TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DHCSMJtíER 26, ■ .i to Profeeaor O. R. Hyslop, ef Oregon Agrioultural college, will conduct a LIEUTENANT GRANT three days' graln-grpdlng school at Dufur December 13, 18 and 14, under the auspices of Wasco county farm bureau, Oregon Agricultural college and the United Statee department of Principal Events of the Week agriculture co-operating. Briefly Sketched for Infor­ During the biennium of 1917 and 1918 the state highway department mation of Our Readers. haa constructed 45.2 miles of concrete pavement, 79.4 miles of broken stone Pacific college at Newbetg haa in­ macadam, 32.2 miles of gravel macad­ augurated a campaign for a war-time am and 134.5 miles of grading, accord­ deficiency fund of 310,000. ing to figures compiled for the bien­ Alexander M. Holmee, a pioneer nial report of the department. widely known throughout Marlon, Polk If It is found to be for the best in­ and Yamhill countiea, died at Sublim­ terests of enforcing the factory in­ ity, aged 78. spection law the state labor commis­ The Southern Oregon Poultry asso­ sioner may establish a branch office ciation will hold its annual show in in Portland and pay the expenses for Medford on the 18th, 19th and 30th U out cl the factory inspection fund, of December. Attorney-General Brown h^s dvised I. H. Van Winkle, assistant attorney Labor Commissioner-elect Gram. general of Oregon, is confined in a During the last two years the re­ hospital at Colorado Springs, Colo., ceipts of the state from all sources with an infected hand. have amounted to <29,138,970, which Despite adverse recommendations of to more than <8,000.000 above the re­ the eltisens’ advisory budget commit­ ceipts of aay previous biennium In tee, the rose festival probably wl(l be the history of the state, according to figures being compiled tor the bien­ resumed In Portlsnd next June. U. 8. Grant 4th, grandson ef the County officials from throughout nial report of 8tate Treasurer Kay. famous civil war general, who was Irrigation and drainage of 82,340 Oregon are meeting In Portland this promoted from a private to a lieuten­ w^ek for the annual convention of the acres ef land east sf Eugene ta con­ ant In the army. Association of County Judge« and templated by the Benham Falta Irri­ gation company, of San Francisco, Commissioners. An emergency hospital has been op- which has completed its filing for eoed at Adams with the co-operatfbn using waters of the McKenzie river. of the Adams branch of the Umatilla An estimated cost of >1,236,000 is county Red Cross to care for Spanish placed on the proposed development work. influenza cases. The Oregon Horticultural society W. B. Ayer, for 18 months federal Washington.—Démobilisation of the food administrator for Oregon, has re- I closed its meeting at Roseburg after home military forces at the rate of signed his office and named W. K. electing officers and deciding to hold Newell, assistant food administrator, next year’s session at Astoria. The 30,000 a day, the goal set less than a to act in his stead. officers elected were: Benjamin S. month ago by the war department, has Frank V. Pedro, wealthy sheepman Worsley, of Astoria, president; J. O. been reached if not exceeded. The chief of staff said more than of the Butter creek country, near Holt, Eugene, vice president; C. D. Echo, killed himself at his home in Minton, Portland, secretary; Charles $00,000 men have been assigned for early demobilisation, including 21,000 Pendleton by swallowing a large quan­ L. McNary, Salem, trustee. divisional troops, 43,000 engineers and tity of strychnine. Baker county is proud of its record Up to the beginning of the week the on the war stamp drive, it having al­ 14,000 men of the military aeronautics division. death toll in Portland from influenza ready exceeded its quota of <400,000 General March made public a report totaled <02 since the epidemic started by <60,000. All Indications point to in October. The total number of cases the fact that the county will exceed from General Pershing under date of reported was 8809. its quota by <100,000 before January 1. December 16. saying at that time a A large barn on the Jess Traver Baker county has the honor of being total of 3110 American officers and farm, northwest of Forest Grove, was the first county In the state to have men, taken prisoner by the enemy, had burned, the fire consuming 1000 tons its quota paid a month ahead of time been released and that only a few Americans in isolated «amps remained of hay, all the farm machinery and with a large oversubscription. prisoner. Rod Cross workers, allied other valuable property. At the instance of lumbermen In To bring attention to Pendleton as eastern Oregon, Representative Sin­ and neutral agents, the report said, an ideal place to spend the winter and nott has asked the railroad adminis­ are now searching for the few Ameri­ to make an all-year home is the pur­ tration to restore the privilege of ehip­ cans still held prisoner. General March disclosed the fact pose of a campaign just launched by ping pine lumber in closed freight that the communication facilities with the Pendleton Commercial association. cars. Owing to the scarcity of boxcars The general strike threatened for for shipping perishable commodities, the American forces in Russia, par- Monday, on behalf of Thomas Mooney, the regulations have required use of ticularly in the Archangel area, have was abandoned so far as Portlsnd was open cars for lumber, but it is alleged been very unsatisfactory. The war de­ concerned, when the Central Labor that pine lumber is Injured by ship­ partment itself has had difficulty in communicating Important military in­ council adopted a resolution to this ment in the open. effect Twenty-nine cities and towns In structions to the commander and only Commercial power rates of the Oregon each have a bank deposit of meager dispatches have come through Portland Railway, Light A Power <1,000,000 or more, and the aggregate to this end. General March said coast artillery company and the Northwestern Elec­ is <1^2,218,562.51, a statement issued units which were being used for army tric company, of Portland, are in­ by the state banking department creased In orders issued by the public shows. The deposits in the city of and corps artillery are all being re­ service commission. Portland total <125,884,709.85, and af­ turned to this country, but those which After a search extending throughout ter Portland comes Salem with <6,920,- were serving as divisional artillery the entire United States since last 543.68. Pendleton is third with <6,559,- probably will stay abroad for some August. Mrs. Ethel M. Scott wanted 812.42, and Astoria fourth with <6,364,- time. 1918. