TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 26, '1'^ You Can Have Christmas Cheer the Year ’Round GAIN we approach the Holiday Season. It will soon be i time for us to say to one another, ’Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.’ What a splendid time for you to decide to put into your home those things which bring help, com­ fort, contentment and lasting cheer for every member of the family. A 7j*\ELCO-LlGH i provides bright, dean, safe electric light for IL/ the house and barn; also electric power to run the washer, cream separator and other light machinery. It bnngs city conveniences and modernbcnci’s to ihc country home—make* the farm a better place to live .-.-J to —and soon pay* for itself in Time and Lahor saved ACKLEY 8c MILLER Tillamook Garage, TILLAMOOK, OREGON 1918, Secretary Baker Urges Letters With “ Home-touch99 For the Boys Hy dear Hr. Fosdlckt The eyes of th* world are upon our soldters overseas today not more for what they have done than for what they are now called upon to do. Before thon lie the tasks of helping to rehabilitate the devasted lands of France and Belgium and of making sure that the vlotory in whloh they have so gloriously shared shall be a permanent one. This mean* that wo may not oxpeot soon to have them all with us here and to greet them faoe to faoe. The postponement of their homecoming will be often uppermost a* well In their minds as in ours. They will yet meet and must overooms many diffi­ culties without either the incentive or the exoitement lent in the past by the sotlvltle* of war. They need our help and en­ couragement now perhaps mor* than at any other time slnoe they left borne In order that they may be Inspired and strengthened to maintain that fineness of oharaoter, manner and conduct which has earned for them suoh universal respect. I believe that among all the influences which may be focused upon this object, the strongest and most far-reaching 1* that which emanates from home letters, and I therefore urge the mothers, fathers, wives and sisters of our soldiers over­ seas to express themselves earnestly In their letter* as their share In seeing that the high standards whloh America represent* both hare and abroad shall be constantly upheld. Cordially yours. Over 60,000 satisfied users endorse Delco-Light newton D Sas rotary of War. I MGS ONCE THOUGHT SINFUL IDEAS ABOUT AGE ARE WRONG Psrttan* Held That Men Had Ns Right to interfere With Diepenaa- tiwia of Providonc*. Writer Complain* That World Thialte of All Men A* If They Were Young. Raving last night heard that Josiah Willard had cut off his hair (a very full head of hair) and put on a Wlgg, I I went to him this morning. Told his ^Mother whal I came about, and she called him. I enquired of him what Extremity li id forced hint to put off hl? own hair and put on a Wlgg? He answered, none ut all. But said that his hair wi.s straight, and that it parted Itehiod. Seem’d to argue tnat men might as well shave their hair off their head, as off their face. I an- swered . . . God seems to have or- dnined our Hair as a Test to see whether we onn bring our minds to be contented ai bls finding; or whether we would b< our own Carvers, Lcrds, I and come n< more to lilm. . . Pray’d film to read the Tenth Chapter of the Third Book of Colvin’s Institutions. . . . Told hi n that it was condemned by a Meetii g of Ministers nt North­ ampton in Mr. Stoddard's house when the said Jo siah was there. . . . He seem’d to ¡-ay would leave off his Wlgg when his hair wns grown. I spake to his father of It a day or two after; he flunked me that had dis- cursed his Son, and told me that when his hair was grown to cover his ears he premised to leave off his Wlgg. If he had known of It, would hnve forbidden him. His Mother heard him talk of it; but was afraid positively to forbid him lest he should do it, and so be more faulty.—From Judge Sewull’s Diary (quoted lu “The Heart of the Puritans”). It is the fashion nowadays to speak of a youth of eighteen as If he were a child, and of a man of thirty-five a* if he were yet growing, The anclanta had no such ideas, and It has taken the lack of seriousness of the past] three or four generations to spread) them as they are. I often remembet with pleasure a reference of Guy Pa­ tin—the charming literary physician of the seventeenth century—to a M. Lenglet, a man of twenty-six, pro­ fessor of rhetoric at the College d'Har­ court, rector of the Paris university. Guy Patln says a man of twenty-six, as he might have said a man of forty- six; there is not the least intention of contrasting this man’s years with his high position. William Pitt was not supposed either, to be a crude youth, and the French revolutionists—most of them men between twenty-five and thirty-five—were never taxed with Immaturity. We think of all men who are not elderly as if they were young men, Hable to the mistakes of young men, and this not infrequently leads them to act as If they really were very young men. But most lads of seven­ teen are clear about their ethical code, and who is there who has gathered some experience, and has not found that the possibility of foregoing the cleanliness of their souls is more un­ pleasant to them than to most of their seniors?