Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 26, 1918, Image 1

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    S1.50 PER YEAR.
Very desirable apartments for rent
above the Gem Theatre. See A. C.
Wanted a job for coming season by
a Swiss cheese maker to work in a
cheese factory.—John
H. Linder,
HillBboro, R 1, Box 43, Ora.
Have you been in the new meat
market across the street from Daw­
son’s store. They have the best meats
they can get. Give them a call.
For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one
mile north of Tillamook on Wilson
river. Inquire on premises. H. F.
William Harkness, a man about 33 BROTHERS IN CASUALTY LIST.
years of age and who came to the
county about three months ago, was John Nielson ii Missing and L. N.
adjudged insane and taken to the
Nielson Severely Wounded.
W. A. Wise. deutiat.
State Hospital at Salem. He was a
morphene fiend.
Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist.
Recent casualty lists from the
Fritz Buhrow, who resided at Hem­ Western front in France give the
Let W. A. Church write your insur­
lock, has been adjudged insane, and names of two Tillamook boys, sons
was sent to the state hospital. Sheriff of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Nielson, who
Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough
Campbell was appointed his guard­ reside south of Tillamook city.
John Nielson is reported aB missing
ian who will look after and sell the
unfortunate man’s personal property. and L. N. Nielson as severely wound­
Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4,
Masonic Apartments.
Acute and chronic disease cured by ed.Mr. and Mrs Nielson have another
methods. Osteopathic, chiro- son in the army, Victor Nielson, who
Don't fail to see the farm tank at
pathic electric and the milk and rest is still in this country.
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
cure so successful in stomach and
L. N. Nielson was drafted from the
Dr. J. B. Orider, dentist, I. O. O. F.
In conformity with the rule formed bowel disease, rheumatism and ner­ Grays Harbor country, where he op­
Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon.
• elsewhere, all w.ood orders must ae vous exhaustion. Room 4, Masonic
erated a ranch in partnership with
Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ accompanied by payment in advance. Bldg. Phone 169 R..
Harry Swenson. L. N. Neilson and
ware.—R. W. Bennett.
• —A. F. Coats Lumber Co.
Large modern Portland residence Victor Neilson were drafted from
First class dressmaking. Long’s with one or more acres of ground to Tillamook county.
Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook,
Appartments, Mutual Phons, Mrs. exchange for 160 acres of land in
Tillamook. Phone 72-W.
Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas Tillamook County. At least forty
Why not place your feed orders for Burkhart.
• acres must be cleared, and not too
Death of James Taggart.
the future with Kuppenbender.
Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck,
James Taggart was born in Shop­
New Grant car for sale at a bargain day and make yourself eats from 4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. *
man Township, near the village if
See Ben Kuppenbender.
• deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen­
We wish tQ state that the Tilla­ Shipman, Macoupin Co, Illinois, Feb.
* mook Hose Company is still in debt
For sale—Eight spring calves. bender, both phones.
15, 1850, and died at Neskowin, Or.,
Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore.
Suttons' market has located oppo­ something like 3150.00, being the Dec. 14, 1918, aged 68 years and 10
Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh balance that is owing on the fire months.
While a young man attending col­
lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • and cured meats. Your patronage so­ truck, and it is hoped that an enter­
• tainment or a dance will be given to lege at De Pauw University in Green­
pay off this indebtedness.
We handle Trojan Powder. Best for
castle. Indiana, he was converted
Before buying your auto tires, in­
stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co.
Geo. Stiverson, who is on the U. S. and joined the Methodist church. The
vestigate the Republic Standard five
Attorney H. T. Botts was in Port­ thousand mile guarantee, price right S. Great Northern, was home for ten deceased came to Oregon in 1887 or
land on Monday on business.
at Tillamook Feed Co.
* days and left for New York on Thurs­ 1888, and was married to Miss Jessie
day. He has crossed the Atlantic ten F. Cutler, at Salem, Oregon, June 15,
Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend-
Every day some of the young men
1890. One son, Oscar Edwin, was
ei Warehouse.
