/ f TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 26, 1918. Order MOTHER NATURE AS SCULPTOR WHAT APPEALED TO CHINESE MAY MEAN MUCH TO WORLD Directing Publication Subpoena to Anxwer. of i QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, SANITATION. ------ o------- I VETERINARIAN. That the germ is the cause of most ----- o ----- Marvelous Beauty of Yosemite Valley Consideration Accorded Women by Aviators Believe That Flying Is Bound deadly disease is more than mere i Bell Phone—32J Mutual Phone, In the District Court of the United British Authorities Evidently Made to Have Great Influence on the • Due to Erosion al Water Through theory—it Is a real fact. The work States, for the District of Oregon. Deep Impression on Natives. Minds of Men. i Unccanted Ages. of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ Tillamook Oregon. In the matter of phoid hospitals in the canal zone, ’■ After the visitor the Yosemite val- “If one were to ask a native of Wcl- Flying, in the opinion of British W. B. Simmons, Alleged Bankrupt. the vaccine laboratories are ail evi­ Upon the reading of the affidavit ¡ley has recovered from his first shock hal-wel what were the characteristics aviators, Is going to change the char­ dence of the fact that the safety of ID ROBINSON, N.D., ’of astonishment—for it Is no less—at of lirltlMh rule that be most appre­ acter of the world's thought. It will ¡of Walter Rosenfeld, President of man does not depend on good or baf Rosenfeld Smith Co., one of the pe- the supreme beauty of the valley. In­ ciated. one would perhaps expect him l:ave a broadening influence and It luck, but upon the fight which eaci evitably he wonders how nature made to emphasize tlie comparative freedom will bring a fresher, cleaner flow of ' titioners in the above entitled mat- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON individual makes upon the disea» I ter, and it satisfactorily appearing It However did It happen that walls from potty extortion and tyranny, the Meas Into the bruins of men. germs, the cause of most losses ot NATIONAL BUILDING, ao enormous rose ho nearly perpendic­ obvious endeavor (not ulwaya success­ A man. the flyers argue, who has 1 therefrom and from the files and life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ ular' from ho level a floor? ful) to dispense even-handed Justice, seen before him at the same time the records of this cau.se that W. B. on to kill the germs of disease several TILLAMOOK ÓREGON. It will not lessen wonder to learn tlie facilities for trade, tlie Improve­ cliffs of England, the long flat fields of I Simmons, alleged bankrupt, has de- vital questions must be looked squab ment of means of communication. It Holland ami the smiling countryside ! parted from and resides out of this that It was water which cut most of ely in the face or disinfectanting will I District and cannot, after due dili­ T. BOAI.S, M.D., f (this deep valley In tlie solid granite. was not tin answer of tills kind, how­ of Belgium and France Is bound to be little better than useless. First— Originally the Merced river flowed ever, that I recelv- I from nil Intelli­ think in a different, way than a man gence, be found within this district; Has the disinfectant the power to practically at the level of the canyon gent and plain-spoken resident, to whose horizon has always been bound­ and, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. kill all kinds of disease germs? 2ni, li also appearing from the petition ¡top. How long It took its waters, whom 1 put this question,” It. F. John­ ed by bricks and mortar, or even by Can tbe disinfectant be used safely therein duly verified by said petition- Surgeon S.P. Co. enormous In volume then, no doubt, ston says In "Lion and Dragon In hill and dale. whenever disease germs are found? to scrape with tools of sand this val- Northern China.” Traveling may have made him think | ers, that a good cause for the adju­ 3rd, Is it effective, when used any ­ (I. O. O. F. Hldfi-.) lley thousands of feet Into the living “‘What Is it W" like best In our nationally, but flying rfill make him dication of said W. B. Simmons, a where ar.d every where, and by any 'granite, no man can even guess. And. British rulers? I will tell you,’ he think far more largely. He will see bankrupt, exists herein, and that W. Oregon body, and can it be used with safety? I Tillamook as It cut the valley. It left the trlb- said. ‘Our native roads are narrow j Englund and France lying close to ! B. Simmons is a necessary and proper I Therefore a disinfectant that can be ~ 'Utary streams sloping even more pathways, and very often there is no ' each other, separated