Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 09, 1919, Image 3

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and decide on the best route in the
north part of the county, there being
a difference of opinion amongst the
There is some place to go now, the people living there. When the route
Gem Theatre is open four nights a is settled this will finally dispose of
that matter, as the selection of the
Three Rivers road did in the bouth
Visit the Gem Theatre when it is part of the county.
open, and you are sure to see the
best in photoplays.
Tillamook Jottings
The money raised for the Red Cross
in the Christmas membership drive,
will amount to about $2700.00.
Don’t forget the Gem Theatre will
be open Saturday night with a high
class photoplay for your entertain­
The Gent Theatre is open only four
nights in each week until further
notice. (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
and Saturday)
Williaiq Farnum in ‘‘Rough And
Ready,” ¿t'’great picture of the snow
covered north, tonight (Thursday)
at the Gent Theatre.
A N ew Spirit of Good Will
Thanks to the opportunity given it
by the War Department at home
and abroad, a new spirit of good will
has grown up around Dodge Brothers
Motor Car.
Wherever soldiers meet, this car ii
spoken of in terms of admiration and
even affection.
Soldiers grow to love the tools and
weapons and implements that serve
They admire especially the inani­
mate thing that shows grit and en­
durance in a tight place.
That is American—and that is the
American soldier in particular—and
that is the sort cf glory being woven
around Dodge Brothers Motor Car.
They are telling it to their fathers and
mothers, their worshipping small
brothers, their sisters, their sweet­
hearts and their friends.
Regular services at the Christian
' Church next Sunday. Rev. Harry E.
Tucker, pastor. The public are cor­
dially invited to all of these services.
It is the central figure in many a
stirring story told about the family
Anyone wishing to secure Federal
Land Bank Loans, should apply at
once to W. J. Riechers, Secretary,
South Prairie National Farm Loan
1 Association.
O. A. Schults was taken seriously
sick on Wednesday and was taken to
Dr. Boats’ hospital, where he under­
went an operation, lie is getting
along quite well.
To many a white-haired American
mother it means something more, as
it goes by, than just a motor car.
She links it, somehow, with what her
own boy did, with what America did
and with what America stands for
For Sale—I have 10 head of grade
Jersey cows, some fresh and others to
freshen soon and one registered Jer­
sey Bull, that are good stuff—priced
to sell.—SMITH. “The Calf Man’.'
Dodge Brothers are proud that theirs
was the one car of its type and class
chosen by the War Department.
School Opening to be Decided in
a Few Days.
At a meeting of the School Board
on Wednesday to take up the matter
of opening the schools of the city, it
was decided to send out post cards to
the parents to ascertain whether
they are in favor of opening or clos­
ing the schools. There is consider­
able of a difference
of opinion
amongst the citizens, which appear
to be divided into two factions, one
being emphatic that the schools
should be opened and the other that
they should be closed down. It places
the School Board in a rather delicate
position,, for if they decide to open
the schools and another flu wave
strikes this community and pupils
come down with it they will be
blamed, while on the other hand they
will be criticised for keeping the
schools closed and paying the teach­
ers for a whole term’s work. There is
some doubt, should the school be
opened whether any considerable
number of pupils would attend, and,
to retain a large number of teachers
for a small number of pupils is an­
other phase of the situation. The
schools that are running in other
parts of the coutny have so few pu­
pils that directors are considering
the advisability of closing them on
that account.
Gem Theatre Notes.
The flu situation in Tillamook
County does not look as well as one
The Gem Theatre is open again to­
They are prouder still that it has
would wish, for there are, from, all night after being closed for some
been taken into the hearts and
time by order of the City Board of
of cases in all parts of the county.
Health in an effort to clear the com­
homes of the American people.
There will always be associated with
We are sorry to announce the death munity of influenza. By the action of
of Mrs. Emeline Gray, wife of W. A. the City Council at their regular
it the remembrance of the work it
The old folks, and the little folks who
Gray, which occurred at Orchards, meting last Monday night the ban
did in the world vzar in army service
don’t forget, are spreading a leaven
Wash, on December 18, from pneu­ was lifted and public gatherings are
monia. The remains were buried at again permitted. The theatre will
on both sides of the ocean.
of good wall which will endure for
Woodland, Wash., on December 22. operate only on Tuesday, Thursday,
years to come.
The deceased was known here, her Saturday and Sunday evenings until
Thousands cf American soldiers are
husband having made cheese for sev­ further notice. On the above evenings
eral years in Tillamook County, and we will endeavor to present to the
Dodge Brothers cherish this new
coining back now from the camps in
they had quite a number of friends people of Tillamook the regular
spirit of good will which has come
America and the battle-front in
who will be sorry to hear of the sad high class photo plays as has been
news. The deceased leaves two small our practice at all times in the past.
out of the world war as their most
France, telling how well that work
We have done some altering and re­
valued possession,
was done.
Attorney H. T. Botts, who went pairing on the interior and feel now
with the County Court and appeared that we are better prepared to pre­
before the State Highway Commis­ sent to the best advantage and under
sion. returned on Wednesday, and re­ the most pleasant surroundings our
The gasoline consumption is unusually low
ports getting along fairly well. A programs than at any time in the
proposition was put up to the State past. We invite the people of this
The tire mileage is unusually high
Highway Commission to pave
the community to visit our place when
Three Rivers road, the state to bear in town.
