TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 26, 1918, --i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. . GERMANS CUT THROATS OF BRITISH ENJOY YANK PRISONERS. YANKEE SPEECH ------ o------ ------ o------ Harry Lauder Thankz God for Peace Quaint Expressions Used by Ameri­ ------ u------ can Fighters Charm the English Harry Lauder came to the United People. ¿.tales tor the twenty-first time last ------ u—- week, making the trip on lhe aiaure- taiua, bringing his wife and a cargo The American soldier’s appearance, oi tunny stories and songs. The social conduct and conversation, to comedian is to play a three weeks' say nothing of his military prowess, engagement here and then goes to j have endeared him to all classes in Australia and New Zealand, India, ! France and England. French news- Airma, then back to the laud ot tne ' papers tell ot his chivalrous attitude I toward the fair sex generally, and ii t.‘*i i uei • earing his Haig, and Haig cos- his kindly paternal way with chil- tume, nicluuiug klus, a rur pouch, dren in war-racked villages; the A statement of Dodge Brothers tweed cap and Bhoil tailed jacket, ' English dailies print columns about me Scotchman took Broadway by his alert,, military bearings and the war activities is due the owners smpribe wuen he maue his way to charm of his native slang, This last of their cars. the ouice or William morris, his characteristic draws forth the fol- I lowing letter on “What Sammy A.nerican agent. i-euce on earth, and tliank God Says," which is taken from the Lon- Dodge Brothers refrained, during don Daily Mail. foi it." «till- the progress of the war, from any , ,e got a new song and I've just Cheerful in the Ward. been humming it to my conductor so | Sammy is in my ward,, and I like ; reference to the performance of 1 rnouldp’t forget it. Il goes like this. him. Mis face he describes as "one the car in Government service. " * urn tiddy um turn,' and the title of the sort that only a mother could is gving io be Don i uet Us Sing Any love," but somehow, lantern-jawed u*ore About War; Just Let Us Sing and high-cheeked as it is, it appeals ; It seems proper now, however, About Love.’ 1 tried it the otner to me. . night deep down lu me Mauretania to disclose the facts, because they Even more than his face I like ' among the Boldier iads who were his conversation. His experiences j are unusual facts—intensifying coming home and mey liked it fine. during the war are, I suppose, much Alts. Lauder—she always travels the same as those of our men. bis that good will which owners of with me, ye know—and I got about mode ot relating them is peculiarly Dodge Brothers Cars ha vealways 700 ot them together and sang it to his own. The picturesque imagery 'em and made them sing to us. manifested. with which he adorns his speech may 1 visited several of the rest billita be an old story in "God's country"— of the Americans during my last trip to me it is a thing of wonder and a Dodge Brothers car was the only Once 1 was billeted with a New York joy foreyer. newspaper man J had known before. ’ ___________ ___________ ______ mb came over "the big drink" some one of its class approved and His name slips away from me, but he Uloams ago He had a pleasant voyage adopted by the War Department is an officer now. His striker brushed saw no 'Tin tisu’’ and had pienty to my clothes for me and I got to talk- j eat—"six meals a day, three up and Ing to the lad. He told me that he three ____ ______ down." on arrival al the port In a separate Ordnance Works, had oeen gassed at Chateau Ihierry they got into j the "dinkiest little _______ built especially for the purpose, He also mentioned a patrol of 20 men train ever”. Before it started the cap­ I who had gone out to the German tain asked for a key to wind it up I costing millions of dollars and lll.tb, IWV» of them aw«*aaavs*. lines. JUOl Just two returned, * lite WILLI. with. baHlI Sammy says that personally I employing thousands of their others were captured. The next night ! he ¡nten)iB to take one home as a the Afnericans raided the trenches cham to hang on his watch chain. skilled motor workmen, Dodge opposite and found their 18 com­ Quaint Description of Tea. Brothers undertook an important rades lying there dead with their They went into camp, where they throats cut. This lad told me the en­ duty designated by the War tire battalion went over the next day spena their time "hiking" about the __ The ___ ___ Department. and got GOO Germans. boy ____ said countryside. The "eats” here were to me. ’AVe killed <_ every one of the ' not overgood. They were given tea 600. It was the best day's sport I ' which tasted like the last water Without the aid of their great I Noah kept afloat in" and fish "that ever had.” Discussing the end of hostilities was never caught," but must have motor organization, Dodge given itself up". However they made Lauder said: Brothers could not have fulfilled ' the uay the word of peace came their motto, “Work like Helen B. to those who had lost kin in the war Happy”, and stuck it out