Tillamook Jottings Have you been in the new e meat ; c _C | Dairymen from all parts of the market across the street from Daw cial timekeepers, informed the amaz­ — ­ state are anticipating the convention son's store. They have the best meats of the Oregon Dairymen’s Association ed crowd that it had taken Sam ex­ they can get. Give them a call. * ! which will be held in Hillsboro, Jan. actly three minutes, the space of a W. A. Wise, dentist. prizefighters round, to gourmandize 14 and 15. Dr. J. A. Kiernan will R. W. Donohoe, dentist. For Sale — A small dairy ranch, one Er. himself of the last vistige of the mile north of Tillamook on Wilson speak on tuberculosis eradication, Let W. A. Church write your insur- river. Inquire on premises. once proud old pile. This subject will be one of the big H. F. tnce. As Sam walked away, looking a j features of discussion. S. Fine, in­ Stafford. bit full, but apparently not incon­ structor of dairy husbandry of O. A. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Disinfect your home with B--K. to- |C., venienced, Os West read telegrams " , will speak on experiments in an­ Co. * day — ■ imi iy and make yourself ___ safe ___ from from Vic Berger, Gene Debs, Bill imal feeding, and Dr. R. T. Simms Don't fail to see the farm tank at deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- ' will give an address on important Haywood, Billy Hearst and Emma * topics. As there will be no Farmer’s the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * bender, both phones. Goldman, expressing regret at their inability to be present and extend­ Suttons’ market has located oppo­ Week at O. A. C. this year this con­ Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. ing the hope that Sam wouldn’t suf­ site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh vention will practically take the Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. fer gout or indigestion from his ex­ and cured meats. Your patronage so­ place of that interesting meeting. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- licited. traordinary meal. • Ray Winfield Shultz vs. Esther ware.—R. W. Bennett. ' All in all, Sam’s public New Year’s Mrs. Larson has opened upa board­ I Shultz is a divorce suit filed in the Rianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, dinner was voted the greatest event circuit court. These parties were ing house at her home in the rear of which has ever occurred in the Paclf- Tillamook. Phone 72-W. Tillamook Garage. Family style ser­ married at Cloverdale on the 9 th of ic Northwest. Why not place your feed orders for vice. • July, 1917. The complaint alleges ' CX* if * . ------ o----- the future with Kuppenbender. * ■thqt on or about the 15th of March, The above sketch grow out of an Before buying your auto tires, in­ 1918, and for a considerable length For sale—Eight spring calves. vestigate the Republic Standard five incident which took place when the Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore. * thousand mile guarantee, price right of time, both prior thereto and since Journal published the false f_: state- I ment that the armistice J had been ___ * that date, the defendant hus been W’anted to rent, furnished house. at Tillamook Feed Co. deeply infatuated and in love with signed, and when asked by Dr. Boals, Write Box, 553, Tillamook. Ore. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms Alfred Goodwin, and lived together of this city, whether it was true, the Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office as man and wife at Aberdeen, Wash. Journal people phoned back that hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ The defendant treated plaintiff in a lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. they would eat the Journal building days by appointment. * cruel and inhuman manner and open­ | if it was not true, and further au­ We handle Trojan Powder. Best for For Sale, 13 three year old heifers ly avowed her love for Goodwin, and thorized Dr. Boals to provide the stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * contempt and hatred of the plaintiff. to freshen soon. All tuberculin test- best banquet that could be obtained Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- J ed.—H. A. Springer one half mile Defendant gave birth to a child on for all the people of Tillamook Coun­ the 14th of June, 1918, and that she ei Warehouse. ; south of Tillamook City. ty, and send the bill in for the same J-7 told to others that plaintiff was not and they would pay it. As there are R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- | When you want eggs for breeding the father. Defendant refused to live . 