only by a shin­ | party respondent hereto; and. used with safety must not be a poison i TD OBERT H. McGRATH, It further appearing that a sub- aharply from their levels until event­ room for two persons to pass unless ; ing strip of water. He will see the or coatlne acid, whereas poisonois ually they poured over brinks as giant one yields the road to the other. Wheb green and brown mosaic of Belgium, ! poena to answer has been duly issu- COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, disinfectants endanger the life of waterfalls. our Inst niters—the Japanese—met onr which In It» turn merges into the dis­ |ed out of this Court in this matter, human beings or animals, this can be and that personal service of the same Bnt geologists have determined, by small-footed women . . . along such tant shadow of Holland, while, still verified by turning to the files of ODDFELLOWS’ BLTLDIN?, unerring fact, that the river did by far a path they never stepped aside to let farther on, across the wide Scheldt cannot be had upon said W. B. Sim­ our daily papers. When buying a dis­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. the most of the work, and thnt the the woman pass by . . . An Eng­ he will see the distant lowlands sweep mons for the reasons hereinbefore infectant be sure what you buy is P orti and O ffice great glacier which followed the water lishman, on the contrary, whether on over the rim of the world. stated and by the said affidavit your life may depend on that pur- ages afterward did little more than mounted or on foot, always leaves the How will he regard petty spltea be­ made to appear; and that the Mar­ chase, look at the label, note tlie 1110 W ilcox B ld . •qnare Its corners and steepen Its road to the woman. He will walk de­ tween individuals and cliques then? shal ot the District having duly made germ killing power and if it is poison cliffs. It may have Increased the liberately Into a deep snowdrift rather the birdman asks. He can cover with a "not found" return on said sub­ or not. Disinfectants are measured depth from 700 to 1,000 feet, not more. than let a Chinese woman step off the hla thumb from the heights a fever­ poena: upon the germ killing strength of QARL haberlach During the uncountable years since dry path. We have come to under­ Ish city swarming with a million peo- Therefore, on motion of N. Ray undiluted carbolic acid, which they tbe glaciers vanished, erosion has stand that the men of yonr honorable pie. What will be think of those who Alber, of attorneys for petitioners. term a phenol coefficient. Look lor •gain marvelously used Its chisel. country all act in the same way. and live next to each other and will not It is ordered, that the service of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the phenol coefficient on the label. With the lessening of the Merced'» this le what wa like about English­ speak? How mean and petty their subpoena to answer in this matter be T illamook B lock volume. the effect was to amastngty man.’" B. K. was tested by the United quarrels and jealousies and batea will made upon the respondent and alleg­ carve and decorate the walla States Hygiene Laboratory and found Tillamook ed bankrupt; W. B. Simmons, by Mem. Oregon to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus The true meaning of human inter- publication thereof in the Headlight, WHY THEY ARE “DOUGHBOYS” coura* and friendship will coma home a newspaper ot general circulation in or ten times stronger than undiluted USED HUMAN FLESH FOR BAIT carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much '^y’EBSTER HOLMES, t&hlra. He will gain an almost divine ! the City of Tillamook. County of Til- Origin of Nickname Applied to United nutlook upon the world. Dlshoneety, i lamook. District of Oregon, and that stronger than coal tar dislnfectatts Hawaiien Kings Utilised Bodies «f States Infantrymen Traced to civil strife, all will seem to him said publication be made not less —much safer. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW •leves or Enemies te Lure Mew MexleaA War. contemptible. Perhaps, say the avia­ than once la week for two (2) con- Safe__B--K. contains .no .poison, stere of the Ocean. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, sective weeks; acid or oil. The term “doughboy" ns a nickname tors, this Is the new vlsw which will It is further ordered, that a copy Tn the days of Hawaiian kings, er- for the American infantryman Is a bring the millennium. Clean—B.