Editorial Snap Shots. ------ o------ Does the flu germs roll over the country In waves? It looks so, for the state is experiencing the second wave. ------- o------- zens" have been invited to attend a certain gathering. Mr. Baker gets out a rattling good paper and they do say over in his home town that he might have included himself with the prom­ inent citizens and not have been very far amiss." We feel non-plussed after what happened to the editor and a number of prominent citizens on their way home from this gathering. There appears to be good to believe that where meetings held they are responsible for spread of the disease, yet for all most of the large cities allow thea tres, churches, schools, etc., to rut as usual, while other cities havt closed down. This shows that there ii a woeful lack of a properly plan system to grapple with the ser: conditions that is a source if w< to every city and community, looks to us that It would be proper thing for the governor appoint a committee to devise a uni form system for the entire state, long as one city and countv dues c thing ...d other cities xnd count! does something different, this shoe plainly that there is lack o£ systen and methods to cope with the dis ease. Full of Flavor f / J All foreigners of every origin are to be expelled from Belgium. And A nut butter what about the pro-Germans in the United States? The government that is finding favor The good roads agitation appears should do exactly what Belgium Is 1 to have struck the national congress, doing. with thousands of for it is reported that it is going to appropriate $600,000,000 to co-opcr­ thrifty families. What's the use of taking up so ate with the states on a 50-60 much time and space In the news- basis. That is a large amount of I papers discussing about the freedom money, but none too much consider­ of the seas. It won’t be many moons ing the importance and demand for before the subject will be changed hard surfaced roads everywhere. It to the freedom of the air. I b evident that the United States is ------- o------- entering upon the biggest good This explains why Washington roads movement ever Inaugurated in We do not assume to be a prophet, County has so many poor roads. Only the United States, and the next few political or otherwise, but it is well $98,260.38 was appropriated for year* will see wonderful develop­ to look into the future. Here ar* a roads. We hope some good road ment in hardsurfaced roads. The few interesting things that should booster will get busy in that county states and the counties that are alive cause some concern: The war pre- and pull it out of the mud. to the situation and making plans vented the free trade system from Rich oil of cocoanut meat, churned with a generous - ' o .. — to obtain government aid will be the doing its work. We sent the goods quantity of pure pasteurized sweet milk—and tine Of course those who expect to ob­ first to obtain it. Oregon cannot af­ "over there" and they sent their tain soft jobs on the railroads, are ford to hold baek, but must make money over here. But one year after dairy salt, makes this pure, wholesome, nutritious and wanting the government to take con­ adequate provisions to obtain Its th* war is over we will, perhaps get delicious nut butter. trol of them, asd In political par­ share of government aid. another taste of Democratic free lan«*, it can be Been they are after ------- o------- trade. When foreigners begin to ship On bread and toast, in cakes and pastry, it “costs less the railroad pork barrel. Of the two things which is the their goods over here, and we send best, keep on expending money to our money over there, It will be dif­ and to8tes best.” If the State Legislature would im­ maintain macadam roads or bond ferent. With about seventy-five ar­ mediately enact a law to provide for hard surfaced roads? Automobiles ticles of farm products on the free The product of a sanitary, Pacific Northwest factory. money for good roads and then ad- and auto trucks have brought about ' trade and partial free trade list, the Churned fresh daily, paeked in vaxed, odorproof journ, it would be performing * a changed condition in this wet sec­ i "bottom will fall out,” for we can­ great service for Oregon, for there tion of the state, for every time it not compete with European, Oriental cartons. are too many laws already. rains and every auto and auto truck and South American cheap labor. o — traveling over the roads, does a cer­ While it is true we have money in Your Grocer Can Supply You If the Mayor of Salem will not al­ tain amount of damage. Some idea the U. S., it must be remembered the low the State Legislature to meet in of the damage done can be seen by United States is in debt worse than that city on account of the flu, Just the number of autos and auto trucks she ever was. How are we going to give him