bravely, the heavy obligation which they was the saddest day ot all. It was 1 The only thing that really "got their were asked to assume by the now all over and he will never come goat” was having to sleep on "terra firma. ” That, Sammy says, is Latin back. We may think sometimes that Ordnance Department. it is a very cruel world we are living for "terribly hard." Ultimately he and his companions in. I have thought- that many times, The other service required of but God Dost, and I believe crossed to the front. The country there is t. God, a God oi justice, who pleased him, but he found the lan­ Dodge Brothers motor works, by guage difficult and the French peo­ will surely be w ith us to the end." ple slow of comprehension. On one the Government, was to continue i occasion he wanted a pair of duck PERTINENT REMARKS. ' shoes, so he went into a bootmaker's ------ o------ In speaking ot the Mooney caae 'and quacked—but he couldnt get’ the Frank ¡says the people should °td dame wise to it. .. . .... . _ . ........ i___ ¡Mr th» For the fifrht fight thnl that put him out of see that "this monstrous crime is righted.” Has Mr. Walsh any inter­ action he says his lieutenant was re­ est in the righting of the monstrous sponsible. "He was sure tired of bis crime whereby a score of men, wom­ position and crazy on becoming a en and children whose lives were al­ captain or an angel" Sammy was most as valuable as that of any ready enough to help, but. a boche apostle of violence as a social remedy shell Intervened and Insisted on send­ were blown to pieces by a cowardly ing in his name with a application "for immediate transfer to the flying assassin? I corps. ” Hence his presence in hospital. Colonel House commission of 150 Notice of Hearing on Petition to Ex­ to the town of Tillamook, now Tilla­ expertB has brought to Europe six Joyi At Home. mook City, Oregon; thence north to tend Drainage District. truck loads of information about Eu­ < It is my duty to give out his letters ------ o------ the southwest corner of said block ropean affairs will at least furnish and today, as he read a voluminous In the County Court of the State 16 thence east to the south west a little innocent merriment on a con­ epistle his face brightened to such I corner of Block 15, of Baid MIUer’s tinent which, after four years of war an extent that I was forced to inquire of Oregon, for Tillamook County. Addition; thence north to the north­ Notice is hereby given that hear ­ is at least entitled to a quiet laugh. what good tidings had arrived. He west corner of said Block 15; thence ------ o------ hesitated, then grinned. "I don't ing on the following petition will be east to the northeast corner of said The Springfield Republican, con­ mind telling you, nurse,” he said, held at the Court House in the City demning the action of soldiers in “It’s my wife writing, and from of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, block 15; thence north to the north­ hazing the red flag parades in New what she says I calculate when I get State of Oregon, on the 5th day of¡ east corner of Block 13 of said Mil­ York, says "New York is a poor place home there’ll be something besides a February, 1919, for the purpose of ler's Addition; thence east to the for lawlessness to flourish In”. Well, fence running around my little place determining whether the prayer of east line of lot 4 in Eli Goodspeed's Park, according to the recorded plat said petition shall be granted. who are the apostles of lawlessness, in Seattle." All persons owning or claiming an thereof; thence south to a point 60 the red Hag toters or the boys who He goes tomorrow, and I shall miss feet south of the south line of said carry the red, white and blue? him badly, He himself is all anxiety interest in lands described in said , Goodspeed’s Park, thence west to the petition are hereby notified to ap- ------ o for an early return to a front where A hundred and twenty five thou­ he anticipates a real good time for pear at said place on said date and I northeast corner of Block 1 of High­ sand dollars has been spent during the Yanks had a correspondingly bad I show cause. If any there be, why the land Addition to Tillamook City; the past year in refurnishing the one for Jerry. The latter is assuredly prayer in said petition should not be thence south to the southeast corner of said block 1; thence west to the Vvnite House in acc.ordance with that up against the "straight goods" at granted. west line of said Highland Addition; Erwin Harrison, Democratic platform demand that we last. Clerk of the County Court. thence south to the north line of return to that simplicity and econ­ To the Honorable County Court of section 31 aforesaid; thence west omy befitted to Democratic govern­ Stop All Alien Propaganda. 