10,000 persons in Tillamook county, pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. purposes, baby chicks or chickens, with plaintiff and has refused every and a banquet at $1.00 a plate, Jack- For fresh and cured meats call call upon or write John Hofman, effort of reconciliation. The plaintiff ;son owes this county $10,000. The Sutton’s Market. Both phones. Tillamook, Oregon., Have 20 variet­ asks the court to annul the marriage Journal has long proved itself to be contract and give him the custody of * For rent—Five room furnished ies of poultry. the most unreliable newspaper in the child. house.—Call 24-J Bell Phone. ♦ The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma- Oregon. The fake news it put over on the people of Oregon in regard to For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm 1 cUin® Agency is now permanently lo- You Do Want Better Cows! cated opposite the post office, where the armistice being signed was suf­ at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * monthly payments may be made and ficient to disgust everybody, to say It is through the sire you get them. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms supplies ¿rdered. Both Phones" __ __ ___ _ • nothing of the false, deliberate Just recall that our herd sire, Maple­ 205-206 Tillamook Building. * j none8’ From the Telegram.) devour that portion which his teeth falsehoods it publishes from time to Why pay four or five hundred dol­ crest De Koi Beauty, has five sisters I time. The Journal thrives on creat- Of course there is no truth in would first encounter. One lot and small house for sale, lars for dairy land without improve­ with an average yearly production $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. • ments when you can get as good soil of 1171 lbs. butter from 23,726.6 lbs. story. It is quite as fictitious as As Sam was being blindfolded by : ing class hatred, sowing the seeds of discord, and is doing the State of We buy and sell second hand autos. w|th improvements for $300.00 per milk; that his dam made 664 lbs. had come from one of the Journal's Doc Equi and Doc Chapman, Os made Oregon more harm than any news­ this butter in 10 months; that she has 10 favorite founts of information. It a great speech. i Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* acre.--See C. W. Miller about ............... “Ladies and gentlemen and fellow paper in the state. proposition. * yearly record sisters that average merely , , . is a word picture of what might have happened had "Sam" voters," began Os, as he jumped from For bargains in second hand auto­ 1046 lbs butter from 20,603.3 For Sale—One 5 passenger Ford. In milk; that the entire number aver­ Jackson kept his word. • the rut usually followed by spell­ Evening Telegram and Headlight. mobiles go to Case’s Garage. first class running order. You will age a 4 per cent test. We will sell ------ o------ binders in saluting a crowd and put Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First have to see this car to appreciate the We have made arrangements with Until Sam Jackson, Portland’s in- | great stress on "fellow voters.” "I National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., value. Come early as this car will not our spring grade calves at a reason­ The Evening Telegram, the leading * last long. See Bert Hudson at Hud- able price from cows with C. T. A. ‘repid editor, gorged himself on the’ have not come here to tell you that and thoroughly reliable In Dr. Allen’s office. evening Friend Sam is displaying either wis- records. Journal building yesterday afternoon For rent—A new three room fur­ son’s Garage. 1 Mutual Phone, Bert Folks, before a gasping, gasping thunder­ Idom or commonsense in his desire to newspaper of Portland, whereby the _ ... and . Tillamook nished house. Enquire Bell Phone Tillamook has an auto top and I could I : Evening „ ... “ Telegram .. . , , „ struck multitude, with Os West as eat the Journal building. ===---------- 1------ • harness • and j would u not . j do that, because, 1 Headlight can be obtained for 12 24-J. repair shop in rear not " of master of ceremonies and Dr. Marie The Bedloe ii Launched. . say so would be in contravention months offer is . good , up for , to >5.00. , This , Equi and Dr. Charles Hiram Chap­ to As the embargo is lifted the public building opposite post office. Auto , ,.J . only and . including February ' A large number of people went to man as timekeepers the whale’s feat of the grand old constitution of these . library will be opened again an Sat­ tops, curtains and cushions repaired . u tt ..„ j nK«w„;10th. his is a good opportunity to . and waterproofed, harness repaired. the ship yard of the Feeney-Bremer in swallowing Jonah whole stood out grand oki United States of liberty , . , .. . ,, urday. . . „ f.n obtain a fine daily " newspaper and Both phones, But . . I am here to tell v w most monstrous gastronomic and . freedom. Co. to witness the launching of the j as the Would like position on dairy of 15 ___ the you that he is willing to sacrifice his __ best . and ___ leading ° county * news- The County Court which held its steamship Bedloe, which was built1 accomplishment of the centuries, to 20 cows.