—Ernest Dlmmet, in Atlantic Monthly. DENIED EQUALITY OF SEXES Men in 1813 Had Decided Views as to Woman’s Intellect and Her Sphere of Duty. 3 JUST PART OF DAILY GRIND I Wounds and Death Mere Incidents to American Soldiers When Duty / Sounds Its Call. soon be clear of king rule.' It is al­ most certain that the princes and Training Camp lotlTltles. ------- o------- There were four of them, and the’r Sometime during the night of De- grand dukes will have to get out of There lies on the desk a book pub­ mission was to transport a machine the Germatic states. Spain,, Holland, cember 20th the commissary at the lished and sold by Moses Thomas, gun to a wooded hilltop commanding Brighton Mills Company’s Camp, No. Denmark, Italy, Sweeden, Norway, Philadelphia, bearing the date of 1813, the enemy lines. It was not very far like England, have sovereigns who Suggestion for Mother's Letter. 4 was broken into and the till rob- which makes It one hundred and five to look at. But they had to crawl the can perform no political act without Son of Mine: .bed of its contents, containing en- years old. There are many strange entire distance under fire. All night the advice of the representatives of They’re sending you home to me at things in that book, which contains long they crawled, except when they dorsed checks and money totaling the people, ,the premier. last. Through all these months of “Selections From Foreign lieviews and freze Into stillness under the light of about >200.00. Later reports from Order, is vital to humanity, not less Portland state that the thief has waiting and longing I've been wearing Magazines,” ail of which Is claimed to the star shells. Before they were toll­ vital than liberty. If kings, real I a star for you and holding my head be “the best thought of the ablest men way there, two of them were wounded been apprehended. kings, were essential to- order, we o—— high and thinking wonderful thoughts of the age.” There is an essay at­ end had to work their way back to the should have to have them. That they Road conditions in this end of ' the are not essential to order the United Washington. — (Special.) —Just be­ about you. I've watched you through tacking a French authoress who wns Hues over the same perilous ground. fore leaving for Franco to superin­ ocean mists and dreamed anxious Claiming an equality of intellect of the The other two kept on. The dnnger county are good compared with pre- ; States of America has proved. tend the demobilization activities of dreams. Yes, and cried a little, too, two sexes. The reviewer remarks: Increased as they approached the top vious winters. Two motor trucks are •Upon the whole, we do not think that of the hill. Both of them were bleed­ those organizations which recently but not when people could see. maintained in service, doing repair NO FOOLING WITH HIM took part in the United War Work work, which will keep the roads open And now you’re coming home. Oh, * little learning Is always a dangerous ing from flesh wounds. Both were ------ o------ Campaign, Raymond B. Fosdlck, It seems too good to be true. I’ve Just thing in a lady, so long as it has ref- spent with the exertion of the long as­ as far north as the Clatsop county Chairman of the Commission on Train­ read your letters again. They say so erence to her condition of life and the cent dragging their gun. But tbefr line, li is understood that Clatsop Private Refutes to Let Colonel by ing ('«rap Activities, was interviewed much more than you ever thought sphere of her duties. Without Giving Password. only thought was to do what they had county contemplates rocking north ------- o------- with regard to the present situation of when you were writing them. Just That is as far as the world had got come to do. Just at dawn they round­ from tlie Tillamook county line into An Indiana boy of 20 was doing 1 our overseas forces. happenings—that's all most of the at that time In the education of wom­ ed the top of the hill. The first thing Seaside, giving this county an all year road into Portland, via Seaside sentinel duty at a certain point in I “The problem presented by th* things you wrote about were to you. en. About seventy years afterward, they saw were two German officers' the line, and he had been firmly ad- , gradual demobilization of more than But to me they said you were facing when a woman became senior wrangler standing with binoculars sweeping the and the Columbia River highway. monished by his captain to let no- two million men three thousand miles the biggest thing in life, facing It at Oxford, which is the highest honor American lines. Quick as thought, ------- o------- body pass his post without the prop- from home la one which will tax ail bravely, as I should want my son to In mathematics, there began a change without waiting to place their gun, one The Brighton Mills Company have er