To correct the false impression
one half of the expense and the coun­
ty the other half,, which appeared that has come to our attention, to the
to meet with the approval of the effect that we have refused in the
Commission, for Commissioner Booth past to be governed by the orders is­
stated that it was one of the best of­ sued from the office of the Board of
fers made to the Commission. The Health we wish to state the follow­
Commission was not in a position to ing. At no time have we made any
make any promises until after the such refusal nor do we intend to in
State Legislature meets. In all prob­ the future. In both instances of
ability some arrangements will be closing our place of business by the
made so that the Three Rivers road orders of the Board we have complied
will be paved this year and made into and have repeatedly offered to co­
a 16 foot road. The local delegation operate and assist in any way that
took up the matter of hard surfaced we could to help bring results In
roads in other parts of the county banishing the flu from our midst,
with a view of obtaining financial and the Board of Health will sub­
Scores of Tillamook Readers are assistance. The Commission promised stantiate our statements as above.
Partridge & Morrison.
! Learning the Duty of the Kidneys to send engineers to Tilaamook Co..
| To filter the blood is the kidneys’
Put your finger in the calves aiouth and feel the way the
When they fail to do this the kid­
calf milks. First it sucks gently. Next it squeezes ‘downward
neys are weak.
Backache and other kidney ills
with its tongue and the roof of its mouth. Then it stops sucking
may follow.
for an instant while it swallows, letting go of your finger and
Help the kidney’s do their work.
Use Doan’s Kidney Pills— the test­
allowing the blood to flow freely.
ed kideny remedy.
This is the natural safe way to milk.
Proof of their worth in the follow­
Now put your finger in the teat cup of the Perfection
Mrs. O. L. Ahlestrom, 7th St. & 1st
Milker. Notice how it first applies a gentle steady suction,,
Ave., Forest Grove, Ore., says: ‘When
I need a kidney midicine I take
^I^HIS not only means solving the problems pre-
second squeezes downward, and third releases your finger from
Doan’s Kidney Pills for I have never
I seated us by War—but those of Peace Time. It
the suction.
found anything that does me so
JL involves plans, methods and habits—bettering
much good. When my back feels
them all as we made our work, our living and
This is the same way of milking as that used by the calf.
weak and sore and my kidneys act
our play conform with conditions.
It is nature’s way. No wonder the cow likes it.
irregularly, a short use of Doan’s
Think seriously wherein the First National
Kidney Pills makes my back strong­
That is why so many hundred famous dairymen with high
Bank takkts a part in all of these
er and puts my kidneys in good
priced stock use the Perfection, they feel it is safe.
I working order.
A. Br. Bunn, Farmer.
P. Heiset, Farmer.
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t
C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
i simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
1 Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
W. J. Riechers. Cashier.
i Mrs. Ahlstrom had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv.
The J. C. Robinson Co
i million
nd their
o return
ind and
lom they
itlone tn
se of na-
i paid by
.'iciala do
a rash of
of Amer-
ration far
’ Wish to
r other*,
write*, “I
ilckest re-
have ever
tt, Chill-
e beat for
loore. Oval
I occations
» a settled
has always
Furniture For Sale.
Nazarene Church Services.
------ o
Meetings at the Nazarene church
| will be resumed on Thursday night
at 7:30. The pastor will give a short
talk on the subject of Prayer and the
! meeting will open for songs, prayers
! and testimonies.
Sunday Services.
9:45 a.m., Sunday School, Mrs. B.
E. Kink, Supt.
11 a.m., Preaching by the pastor,
Rev. A. F. Ingler.
6:30 p.m., Prayer service, Social
7:30 p.m.. Evening sermon with
$75 Trap Drum Outfit for $25.00 special singing.
S'trangers welcome.
Base drum, foot pedal cymbol hold-
r, snare drum, sticks, tamborine,
Quick Cure For Croup.
Watch for the first symptoms,
om-toms, whstie, drum stand and
to carry them in. all for $25.00. hoarseness and give Chamberlain’s
e E. L. Stewart or write Box 546 | Cough Remedy at once. It is prompt
and efficient.—Paid Adv.
Three Iron and Brass Bed Steads,
springs and mattresses, chiffoniers,
dressers, library table, library or
reading lamp (hanging), rockers,
dining chairs, rugs. Six hole South
Bend Mailable Range; 22 calibre
Winchester rifle, and other articles
too numerous to mention. All clean
and in sanitary condition.
See them at house. Cor. 3rd Street
nd 2nd Ave., or inquire at Ever-
n’s, Tillamook.
Plant More Berries.
Graves Bros., will contract your
Logan berries and blackberries for 5
Arrange to plant some acreage this
spring. For particulars write.
Graves Bros.,
Dallas, Oregon.
------- o-------
Subject to prior private sale, I of­
fer at public auction at the barn
across the street from Harris’ Furni­
ture Store, at 1 p.m., Saturday, Jan­
uary 11, the following:
Large team weighing about 140<J.:
Medium team weighing about 1200
3 Wood wagons,
2 Dray wagons.
Mack truck with 1 (4 ton springs.
Maxwell truck, 1 ton.
Other articles used by the City
Transfer Company.
C. E. Mellette.
Buy Your Meat for Canning Now.
------- o-------
Meat will be high this winter. Get
it now for canning, while it is cheap.
------- o-------
Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per
$1000 pound.
Beef steak, 13c. to 28c. per lb.
Beef pot roast, 12 %c. to 22c. per
Send us your Bonds by registered,
letter and receive highest market
Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per lb.
price by return mail.
Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb.
All meats are government inspect-
200 Central Bldg.
Tillamook Meat Co.
TheFirst NationalBank /Ì