• who were drafted relurq to their times since he was consigned to that born to them. Two brothers still live,
vessel. He is delighted to receive the
R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ homes in this county, having been Headlight and has not missed a copy one in Penn., the other in Illinois By
pairing. S. P. Watch inspector.
• discharged from the army or navy.
letter some years ago, Mr. and Mrs.
since he joined the navy.
For fresh and cured meats call
Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms
To be sure you have a place to live Taggart were transferred to the
Sutton’s Market. Both phones.
205-206 Tillamook Building. Office ' buy a home today. Never has the de­ Christian church, the only denomina-
9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ mand for houses been bo great. Prop­ j tlon where they were living, believ­
For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm
* erties are selling every day but bar­ ing they could work with them to
at Netarts. Enquire at the place. *
gains are not all gone yet. Some of more auvuntage, and afterward at­
For Sale—160 acres of land at
the best buys were listed today for tended that church at Salem for
Sandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * County Court will be held next quick sale. A payment down, balance some years.
Thursday, When H. M. Farmer suc­
| They moved to their present home,
Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms ceeds F. L. Owens as county commis­ monthly, places you in a home of Wildwood ranch, at Neskowin, some
your own. See Everson at once.
205-206 Tillamook Building.
* sioner.
sixteen years ago, to engage in dairy­
The influenza situation in Til’.a- ing.
One lot and small house for saie,
A. A. Arstlll has traded his ranch
>550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. • at Cloverdale for a ranch four mileB ' mook county is greatly improved, i His health began to fail some three
| there being no deaths to report since 1 years ago, but only lately has the
We buy and sell second hand autos. north of Dallas belonging to C. W. our last issue. The sentiment is condition
serious. Heart
Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Oarage.* Holfield, and will move there early growing much stronger to have trouble seemed to be the immediate
next year.
those Buffering from the disease, ¡cause of his death. Friday, Dec. 13,
For bargains in second hand auto­
The government dredge is again both in the city and county strictly ' he sank into a deep sleep from
mobiles go to Case’s Garage.
dredging for the Cummings-Moberly quarantined. Most of the other which he never gained coisciousness
Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First Co. at Garibaldi, the recent storm towns and counties are resorting to but pussd uway at 12:30 a.in. Satur­
National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., having filled in the ditch that was this method of stamping out the day..
In Dr. Allen’s office.
* excavated for the new saw mill.
disease and lifting the embargo re­
The Quarantine Ordinance.
For rent—A new three room fur­
On Wednesday afternoon, at the strictions.
------ o------
nished house. Enquire Bell Phone home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Married, on Christmas evening,
* Mrs.' Thore Haugen, Miss Anna December 25th, at the home of the
The City Council amended the
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King came in Haugen became the Christmas bride bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. quarantine ordinance to cover Span­
Drew, in thlB city, Lee E. Doty and ish intluenza, which is as follows:
from Woodburn to spend the Christ- of Orland E. Vantress.
Lelia Drew, the ceremony being
That whenever the health officer
mas with relatives.
Married at the M. E. Parsonage,
performed by the Rev. Harry Tucker, of Tillamook City, Oregon, shall
A. C. Everson, who is on the Fed­
pastor of the Christian Church. The learn by rumor or otherwise that any
eral jury, is excused until the new ber, 1918, Donald L. Schofield and happy couple left the next morning person within the corporate limits
performed by Rev. H. J. Hickerson. for a short honeymoon trip to Port­ ot Tillamook City has been exposed
land. The groom was a member of or Inoculated or affected with small
Justice of the Peace Stanley, who
The editor receiver a Christmas Company C, Coast Artillery and has ! pox, Uipntheria, measels, scarlet fe-
has been trying a case of the flu, is
rememberance from Dr. Jack Olson, been stationed at Fort Columbia. He ’ ver, Spanish Influenza, or any other
much better.'-’
in France, and it looks a little has just been discharged from the 'malignant, infectious, or cantagious
The local Draft Board have all Frenchy, for this is the greeting: army. The bride is a popular young disease, it shall be his duty to make
their records complete and ready to "Bonne et Beureuse Annee.”
woman with many friends who wish a medical and thorough investiga­
be shipped to Washington.
