TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 26. 1918. ACCORDING TO THEIR LIGHTS HOW TO MEET MIDDLE AGE AVIATORS MUST DO “STUNTS” • — —— —— — — bavages Ruled by Customs and Csrw- monies as Unalterable as Are Be­ liefs of the West • If life In the New Hebrides can be described In irreducible terms of prlro- Itfve instinct, it Is none the less gov­ erned by an elaborate rituai of tribal ceremony, by the powerful Influence of teboo. by customs as rigid and Impreg­ nable as the towering forest fastness. That the old are burled alive Is as right and orderly to the truculent sav­ age as that night follows day, or that a warrior dies by the hand of his enemy If he does not first speed bls own ar­ row. Against this barrier of dark faiths and unprobed certainties, the wanderer from the West, with Ills trou- 1 <1 vision and ever-restless feet, l.. ras up for himself but a flimsy counter-illusion of civilization. Let his trailing schooners make their perilous voyages through the channels, darting In and out of the nameless, land locked harbors. Let him spread hfs net of commercialism. Let him take away pearls, tortoise shell, beche de mer. copra, sandalwood, or perhaps a hu­ man cargo destined for the great labor markets East end West, leaving In their plnce the cheap product of fac­ tories. or. better still, secretly, gun« and ammunition. The chances are that one day his fate will And him out. And If the time should come when he re­ turns no more to that same civiliza­ tion which betrayed him In an ultimate need to the savages of an obscure Island whose only costume is a neck­ lace. his death will merely cancel an outstanding account.—Gertrude Emer­ son in Asia Magazine. COAXING YOU TO SMILE. Imperative That Ono Should Keep Up With the Procession of Human Thought. Comparatively Solidity. Fests That 8sem Foolhardy Really Are Most Necessary In the Train­ Captain Edward Beck, of South ing of Airmen. Bend. Ind., at present in France with Margaret Deland gives some useful advice on bow to meet middle age in such a manner as to insure future hap­ piness. Among other things, she says: “To hold on to our appreciation of nature, we must spur our dull and lag­ ging memory of beauty; to keep our appreciation of human nature, we must refuse to be laid on the shelf; we must keep up with the procession of human thought. Only so can we see the sweat, the tears and smiles of our fellow-creatures. “These are the two Jasks of middle age; if we perform them worthily our souls will nover grow old. And, plain­ ly, it is ‘up to us’ as these slangy youngsters of ours express It—It Is up to us to keep young; to mnke sure that our Inner vision is open to beau­ ty ; and to the Joy and sorrow, the squalor and glory head the colored man looked up at diving and tall diving—the better ¡the mason languidly: 'Look out whar chance he has for his own life and you'al7; dVne “dripping"dat mortar.” the more certain he Is to get his op- I he suid ponent. Sad as are the continual re- ■ o ports of death by accident at our avia-1 tlon training camps, we may rest as-1 Truth Even Worse. sored that for an untrained pilot to I During a heated political campaign go overseas to the front is almost cer- . ollc of the party leader v.axed high- tainly fatal, and that for every life I ly eiotloual over some sto.-iu about ost In training, many are saved In | hini thal appeared in lhe dally paper fighting, fortunately airplanes today I in his honie towu> and excitedly gal. are so much stronger structurally and . loped into lhe sanctun, ljf the editor. so mnch better equipped and con­ "L ook here”’, he cried, doing a fox trolled than before the war, that this trot all over the room, “what do you necessary “stunting” In school and on mean by printing all that stuff about the field is no longer really dangerous me?” "What’s the matter with it?” —the real danger now lies in physical demanded lhe editor, without show­ Inability to “stunt.” Not only must | ing any signs of backing water. the pilot of the single-seated fighting i"Wbat’s the matter with it!” raged scout be thoroughly expert on the i the perturbed politician. "Why it's wing, he also must be a crack shot I all lies, and you know it!” ‘ Well, with his machine gun. Small wonder ¡then, what are you kicking about.” that It takes months and months to I blandly smiled the editor. "Suppose train an aviator who may develop into we had told the truth about you?” tn ace. ------ o------ His Day of Absence. A certain stupid teacher had a GAVE GREAT WRITER THEME regular routine of questions which Australian Writer Points Out Occa­ she asked her class evevry Sunday. sions When Bird Becomes a Real How Patriotic Protest of Gentle-Heart- The class was always arranged in ADAPTED TO MODERN NEEDS Benefactor to Mankind. ed Man Furnished Inspiration to the same order, and she began with Joel Chandler Harris. the same question: "Who made you?’ 8eemlng Proof That Feet of Women There are those who say that the Have Developed With