less fun than good the president’s thinly veiled thence south' to the southeast corner 1 Graumann, deceased, late of Clark Bay City Places absolutely guaranteed Oregon automobile riding because you can­ threat to build a bigger navy than of said block 1; thence west to the Ctounty, Washington. Notice is fur­ not to smoke or money re­ not see much. For a time the crowd Great Brltlan’s; that they will stand west line of said Highland Addition; I ther given, that all persons having I funded. ot onlookers ut the landing places on the belief that the American peo­ thence south to the north line of claims against the said estate must Brick work of all kinds done QR J. G. .TURNER, would add a thrill but when that be­ ple, on a little more reflection, will section 31 aforesaid; thence west present the same to the undersigned, on short notice. comes commonplace, hero worship see the force and justice of England's 300 feet; thence south 30 rods, more or to his attorneys, within six We make a specialty of re­ would die down. It is likely that the contention that a commanding navy or less, to the north line of Tilla- months from this date, with vouch­ EYE SPECIALIST. pairing smoking Fire Placet. government will recruit its flyers is vital to her very existence; that mook Drainage District, as original­ ers duly verified, according to law. the British navy is not a menace to PORTLAND — OREGON ly established; thence west to the from those military avlutors who are Dated this December 17, 1918. Just starting the flying game. Avia­ the peace or commerce of the United place of beginning. Regular Monthly Visits to« Earl N. Filsinger, Exe- • That it is proposed by the district [ tion schools, too, will necessarily de­ States, and that it would be waste­ cutor of the Estate and I Tillamook and Cloverdale. velop many flyers. News Reporter. ful folly for this nation to engage in to reclaim such lands for sanitary the last Will and Testa­ TILLAMOOK. ORE. rival warship building with the and agricultural purposes, and that ; WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. ment of Karl Graumann j British empire. Spokesman Review. such proposed reclamation will be Funny that after all these charges deceased. Address, conducive to the public health and ' that partisanship is the basis of crit­ Salem, Oregon. welfare, and public utility and bene- ; icism that has been directed at the rp R GOY NN, Johnson & Handley Foch on His Campaign. fit; conduct of the war to see how Sen­ Attorneys for the Executor, That all the lands to be included 1 ------ o ator Chamberlain stirs the unlmuls i Tillamook, Ore. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Marshal Foch's speech in London, as herein described, would be prop- 1 up when he gets started. As we erly included within Tillamook Office : ¡¡O pposite .C ourt t j use embassy dinner, know, George Is something of a par­ at the French Notice of Final Account. tisun himself, but his partisanship , throws some interesting light on his Drainage District, and can be drain- I Tillamook - ----- 0----- O. I gort. has been of the brund of the offen­ ideas and intentions In beginning ed into the present drainage ditches ' . Notice is hereby given that Louisa ders he is lunibastlng and there will the counter-offensive that ended only of this district, and all of the di lands Trict Zurfleuh Grab, the executrix of the have to be a new explanation. Just with Germany's application for an desired to be added to the <______ J OHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON. 8 r estate of Henry Zurfleuh, deceased. what the explanation will be nobody ormlstice. It rather discredits the as herein described, will be benefici­ | has filed with the County Court of ally affected by the operations of can guess, but In the meantime we popular assumption that the cam­ ATTORNEY Tillamook County. Oregon, her final might keep In mind that family quar­ paign wus visualized as a whole, be­ the district. ' account requesting that the same be AND That the benefits of the proposed rels not only add to the joy ot the fore it was begun, and that a master | approved by the Court and that the; reclamation of said lands will ex ­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. onlookers, but charges and chitlclsm conception dictated every move made made during them are apt to be con­ in the earlier stages. Foch stated that ceed any damage to be done thereby, administration upon said estate be T illamook B lock , vincing. for It ls realized that the the attack on the Germans on the and that the best Interest of the closed; and that the court has fixed Tillamook • . . • Orega*». Saturday, the first day of February, participants are more apt to know side of the Marne salient—that land included, and of the owners of ROOM NO. 261. 1919. at 10 o ’ clock a.m., at the court such land, as a whole, and of the what they are talking about than a brought them back from south of the rank, outsider could possibly hope to Marne with a rush—was to free public at large, will be promoted by house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as Chateau Thierry and to reestablish the proposed extension of said boun­ the time and place for hearing any know.