The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ the happy couple a long life of hap­ tion of the cause of such report, and
if he is satisfied of the existence of
The embargo has been taken off chine Agency is now permanently lo­ piness.
any of the diseases mentioned in this
pool rooms and closing the post of­ cated opposite the post office, where
ordinance, he shall at once declare
fice while the mail was being sorted. monthly payments may be made and
Card of Thanks.
the house, boat, booth, tent, or other
supplies ordered. Both Phones.
------ o------
Dr. Wise will begin making his
We thank the friends for their building, or structure of whatever
trips to Wheeler, Nehalem and Clov­
sympathy and help during the clos­ kind or nature, in which any person
erdale about Feb. 15th.
* home of Joseph Wilson, the cere­ ing hours and death of our husband shall frequent or abide in, together
mony being performed by Elder W.
B. L. Beals has returned from P«wtherer, Fred C. Reusser, of and father, also for their beautiful with such person or persons bo ex­
posed or affected by any such diseas­
Mexico where he is interested in Beaverton, and Elta Wilson, of Tilla­ flowers.
Mrs. Jessie C. Taggart, es, to be in a state of quarantine by
mook, Oregon.
the display of a danger flag or signal
Oscar E. Taggart.
It seems that boys are stealing
Marriage licenses were issued to
to be displayed in a public place up­
bicycles again for A. C. Everson's Donald L. Schofield and Edna E.
on the premises, and the flag or sig­
The Happiest Day.
Sanders; Lee E. Doty and Lelia H.
nal used for small po? shall be of a
------- o------
Real honest old fashioned Pork Drew; C. B. Vantress and Anna
red color; for diphtreira, black; for
We've banished Old Mars from the measels or scarlet fever, yellow; and
Sausage is hard to get, but you will Haugen; Fred E. Reusser and Ella
for any other malignant, contagious
find it at Sutton's market.
* Wilson.
Hurled the war bread at the moon; or Infectious diseases, orange; and
Christmas passed off quietly in
Mr. Hoover will let us have sugar,
when any such flag shall be display­
Tillamook county, the weather being and wife is a suit filed In the circuit
And the boys will be coming home ed on any premises such premises
court tn which plaintiff claims
bright and frosty.
3335.50 for
work performed by So here's to the Merriest ChrlBtmas. shall be deemed in a state of quaran­
Barney Hanson, of Bend, Ore., James Hiner at the special request
Since the Resurrection Day.
The ordinance also gives the health
came in last week, to visit his family of the defendant.
And the gladdest, happiest New officer authority to prohibit public
and for the Christmas holidays.
For Sale—Seventy ton of new bail­
meetings and gatherings, and pro­
Since the birth of the U. S. A.
size—made to ed straw, stored in private barn near
vides the penalties.
—A. L. M. E.
order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side freight depot at McMinnville, grown
entrance-opposite. P. O.
Address J. M. HenderBon R. D. No. 2 Buy Your Meat for Canning Now.
Bad Gan Accident.
Dr. Wise will return to Tillamook Box 113 McMinnville, Oregon.
------ o------
t - -o------
about Feb. 15th to resume the prac­
Leland Bester will be maimed for
Meat will be high this winter. Get
tice dentistry in this county.
vs. Silver Spruce Co., is a suit filed it now for canning, while it is cheap. life on account of a bad accident that
Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per happened to him on Sunday. He had
Dressmaking at my home or by the in the circuit court, to recover 3275.
been hunting with his brother, Arth­
day. Phone 143-W. Second Ave. East the value of a resaw that was bought pound.