—Write Percy Stone, Til­ in order paper Tillamook County ____ „ . for a for the government. The road to the j Sam’s peerless event was pulled off reputation as a 1* wiseacre first meting this year, did X « . . ’ eTY»nll o rr» « ____ not get lamook. Send in that he might live up to his word. , small amount of money. lirough with its business and will shipyard was packed with autos and,011 schedule time, as exclusively an- Very desirable apartments for rent meet again this week, having left the day was ideal for the occasion. nounced in The Telegram several i Briefly, my friends, he is about to be- your subscriptions to the Headlight at once. above the Gem Theatre. See A. C. Monday to attend the meeting of the This was the first time that a num­ days ago, and was witnessed by one 'conie a martyr to the truth. Everson. State Highway Commission on 'Tues­ ber of our citizens had been on the of the largest crowds which has ever Great Scott! Sam Keeps Pledge. The Flu Ban Lifted. Bayocean roud and the first time congregated in one place in Portland. "As you all probably know, he Fish net knitting, done by Mrs. E. day. ------ o------ The corner of Broadway and Yam ­ they had seen the vessel, both of R. Hayes, Sandlake, Ore. For partic­ The City Council met on Monday Gale Buel came in on Sunday, which caused them some surprise. hill, where the Journal building for­ very foolishly told the people of Til­ lamook that he would eat the Jour­ ulars write or phone. F-5 bringing C. B. Whey's auto in from The time set for the launching was merly stood, was Jammed and packed nal building should the story pub­ evening, with Mayor R. T. Boals and Dr. Wise will begin making his Yamhill county. Although the Grand hulf past one, and when she was on all sides by men and women who lished by the Journal regarding the ! Councilmen W. B. Aiderman, A. H. trips to Wheeler, Nehalem and Clov­ Ronde road was in bad condition he freed she made a slow start, only had resisted the temptation of the ' armistice turn out to be abortive, or, Harris, C. A. Johnson and S. Moulton were present. managed (o get through from ¡tear moving a few inches. Miss Anna May New Year’s matinee for the sake of i like the reports * erdale about Feb. 15th. _ of ____ Mark Twain’s Allen Page sent in his resignation McMinnville to Tillamook in a little Morgan, .eldest daughter of Captain seeing Editor Jackson eat his own 1 death, greatly exaggerated, Real honest old fashioned Pork over five hours. ____________ __ _____ — We all councilman and the vacancy will and Mrs. Morgan, had the honor of building, as he promised the citizens know grievously and too well that as Sausage is hard to get, but you will be filled by the council. ot Tillamook he would do should his christening the vessel and the young Carl Haberlach, of Tillamook, is his story of the signing of the arm­ find it at Sutton's market. ' * Mayor Boals made the following the representative of the Oregon lady was given a bouquet of beauti­ widly .published story of the signing istice several days in advance of the appointments: Tarpaulins—any size—made ' to Dairy Council to receive sustaining ful carnations. The vessel then mov­ of the armistice prove false. actual occurance of it was grossly Street Committee—W. B. Alder- order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side memberships for the council. This ed off slowly, but by the time she and tfoublesomely false. Sam admits man, A. H. Harris, and S._______ entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. organization plans to conduct an ed­ emerged from the shed she stopped 1 Enter Sam—Hungry. Moulton. _ A special roped in section of the himself that it was the rankest kind I | Finance -------- Committee —......... —C. A. Johnson juiuu after reaching the water. The cause Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson re­ ucational and publicity campaign for area immediately around the build- ot a hoax' Admitting it so frankly, A. H. Harris and W. B. Aiderman. . . - — - * “ K..-.. ....... •« 1- x,_ .1 ... — turned on Sunday after several the benefit ot the dairy industry of appeared to be that two massive ing was reserved for I. W. W., pro­ he Is here now to keep his pledge to Health Committee—S. Moulton, W. chains had been laid along the ways, Germans ____ _ weeks visit with friends. , Oregon. and others of doubtful pa- , the people of Tillamook. I now take 1 B. Aiderman and A. H. Harris for the purpose of a brake, but this triotism. Thunderous handclapping great great nleasnrp In IntrnHuoino- 1 nix- . .. .. T. ' Botts. Plea8ure ln introducing Editor City Attorney —H. Dr. Wise will return to Tillamook • To be sure you have a place to live proving too much bo as she lifted the came from this < faction as Editor .Jack8On- ’ City Marshal — W. _____ about Feb. 15th to resume the prac- buy a home today. Never has the de- E. Noyes. heavy ------- chains, her to - Slop, stop. Jackson, garbed . in . a .. gorgeaus uuweu ana _______ „« Sam bowed and i smiled profuse- ---- and ------- - ...» jacxson, red j i I | As oani City Recorder—Mrs. Stranahan. tice dentistry in this county. -------- . caused ... ' * , mand for houses been so great. Prop­ ----- , — This was somewhat of a disappoint- ( bathrobe and otherwise looking likes’’__ . ___________ _ 1 the seats re- City Surveyor—W. S. Coates. Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is erties are selling every day but bar­ ment to the large crowd. She was. was, i_„ an ancient Roman ftiauicxiui gladiator ICttUJ ready i8erve<‘ ‘or ‘be L W. W. In the matter of the flu embargo, gains are not all gone yet. Some of safe, clean and powerful. For sale at however, taken off early Tuesday for a tremendous fray, stepped forth, What is all them papers doing this was discussed at some length the best buys were IlBted today for the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * several donkey engines be- ______ his chest out, bulging his’midriff ’iled up tberer’ a8ke<* ‘he voice. and a vote of the council was taken quick sale. A payment down, balance morning, ing used for that purpose. I appearing empty and his aspect in I ‘hem, said Os, is copies of tho whether the embargo should be Let wour co-worker on the farm be monthly, places you in a home of Captain Morgan was the govern­ n^ hfovember * 7, containing lifted or kept on, when two voted the Cleveland Tractor. On display at your own. See Everson at once. • ment inspector, and it is said that the general denoting one who was hung- i ’s story of the armistice. He has i for and two against. This , ry from long fasting. This belief was iSam 1 the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * _ __ it put For sale—John Dear Plow with 2 Bedloe is one of the best built vessels confirmed when Os West told the ex­ asked to be allowed to wipe his squarely up to Mayor Boals to decide, Just received a car of mill feed at shears and 1 rolling cutter, 1 case constructed for the government by pectant throng that Sam had forgot­ mouth with one of them every time and much against his own judgment the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices drag harrow, 1 horse cultivator, 1 the Shipping Board. ten all meals for a week in prepara­ he swallows a chunk of the building. he decided to lift the embargo. are lowest. * set chain harness, 1 collar. 3 halters, More vigorous applause followed tion for the event. this announcement. For Sale—Berkshire pure bred 1 poultry shell grinder, 1 set of plow WESTERN STATES SEEK TO The crowd's Impatience waxed a Lumber Take« a Drop. pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. double trees, 1 neck yoke, 1 square ' A pathway long enough to give AMEND HIGHWAY BILL. 1 bit warm because of a delay which ------ o------ K. Williams, Mutual Phone. * shovel, 1 pointed shovel, 1 onion hoe, ' O' 1 ' -------- -------- from wrangling WVWWU JU/Z • | Sam a good start in his first plunge resulted between Dr. Lumber took a drop and now Is 2 garden hoes, 1 shrub trimmer, 2 ; Fear Expressed that Local Resources Equi and Dr. Chapman on one side at the building was cleared on i the the time to figure on new buildings For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair­ axes I double bit, 1 5 foot falling and Os West on the other as to which Broadway side. Sam. blind as a bat, and """■ residences. —’•*----- The price of lumber Are Insufficient to Match Fed­ bank & Morse gasoline engine in saw, 1 garden rake. 1 ads. 3 cords of particular part of the building Sam was led to the end of this by Doc I at A. F. Coats Lumber Co., in this good order. W. D. Shafer, Rockaway, wood, 1 potato hook, 1 kitchen cabi­ eral Fund. Equi and Doc Chapman, each Oregon. • Saltm, Or. Jan 1.—Doubt exists would start eating first. Os West said whom held a watch. At the word i of city is as follows: net.—S. Michaud, Tillamook. * •Go’ Ceiling, No. 2 and better .. $25.00 he should begin at the top and eat J. G. Schroeder vs. W. W. Ride- George Fosnot vb . Dora Fosnot is a whether the northwest states have downward so that he would always from them, Sam dived at hiH first Rustic, pio. 3 , 20.00 balgh is a suit filed in the circuit divorce suit filed in the circuit court. sufficient resources to match, on a have a solid foundation beneath him, meal in a week. Cull rough .. 9.00 court to recover $500.00 on a prom­ These parties were married at Baker 50 per cent basis, government money because if he began at the bottom As luck would have it,, Sam’s first Cull sized . . . for highways construction purpose 11.00 issory note. contact with the on the 20th of January, 1889, three building was at the Cull Silo .... as proposed in a bill now pending in and ate toward the top his cargo of . 