password, says Stars and Stripes. our «octal resource*,” said Mr. Foo- face It You were offering your body of opinion concerning the quality of “Yank held it while tbe other fired, ceased operations at their logging A few hours later a middle aged dick. “It la above all a moral* prob­ and your soul for a thing bigger than woman’s Intellect. *' fjie officers went down, and the enemy camp No. 4 and will work the soldier came .down the trench and ' lera, •"<* It rnnst be faced as such, with you or me or America. guns woke up. The two boys made It was maintained in the entire | the full co-operation of families and other camp to full capacity for the was halted by Dick, the Indianan. When I wrote to you I tried to period by these "pblest men of the rover with their gun and answered the ' friends here in this country, if it 1* to remainder of the winter, reopening writ* cheerful, encouraging letters, "Advance and give the password," Are. Before the day had fairly broken, | be solved successfully. Every one who because I did not want you to go into age,” that the “feinale Intellect” was they had “cleaned out” the nest of in the spring. Dick commanded. entirely inferior to that of men, and battle feeling that I was holding you - - o------- | “Oh, that’s all right I’m your has a son, a brother, must help. enemy guns and had their own gun "While th* war was on our boys back from the big sacrifice. It's only that her physical structure made it advantageously placed. — The new grammar school building colonel” said the other. “I don’t hap- 1 ImposRlb!' for her to comprehend the This Is just an ordinary episode of being erected by Ward Mayer, of pen to remember the pass word just were fully occupied; they were still now, when the fighting is over, that I great questions, such as that of war. [ filled with the spirit of adventure, can let down a little and be just your dally life at the front.—Fro Wheeler, is progressing nicely and now.” i looking forward rather than back. mother, just tbs woman who loves Since then a woman has written the Cross Bcra^ “Nix on that stuff.” said Dick. should reach completion by about greatest war hymn of the workJ^T-St. Now, however, tbe fighting is at an Febroary 1st. The school, which will “How do I know you’re my colonel?” j end. They are going to remain, most you better than anything else in the Louis Globe-Democrat. ■i “But 1 am your colonel and 1 de- j of them, many month* doing work world and is so glad to know you're have cost about >15,000.00, adds Aerial Postal 8ervlce. coming back to her that she doesn't quite an improvement to a bird’s- mand to pass,” returned the other, • which will be neither exciting nor care who sees her cry. Negotiations for aerial postal serv­ —- JIT _ Nerve am i apparently in anger. “You can see particularly interesting. They will get eye view of Nehalem. ice have been iompieted between the Perhaps for some of the boy* who Many nervous as well as other dis­ I from the insigni on my shoulders lonesome, bored and terribly home­ ------ o------- have stood with you so finely through eases are caused by incorrect Illumin­ British and Dutch governments, ahft. sick. Captain H. A. Bell, the veteran that I'm a colonel.” these trli.l» the fighting Is not yet all ation. The eye is a subject of prime Holland Is very busy making Anal ar­ "That doesn't tell me anything,” , "The -me $170,000,000 >170,000,000 raised ta *e- over. The fighting I mean is that be­ rangement*. Tbe journey from Am­ pilot of Nehalem bay and tributaries, H> the re- has under construction, at Astoria, a Dick came back. "We caught a boche „>nt United War Work drive is to bo tween a man and himself, and for consideration in connection with our sterdam to London would take but one health and happiness. Eye fatigue and one-half or two hours. The Dutch new tow boat to be delivered about the other night who said he was an used precisely to bridge over this pe- many of them this will be tue hardest American captain, and he almost got rlod by providing recreation and battle of all. During the long days | spoils the disposition; as that Is one military airmen, who have been in March 1st, 1919. away with it. Don’t come another amusement But no amount of mere and evenings of waiting before they i of the conditions given for inefficient training since the beginning of the ------ o work, we And here again a reduction war, are to act as pilots and the rain­ Several of the Nehalem boys called step without the password or I’ll money expended in each a way will be can start for home thoughts will creep tn efficiency and a CHUse for more loss Istry of war is lending full co-opera- belly. ” I bayonet into your stick this enough. What these boys really want into their minds which wili be hard to in the draft have already returned, "I'll go and report you to your : is not diversion, but human interest resist. There will be times after all I of the workman’s time. The first loss tion to the scheme. On the same lines among them being A. J. Effenberger, wns mechanical, the second is phys­ an air service