Beef steak, 18c. to 28c. per Tb.
ur Bester, on the Wilson river, in a
and Sth St. Mrs. J. E. Reedy.
| • • from the Pacific Engineering &
Beef pot roast, 12He. to 22c. per row boat, on Sunday, and after re­
Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is
turning to the bank of the river and
safe, clean and powerful. For sale at
Sheriff Campbell sold some prunes,
Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per lb.
while in the act of taking the gun
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
* raisins and sugar that had been
Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb.
from the boat, the gun discharged
All meats are government inspect­ shattering the boy's right arm. Ar­
Let wour co-worker on the farm be seized from persons hoarding food.
the Cleveland Tractor. On display at the proceeds amounted to 320-00, ed.
thur Beeter had the presence of mind
Tillamook Meat Co. to tie the arm above the injured part,
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
* which was turned over to the Red
which prevented the unfortunate
Just received a car of mill feed at
boy from bleeding to death. The boys
Tillamook has an auto top and
the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices
had to walk a mile to reach their
•re lowest.
Notice is hereby given that positiv­ home and when they did so the
building opposite w post
office. Auto
For Sale—Berkshire pure bred ¡tops, curtains and cushions repaired ely no hunting is allowed on the M. telephone was out ot order. After
9*8». four months old. Enquire of A. and waterproofed, harness repaired. W. Harrison’s farm, south of Tilla­ some time Dr. Boals was advised of
mook City. Persons doing so will be the accident and the injuries being
K- Williams, Mutual Phone.
(Both phones.
ot such a serious nature the arm had
For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair­
Married on December 17 th, at
to be amputated. Leland is a son of
bank 4 Morse gasoline engine in South Bend, Wash., Miss Gladys Ap-
For Croup.
Frank Bester, who is a dairyman re­
order. W. D. Shafer. Rockaway, ,sley, of Tillamook. Ore., to Mr. Fre-
--- —o------
* Imont Bellinger, of Mt. Pleasant,
“Chamberlain’s • Cough Remedy siding at Fairview and is 16 years
is splendid for croup,’’ writes Mrs. of age.
Need a truck to haul yo"r milk? Or Mich.
Edward Hassett, Frankfort. N. Y. (This item of news was misplaced
‘■yihiag else?
Got an oiu
old automobile?
of Tillamook, who ■ My children have been quickly re­ last week.)
,- isci uui
-• . Errold Haltom.
Hattoni. 01
he will
", IIV
Win explain the rest. 'Jg g cadet at H1I1 Military Academy,
lieved of attacks of this dreadful
“T—._,— Attachment/’
Onie for _ the
•ts » a "Truxtun
1 |) _____
— holidays. The young complaint by its use.” This remedy A few years more of “the simplici­
_^or Sale—One dandy new Saxon 'student is one of the members of a contains no opium or other narcotic, ty and economy befitting a demo­
‘H. almost
new, run juBt 700
mties. ¡committee that entertained at a and may be given to a child as con­ cratic government” as described in
°*»*r gone away and left for me to large military dance at the academy fidently as to an adult. For sale by the Democratic platform of 1912,
- - «
-• laMt WPek. when General Charlee F.
and Uncle Sam will have to hunt re­
kt a great sacrifie«—Bert
Lamars’ Drug Store—Pd. Adv.
| Beebe led the grand march.
** •* Hudson's Garage.
lief in the bankruptcy courts.
Tillamook Jottings.
Tillamook Cow Testing
Report for
The average production of all cows
in the association for October was
18.96 lbs. fat from 390 lbs. milk at
a feed cost of four dollars per head.
The highest average herds were as
Jos. Durrer, 39 cows, 647 lbs. milk
and 33.6 lbs. fat.
J. T. Woodward, 7 cows, 588 ibs.
milk and 33.6 Ibs. fat.
Mrs. Theresa Ross, T cows, 612
Ibs. milk and 31.0 ibs. fat.
The high pure bred cow was Coun­
tess of Bunnybrook De Kole II. own­
ed by Jack Rupp with 1550 lbs. milk
and 44.95 Ibs. fat. The high grade
was Baby, owned by Jos Durrer with
1080 Ibs. milk and 56.16 Ibs. fat.
The honor roll follows.