a gentle hunch that it will I that pass over the macadam roads . pay llle ,C1UJ billions we now owe? the BC several meet in Portland, Eugene, or some dally, and it is no wonder that it ' Can 515,000,000,000 or $20,000,000- other city. Then see how quick the takes considerable money every year i 000 be paid un(jer a free trade law embargo will be taken off. to keep them in repair. From an ! which will (Judging the future by PORTLAND, OREGON. ------- o------ - economic point of view there is no the past) be sure to establish soup News reports front Russia say that disputing the fact, that to meet the houses in the cities, throw men out the government is going to select changed conditions, there is only one of work and bring tramps to our back husbands for the women of that answer to the above question, and doors? Remember Cleveland’s admin­ country. It is to be .hoped that that is to hardsurface the roads as istration when corn sold for 18 cents i cranks in the United States, who soon as possible. j per bushel, oats for 1 cent, hogs for ------ o — want tlie government to run every­ less than three cents and the banks If every business and calling was "busted"? Yes, and don’t forget Wil­ thing, won’t attempt to I bring this I tarred with the same brush as farm- son's first year in the White House about in this country. I ing and dairying, there would be a when some fed tramps, many ate at Budget meeting appear to have I small army of professors going over the soup houses and others tramped lost their pep. Over in Yamhill coun­ I the country telling them how to run the country begging for work. That ty only 30 persons attended, and | their business or profession. But, was under the tariff law still on the about the same disinterested spirit | really, after aM, does the farmer and statute books. occurred in other counties. As these dairyman need so much technical ed- meeting give chronic knockers an op­ ! ucation which is duplicated by the No Time For a Timid Hand. portunity to ventilate their griev­ I federal government, state institu­ ances, it must be that the flu has got tions schools and local organizations? We are willing to admit that one or­ them. The City of La Grande, in its war ganization or institution is all that on influenza, has adopted the drastic is necessary tor experimental and de ­ measure of closing, “fcr protection of At the Polk County’s budget meet­ ing it was decided to dispense with velopment purposes, but why dupli­ public health, all picture shows, the County Agriculturist, and die cate them in many ways and at the .churches, Sunday schools, public salary of $2,000 was added to the taxpayers' expense? Farmers and | gatherings, public funerals, lodges, road fund. This goes to prove that dairymen are beginning to see the ( public and private dances.” The ex­ the people of that county prefer put­ folly of so much duplicate effort and periment has been in operation for a ting their money into good roads as some of our dairymen express it, number of days, and it has not stop­ rather than retain a county agricul­ some of the professors who are trav­ ped the epidemic. On the contrary, eling over the country at the taxpay­ there is much protest against kt and turist on the payroll. ers’ expense would be doing more a demand that a quarantine u< the good it they went on a farm and whole public be abandoned for the Wouldn't that Jar you. The State stayed there. But what's the use of Isolation of the patient and his house Board of Health Is accusing the State complaining, the taxpayers, who hold Legislature for the spread of the flu : complain about taxation, have to pay The La grande Observer prints in Oregon, because It did not appro­ the fiddlers. statements from local physicians,, and priate sufficient money for the board. What a silly, ridiculous argu- ! The death of ex-President Roose­ i all agree that Individual sequestra­ ment. Any one can see the object of j velt came as a surprise and with tion, and not complete paralysis of such a false statement. It is wanting | ”óch regret, 1. ,u. « .«..u..« the public lite of the town, is a pref­ for he was a genuine erable remedy. One doctor favors a the state legislature t the state legislature to appropriate pulI.