between Amsterdam and Fritz Tubbesing, Jack Leslie, Joseph captain/' said the other, and he, and sympathy. These things express­ these months of action when the long­ ed In letters from home will warm ing for change and for the companion ical ; both, when reduced to a dollar- Grolgen Is also being arranged. Ground Boyakin, Oscar Steele, Howard Til­ turned on his heel and left. Pretty soon the captain came to their hearts snd «rent* a home at­ ship of women may lead them into as­ *nd-cents basis, show a large percent­ for large airdromes Is being prepared den, Leonard Cain, Herman Scholl- Î Dick's post. “Dick” he said, "you're mosphere around them, even while sociations which will spoil their home- age over the cost of lighting that hear the Dutch metropolis.—Scientific meyer, Most every day we have the I they are resent from the family circle. coming and cause them shame and hu­ would be required to eliminate them. American. a corporal from now on. That was pleasure of welcoming the return of “8sch letters may be a very neces­ miliation, and even perhaps make As judgment is dependent upon per­ fine stuff you pulled on the colonel one or more familiar faces. sary sheet anchor to windward in tbs them unfit to receive the love tbat ception, and perception upon the sight, awhile ago. He was just around test ­ Austrian Child-Slava*. ------- o------ case of some boys. The thought of awaits them here. then the laborer, to be efficient, must The report of a parliamentary com­ Anderson Bros, are about to con­ ing you fellows out. He got by two I some one waiting for them, counting You, deorest boy, are Just ss human be able to see fine details and small struct a new building facing on 7th or three by bluffing and they’ll face on them, will, more than anything as your comrades, and feelings like objects nt close range with sharpness mittee appointed to Investigate condi­ charges in the morning. He might tions surrounding child labor in Aus­ street, extending to the docks. This else, make them hold back and think these mny come to you too. I don't and distinction, to distinguish objects tria discovered a most deplorable con­ building is to be occupied as a garage have been a German spy.’’’ twice before plunging into situations ask you to erush them. They are nat­ nt n distance with nccurncy, nnd to dition, according to the Arbelter Zel- •and passenger station for the accom­ which might mean harm and unhap- ural, and they only prove that war hns hnve clenr perception of nil objects in tung of Vienna. More than one-third Tbe Democratic slagon in 1920 plneas for them. modation of passengers to and from failed to dry up the well spring of the Intermediate space. of all schoolchildren are engaged in will have to be: “ He bus expended •Nehalem. "We have raised the cleanest army your emotions. I ask you only to rec­ some kind of work. In some districts yours and mine.’’ in the world. We have kept it clean. ognize them when they come and to all the children of school age are work­ ------- o------- Famous Forth Bridge. I We hope to bring It back as clean and control them with the fine strength Notes Passing of the Kings. It is stated that twelve new auto­ etrong as it was when It left ns. But you have gained while fighting for the Sir John Fowler and Sir Benjamin ing. Out of every 100 schoolchildren between six and eight years, 18 are at Nicholas of Russia has gone. Wil­ mobiles went on the presidential while wa believe our soldiers will Ideals and principles of America. Just Baker, both Englishmen, were the en­ work; helm of Germany, Ludwig of Bavaria ship to Paris, and despite the loy­ stand the present test—th* hardeet of remember tbat many joyous years of gineers who designed the great Forth tween between nine and ten, 86; bo- eleven and twelve, 50, and be- and Charles of Austria-Hungary fol­ alty of the administration to tbe ad­ all in some ways—as bravely and life are ahead of you and that the risk bridge in Scotland, and the tending tween thirteen and fourteen. 52. Two- was done by several large firms of miral of Oskar II. we'll bet they of spoiling them and the love that will successfully as they have stood every low him. Ferdinand of Bulgaria and other teat of their manhood and en­ fill them is too tremendous to run for steel structural workers, under their fifths of these children have been Constantine of Greece are in the dis­ wern’t flivvers. supervision. The nutside length of working from the time they were five durance, It la our duty to give them a short hour of seeming pleasure. ------- o------- card of this war. But what has come- Many of the boys who will come the bridge is 8.09« feet, the central or six years old. The latest scheme for railroad all the help we can. out of the world’s conflict only em­ “This, as I have said, can best be home with you have no mother* to cantilever occupies 1,620 feet, and the phasizes a trend of the lant quarter management after the war provides rendered by means of letters which write to them. Some of them may two side cantilevers 1,514% feet each. Accurate 8hootlng. hand in that everybody will have a of a century almost fulfilling Bryan's In France a German plane, swoop­ it except the unfortunate who pays will begin now, at once, not only to think that no one care* wbat they do. The headway of the bridge at high wa­ prophecy: satisfy their home longings, but to But somebody does care. America ter la 150 feet. The bridge was 17 ing around a farmhouse, was startled ■“But never mind. God save the king the freight. turn their thought* from taaks already cares. And the girls they will marry years In building and wns opened In and soon driven away by very accurate and kings, accomplished to the long year* of life some day care.