—Hillsboro Independent. . ------- o------- communications between Paris and daries. and the operations of the objections to said final account, and Sometimes a poker player can win Nancy. This was strictly a local ob­ district In relation thereto and that all persons concerned are required to H. T.',Botts, Pres, Attorney Electricity's latest gift to ----- any> a{ at-Law. • few dollars by bluffing. As many jective. The attack by Rawlinson's this would be a proper and advanta- Pr*8ent their objections, the housewife — greatest I times perhaps he looses. In the real army east ot Amiens was to free geous method of accomplishing the 8a ** ,ime an? place- John Leland Henderson, Sec­ since the electric iron Louisa Zurflueh Grab, i game of life a winning can some­ Amiens at any price, and to restore reclamation of said lands. and electric vacuum retary Treas., Attorney-at- That Tillamook Drainage District Executrix of the estate of .... times be secured by the bluffing, communication between ______ Paris and cleaner — the Law and Notrary Public. proposes If said lands are included Henry Zurfluer, deceas- four-flushing, comauflaglng method. the channel. This again was a locgl „ , ' But in a majority of cases this meth­ objective. Then the attack by the within its boundaries, to drain said „ a ditch P'W‘.n,low- od-does not pay. To play In the open British armies east ot the Arras was lands by constructing ____ , _ in __ a Attorney for said estate. —fair, square and honest is the tried, because the two former at­ through the lands i running from the P ortable aureat way to win. It Is the most like­ tacks had succeeded in tying up the northeasterly direction MH Cure at a Cost of 25 Cents. ly way to win the confidence of Germans in knots, and this also suc- present main ditch in the district, to ii Law Abstracts. Real Estate, S ewing M achine -■ o------ friendship of those who know you, ceedad beyond first expectations. Led or near the northeastern boundary ¡Insurance. "Eight years ago when v.i and that Is worth more than all the by the Canadian corps, the British of said proposed extension, to be of — U No we 2'.. first more tiresome Both Phones. aurplun money or property that can second army broke the Hindenburg suitable size ts carry off the excess moved to Mattoon, I was a great suf­ treadle pushing - no TILLAMOOK—OREGON. be accumulated in a lifetime. Look line. This having succeed so well, a water upon the lands; the detailed ferer from indigestion and constipa­ more backache—a little over your own neighborhood Who Is general attack on a 250-mile front plan for such ditch to be furnished tion," writes Mrs. Robert Allison, electric motor does the the populor man. the happy man. the was launched, and the Germany by the engineer of the district here­ Mattoon, 111. "1 had frequent head­ hard work. respected man? Is he the fellow who army, unequal to the strain, began to after; provided that the additional aches and dizzy spells, and there was la trying to "slip something over" on crumple up in weak places. Marshal project and all expenses and tax a feeling like a heavy weight press­ A foot control gives any someone? Is he the man who Is try­ Foch's nonchalant way of telling the levies thereof or connected therewith ing on my stoma?h and chest all the speed desired. to be kept separate from the original ing to add to hts Income by cunning strategy of the world's greatest cam­ time. I felt miser ible. Every morsel of food distressed me. I could not or trickery instead ot honest toil and paign is characteristic, but it leaves reclamation project of the district. The entire machine in The complete Electric Light and That the number of acres of land rest at night and felt tired and worn conscientious business practice? No. much unsaid that, in the Interest of its case can be carried Power Plant Indeed. He la the man who plays the history, ought to be recorded by him. to be added to the district by the berlain's Tablets cured me and I Plenty ot bright, safe clean anywhere — it ’ s no larger proposed change of boundaries will I have since felt like a different per­ game of life fairly with all men. the However. Premier Clemenceau at fhe electric light. No more hot. than a typewriter. man who does need to run a bluff to same dinner told something bearing be thirty-seven acres, and that the son.'—Paid Adv. smoky lamps. win, the man who la not ashamed of on the lampalgn when he related owners, together with the quantities* Ask for * demonstra his methods and who, therefore, does I how Foch was "fired" for several owned by them respectively, are as tion. not need to camouflage them.- Ore­ | weeks at one time in the war. and follows: M. W. gon Farmer. Harrtson. 12 acres. how he (Clemenceau)) had picked iceilifeMl»:, .kwl |o COAS! EGM ER CO Henry Rogers. 3 6-10 acres. him tor the generalissimo's job. and 4LMNY TANNING CO. Claude Thayer, 7 acres. The suffragettes are burning Pres­ thus had brought to the front a aol- THE ‘ cw<-, ident Wilson's speeches In publie. O, dier N. M. F. Dawson Estate 3H acres. ilc? who had disdained political ELECTRIC STORE! dm* the nudd lemons profit and well, girls, he has speeches to burn. T, J. Harris, Sr, 3 *4 acres. * ire-puiliug und posing. receive prompt returns . ACKLEY & MILLEK H. A. Miles, 2^ Acres. Tillamook Garage, * _«^—- RALPH E. WARREN, L atest ! Western Electric N Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. DELCO-LIGHT Tillamook Oregon.