300 feet; thence south 30 rods, more Tillamook County, Oregon; ment. ------ o------ or less, to the north line of Tilla­ The undersigned being the Board ------ o------ There ought to be a thorough in­ mook Drainage District, as original­ After decreasing the rate on long vestigation of the whole question of of Supervisors of Tillamook Drainage ly established; thence west to the District of Tillamook County, Ore- ' distance night telegrams the Post­ foreign propaganda. gon, being thereunto duly authorized i place of beginning, master General points triumphantly It Is apparent tnat Germany had a That it Is proposed by the district to the beneficient results of political powerful corps of agents, particular­ by a resolution adopted by said to reclaim such lands for sanitary board of supervisors in session on ownership. What about that fifty per ly press agents, in thia aountry, bp- the Sth day of December, 1918, do and agricultural purposes, and that cent increase in letter postage, that fore the war, and there is every rea­ hereby respectfully petition your such proposed reclamation will be fifty per cent hoist in freight rates son to believe that this has been Honorable body, and ask that the conducive to the public health and on the railway, the new charge for the praettee of other foreign nationa boundary lines of said district be welfare, and public utility and bene­ installing a telephone and a few as well. extended so as to include the lands fit; other features of political operation No objections can be made to pleas hereinafter described, which lands That all the lands to be Included which are to this little price cut as a made in the opinion in behalf of any are not described by and included in as herein described, would be prop­ barrel of apples to a quart of cran­ nation by its recognised agents. But the petition and decree of the court erly included within Tillamook berries? thia thing of hiring newspaper men, incorporating said district. Drainage District, and can be drain­ educators and politicians to represent ------ o------ The lands which we ask to have ed into the present drainage ditches It Is announced that several tons of the political and commercial inter­ included in the district are all those of this district, and all of the lands information on European affairs col­ ests ot alien powers, and permitting included within following desired to be added to the district the lected at government expense by a them to operate under the name of boundaries, to-wit: as herein described, will be beneficl- corpse of one hundred and fifty (150 . Americans, must stop if the people Beginning at a point 20 feet east ally affected by the operations of count ’em) college professors, accom­ are not to pay the penalty of such of the west line of section 31 in the district. panied the American peace commis­ alien plotting. That the benefits of the proposed township 1, south of range 9. west sion to Paris. As nobody else will We should know just what has W, M. and 30 rods south of the reclamation of said lands will ex­ have the time or inclination to read been expended In this country in northwest corner of said section, said ceed any damage to be done thereby, these few truck loads of enlighten­ agitation in behalf of any foreign point being the northwest corner of and that the best Interest of the ment, may be one of the peace condi­ nation before the European war and the original Tillamook Drainage Dis­ land included, and of the owners of tions will be that the kaiser will we should know who is operating trict, as described in the petition such land, as a whole, and of the have to study it in prison. Or, if the along this line after the war is therefore, and running thence noth public at large, will be promoted by war breaks out again, why not drop over. It should be made a criminal to the north line of said section 31; the proposed extension of said boun­ it on Berlin from a bombing plane? offense to carry on in this country thence east to the west line, extend­ daries, and the operations of the any sort of alien agitation under ed of Third Avenue East, in Tilla­ district in relation thereto and that false pretenses. mook City, Oregon, and running this would be a proper and advanta­ Stomach Trouble. "Before I used Chamberlain’s Tab­ t The creed of every American should thence north to a point 60 feet wet" geous method of accomplishing the lets I doctored a great deal for be American first. Any citizen of the of the southwest corner of Block 30 reclamation of said lands. stomach trouble and felt nervous and United States who would put the in- of Thayer’s Addition, to what is now That Tillamook Drainage District tired all the time. These tablest ' terests of other countries before Tillamook City. Oregon, and running proposes if said lands are included helped me from the first, and inside ' those of his own, or would sacrifice thence -east along the south line of within its boundaries, to drain said of a week’s time I had improved in the interests of thia country in be- said Thayer’s Addition or Additions, lands by constructing a ditch every way.” writes Mrs. L. A. Drink- j half of any foreign nation or group and an extension thereof to a point through the lands running in a *rd. Jefferson City. Mo. For Sale by 'of nationa, is a trator and should be south of the southwest corner of northeasterly direction from the j treated as such. Lamar’s Drug Store.