--K. ls colorless, leares of the petition and subpoena to ans- FIRST STREET. Bry part of the hone and akin of a very old one, dating hnck to the Mexi­ stain on floors or walls. shark was supposed to confer unflinch­ can war of 1846. In that year the NOTHING DOING FOR JOSEPH wer, duly certified to. be mailed to Drodorant— B--K- destroys foul TILLAMOOK, ORKGOtf defendant at the town of Wheeler, ing bravery upon the possessor. United States regular Boldlers first odors leaves no oijor of itself. Wherefore, shark-fishing was then a made acquaintanceship with the Might Be the Engineer, but Found He County of Tillamook, State of Oregon his last known address; and, Cheap to Use—B.-K. is so much regal sport. In those dnys. the halt houses of mnd-colored. sun-dried Had Little Control Over stronger than other disinfectants 0R. L. L. HOY, It Is further ordered, that said W. lunch In vogue was the hnman body— bricks that are seen everywhere, even Steam Powers. that it does more disinfecting for the B. Simmons, alleged bankrupt and either the body of a slave or of some­ today, In New Mexico, Arizona and the same money. Use it in Barber Shops, respondent herein, be and he hereby one against whom the royal personage southern part of California. Meekly made up hla mind that be Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON had taken a sudden dislike, according These bricks are called by the Mexi­ wasn't going to be bossed any longer is granted and given up to and in­ boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, i to Outing. can adobes (pronounced "doblea"), a by hie wife, so when he went home cluding the 6th day of January, 1919, T illamook B lock , cuts and scratches, house and kiteh- < Knmehamehn I. waa especially proud term also applied to the small, squat, at noon he called ouL Imperiously: to answer or otherwise appear and en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, plead herein; that in default of •nd jealous of hla title of the Great flat-roofed houses bntlt with them. Tillamook, "Laura! Laura I" Oregon, nursing bottles, operating rooms, When the American invaders en­ Rhsrk-Flaher. He kept hla victims Mrs. Meekly came out of the kitchen same he be adjudicated an Involun­ purifying air, sick rooms, etc. penned up near th» gTeat temple of tered what was then Mexican terri­ with perspiration on her face, her tary bankrupt in accordance with Mooklnl, near Kawalhhe. on the Island tory, the Infantrymen found these hands covered with war flour, and a the Bankruptcy Law and the rules B...K. is not a cure all but athor- T. boi i a and practice of this Court. of Hawaii. He therefore had a plen- dwellings—mostly deserted by their rolllng-pln In her hand. ough germ killer. Protect youraelf panlcstricken Inhabitants —handy as flfnl supply always on hand. R. S. Bean, Judge. now against any dangerous disease “What do you want with l-aura?" ATTORNKY-AT LAW. The person chosen to set as halt, hlllefa, and promptly occupied them as she asked. Dated this 12th day of December, germs that you may come in contact Complete Set of Abstract Hoi kn in was killed, cut up, placed In a rala- iwli. But the cavalrymen, who had 1918. with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in Meekly staggered, but braced him­ bash, and allowed to mellow for a few to be near their picketed horses out self up. “I want you to understand, Office. quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ daya. The mellowing process con­ on the open prairie, were unable to madam"—and he tapped hla breast Your Chance For a Good Business At antee. B — K stands absolutely on Taxes Paid for Non Residents. summated, the halt was lashed to the avnll themselves of similar accommo­ dramatically—“that I am the engineer A Great Bargain. what It does for you. Use it according T illamook B lock , outrigger of the royal canoe In anrh dation. to directions then if you don't find Tillamook - ----- o Oregon Tartly tn envy, and partly In good- of this establishment, that I am—” • manner as to leave behind a drip­ "Oh, you are, are yoa? Well, Jo­ it exactly as represented by us we The City Transfer Co., of Tilla ­ natnred chaff, these christened their Both Phones. ping trail of blood and oil. Upon seph, I want you to understand that will refund your money—For Bale by reaching the Ashing grounds, the baft more fortunate comrades "dobfe dodg­ I”—here she looked dangerous—"I am mook, Ore., offers for sale cheap In Kuppenbender. blth phones. waa nnlashed. Large hooks fashioned ers,” afterwards shortened to ’Mobies," the boiler that might blow up and bulk or slngley the following: C. HAWK. 1 Mack Truck. from wood or bone, were then "halt- a good, round-sounding nickname that aling tbe engineer over Into tbe next 1 Maxwell Truck. ad" and lowered over side. Historians waa bound to stick, and which In street Do you hear the steam escap ­ «ell us that great skill and courage course of time became corrupted Into ing, Joseph?” 