|otie statesman. It is true that he rigid quarantine of all who are af­ more money for the board. flayed unmercifully the government flicted.” Another says the present have a streak of smokeluck thatT I for not preparing for war and those orders are "wholly useless.” A third put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you’ll News front Russia says that the ( whose sympathies were with Cer­ says that the "ban on ordinary busi­ Bolshevik! government is going to i many, and had other public men been ness is of no avail." and advocates a ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and select and provide husbands for the | as outspoken as he was against se- "firm quarantine." A fourth is con­ nail some Prince Albert for packing! women folk of that country. It is tolditious citizens and aliens In the vinced that the only way is to "stick be hoped that some Socialist crank , United States, there would have been religiously to the quarantine of pa­ Just between ourselves, you appealing all along the smoke line. will not advocate the same thing in less trouble in this country. He was tients.” A fifth wants a "binding never will wise-up to high-spot- Men who never before could this country, for they want the gov- ' the first person of importance who quarantine." A sixth says: smoke-joy until you can call a pipe smoke a pipe and men who’ve ernment to take over the manage saw these dangers and to warn the "People who are coughing and ment ot most everything. The news (country of a serious condition, sneezing should be cared for and iso­ by its first name, then, to hit the smoked pipes for years all testify reports front Russia failed to say brought about by German propagun- lated and taught how to be careful, peak-of-pleasure you land square to the delight it hands out! P. A. whether the men or women could call , da and German spies in every part but as far as this ban on the town is on that tavo-fisted-man-tobacco, can’t bite or parch! Both are for a fresh deal if a man and wife [of the country, but was ignored. .his concerned, it is of no consequence. Prince Albert I cut out by our exclusive patented could not get along together without i probably had more to do with the de­ The quarantine is also overestimated. process I tent of the Democratic party in the I think, and it resolves itself down going through the divorce courts, Well, sir, you’ll be so all-fired November elections than most people to the care of those who have the new - o___ happy you’ll want to get a photo­ Right now while the going’s are aware of, for it cemented the re- graph of yourself breezing up the News reports in Sunday's papers publican party in all parts of the disease. Give them proper care and good you get out your old jimmy «Ives the information that a large country. Roosevelt was an unmerci­ do not let them run around and pike with your smokethrottle wide pipe or the papers and land on number of Irishmen are gelling ful critic of the present administra­ will soon see a decided change open! TaJA about amoke-aport! some P. A. for what ails your the better. ” ready to leave for the United States. tion, and this was the reason that so Quality makes Prince Albert so The experience of La Grande -i- i particular amokeappetite I In all probability they opposed con­ many Democratic newspapers also scription for Ireland.. If they belong­ criticised and condemned Roosevelt. pears to be. common to other pleu_. Prine? Albertmrrultrt tnbaeco it mU. Ttnoy reditti, There is no known specific or sure ed to that class they should not be treatment. A quarantine on public allowed to land in thia country, but The snap shot man has been qf the meetings and on business activities should be seut back and labicd "slackers", for that Is what those opinion since the flu made ns ap- is only a half measure; and house­ R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C, who tried to evade the draft law pearauee that every case as well as hold isolation is not a panacea. But the trend of evidence is, never­ were called in the United States, the home, should be quarantined, the This is no place for Irishmen who same as small pox and other Infec­ theless, toward individual isolation. ROOSEVELT DIES IN OYSTER BAY d'vin* worship. industrial region more than a million were in sympathy with Germany dur- tious diseases. Somehow, notwith­ It is a rational measure, and. if piop- foreign citizens and aliens and their HOME. standing the seriousness of the epi­ erly applied, it shoald be of great Funeral to Be Simple. ing the war. ------ o—- ■■■ demic, this appeared to meet with service. The facts probably are how­ At the request of Mrs. Roosevelt no families have been saving to return little public sentiment. Persons fre­ that it is never thoroughly en­ Death Come» While Former President flowers will be sent. The altar will to their native RuBSla, Poland and 1'here are those who believe that a quent homes where there are flu ever. forced. . be decorated only with laurel, placed Bohemia and the new freedom they Sleeps. large number of persona, of German cases, and persons suffering with flu 'on it for the Christmas season. _____ Also now expect to find there. Notwith­ ------ o____ _______________ There is it revival of the epidemic In I and Austrian extraction. >•Itl leave mix with people and visit other per­ OyMer Bay, N. Y„ Jan. G — Colonel ' in conformance with Mrs. Roosevelt ’s standing the appalling conditions tn Portland. It ts said to be due to the United