Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 26, 1918, Image 4

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Editorial Snap Shots.
We wish the people of Tillamook
County a happy New Year, with the
hope that they will be prosperous in
all their undertakings and industrial
Germany pulled down and devas­
tated France and Belgium and she
should be made to pay for the build­
ing up what
she destroyed—the
. ho;.:e and industries.
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It must be that absence makes the
heart grow fonder, for as soon as
some of the boys return home they
surrender to their best girls and im­
mediately apply for marriage licens­
es. For several months the boys in
the spruce division were captivating
a number of Tillamook girls.
curing for them employment, and
for that reason we believe it would
be a good plan for each county in
Oregon to have a county organlza-
tion to handle this > matter, Most
of our citizens cheered, and were
proud of our young men when they
left their homes and the county for
active service, and it behooves us all
to show our appreciation of their
services when they return to the
county. We can do this by giving
them the giad hand and finding work
.or those who need employment,
Let’s show that we are just as pa-
triotic after the war as during the
war, and we can show our patriotism
by helping to find employment for
our home boys who want work on
their jeturn.
paved highway as soon as possible
and use a large proportion of the
toad fund for that purpose, No
doubt the matter of bonding the
county will again be .-discussed and
a special election called for that pur­
pose. With $400,000 available for
hardsurfacing, this would greatly
expediate the completion of a hard
surfaced road through the county,
and it is easy to figure it out that it
-ould be economy to bond the coun­
ty, Should the people decide to bond
the county, we are Inclined to think
that it would be a good investment
for the county to own and operate
its own hard surface plant, provided
a competent person was put in
charge. Clackamas county is doing
so with good results, and we see no
reason why Tillamook county cannot
do the same. These are some few
points that must be considered in
discussing the good roads movement,
and with all sections of the county
united in boosting for the victory­
highway through the county, we feel
sure we have citizens of business
ability who can work out a definite
plan that will be a great benefit to
the county and will not burden the
taApayers. What should be avoided,
if possible, is increase in taxation.
Keep Right on With Your
Food Economizing
The Scientific American, a publica­
tion of the hignest character, holds
Those who are complaining ahriil that the Spanish influenza could and
waste of time in trying cases in the should have been kept out of this
law courts, could score a point by country. It says: "There is a grow­
advocating that the jury system be ing conviction that the sudden inva­
done away with and cases triad be­ sion of the United States by that Eu­
fore justices of the peace and circuit ropea epidemic known as the Spanish
judges. A whole lot of time is taken influenza, and the speed with which
up in obtaining juries and attorneys it has spread throughout the country
addressing them, and then one never are due to the laxity with w-hich the
knows what a jury is going to do, port authorities along the Atlantic
anyway, for after they get Into the seaboard have carried out their du­
jury room, often jurymen introduce ties. If ever there was a period when
Airships Better than Planes.
and diesuss things that have nothing the quarantine laws for guarding
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to do with the case they have tried. the ports of the United States against
For the immediate future, accord­
the entrance of the disease should ing to further extracts from the re­
We cannot impress this upon the have been enforced with redouble port just completed by the civil aer­
public too strongly. Persons who are vigilance, it was during the summer ial transport committee of the Brit­
suffering with Spanish Influenza and autumn of the present year when ish air board, the .commercial air­
should not be allowed on the street it was known that a highly infec­ ship offers a great advantage over
and they should be strictly quaran- tious and fatal disease was sweeping the airplane, particularly concerning
teed. It is jeopardizing other people’s through Europe like a scourage of passengers, where comfort and ease
means pleasant economy—a substantial without saving
lives and spreading t$ie disease to the middle ages. In view of the im- of navigation, safety and a high
allow that state of affairs to exist. mense and deadly character of the ratio of disposable lift are vital con-
sacrificing taste, appearance or energy value.
We do not want to scare anybody, disease, we had every reason to be- siaeratious, says a cable from Lon-
but when there is such a deadly, in­ iieve that tlie federal authorities don.