Owner cows name
lb milk lb fat
Jas Durrer, Baby.... 1080
Jos Durrer, Beauty . . 864
Jos Durrer, Jersey . . . 781
Jos Durrer, Chance .. 1137
Jack Rupp, Countess of Sun-
nybrook D. K. II. .. 1550
J. Woodward Brownie 651
Jos. Durrer, Lilly . . . 961
Jos Durrer, Mattle . . 855
Eblnger & Son, No. 14 1047
Harrison & Betchart
No 27......................... 533
Jos Durrer, Bess .... 728
Carl Hunt, Blindy . . . 737
C. Possetti, Beauty .. 806
M. Abplanalp, No. 57 1088
A. Vetsch, No. 31 .. .. 744
For November.
The average production for No-
vember jvas 348 lbs. milk and 17.91
Ibs. fat at a feed cost of 36.25. The
The high pure bred is St. Mawes
Lady with 951 Ibs. milk and 52.3 ibs
fat, owned by W. S. Hare. The high
grade was Beauty, a grade Jersey
owned by Mrs. Ross with 1026 Ibs.
milk and 91.3 Ibs. fat.
W. S. Hare had the highest average
herd, his two cows averaging 882 tbs
milk and 49.77 ibs. fat. Mrs. Ross's
herd was second with 501 Ibs. milk
and 33.58 Ibs. fat. Josi Bros., the
old Durred herd, was third with 34
cows making 450 Ibs. milk and 24.66
Ibs. fat.
The honor roll follows:
Owner, cows name
lb milk lb fat
Mrs. Ross, Beauty . . . 1026
W. S. Hare, St. Mawes
Lady...................... . 951
W. S. Hare, St Mawes
Peggy . . . '............ . 813
Josi Bros, Chance . . . 822
Eblnger & Son No. 4 . 951
Mrs. Ross, Daisy . . . . 642
B. A. Folks, Cream . . 1101
Tillamook Cheese Makers Win Prizes
At Association Meeting.
At the Oregon Butter and Cheese
Makers’ Association
meeting in
Portland recently Tillamook cheese
makers took all the prizes offered for
the highest grade of cheese. There
were three prizes; the competitors
standing being as follows:
Albert Wade, Cloverdale Fcty.,
Cloverdale,, Ore, 96.
H. W. Thomas, Red Clover Fcty.,
Tillamook, Oregon, 95.5.
Albert Schlappi, South Prairie
Fcty., Tillamook, Oregon, 95.
Floyd Culberson, Maple Leaf Fcty.,
Tillamook, Oregon, 94.25.
Chris Martin, Independence Cry.,
Harrisburg, Ore., 94.25.
• C. H. Schneider, Evergreen Fcty.,
Heller, Wisconsin, 93.5.
G. H. Svart, Mutual Creamery,
Halfway, Oregon, 93.25.
J. H. Hecker, Garden Roads Fcty.,
Salem, Oregon, 91.
Hugh Barber, Fairview Fcty., Til­
lamook, Oregon, 91.
T. J. Ballantyne, Roberts Bros.
Fcty., Templeton, Ore, 90.5.
W. J. deBoer, Holstein Fcty., Till­
amook, Oregon, 89.
* Not eligible for awards; compli­
mentary score only.
First prize—Solid gold Association
medal; 1 gallon Renzyme liquid; »li­
ved plated cheese trier;’ 3 gallons
BK disinfectant; 15 jewel Elgin gold
watch; 1 gallon Difco cheese color;
1 gallon Difco liquid chlorides; %
dozen packages of Difco starter.
Second prize—Solid silver medal of
the Association; 5 bbls, Californi&
cheese salt.
Third prize—Bronze medal of the
The association gave 350 prorata
money for butter and cheese entries
scoring 90 points or more. No win­
ner of a first shared in this money.