—Pd. Adv. Block 16, of A. A. MIUer’s Addition present main ditch I d the district, to * Good Will Given a New Impetus luvzm ¿J to furnish their cars as they were needed. They were furnished, not in hundreds, but in thousands—both for the training camps here, and for service in Belgium, France and Italy. The record of those thousands of camp and army cars is one in which any owner may feel the utmost pride.and satisfaction. Their performance justified the compliment implied in their selection by the Government. The great works in which nearly three hundred thousand of their cars have been produced in the past four years furnished a vast store-house of human energy and equipment for the ordnance work. u Naturally, it will take time to adjust the motor works to its full accustomed activity. Gradually Dodge Brothers will resume the grateful task of con­ tinuing to deserve the good will of America—and indeed of the whole world. Dodge Brothers considergood will their most valuable possession. They will never knowingly do anything to lessen it ACKLEY & MILLER, TILLAMOOK GARAGE or near the northeastern boundary of said proposed extension, to be of suitable size to carry off the excess water upon the lands; the detailed plan for such ditch to be furnished by the engineer of the district here­ after; provided that the additional project and all expenses and tax levies thereof or connected therewith to be kept separate from the original reclamation project of the district. That the number ot acres of land to be added to the district by the proposed change of boundaries will be thirty-seven acres, and that the owners, together with the quantities owned by them respectively, are as follows: M. W. Harrison, 12 acres. Henry Rogers, 3 6-10 acres. Claude Thayer, 7 acres. N. M. F. Dawson Estate 3% acres. T. J. Harris, Sr. 3V4 acres. H. A. Miles, 2 V4 acres. F. R. Beals, Trustee for J. R. Eld- ridge, 1 acre. T. J. Harris, Sr. and wife, Mary E. 2 acres. D. W. ¡jams, Estate, 3 1-3 acres. That the present main ditch of Tillamook Drainage District is con­ structed across the south part of the lands proposed to be added to the district, and by constructing a ditch leading therefrom in a northeasterly direction all of the land to be added to the district by ttye proposed change of boundaries, can be drain­ ed and made more sanitary and pro­ ductive, but the same are low, wet and swampy at this time for lack of such drainage. That the said drainage can be pro­ vided for a small cost per acre, and the value of the lands will be In­ creased much more than the cost of reclaiming the same will amount to. We further petition your Honor­ able body to appoint three commis­ sioners. as provided by law, to as­ sess benefits and damages on ac­ count of said proposed change, Dated this 5th day of December 1918 Geo. Williams, Carl Hunt, M. W. Harrison. Supervisors of the Tillamook Drainage District of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon. State of Oregon, County of Tilla- mook ss. I, M. W. Harrison, I George Wil­ liams, and I, Carl Hunt, being first duly zworn, each for myself. My that > t ■" r < Ì •> and that the matters therein stated are true, as I verily believe. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of December, 1919. Geo. Williams H. T. Botts. Carl Hunt. Notary Public for Ore. M. W. Harrison My commission expires Dec. 21, 1919. Notice of Bond Sale. Tillamook City, Oregon, offers for sale 114,500.00 of its bonds, to be dat­ ed October 15th. 1918; payable twenty years after date; redeemable after five years; interest six per cent, pay­ able semi-annually. Bids will be re­ ceived up to the 6th day of January, 1919. Must be accompanied with a check of five per cent of the amount of the bid to guarantee purchase of bonds, if bid accepted. Right reserv­ ed to reject any and all bids. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned. A. H. Gaylord, City Recorder. Notice of Annual Meeting of Stock­ holders of Tillamook Hotel Co. ------ o------ The annual meeting of the stock­ holders of Tillamook Hotel Company will be held at the parlors of the hotel building at Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, January 6th, 1919, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the pur­ pose of electing directors, and trans­ acting all and any other business that may properly come before the meeting, Including the approval and ratification of all contracts, acts, by­ laws and proceedings, authorized, adopted, and had by the Board ot Directors; and generally considering the affairs of the company, and tak- ing any action competent for the stockholders to take with respect thereto. Dated December ’ 19, 191». Robert H. McGrath, Secretary. For Sale For a Short Time Only. —■ ■ n- One of the best ranch in Tilla- monk County, close to ’ fine im- provements, good bulldi electric lights, thoroughly up t- drte. This has never been offered ’ i>le before nnd is only on the ma • now for a brief period. It will • i to see Everson.