Excellent on bread, splendid for frying and baking.
fectious dlsaase going the rounds would set a double guard at our ports
Airships now exist, the report says
and then going the rounds again one of entries, and instruct our quaran­ with a tange of more than 4,000
A wholesome product, made from fine elected mater­
cannot be too particular and too tine officials to take every possible miles, and they cun travel at a speed
ials under government supervision.
strigent methods adopted.
preventative measure against the of 78 miles an hour. By running
landing, not merely of iuiluenza pa­ their engines slower a maximum
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Columbia Brand Oleomargarine is churned fresh daily
We find there is quite a favorable tients, but of every passenger who range of 8,000 miles can be obtained.
impression in regard to laying more hud been exposed, during the ocean
in a sanitary Pacific Northwest factory, and comes to
hard surfaced roads north of this city voyage, to infection."
Quite Some Sum.
you in a waxed, odor proof corion.
for the reason that the road between
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this city and Garibaldi is going to be
We cannot understand why anyone
subject to heavy travel in the near can raise objections to the United
Your Grocer Can Supply You
estimates that Germany will
future, even more than the county States joining a league of Nations to cable,
have to pay to the allies for repara­
road south of this city. Those who prevent future wars. It is the right tion and restitution about $7,500,-
are spending money on industrial thing for the United States to do. 000,000. Calculated on a 5 per cent
activities are entitled to first con­ Wars are barbarious and can be basis, with a 1 per cent sinking fund,
sideration in road building, and be­ avoided if the nations will settle this would mean an annual charge
sides it is good business sense and their disputes by arbitration. Ger­ on the German revenue of $450,000-
economy to lay hard surfaced rouda many refused to arbitrate, hence the 000. He says there con be no question
where there is heavy travel, for It U cruel war that was forced upon the of Germany’s ability to meet this de­
a well known fact that maintenance nations of the world. Arbitration is mand. It is impossible, he says, dis­
cahrges on macadam roads eat t.p the sensible, Christian, manly way cussing the subject in a newspaper
considerable of the road funds.
of settling disputes between nations, article, to arrive at any approximate
and we sincerely hope that that will figure as to damages and robberies
What a lot of newspaper twaddle be the attitude of all the statesmen in the invaded territory. "For Bel­
is going the round about the freedom of the allied powers at the peace gium" the article continues, "I would
of the seaB, If we go back a little conference. Then there will be no put the amount of indemnity at $1,-
over two years it will be remembered more use tor big armies and big na­ 400,000,000, of which sum levies on
that Germany tried to prevent the vies, which huve been a serious men­ Belgium towns account for some­
Some reasons why the Perfection Milking Machine is unequaled by any other.
United States from the freedom of ace and financial burden to most all thing like $500,000,000. I know of
the seas, and on account of Germany countries. There is considerable talk another estimate tor Belgium which
F irst —Because it has a single pulsator with
sinking United States vessels, even­ of the United States Keeping up a
11* us high as ,2.000,000.000.
tually plunged this country into war. great navy and a large standing
no cams or cog wheels that gives the user
It was the right of the United States army, but it is to be hoped that Con­
no trouble.
No Wonder They Like This!
to freedom of the seas that brought gress will not provide the money
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S econd —Because it has the correct principle
about a series of notes between should the United States become a
The Department of Labor, which
Washington and Berlin, but Ger­ party to a league of nations. Be­
of milking, a mild suction and a squeeze
many persisted in its endeavors to cause Germany would not abide by was giving charge of the housing
from the udder downward, which is na­
force the United States off the seas, her treaty obligations and treated scheme by President Wilson, in the
tures way.
and this was the direct cause of the them as scraps of paper there is no construction of dormitories for gov­
United States entering the world reason to believe that the allied
T hird —Because the length of suction and
powers would do so should they de­ the capitol. first violated the law
squeeze can be regulated by the operator.
that, the
- - o------
cide upon a league of nations. Al­ which prescribed
F ourth —Because it lias a slow running va­
The railroads were earning about though there was no league between should, be let competitively. The con­
cuum pump that runs in oil, this means
$4,000,000,000 per annum when the the United States and England, the tract was let on "estimates". A firm
government took them over. The two leading democratic nations of of cun. tractors was given a sixty
rates have ! been increased 25 per cent the world, th«y have successfully thousand dollar fee for directing the
F ifth —Because owing to the construction of
adding at least a billion dollars decided their disputes by arbitra­ job, then more than twenty thou­
the teast cups and the quality of the rub­
which the i traveling public and ship- tion. and we consider that a league
Pers huve hud to dig up, all of of nations can do the same thing just and then was permitted to have the
ber used the upkeep is much less.
work none on the basis of the "esti­
which, it is
I said, have been used up, as successfully.