3 TeaniB horses. were shown by the members of the "doughboys." 3 Sets harness. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ornamental Fire Places Built Joseph heard, and prayed that he 2 Dray wagons. royal party on such occasions In the of Brick and Stone, All Fire might be passed Grade 1 when he Bay City roping and landing of the raptured 3 Wood wagons. John Burroughs’ Rabbit O. agon Places absolutely guaranteed went before the medical tmard,—Lon­ •hark. 1 Dump wagon. Tn Joly the woodchuck waa forgot­ don Tlt-Bita. not to smoke or money re­ ------------------------- ><%Sr 1 Plano mover. ten In onr Interest In a little gray rab­ funded. Brick work of all kinds dona bit which we found nearly famished, Office fixtures and all equipment History of Ballooning, £)u J - g turner Locating Ore Bede. on short notice. It waa so ' The first ascension In a balloon writes John Burroughs. used in the business. Reds of ore are stated to have been We make a specialty of re ­ email that It could sit in the hollow filled with hydrogen was made In 1788 For particulars inquire at the of- EYE SPECIALIST. located at a distance of two and a pairing smoking Fire Placaa. by M. Chartea and M. Robert at Paris. of one’a hand. . , . We had to half miles by tbe electrical method flee of the Company. PORTLAND — OREGON Henry Cavendish, ahout 170fl. discov­ force the milk Into Its mouth. But In patented lo the United States by Pro­ ered the greet levity of hydrogen gas. a day or two It began to revive, and fessor R. A. Fesaeaden. In the locality Regular Monthly Visits to , •ml the following year Doctor Black would lap the milk eagerly. Soon It where tbe exlstroee of valuable ores took to grass and clover, and then to Tillamook and Cloverdale. of Rdlnburgh announced that n thin Is s u sperted, a number at bales eev- TILLAMOOK. ORE. bladdi-r Ailed with thia gas must nibbling sweet apples and cnrly pears. eral artles apart ary bored, then ill led And Vocational Training. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. •scend Into the air. Cavello experi­ It grew rapidly, and waa one of the with water, and a Peeoendeu sound os­ ------ o------ mented along those lines nnd found softest and most harmlres-lnoklng pets cillator la Immersed In one as a trans­ Approved by U. S. Gov. Officials. that a bladder was too heavy, paper I had ever seen. For a month or more mitting upperata*. the receiver enb- The most thorough and practical rp H GOYNE, not air-tight, but that soap hubbies the little rabbit was the only company merged In each ef the other heies be­ school in all Engineering and Vo­ I had. and It helped beguile the time filled with gas rose to the celling of ing as Elntboven recording oscillo­ cational Sciences—offering com­ attorney - at - law . tbe room. The flrat succeasful bal­ Immensely. In coming fa from the field graph. The holes sisy be flv* miles plete courses in ONE HALF the loon waa made by the Montgolfier or from my work. I seldom failed to Office: ¡O pposite C ourt t jusx or mors apart over the area being In- time usually required by Universi ­ atest ! Brothers, In France, In 1782. It was a bring It a handful of red clover blos­ ties. fire tiaBoan, Inflated with hot air from soms, at wMeh It became very fond. vestlgeted. In tbe sandy of thr oocil- Tillamook . O tgon. Elimination of nen-essenllal sub­ framing paper. The Montgolfier sue- One day It Ml slyly fw flckfng my lograplr records. special attenaioa le given us the relation between sounds jects; intensified courses and indi ­ hand, and I dHcorered It wanted salt. iaaa led M. Charles to experiment with J OHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON, vidual instructions enables us to hydrogen gaa. and with M. Robert he I would then moisten my fingers, dip received direct and those from echoes, effect the saving of time. traveled 81 miles In a hydrogen bal­ them Into the salt, and a little men. hie Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Commer­ Tillamook .... cial and Wireless Telegraphy. eral armf during (he Civil war near Inchon are ahout those of Nbpoleon, ROOM no . ail. We have fully demonstrated that lJ¥a,-lii''Kt,’n ill 1801. and be has Grant's fondness for the- Trl-Color Not of Equel Proportfen. it >s not necessary to spend four It Is evident from the appearance cigar.. Uke JnfTks. a southerner, he years in High School, and another of the French rteg as a pkrtnrfal dec­ has frankness of speech wbhfr his old f Eyas of Fishes four years in University before be­ comatander has sever displayed. Un­ Although there are s few exception* ors t Ion