Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 02, 1919, Image 8

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county official in one county
double that amount in another coun­
ty for the same work. We are heart­ Man That Wine In Life's Struggle Once Humble Flower Rapidly Being
------ o
It looks as though President Wilson ily In favor of the State Legislature
Brought to High Position by the
Must Have ths Utmost Conft-
and Mrs. Wilson are having the making the salaries of county offi­
Master Florists.
de nee In Himself.
cials as uniform as possisble, but the
times of their life in Europe.
Interest of the taxpayers should be
The chrysanthemum Is not to have
Power is the goal of every worthy
This should be a new year’s reso­ carefully considered as well as the ambition, and only weakness comes everything Its own way lu the world of
lution for every city and county— interest of the county officials.
from Imitation or dependence on oth­ flowers. No doubt the chrysanthemum
quarantine every person suffering
Power is self-generated. We show gets more of the limelight of
Talk about splendid opportunities cannot increase the strength of our publicity than a dahlia show, but the |
with the flu.
in Tillamook County. There are muscles by sitting In a gymnasium and gorgeous blossom that was once culled
I>ld you make any new resolutions thousands of acres of land here more letting another exercise for ua.
“the prljn old maid of the flower world"
at the commencement of the year? suitable for loganberries than dalry-
Nothing else so destroys the power is having its “shows" or exhibitions
Well, do not forget them before the ing, and
to stand alone as the habit of lean­ just the same, and the reports have it
able for loganberries than the Will- ing upon ethers. If you lean you will that they are attended by large crowds.
week Is out, as most persons do.
amette Valley and will -produce a never be strong or original. Stand The dahlia show bus become a regular
The special newspaper correspon­ better berry, thia is an Industry that alone or bury your ambition to ba thing in muny cities and It is sold that
dent in Europe are striving to create should be encouraged and pushed to somebody In the world.
there are persons who can work up
interest in the war by writing all the front. Take the whole of the Ne­
The man who tries to give ids chil­ quite as much enUiualasm for the dah­
kinds of stuff about what the peace
dren a start in tbe world so that they lia as for tbe “mum.” Tbe dahlia,
loganberries it would be worth a mint will not have so hard a time as he had from a very simple and home-loving
conference is going to do.
of money. Those who have land more is unknowingly bringing disaster upon flower, bus become somewhat of a so­
It’s Major Hoy Jones now, don't suitable for loganberries than dairy­ them. What he calls giving them a cial pet
you know, not common County Ag­ ing would be wise to plant a few start will probably give them a set-
It was not muny years ago that the
riculturist Jones. Now why can’t the acres to loganberries. The question back in tba world.
Young people dahlia bloomed la tbe yards of small
newspaper men, who did considerable of a market is no longer in doubt, for need all the motive power they can homes. Sometimes It grew lu the front
patriotic work durlngg the war, have it is an assured fact the packers will «•t They are naturally learners, Im- yard and sometimes in tbe back yard.
some of these prefixes added to their be glad to buy all the berries raised Matora, copiers, and It la easy for It might be remarked here that the
at a good price. Tillamook loganber­ them to develop Into echoes or Imita­ “yard,” especially the “front yard,"
ries are like Tillamook cheese, they tions. They will not walk alone while has disappeared. Nobody now has a
Talking about substitute». Old can’t be beat for flavor and superior you furnish crutches | they will lean front yard. Nobody who la anywhere
Bossy does not belong to the privileg­ quality.
upon you just as long as you will let near up to date would have such a
ed class, for tone of straw is being
O .. -
thing about the bouse. The piece of j
fed to cows In this county. It must be
One of the greatest delusions that a real estate which we used to call the '
We had our misgivings on Friday
hard tack and hard chewing for Old when Representative C. J. Edwards, human being could ever have is that front yard has become tbe “lawn.”