S ixth —Because we use an allumium pail with
mates which did uot bind the con­
if not more, in increased -operating
------ o------
means quality.
expenses. Now McAdoo is advocating
.The snap shot man with a number tractor to furnish labor and material
thut the government retain control of prominent citizens, are Invited at that price, but did authorize him
Write us for information and a catalog.
of the railroads for five years, and to a good roads cantlab, at Wheeler, to charge that much. Thus U came
jhut Congress vote $2,000,000.000 to on the evening of December 27th. about that trucks were furnished by
The J. C. Robinson Co.
help operate them, to be taken out of We gladly accept the invitation, and one party tn a middleman art. a cer­
the pockets of the taxpayers. No will forget the unpleasant recollec­
wonder that the common people are tions of what happened to the Tilla­ contractor at a higher price, and
We will have the machines on display in a few days at Tillamook, be sure
opposed to government controlled mook delegation that went to Wheel­ then the contractor added fifty cents
railroad under an extravugant derno- er previous to the county bend meas­ per hour. Scrapers that cost twelve
and see it if interested.
• cratic government.
ure beinn submitted, to the p no pie to dollars were rented to the govern­
------ o------
be voted upon, for. our Wheeler
The snap shot man is inclined to friends huve had a change «t heart, der that a lot of politicians are so
the opinion that all schools in the We may mention that we ar.e glad enthusiastic about government con­ and agents In hundreds of communi­ certainly convinced me. I am now German advantage in America mar­
county should be allowed to resume to see that the people in the north trol and government operation of
sure the less government a natien kets, and that is cheaper labor costs
teaching, the flrBt of the year. The part of the county are waking up everything in sight, when a proposi­ ties.
William Bayard Hale, a writer for has the better it is for the prosperity than are possible in the United
embargo restrictions
not to the importance of a hard, surfac­ tion of this kind can be pul over on
'the Hearst newspapers and ftymerly of its people. A government is always States. The equalization of these la­
brought results that were anticipat­ ed highway through th«, entire the Capitol grounds?
confidential representative of Presi­ robbed, always too late in what it bor costs is the basis of American
ed, for the reason that persona suf­ length of the county, which the »nap
fering from Spanish influenza were shot man strenuously advocated for Senatori Heax of Teut Propagan­ dent Wilson in Mexico, eventually does, is always betrayed by its em­ protective legislation. The design of
the existing Democratic tariff law
became heud of the publicity branch ployes.”
not quarantined and mixed with oth­ a number of years, and which will be
of the organization thus built up.
It is probable that Dr. Pantaleon) was to give the alien producer, in­
er persons, which, no doubt, helped a great benefit to all. pants of the
Captain Lester said. The officer also makes the case, under the stress of cluding the German producer, free
to spread the disease. We are firmly county. WUh industrial activities in
Operation of the German propa­
of the opinion that every person suf­ the north part of the county making ganda system in the United States, testified that newspapers and writers war, a little toe strong. The terrific access to the American market, to
fering with the flu should be quar­ rapid strides, it is only natural that through which valuable information were lufluenoed to promote German advance in passenger and freight exploit it for German advantage as
antined directly they have become the people living there should turn tor transmhyUon to Berlin was gath­ propaganda, film plays were produc­ rates under government control has against the interests of the Ameri­
sick. The moat serious trouble is with their attention to obtaining, hard sur­ ered at the same time that German ed premoting distrust of Japan and made the travellag and shipping can producer and the welfare of
American labor. The Democratic par­
persons who have light cases and faced roads. These new industries doctrines were spread over the coun­ Mexico, a Washington newspaper world do some earnest thinking.