The 320 gold piece offered for the
highest scoring cheese made with
Hansen's rennet and color was won
by Albert Wade and the gold watch
offered by the Marshall Dairy Labo­
ratory for highest scoring cheese
made with their rennet was won by
H. W. Thomas.
L. B. Ziemer otthe State Dairy and
Food Commissioners' Office and Otto
Frledli, of the Portland Cheece Co.,
scored the cheese.
Red Crow Christmas Roll Call.
The Red Cross Christmas Roll
Call resulted in2,700 being enroll­
ed In Tillamook county in the Amer­
ican Red Cross, which is considered
a good showing owing to some of
the logging camps and saw mills be­
ing closed down. The entire sum of
32,700 will go to the Red Cross So­
ciety, none of which will be retained
by the local branch and the Burner-
our auxiliaries.
The Good Roads Movement.
------ o------
Mr. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook, Or.
Dear Sir.—I will appreciate very
much ii you will accept this in­
vitation to have supper with me in
Wheeler on the evening of Friday,
December 27 th.
1 believe that now is the proper
time to undertake the proposition of
securing a hard surfaced highway
through Tillamook County by bond­
ing the County and by cooperation of
the State and Federal Government in
the proposition.
I am, therefore, inviting a few of
the men of the county who have
been particularly interested in the
better roads movement to meet with
me and talk over plans that may be
adopted to further this movement.
I trust that you will be able to
meet with us on the above date.
With the very best of wishes that
you nlay have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
year, 1 remain.
Very respectfully yours,
Frank A. Rowe.
Socialist Vote In Oregon.
Percentage of Socialist votes cast
for state and local candidates. who
were opposed in each case by both
Republicans and Democrats.
U. S. State Local
Baker ........... ................ 105
Benton......... ............. 48
Clackamas . . ................ 567
Clatsop......... ................ 199
Columbia.. . . ......... 108
Coos ............. ............. 271
Crook........... ............. 25
Curry........... ............. 59
Deschutes . . ........... 64
Douglas .... ............. 120
Gilliam .... ...........
Grant ........... .............
Harney......... .............. 31
Hood River . ............. 31
Jackson . . . . ............. 135
Jefterson . . . ............... 18
Josephine . . ............. 60
Klamath . . . ............. 106
Lake ............. ............. 22
Mine ........... ............. 206
Lincoln .... ............. 37
Linn ............. ............. 162
Malheur . . . . .............
Marion ......... ............. 310
Morrow .... ............. 67
Multnomah . ........... 1,634
Polk .............
1 ßQ
Sherman ... ............. 10
Tillamook . . ............. 73
Umatilla . . . ........... 129
Union ........... .............
Wallowa . . . ............. 57
Wasco......... ............. 57
Washington ............. 250
Wheeler . . . . .............
Yamhill .... ............. Ill
Total . ..
Send ui your Bondi by registered.
letter and receive highest market
price by return mail.
200 Central Bldg.
Many a broken head has come
from gratuitously trying to settle
the quarrels of somebody else.
When it is stated that the new Sec­
retary of the Treasury is from Vir­
ginia, it is unnecessary to carry the
argument further.
In pointing our certain deficiencies
of the national administration, the
National Republican is not quite so
lonesome at it was before th-: recent,
election. Nothing succeeds like suc­
cess, and nothing fails like failure.
Well, didn't Alexander the Great
carry with him an “entourage” of
¡zoologists, astronomers and other
kinds of college professors to en­
lighten the natives as he passed
through on his triumphant course?
------ o------
Here’s a typical example of Demo­
cratic economy and paper conserva­
tion. President Wilson’s message to
Congress on December 2nd was de­
Those who have made sacrifices to livered before a joint session, but it
provide the money to pay the bills was put up in type and printed in
have the satisfaction of knowing, full twice in the same issue of the
since George Creel and his band of congressional record; once in the
performing press agents have a proceedings of the house and once in
twenty room house on a fashionable the proceedings of the senate. Could
Paris boulevard, that their sacrifices anyone deliberately devise more stu­
pid waste than this?
have not been in vain.