Bossy, but dairymen can’t expect Attorney H. T. Botts, Fred R. Beals he is permanently benefited by con­
Well, formerly the dahlia grew only
much milk from that class of feed. and F. C. Baker, four staunch Repub­ tinued assistance from others.—Orison
In the yards of humble homes. It bad
------ o------
licans, allowed C. E. Trombley, a free
not broken into what Is called ‘so-
Allow the politicians to run the trade Democrat, to accompany them
clety.” Fashionuble “grounds'’ i could
railroads for the next five year« and to Wheeler. What kind of a “We
it will be necessary to have another won’t go home till morning” stunt AIM SHOULD BE PERFECTION not think of admitting such u plain,
hardy und highly colored citizen of the
bond drive of several billions dollars
was about to be staged we did not
to keep them from going into bank­ know, but we felt sure with a free Man Who Is Satisfied With Nothing flower world us a mere dahlia, It did
but the Best Is Man Who Will
not belong to their set. But the merit
ruptcy. The free trade party proved trade Democratic hoodoo in the auto
Make Good In Life.
of this flower and the high state of cul­
itself to be free spenders of the peo­
something, sure, would happen. He
ture which It bus attained under the
ple’s money.
kept the party waiting while he
Don't get Into the "that’s-good- guidunce and tuition of muster florists
----- -o------
dressed up in his meeting going enough" habit. Nothing short of “per­ bus forced the proudest gardens to
Now, Mr. Dairyman, we have a lit-
duds. This was a bad omen and the fect” should be your motto.
open their gates or let down their
Hje snap shot for you. Grow more cow
"first hold up”. It is said of our Dem-
Slovenly habits of mind and hand fences. The dahlia now holds up its
feed on your furm and don’t pay out
ocratic friend that he kept the doc­ grow faster than good habits. A slip­ stately head among the exclusive set
so much money for imported feed. It
tor and nurse waiting when he made shod manner of thinking results in of tuberoses, gladiolus, carnations and
will take a little more time and a
his debut into this world, and when slipshod methods of wort.
the like.
little harder work to bring tliia about
You will never become efficient In
but that won’t hurt those who have taking his departure will keep the
preacher, undertaker and mourners any one thing till you get it firmly
time to spare, and who are wasting
waiting. All went well with the par­ fixed in your mind that if another can “SUB ROSA” IMPLIES SECRECY
ty until reaching the Miami,, when
do It Jitter than you you are not do­
------ -»----- -
Term Had Its Origin Long Ago in a
"Blow out' " number one caused the ing well.
A good many persons think the
Plot Which Involved Existence
hold up, which made the
Thoroughness and accuracy play a
price of merchandise Is going to keep second
of Sparta.
late for the “Blow Out” at big part In the success or failure of
up in price. Walt until England and
the European countries commence
The origin of the phrase sub rosa,
You may be artistic and tempera­
dumping merchandise into the Unit­ and expecting to be home by mid­
“under the rose,” Implies secrecy, and
ed States under our Democratic free night, 'Blow out” number two de­ mental and dreamy, but you will never
had Its origin In the year 477 B. C., at
trade law. It will not only cause a tained the horseless car not a great realise your dreams till you get down
to brass tacks und do what you do which time Puusanlas, the commander
drop in the price but a stagnation in
of the confederate fleet of the Spar­
out" occurred. The wind was blow­ with precision and dispatch.
Home of our Industries.
There Is plenty of time to exercise tans and Athenians, was engaged in
ing und the rain pelting down in
your artistic moods after you have intrigues with Xerxes for the subju­
It 1 h just as necessary to raise gar­ good shape, but notwithstanding this
learned all there is to know of the gation of Greece to the Persian rule,
den truck this year as it was last the repairs were made and another
mechanical and fundamental prin­ and for the band of the monarch’s
year, even mo rd so, for money Is not
ciples of the work of accomplishment daughter in marriage. The negotia­
liable to be bo plentiful and work a This time it was a tire that did the you think you were out to do.
tions were carried on in a building
little harder to obtain. Anyway, “Blow out” stunt and not another on
Ilemember that Interpretation comes attached to the temple of Minerva,
what's nicer than a large variety of hand to replace it. We felt like pitch­ last.
catted the Brazen house, the roof of
vegetables for a family, and can be ing the Democratic hoodoo overboard
There must be weeks, months and which was a garden forming a bower
used when- fresh and wholesome?
years of systematic and consistent of roses; so that (lie plot, which was
Plant a gagrden this year and help Edwards started out to wake the den­
izens in that vicinity and send in a drill before one Is capable of exercis­ conducted with the utmost secrecy.
feed the family.