amount issue in almost every nation-
where doctors are not called; also need good roads end the more good try. were discussed last week by man was hired to report government
secrets to the German headquarters,
doctors not reporting cases to the roads th«re are In the cuuuty will Capt. G. B. Lester, of the army lntel- writers were sent to Germany to America Entitled to a Square Deal In al campaign for years has been the
demand that our home market be
health officers. We do not consider help to bring mure indeatrles. Front llge.uce service, in testimony before send back dispatches praising the
The American Home Market.
sacrificed to the alien producer, to
there Is any more danger in a well all indications Tillamook County the Seuate committee Investigating German cause, and a "Golden Book”
------ o ■ -
whose unfair power under such an
ventilated school than there Is in will has« a great lumbar boom the brewers and German propaganda. was circulated throughout the Unit­
Allen Property Custodian Palner arrangement an administration offi­
stores and offices. Of course It is next few years, and uo time should Most of the evidence related to acti­ ed States to get signatures of Ameri­ saya;
cial seems to have just awakeed. The
wise to use proper precaution, and be lost In providing better roads of a vity of Teutonic agents betewe th« can citizens leaning toward pro-Ger-
"The old lima fear of the Ameritan keynote of Republican policy has
this could be done by the directors permanent character. This is mine­ United States entered the war.
man sympathise is.
manufacturer for the German fro- been America first; or at any rate a
of the school boards empowering a thing that is of vital importance to
Captain Lester declared that an un-
ducer whose goods made in Germany fair chance and a square deal for the
---y pupils
where all sections of the county, especially named informant, now interned, told
teacher to _ _ send ‘ home
i .
had begun to be sold everywhere, American producer in the American
Political Ownership.
there is sickness in the family. Take ' the north part, which is not enjoying him that the Berlin government on
was based upon no lack of confidence market. The most intelligent sug­
most any school In Tillamook county any of the benefits of hard surfaced July 10, 1914. nearly a month before
Dr. Matfeo Pantaleoni, one of the in American genius and productive gestion this administration official
and It is generally well known if any roads at present. In discussing the the war started, called Into confer­
ability, but upon the knowledge hat
one is sick in the district with the 1 road problems for this county, we ence about 131 trained and educated greatest authorities on system« of the German plan of controlled indus­ has a ready remedy, however, is a
government, warns the United States
boycott of German goods. It has not
of Tillamook county. Take a mag­ them to all parts of the world, with against government ownership of try made the competition grossly un­ yet occurred to him that the Ameri­
equal. A subsidized German industry can people who make the sacrifices
What is of considerable importance nanimous view of the situation and Instructions to prepare for the world railroads after the war. He advises
it to prepare to shake off such ''para­ enjoying a monopoly of Amtrican and pay the bills incidental to the
juHt now is to find employment for avoid all sectional jealousies and pul­ war. which they were told was about
sitic ideas.” He says: "With the war markets by the stifling process of maintenance of this republic are en­
discharged soldiers. Moet of these ling for this or that section, and to be precipitated.
Thirty-one of these landed in the the government (in Europe) has be­ patent control of processes and pro­ titled to an equal chance in the
men gave up steady employment work together for the good of the en­
come almighty with us. The govern­ ducts. was designed not to engdge in American market, and a tariff law
and good Jobe to serve their country tire county, in a spirit of give and United States two weeks after hos­
ment now does everything and after trade with the world, but to domi­
• nd to fight the battle« for thoae take, for to complete a hard surfaced tilities started, and became the nu­ the war its encroachments will be nate and control the markets ef the which throws open our gates to the
industrial Invader, armed with the
who were not of draft age or not road through the county cannot be cleus for an organization of between
appalling and bring us near to ruin. world.”
deadly weapon of a cheapness at-
physically able to go to war. This Is done right away. It will take several 200.000 and 300.000 volunteers.
In this statement, speaking as a tafned by a sacrifice of human values
who * • • If I had never before been
something that must not be overlook­ years, but what should be decided mainly
Democrat. Mr. Palmer choose* to is a measure directed against the na­
ed or lightly pushed aside. The men now Is to put all our energies for the gathered information of all kinds convinced of the futility of gov­
are entitled and deaerving of our next tew years Into obtaining the and reported It to German counsels ernment control, this war would overlook one of the chief sour<*>a of tional welfare?
moat serious conalderatlon in pro­
Using a thrift and quality product such as
Columbia Brand
“The Thrift Spread"