Enlarge­ crow deserves no mercy. There is And the boy at the end of the class In one of his stories of farm life In ment of Their Work. no other pest eradlcator. Imported or answered "God”. Then to the next Georgia Joel ('handler Harris tells of a otherwise, doing its bit so patriotic­ I boy, "who was the first man?" and wealthy planter who wanted a few The different sizes chosen for the ally as the self-same crow. In Ba- ! he answered "Adam”. One Sunday acres of original woodland cleared near 1 the first boy was absent and of a village In which he lived. Labor was standard boots for women did not ap- nnnnlnnd, Australia, says the Sydney •carce, but he finally induced a thrift­ parently Include size one, which raises Bulletin, the ’ravages of the sheep­ course the usual second boy was at less fellow in the village to do the an Interesting point, remarks the maggot fly must make a loss of hun­ the head of the class. As usual she Some dreds of thousands of pounds worth began by acking. "Who made you work—a man who had always been Manchester (Eng.) Guardian. honest, but a kind of dreamer and little time ago an old curiosity shop of jumbuck every year, about the and the boy answered "Adam”. "N in a country town showed in Its win­ only difference in one season being ! teacher said, God made you “ne'er do Well.” tjhing^ so miss’ the boy replied; After a few days the man came to dow u woman's shoe of ancient date. that the damage Is probably greater ! I "the boy that God made is not here his employer and frankly confessed It was made of a gray-blue brocaded than the last Were it not for the' today.” that he could not do the work, al­ silk, with a large square-cut tongue bird whom no one has a good word i ■ <)■ though he needed the money. Pressed and fastened with a buckle. The heel for, the fly pest would soon duplicate for a reason he snld that the first tree was very high, made of wood and cov­ Itself with losses to sheep-owners His Bit. he started to cut down was hollow and ered with red-brown leather. It was Increased accordingly. Every dead Franklin K. Lane recently made a occupied by two squIrrelB, who made a beautiful shoe, and might have be­ sheep or piece of offal tn the bush 1« . plea for conservation in a northwest I ^violent complaint at the destruction of longed to a lady of Marie Antoinette’s the depository of the eggs of unimag­ lumber district. "I don't suppose one their house. The next was the home of court, or even have trodden dances In inable numbers of prospective sheep of you people ever done a single a chipmunk, with a large family, and the time of our Merry Monarch. But destroyers. Just about the time thing to save our timber!” he thun­ the third was occupied by at least four It was so extraordinarily small that that the grubs are the size of a grain dered. "Please sir,” spoke up a timid pairs of jaybirds. “That piece of 909 women would have failed to get of rice, and a few days before they youth. “I shot a woodpecker once.” burrow into the soil, where they re­ woodland Is a peopled city, throbbing It on. ------o----- The thousandth happened to see it, main for about 15 days before coming with life, busy ffom morning until Long Way to France. was fascinated by Its appearance, and forth, as a developed sheep-mag ­ night. It contains their homes and The troop train had just pulled in­ families, they hnve built and lived asked If she might try It on. It fitted got fly, Brother Crow spies out the colony. Then he sends the glad tld- to a station. A big husky negro stuck there for years and I have not the exactly. Was the normal size foot of that Ings by wireless system, and all the his head out of the car window and heart to destroy what belongs to these helpless creatures.” And out of that age the abnormal one of this? One family within range hurries to the shouted: "Say boss what town you- incident, simple but Impressive us It wonders. And have women’s hands, banquet. When It Is over a supply of all call dis?” "This is Accotink." was, Mr. Harris drew Inspiration for feet and waists developed to suit the grubs for the next meal has to be "And boss, what state is dis?” "Vir­ ginia; Accoting, Virginia.” "Well, one of tt|e. most graphic pictures In work which nowadays they have to do? found elsewhere. well, ah dun been truvelin’ on dis all literature.