Was literally matured under the roses.
S. 0. O. call to Tillamook for a jitney. ing the faculty of Interpretation.
Pausanius, however, was betrayed by
A good many questions ure being
one of his emissaries, who, by a pre­
aHked as to who won the war. The
Merchant bar. or merchant iron, Is concerted plan with the overseera.and
ex-Kaiser was confident that Ger­ dead to rouse the Miatnites after
counselors of state, five in number,
many would do so. for he made sev­ they have gone to bed. It took one the bar iron which lias been finished gave them a secret opportunity to
eral predictions, some of which fol­ hour, that was all. Bro. Edwards re­ by passing through the merchunt rolls. hpar from the lips of Pausnnlas the
turned. only to start out on shank's Puddled bars are worked into mer­
acknowledgment of his treason, To
—There will be no peace except pony to “beat It”. The honorable chunt iron or tnercliant bar by being escape arrest, he fled to the temple
state legislator soon got “soaked”, cut into pieces of suitable length,
peace by the sword."
of Minerva, and as the sanctity of the
"—The mailed fist is our only for he embibed every drop of the wet which are then piled in packets, heat­ place forbade intrusion, the people
walled up the edifice so that he might
“—My victorious armies will com­ was "loaded” when he reached Bay mered into bars of suitable shape to die of starvation.
pel peace on our own terms.”
surely have arrested him as a suspect labor bestowed oti this process de­
The Woloome Guest
The flu hus hit Salem again. That’s had he seen him crouched in the pends on the quality of the iron it is
Puddle bars,
There is scarcely unyone who does
bad, for the state legislature meets door of a building with a dark lan­ desired to produce.
In a few days. Should the bun remain tern in his hand between four and which huve been rolleh a second time not wish to be a welcome guest, yet.
in effect probably it would be a five o’clock in the morning. It was a are called “No. 2,” and this is usually everyone knows that some persons pos­
good thing after all, for it would long and tedious wait up the Miami designated aa “merchant bar.” It is sess tire ability to muke themselves
keep the lobbyists out of the state for the other four. The wind howled tike lowest quality of Iron available far more desirable in the home than
building while the legislature was and the rain persisted in coming for the smith's general use. If plied others. The visitor who brings a sun­
in session and would be a good way down in torrents, and the cold wind and rolled again tbe product is called ny, fresh (xilnt of view with her la al­
to get rid of those pesky individuals. and cold black darknesH, set the oc­ "No. 8.” Another repetition of the ways sure of a cordial reception, pro­
But it may be on the tapis that the cupants of the car to praying for de­ process furnishes au article known as viding site is careful to carry out cer­
Htate legislature Is in for another liverance or wondering where they “beetbeet." ma! still another gives tain other requisites which a success­
could obtain some of the Miami moon “treble-best. > ’'
ful guest is wise enough to follow,
hold up.
shine “spirits” to scare away the
whether she has ever analysed them
Boy's InoUnci Tree.
in this cold fashion or not It might
Where are we at anyway? Some flu microbes that were lurking
“Historian of tbs sky" was the title be safe to guess that she has never
persons advocate vaccination to pre­ around to get one or more of the
vent the flu, and others masks. Em­ party. No one appeared to know bestowed on Augeio Seccbl, the fa­ thought about it all, but, guided sim­
A quaint ply by her etocere desire to express
bargo on meetings Is another method where the stills were located. There mous Italian astronomer.