13.00 i W. Roenicke vs. J. P. Mattoon and children being born to the union. It Congress whereby through a period undigested brick and tile would be­ stairway leading into the rooms in Fencing .... 16.00 E. L. Mattoon is a suit filed In the is alleged for the past three years de­ of six years the Government would come so burdensome to his stomach which the Journal had been wont Ro. Clr Fir K. D. .. 27.00 receive press dispatches from the to fendant treated the plaintiff in a that he might tire before he got Flooring circuit court to recover $143.40 on a K. D. V. G. No. 1 .. . 40.00 appropriate an aggregate of $600,- 99 99 Hearst and United Press service. It cruel and inhuman manner, and last promissory note. No. 2 . . . 37.00 000,000 for use in all states that through and so disappoint the spec­ was in this room that the untrue 99 • 9 January when residing at Salem, de­ . No. 3 I 25.00 For Sal, Fourunit Hinman Milk­ fendant notified the plaintiff that would match the government money. tators. Dr. Equi and Dr. Chapman on armistice story first came to Sam. I I 99 99 No. 4 I 17.00 State Highway Engineer Herbert the other hand, stoutly contended er or any part of it cheap. used only she absolutely refused to live with InstinBtively and as a ravenous beast ................ 35.00 a short time. Apply or write Tilla- him as husband and wife, notwith­ Nunn left tonight for Salt Lake, that the event should be divided into did Sam go for this portion of his Finished K. D. Finish selected........................ 40.00 where he will represent the State 'two halves, after the fashion of a i mook Headlight. standing the latter had tried to get football game, in order to give him a structure, stopping anon to blubber No. 3 ........................................ 40.00 Highway Commission at a conference | to the crowd that if he could swallow Mouldings ............................... Rooms to rent for light housekeep- her to do sc. of highway officials of the Northwest breathing spell, and that he should %c. ing. furnished or unfurnished, also On Friday afternoon a number of states called for the purpose of for­ begin at the bottom where every­ I this part of the building as easily as Rough Board A dimensions.. 15.00 for transients. Mrs. J. Sheets, 8th citizens interviewed ----------------- he l’ad. made the publ,c KW1I|OW ,he Sized Board & Dimensions . . 17.00 should u..u begin, and that he I the County mulating an amendment to the bill. thing Street, Tillamook. 14-J Court to discuss road matters and ¡The ?he oi.the bui,d" Flat Battens .......................... i proposed amendment will pro? should eat this out during the first 1 ^52* 45.00 be easy for him. In a 2 in. 0. G. Battens............... . Wanted a job for coming season by bonding the county. Much of the I j vide that these states be required to half and let the upper portion of the . ing , would 45.00 '>" replied that such ing down Barn's yawning maw as an For Sale For a Short Time Only. Under the bill, with the Govern- a 8tun‘ be readily possible in Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, Judge Hare said the road as far insect would go down the gaping _______________ north as Bay City w would ____________ have to __ be ment appropriating $600,000,000 a wor ' d ruled according to I. W. W. Tillamook, Oregon. • mouth of a python. One of the best ranches in Tilla­ hardsurfaced. As the State Highway and the states the remainder, $1,200- PhiloR°Pby an(1 ‘h«y wished to give I Sam stopped long enougt to breathe mook County, close to town, fine im­ Wanted,, to rent, a dairy farm,, in­ Commission met on Tuesday, the 000,000 would be made available for bam a chanCP to demonstrate this a sigh of relief at the last piece of provements, good buildings, electric cluding livestock of about fifty milk County Court, with Frank A. Rowe road building purposes throughout fact ,act on thls tbi8 one OMMlon occ»810»- ’ . this baftful portion of the structure lights, thoroughly up to date. This cows for one or more years. If possi­ and H. T. Botts, interview the com­ the United States in six years. Should 0» Makes Great Speech, I was devoured. The rest of the buiid- has never been offered for sale before ble not too far off from the coast. mission to see wuetber_____________________________________________ some plan i the bill go through with the 50 _ per »>•■»* agreed »«•*■* «. him, as he announc- It was ------- finally that Sam ing was easy for Apply to Alfred Hirsig, 246 Salmon could be devised to hardstirface the'cent provision, Oregon's share in six should be blindfolded and allowed and is only on the market now for a to edit would be. Bt. Portland, Oregon. 4* Three Rivers road. brief period. It will pay you to see 'years would be about $9.000,000. I dire . ................................. into the building pell meli and Doc Equi and Doc Chapman, offi- 1 Everson. WOW ! EDITOR HAS SOME MEAL I He Tries Hard to Keep Pledge with People of Tillamook County.