TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 9, 1919. I * / THIS IS YOUR PERSONAL BANK. Equipped to Meet Your Individual Needs. OST PEOPLE require the services of a Bank for their per­ sonal affairs as well as for their business interests, and they like to feel that they are connected with an instiution having a broad business capacity—one able to be more to them than merely a place to deposit money and store valuables. The TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK specializes to meet the re­ quirements of the people of this section. Our Federal Reserve Mem­ bership gives us special facilities of broad usefulness. It places us in a stronger position than ever before to take care of the needs of our customers—large or small. M I Our Special System of handling your Liberty Bonds relieve you of the Burden of Safety and Collection of Interest, and at the same time you are rendering a public service. I Call and let us Explain it to You. We recognise a loyalty to our depositors that grows stronger as the years of association rolls by—a loyalty that expresses itself in an ever-active effort to conserve their interests in every possible way. This spirit applies not alone to a depositor’s direct banking connection with us, but is further evidenced in a desire to co-operate, through investigation and counsel with everything needed to advance their interests. Undoubtedly this is your kind of a bank because its service embraces every element of constructive banking effort and we shall enjoy explaining the use you can make of our equip­ ment and advantages. \ Tillamook County Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. X * »