—H. E. Harman, in the New Explosive. yere train foah nights and foah days South Atlantic Quarterly. Attractive Tiled Roofs. The Oil, . Paint and Drug _ Reporter . One of the most romantic touches I Where de debbil am dis yere France of old Spain anti Mexico is transfer­ mentions a new explosive being tested anyhow!” Music 1« a Moral Law. red to southern California through by the government which will save a There Is an Intense need for art, and the medium of Its tile roofs on the considerable amount of glycerin. It Is Air Campaigning, •hove all for music In the dally Ilves better class of domestic work. The called nitrobyronel and is the product A congressman was discussing of our people, and It Is through the work left by the old Franciscan of Dr. Byron E. Ehlred. It is claimed public schools that the musical re priests In their missions throughout that It blows a chamber twice the size campaigning. "In the old days," he •ourcea of the younger generation, at southern (’allfomia and mostly done of that caused by T. N. T. (trinitro­ remarked, "I used to do it on horse­ present lying dormant, must be by the Indians, who were good pot­ toluol). In the manufacture of nltro- back, but now it’s the auto. Prob­ ■wakened. ters and who became expert under byrouel neither nitroglycerin nor to­ ably next time folks will say: ’Seen Why should our girls and boys being the direction of the monks. Is the luol Is used. It Is a hydrocarbon ob­ the candidate yet?’ ’Yes, he flew educated to be good business men and source of this new departure. It la tained by a by-product In coke-oven over my house this morning and women be denied development of all claimed that the variations In ths processes. dropped some literature." higher Intellectual and moral able of tile, making It possible for them to It Is estimated that 50,000,000 pounds their natures? It Is here that music fit together, was done over the calf of glycerin Is used In American in­ In Other Ways. roost directly exerts Its Influence. To of an Indian's leg, the wet day dustrial concerns, and a big saving In quote the words of Plato: "Music Is being molded by that method and this Important material, now growing An Irishman went into the office ■ mors I law. It Is the essence of order, then laid aside to dry. The cha rao- scarce, can be effected through the of the president of the Illinois Cen­ •nd leads to all that la good. juat and ter of these old tiles consists not employment of nitrobyronel. tral Railroad and said: "Me name's beautiful." only In the rich red and reddish- If a shortage of glycerin should be­ Casey. 01 worruk out in th’ yar-r-ds. There Is always the possibility, too. brown tones In the clay or the tex­ come imminent, the Oil, Paint and Ol d loik a pass to St. Louis.” “That that embryo Pattis and Caruso« are ture, a sort of seml-rongb matt Drug Reporter believes that the gov­ Is no way to ask for a pass," said the amongst our children and these can glaze, but from the Irregular, many- ernment would promptly start In to president. “You should introduce add as much to the future fame of slzed and shaped pieces going Into manufacture nitrobyronel. yourself politely. Come back in an our country as orators, poets, writer«, the roof.—Dwight James Baum in hour and try it again.” At the end of or successful business men—then let Architecture. the day back came the Irishman. Th« L«a«t of Th«««. them too, have their choice In school It la not the support of a nation buy­ Doffing his hat he Inquired: “Are day«, as well as the others. ing billions of dollars* worth of Liber­ yez the man I saw before?" “I am” Value of Thund.rvtonn. A thunderstorm Is one of the best ty bonds, breaking bottles over the "Me name is Patrick Casey. Oo’ve Undersea Pipe Lina for OIL of physicians. In fact tt is worth a i:em« of new ships. knitting socks been worrukin’ at the yar-r-ds.” Tank steamers are loaded with oil whole army of doctors working day or cheering us In the movies that "Glad to know you Mr. Casey. What on the Mexican coast by means of un­ and night. What they can only a» brings home to us the magnitude of our can I do for you?” "Oi'ce got a job and a pass to St. Louis on the Wa­ dersea pipes, sometimes over a utile image It can cure, clear out. absolutely trust. It Is all fine, but It Is all too big for bash. Yez can go to hell.” long. The record Is broken by two abolish. lines each two aud one-half miles long, Lightning makes the atmosphere any one man of ua to grasp. But we ------ o------ recently Installed about seventy mile« fresh It Is the cletitylng fire of heaven. appreciate how great our trust Is when Calumny in Persuit. •outh of Tampico. Thia method of load­ Where It pusses no germ con live. But we hear that the folks have had two “He's an infernal liar and a tutter- ing Is made necessary by the character an even greater cleanser, for It leave« pounds of sugar In six weeks, that the of the coast In the vicinity of the oil no nook or corner untouched, un­ lady next door let her bread bum In ing fool!" snarled Constable Sam T. fields. There are no barlxtru deep washed. unfltished. Is the torrential the excitement of reading our last let­ Slackputter, as he sat alone on the enough to accommodate tank vessels, rain which almost Invariably accom­ ter. and that the lady next door to her porch of the Petunia Tavern. “He's aud the water alongshore Is Shallow panies a thunderstorm. Think of bil­ Is working In an office and keeping the a thief, a reprobate and---------- for a tulle or more out to sen. The oil lions of tons of water passing through children In school while her husband “Here Sam!' exclaimed the landlord, appearing at the doorway of the hos­ pipes lie on the sea bottom and con­ the atmosphere, carrying down with is over here.