to Htamp out flu, while another Is to was this significant fact. The auto little anecdote la told o< him at the real fellowship. tu*s luetluctlv^y ful­
quarantine those who suffer with the balked at a certain place going up time of Ids first visit to Lofidon. Not filled her obligations. Yet when con­
disease. For some reason the mask the Miami and did the Bame stunt knowing English. be wondered bow sidered. perhaps the one thing more
theory did not get started In Tllla- near the same place on its reurn. The be slmukl find hie way about, and con­ thou another which Insures one’s re­
ui<K>k county, but the three other Headlighgt man tried to get a few fided his doubts to bls young compoo- newed welcome may be summed up in
methods have their advocates, Some winks of sleep, but the other fellows ton, an Italian boy of fifteen. Finally the eiugle word, adaptability.
doctors advocate whiskey when a flu snored so loud that it sounded like they decided that the best plan wouid
patient la liable to develop pneumo­ pigs being driven to market, and he be to go and look for an ltatlan. “Our
Owns la Mark of High Offtoe.
nia, while other doctors contend It Is had to desist. A light was seen in the difficulties will then be met,” said Sec-
It Itas been the custom of the sur­
distant horizon and the party ch 1, and went straight for the British
a bad thing to give a patient.
thought, sure, that they would reach museum. Entering the reading nxilll. geon of the king of England to carry
a “gold headed cane.” Thia cane has
Will someone explain the logic of home before breakfast. It was not the be looked rapidly at tbe readers and been handed dowu to the variotm in­
this; School teachers from all parts
cumbents of the idflce since the days
of the state held meetings in Port­ car on Its way to the north part of with, “Bon gforno! Lei e Italiano I” of Dr. John Radcliffe, who was the
land last week, notwithstanding
first “bolder of the cane.“ It has been
there is considerable flu in that city, experienced. The wind blew harder,, not only directed Seochl where he used for 200 years or more by the
but the ban is placed on schools and the rain was wetter, the cold was a wished to go, but became Ids host dur­ greatest physicians add surgeons la
they are kept closed on account of little more icy and the flu germs ing hla stay lu tike British capitaL
the world, who succeeded to It. The
the flu. Probably the snap shot man were out In great numbers to obtain
“gold-beaded cane" was adorned by a
is a little dull, but somehow he can't victims, for all four of the party
Quaint French Custom.
crossbar at the top Instead of a knob.
get it through his head that if it Is were fit subjects. No one dared
A quaint custom with the boys of The fact Is explained by »unk. In
right and proper to close up schools sneeze, not even the free trade France, at the time when they ere that Radcliffe, the first
owner, was a
It was very improper for pedagogues Democratic hoodoo. Bro. Botts curl- called to the colors, la the wearing, rule unto himself, and
probn bly pre­
to get together and hold meetings in
just for a day or two, of a tall silk bat. ferred this device as a mark of dis­
a town where the flu was bad. and guished the lights and another long and failing that, of the tallest fslt bat tlnctton from the knob
used by phy-
then return to counties where the wait was experienced At last relief tlwy can procure. Pinning bands of elclans In general.'
flu was not so bad. Really it the em­ came, and all climbed into a jitney. uewai>ap«r to the crown, they sally
bargo doctrine is the right thing to Some progress was made. After pass­ forth thus decorated ami parade the
Life of Congress.
»lamp out flu then all the teachers ing the Miami, and when the party streets uf towns and villages, as the
Svu-ti congress lasts two years and
who attended the meeting in Port- was figuring it out how they were case may be. Often bats are banded
going to square themselves wit a from fa titer to eon. or from brother under the Constitution nr.iat assemble
land did wrong.
their wives “Blow out" number four to brother, and worn heedless of size at least ones each year. Two regular
...... O
It Is a troublesome question that of occurred. It was somewhere near or shape. The boys, having worn the sessions are held, both beginning on
raising county officials salaries, and four o'clock when another start was “chapeau de forme” for 24 hours or the first Morning In December. The
from all accounts the county officials made and all were fearful that an­ so. stream into the barracks and be long session lasts from December of
of this and other counties are want­ other “Blow out” would detain come the couscript.a. and then tba fa each o<14 year until congress adjourns,
generally on the following June or
ing an Increase in wages. There la no I them All went well however. Tho mous *poitue" of France.