that manty artiste see unaware H. T. Botte, Free. Attorney ing an Engineer. Electricity’s latest gift to fa the rule, the eyes af fishes ara In­ that the tri-color does m< consist of like Petain his wards are raovly enu»- at-Law. Actual engineering work done by the housewife—greatest tended ta see beneath the water with, the three colors, blue. wM>e and red. tlc and he has made friends among all advanced students. since the electric iron John Leland Henderson, Sec­ and. as In the case of the eyes In all In equal proportion. When the famous hl» allies. An eft* man. cltne to sev­ Opportunities to earn board and end electric vacuum animals, sight only becomes possible flag was adopted ht the year that gave enty, yet younger than Clemenceau, he retary Treas., Attorney-at- lodging. to the eyes of diurnal animals when the United States It» Conetttntlon. wen still handsome when the war be­ cleaner—the Law and Notrary Public. gan. but the strain has marked Na New Term Beginning Jan 6th. there Is light present. To he sure, 1780. It was complained that dnq to CN-e and only bls eyes reveal an an- Address there may be fishes that are nocturnal an optical Illusion, the white. In the Tillamook Title and Electric Polytechnic College of Engineers? flshee. just as there are nocturnal middle, looked narrower at a distance, *aken spirit.—Prank H. St moods tn 13 & Madison Sts. Oakland. Cal Maiaaiale and birds of various kinds; than the blue, which fa nest to the Metropolitan. PORTABLE Abstract Co. but the majority of fish doubtless de­ staff, and that the red. on the fly end Law Abstracts. Real Estate, S ewing M achine •lag Sing Jail Sheri of Labor. of the flag, looked narrower than the pend upon the presence of light In or­ The labor shortage has hit even der to see or use their eye*. Where white. After anmerone experiments, ■Insurance. No more tiresome the light Is removed, and the removal the proportions of the colors were or­ Ring Sing, which has a stationary sup­ Both Phor.ea, TOWERS FISH BRAND treadle pushing - no tversists for an Indefinite period. It has dered to he. ea they are now, “In every ply of l.MB aim. The officials are TICLA MOOK—OREGON. more backache—a little buck an effect upon the eyes of fishes 100 parts, bine to be .11). white. 83 sod panled because they are nowlldng red 87." to employ women. Altbongh Warden electric motor does th» that some of their descendant» may. » Moyer has an allowance for a maid, within comparatively short space << hard work. Practical as a he never has hired one. The onty time, lose the sense of sight entirely. Ladles Shave In Japan. A foot control gives an. plow, and just There are many things the Japan­ woman ever employed within the pris­ speed desired. ese do differently from ourselves. For on walls, a telephone operator, left as necessary. Tried to Follow Inotruetlona. after a few days, saying that there Instance, ladles alt with their bands When a youth of Buffalo wns Invited Make every The entire machine in were too many men. rhe c<”nPl*te Electric Light and to hla first formal dinner party hla folded palms upward In Japan. They its case can be carried rainy day Power Plant all shave. They never brush their »other ailvlMMi him how to appear Enterprising Alaskan Village. anywhere—it’s no larger Plenty of bright, safe clean count. the best advantage and told him to aar hair, but only comb It. For the Eng­ Noorvtck. a native village near Nome than a typewriter. •noiethlng complimentary about the lish “a thimbleful” the Japanese speak Alaska, Is said to be the only Eski­ electric light. No more hot, Waterproof» smoky lamps. fond. The young man attempted to of “a sparrow'» tear." and Instead of mo village In northern Alaska possess­ Ask for ■ demonstra- Absolute fellow his mother’» advice. When the talking of putting a thing on the Are tion. to cook, the Japanese speak of putting ing electric lights and a wireless plant. •oup waa served he remarked: are Marked “Thia Is pretty good soup, what the flee through it. A man never wishes The light plant and wlreler«« station thus — hla wife good morning first—a truly were Installed by Delbert Replogle COAS! POWER CO there la of It.” teacher at the Noorvlck government H-- saw that the remark waa nt* oriental touch. She greets him and he the **" school. Mr.. Repiogle. who was tn »veil received nnd tried to nave him- repilea. A woman never speak» of her by saying. "Ami there’» plenty of j husband as such. She speaks of “the Nome recently on his way to ths ELECTRIC STORI. A J Town OX BOSTON States, mid he left natives in charge bouse." ACKLEY 4 MILLER of the Improvements. I - ENGINEE I , RALPH E. WARREN, L REFLEX SLICKER delco - ught «ÏÏS*