—The Stars anil Stripes. nection la made with the tank ship at It thousands of tons of solid matter la telry. "What In thunder are you do­ the outer end by means of flexible the shape of smoke and ashes, and ef­ ing. cussing along that way. all by Forced to Move. metal hose. The line la fully connect­ fluvia. and germs untold and swilling “We’ve got to have « bigger yourself?” "I am running down a ed on shore and Is then towed out to all these things from street and alley house.” criminal!” ominously t eplied and court and roof. Why. no spring sleuth. •co by a tug.—Literary Digest ‘•Outgrown the present place?" rlcanlng could effect In a century what “No. We have rooms enough. In fact a thunder shower docs In ten tnin- more than we need, but the cellar Fcw Escape. About Milestones. ntes. Is too small." Most people Imagine milestones to .... O' ■ ■' “What'a the Ides?" be quite ancleut Institutions. They There are few indeed i who escape Ta Collect Old Scotch Maps. "We can ’ t store six tons of soft •re not so really. The first mlle- The Royal Scottish Geographical so­ coal In anything leas than the bate- having at least one cold during the •tones to he erected In England wers winter months, and they I are fortun- ciety has undertaken the formation of ment of a church.” art up on the Cambridge road between ate who have but one t ___ and get a national collection of old maps 01 Barkway and Cambridge In 1TJT, and through with It quickly and without Scotland and has Issued an appeal for Hospital Humor. it was not until 40 years later that In an American hospital In France any seriousness consequences. Take their use liecame at all general. True contributions of both maps anti money. a lieutenant who had lost both his legs Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and It la hoped to secure as nearly as pos ­ there are two “milestones," so called, In battle received n package from his observe the directions with each bot­ that bear the date 1700. still standing sible a complete collection of atlasew tle. and you are likely to be one of —-one at Tudcaster, and the other charts, county maps, district maps, wife. In It were six pairs of sock«. the fortunate ones. The worth and Raising himself as best he could tn road hooks, town plana, manuscript •ear Wlthington. Herefordshire. Hut merit of this remedy has been fully lhe cot. the lieutenant «aid: those do not give the distances to ma|M etc., Issued prior to the time of boys, what «m I going to do proven. There are many families the places graven upon them, being, the ordnance survey. about ISO. Th* " • "Say. t h these now T’ who have always used It for yean in effecL therefore, merely atone aign- earliest satisfactory msp« of Scotland "I guess you’re Just out of luck." when troubled with a cough or cold, date trora IMH. -Sclent I tie American. vu th« reply. and with the very beet results. For sale by Lamar's Drug Store—Pd Ad. TRADE IN TILLAMOOK \KE this your first Christmas consideration. Our home Merchants are fully t>rt*pnre aildit ion to that you will yontriinite to KEEPING THE MONEY AT HCflíE -thus ibiiiminyf a benefit to EVERYBODY i this locality. Shop vzith Firat National CHECKS D/.’i UTOHS : P. Heisel. farmer, .4. W. Bunn, Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. U. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. •1. J. Riechers. Cashier. TILLAMOOK. OREOON- Unusual Times ARE facing the most extraor- inary situation in the history of our country. Never before have so many new problems—so many de­ mands for re-adjustment—thrust them­ selves upon men and women for settle­ ment. HAS GOOD WORD FOR CROW » --------- Things big with fate are happening and we must know how to adjust our business—our homes—our personal lives to the new conditions. This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin Letter that represents a very unusual service at this time. In a clear and general way these Bulletins present • the pith of facts that influence your welfare. This is one of the ways we are helping our friends and customers to meet the demands of the present and assisting them in their plans for the future. We will gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone free for the asking. Tillamook County Bank Tillamook, Oregon Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL ZPHONE. There was ( a Crowd in the Store » and they were trying to josh the Tobacco Man “Have a chew on me,’’says he.“Break off just two or three squares. That’s a man’s size chew of Real Gravely. It holds its good taste so long it costs noth ing extra to chew this class of tobac­ co.” • • . . It goes further—that’s why you can get the good taste of this class of tobac­ co without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch W.A.CHURCH FOR INSURANCE. Fire, Life, 1 Pliant, Automobile. 2nd Ave. ß, between lat and 2nd.Sts. Su,-Ce,aor t0 J- 8 Stephens.