- And, oh, the difference starch, 1890. The Forth bridge Is rifle fire. At least the flring wus ac­ Por, if he don't, I doubt if men will It will make In their Ilves If they will much narrower than the Brooklyn curate enough to convince Fritz that ahead of them." longer; Just remember that there Is always bridge, but ft exceeds it 25 feet In h<- was in no safe neighborhood. i I think I hear a little bird which somebo'lv, always! HOME FOLK8 MU8T HELP. span and Is considerably longer In Its And Machine Shop. But he didn’t know that the rifle sings: Help them to remember. Help them overall length. was being handled by a lieutenant col­ ------ o------ Ihe people,, by and by. will be the Washington.—(Special.)—The War to come home clean and flee, Don’t onel in the Amerlcen army. who. en­ The only school of its kind in stronger." Department Commission on Training let them spoil everything now. They raged at the audacity of the hostile the west. Selected by the U. 8. Great Sea of Wheat. have been so splendid. If you W* have seen old Turkey and old Comp Activities has hit upoq an I tri­ think blrdmnn, grabbed the weapon and soon Gov. for training soldiers for ac ­ A sea of wheat replacing a sea of portant and entirely new Idea In tile this letter will help them give it to Persia setting up responsible parlia­ had the "supremacy of the air" In thnt tual war service. “Lett era-from-home” plan Just an- them. If they have no mothers let m, water. 20,000 acres in one tract bring­ particular locality well under control. mentary forms of government, .more Best equipped school of Auto­ be their mother until they have come ing forth the cereal of which Unde nounoed. or less atrophied by race limitations f mobile Engineering and machne Pull the boy* through the moat try- back and taken the high places that Sam and his allies In the world wur or foreign interference, but typical Ono Way Out. Ing period of their service by v/ri.ng await them here. Tell them to write are In such great need, Is a transfor­ of the universal yearnings of an ac- shop west of Chicago. Two bluejackets were in the wash­ mation accomplished on what was Expert Instructors, actual prac ­ the right kind of letters, letters fill of to me. How I should treasure their ,uaI republic. Portugal has become a room washing clothes, preparatory to overflowed land near Sacramento. «iemocracy and has survived certain tice in overhauling and repairing the home feeling, the mother feel ig. letters! The huge tract formerly covered the weekly Inspection. They were both cars. And, of course, you will write to me. This appeal is made to mothers, fa­ •’cialistic trends which the world re­ With the floor! waters of the Sacra­ regulars and had enlisted for four Over >30,000 in equipment In Just say that you understand — that thers. sisters and sweethearts by the garded with apprehension. China has years. One of them had been In the War Department It is hoped that mil­ you know why 1 have written this let­ mento and the American rivers Iles in turned herself into a republic. Even shops, laboratories and garage*. A chance to earn board and ter. Then I can wait month*—yes, a fertile basin of some sixty-odd thou­ service one year, and wns rather tired lions of inspiring letters will be writ ­ ’n Japan the movement of a ministry ten the week of December 15. desig­ even years—knowing that you will sand acres,.most of which has been re- of being on the station so lnng, and TesP°nslble to parliament has shown lodging while attending college. New Term beginning Jan. 6th. nated as "Letters-from-home” week. come home to me as flue and clean as dnlmed and turned to agriculture expressed his sentiment* to that effect. *uch strength that the mikado has Address. Pulpit and press are co oj>eratlng to you were when 1 sent you away to through the efforts of the federal and The other, looking up at his discon­ virtually yielded to it. cutup ao long ago. MOTHER. state government, at a cost of mll- tented "buddle,” said, "Well, If you make a great success of the plan. Polytechnic College of Engineering If is indicated by the news that don’t like it, give three year*' notice I lions of dollar*. 13 tn and Madison St. Oaklond, Cai. a*x°ny and Schelswig-Hoistein will and quit the navy.” Hr. Raymond B. Fosdlok, NEHALEM NEWS. TURN THE BOYS’ THOUGHTS HOMEWARD, SAYS FOSDICK, ASKING CO OPERATION Auto-Mechanics I