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF 6ENERAL INTEREST 30,000 SOLDIERS NOW LEAVING ARMY DAILY In Eugene for forgery of checks and 852.39. The banking Institutions in postal money orders, was arrested in the 29 cities and towns total 102. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS San Bernardino, Cal. There has been eliminated from the When the total German casualties | The emergency board met Monday Deschutes national forest in west cen­ at the request of Governor Withy- tral Oregon, 4780 acres of land, all sur­ are published the number of dead will combe, to consider an application for veyed and a small portion reported to be about two million, according to the a deficiency appropriation of <3000 for be agricultural, subject to entry only Cologne Gazette. With ths occupation of Eger and the public service commission to ln- under the homestead laws requiring vest feate telephone rates. residence, at and after 9 o’clock A m. Reichenberg, Use Czechoslovaks seem With only 3000 motor vehicle 11- January 15, and to settlement and to have all of German Bohemia com­ oense applications received to date out other disposition on and after January pletely cut off from German Austria. Ths Independence of Armenta haa ef the 83,317 registered last year, Bee- 22, 1919, at the Uaited States land of- rotary Oloett warns car owners to get floes at Lakeview and The Dalles The been proclaimed by the Armenian na­ tional del «gallon In Paris, according their applications In at oece to avoid land is tn scattered small tracts. trouble after the first sd tbs year. Four fatal accidents are included in to a dispatch from the French capital. Travelers from Germany report that A ooaeeatlea ef the State Federation the 841 accident reports received last at Labor will be held ta Salem on week by the state Industrial accident there are more than MM).444 unemploy­ JaiMary (. The convention was sched­ commtaaloa. In addition the commis­ ed men in Berlin. The streets are full uled te sion received the report that Nelson of baggers. Many of ths largest fee but the Kendall, who was Injured May II at Series have closed. Appointment of Major General C. T. made It Dee, while employed at lumbering, etan. died November 34. The fatal accidents Mencher, who commanded ths Forty- Cyme Hamlin Walker, of Albany, reported were: E*rl Randall. Bandon, second (Rainbow) Division in France, eldest living white man born west of stevedoring; G. W. Mackey, Astoria, as dlreotor of air service, succeeding the Rocky mountains reached the 30th shipbuilding; C. Kills. Knapps, log­ John D. Ryan, was announced by Gen­ eral March. of his life Saturday. Mr. Walker ging; Fred Boatner, Mist, logging. r American airmen in France brought was born December 7, 1338. at the old Anglers', hunters' and combination Whitman mission, near Walla Walla, licenses for 1911 are being mailed from down a total of 854 German alrplanea Wash the Portland office of the state fish and S3 German balloons, against an Formal protest acal not clam freight and game commission to the 3« county American loss of 271 planes and 45 rates proposed under the Chambers- clerks of the state and to approxi- balloons, according to a report cabled Prouty scale for railroads of the eoun-I i snately 130 others points of distribu­ by Major-General Herbord and made try. haa been made to Interstate Com- i- tion. Paper conservation has resulted public by the war department German propaganda and the ten­ meres Commissioner Altchison by ■ . in the commisaioa reducing the usual Chairman Miller of the public service number of licensee by almost 30.000. dency to criticise conditions in the dis­ commission. < The following numbers have been Is­ trict occupied by the American forces Warden Stevens, of the state pent- I sued this year and are being distribu­ have been abruptly chocked by the es­ tenttary. has appointed John C. Talley ted: Sixty thousand anglers' licenses. tablishment of a censorship by Major- deputy warden, supplementing Charles 46,000 hunters' licensee. 20.000 com­ General Dickman upon the newspa­ Burns, who will become turnkey to bination licenses, 100.000 nonresident pers ' and theaters. His act was the succeed L. C. Brotherton, temporarily licenses and 2500 free licenses tor vet­ first indication that the Americans relieved. Mr. Talley has been deputy erans of the Civil war and pioneers purposed tightening their grip on local affairs. warden at McNeill’s Island federal who came to Oregon prior to 1344. prison. Results of the official count at the The University of Oregon at Eugen- last general election show that Gov­ Germans Return Belgian Gold. will conduct examinations on Janunry ernor Wlthynombe has five new po­ Brussels.—German representatives 17 for young men who have the neces­ litical scalps hanging to his belt la have brought here from Cologne 334, sary qualifications tar recommenda­ the shape of records for Oregon. He 000.000 marks In gold, which is being tion to the United States naval acad­ Is the first man to be nominated three restored by Germany to Belgium. The emy at Annapolta. tallowlag a request times for the office of governor. He armistice with Germany provided for received from Cengressman W. C. was elected four years ago by the the return of the cash deposit of the Hawley. largest majority ever given a candi­ National Bank of Belgium, which was One of the biggest hauls of bootleg date foe governor. He was nominated removed by the Germans. whiskey ever captured In Clackamas last May by the largest plurality ever county was seised by Sheriff Wilson ^corded a nominee for that office. He French Loasee 1.400.000 and Deputy Sheriff Joiner, when' two was elected by the largest majority Parta—French soldiers to the num Beattie men driving a targe auto'Car­ ever pveu to a candidate for governor I ber of 1.400.000 were killed during the rying a Washington license attempted elected for his second term. He was war. according to a statement by the to get through the county with about the first republican governor In the < sm ini ¡st deputy. Lqctan Volita, tn the 889 quarts of liquor. history of the stats to succeed himself. 1 Chamber of Deputiea TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT is the Leading COUNTY NEWSPAPER