July, and the short session. beginning
doubt whatever that some county of­ state legislator was picked up at Bay
tn December of mrb even year, ends
ficials are under paid, mid whenever I City, and the party reached home in
Mean Enlightenment. ”
at noon on the following March 4. The
an effort is made to raise them It I good time (or breakfast Moral: Nev-
Belle—Will proposed to me
long session may last until the next
generally raiser a hornet’s neat. ^er take a tree trade Democratic hoo- Bight.
session begins, whUe the short session
your auto if you want
There |s thia much to be said about
the salary of county officials, it is to avoid “Blowouts" and getting had i la rail him to do something dm Is ended by the expiration of the two
hardly fair play, say fl,000 to a "soaked" In the dead of night in a pernte and he wouldn't pass up ■ years' terra for which the congress Is
elected on March 4, following Its
[cold rain and wind storm.
Editorial Snap Shots.
The çJWanagement and Staff of
Extends to jlou sincerest wishes for
A Happy New Year!
EVER before has just such a New
Year come to the world. The great
events of the past four years have
prepared us for greater new things
than have ever been known.
As sometimes a serviceable, useful
buiMing may be torn down to build in
its place a larger and better one; so
great systems of government and na­
tional structures have been overthrown,
that something better may take their
In the spirit of the grentestof »ill
American’s, Abraham Lincoln, with
malice toward none, with charity
for all,” let us do our part, how­
ever email it may be, in the great
work of perfecting the new build­
ing ; a reconstructed world.
After—Holiday Sale of
Ladies' Wearing Apparel
Beginning Friday, January 3rd, 1919.
Every Garment in Stock to-day Offered at
Greatly R^educed Prices.
Every woman in Tillamook County is in­
vited to participate in the wonderful savings
made poseible by the reductions in prices
made on every garment and hat in stock on
the Balcony.
Glance at the list given below and you will
see what great bargains are available to those
who will shop early.
Two Big Lots of
Trimmed Millinery
Priced for Quick Clearaway.
Entire Stock of $4.50 Io $7.50 Hats
Sale priced at only..................... ........
Entire Stock of $8.00 to $1'2.00 Hats
Sale priced at only.................................
Women's Silk and Serge
Dresses Sale Priced
Entire Stock of Regular to
$31.50 Silk Dresses for only.............................
Entire Stock of Regular to
$25.00 Serge Dresses for only.........................
Entire Stock of $21.00 to
$34.50 Serge Dreeses for only.........................
Women’s and ¿J/Misses’
Suits Greatly Reduced
Actual $25.00 to $29.00 Suits now
Actual $30.00 to $40.00 Suit8 now
Actual $45.00 to $52.50 Suits now
Actual $55.00 to $62.50 Suits now
Liberty Bonds taken at face Value.
Extraordinary Sale of
27 inch wide good heavy
weight Outing Flannels
in plain white and light,
medium and dark colore.
An unprecedented sav­
ing on outings that are
actually »<>1<1 in many
cities at 40c. yard.
Friday, Saturday and
tactual $2.50 Valuea in
Blouse Sy ~
A splendid selection of
Blouses of White Voile
and other pretty sheer
fabrics and a few pretty
colored tub silks at a
worth while saving.
These waists are well
made, perfect in styles
and good fitting models.
o^fen’s and Younimen’t
Entire stock of Regular to
$1 1.50 Mackinaws for only........................................ $O.O0
Entire Stock of Regular to
» q Qrt
$1'2.50 Mackinaws for only..........................................
cTWen's Two Piece
Actually worth $3.(M) per garment. The Shirts come
in sixes 36 to 46 and the pants 32 to 44. Huy vour
wool underwear now while these generous savings
are available.