States as soon as peace son's homes and other places, and. to Europe and the great increase of na­ 'Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president wishes, there will be no music and holiday gatherings. If so. the conta ­ Is declared, and that a large amount our way of thinking, no one hould tional debts which must be paid by of money will be sent to those coun­ be surprised that the Hu Is not being gion was carried there by persons of the United States, died at his home no eulogy, but only the simple ser- labor, our Immigration officials do tries. That a considerable number of stamped out a* successfully as It who had been exposed. Many of them I on Sagamore Hill early today. He jvice of the Episcopal Church, con- not believe there will be a rash of pro-Germans will do ao is generally might be. Another thing that la re­ were members of families who were , will be laid to rest without pomp or . ducted by the pastor, the Rev, Geo. foreign people to the shores of Amer­ sick with Influenza. Clearly the quar­ .ceremony in Young’s Memorial cente- E. Talmage. admitted, but the United 8tatee will markably strange Is the fact I tery in this villag Wednesday after­ ica, now the war is ended. that antine did not include them. be better off when they make their the people of the United States sub ­ RUSH FOR EUROPE. If individual quarantine is to be noon. He will b< buried in a knoll exodus We must all admit that there scribe millions of dollars to do every­ ------- o------- are too many disloyal persons in the thing possible for ths health and the polity of the local authorities, overlooking Lot.^ island Sound. • Over * Million Alien* were Refused j plot which he and Mr*. Roosevelt there should be no timid band direct ­ Chamberlain’« Cough Remedy. United States, and the war plainly happiness of the boys who Joined the -------o------- I picked out after he left the White P*«»aRe During War. ahowed where their sympathies were. army and navy, and although the ing or enforcing It.--Oregonian. Hous*. Before using this preparation for And. further, there are eitlxena of In the words of the clergyman who Thousands of aliens In the United a cough or cold you may wish to this country, but of German extrac­ flu has taken more lives than the The Allied Church*«. will conduct the funernl service, States who have not seen or heard know what It has done for other*. tion. who are nothing but pro-Ger- war. comparatively little In a public way is being done to provide hospit­ "America's most typical American," from their relatives and friends in Mrs. O. Cook, Macon, Ill., writes, "I Chas. E Gibson, D. D., Pastor. mana. als and nurses for those suffering known in every corner of the earth, the Old World for more than four have found It gives the quickest re­ Church services will be held at the with the flu. will go to his grave as a “quiet, dem­ long years are eager to know wheth­ lief of any cough remedy I have ever One welcome visitor to our desk Is usual hour of 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. o------ ocratic, Christian country gentleman, er they have survived the ravages of used.” Mrs. James A. Knott, Chill­ the Hillsboro Independent, because There is a wide divergency of beloved by his neighbors." On* trouble with combating the war, and. as there is no other way to icothe, Mo., says: "Chamberlain'* the editorial oolumns are always in­ opinion regarding the advisability of ( After prayer at the Roosevelt find out. they are going over to see Cough Remedy cannot be beat for Spanish intluenxa epidemic in Ore ­ teresting and up to date on current opening the church, It has been topic*. Lst weey It had this small ed­ gon 1* the lack of uniform system in thought best however to hold servlc- home, at which only members of th* for themselves as soon as they can coughs and colds.” H. J. Moore, Oval the state. Notwithstanding that family will be present, the funeral get passage. More than one and one- Pa., says: "I have used Chamberlain’* itorial: es so that those who desire to attend services will be held nt 12:45 o'clock quarter million aliens applied to the Cough Remedy on several occations "Editorial modesty Is carried to the thousand* of pentone are victim« of may have the opportunity. j in Christ Episcopal Church, ths little steamship companies for passage to when I was suffering with a settled extreme by Editor Baker of the Tilla- the disease every week, with many Sunday school at 10 a.m., Prof. old frame structure where for years their old homes during the war and Kpk Headlight when he says he deaths, one city will adopt one meth­ 0. V. White. Supt. cold upon the chest and it has always the Colonel and his family attended had to be refused. In the anthracite brought about a cure. 3^mth a number of prominent cltl- od and other cities other methods. “UMECO” Nutmargarine UNION MEAT CO. I