Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 19, 1918, Image 6

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With eggs bringing nearly 70c. a
c /,.t n at the stores, and batter above
7' c. per pound, it is easy to see who
v> ui soon be our multi-miliianaires.
It must be the Democratic adminis-
I. anon fouters wealth.—Willamina
------- o-------
More then ten thousand Americans
r ..uiers have married French wives,
1 is said. Whether the boys will
i rig the French lassies home with
i or the girls will keep the boys
in Fiance, doesn’t appear yet. Many
men are needed in France. Probably
most of them will remain there.—
Telephone Register.
------- o------
It cost a lot of money to send our
boys to France. It will cost just as
much to bring them back. Uncle Sam
is spending money by the millions on
the job he undertook. The fight is
over, but the "hall rent" is not all
paid. Another Liberty (or Victory)
loan is coming up soon after the first
of the year. Better start preparing.
We have got to see the whole thing
through. While the fighting is all
finished, the job is not yet completed
is a state statute making it a misde­
meanor for dealers to sell guns to
minors. A dealer at Salem was re­
cently fined by the justice of the
peace $5 for such an act, when some
citizens were laboring under the im­
pression there was no such law.
When a child is killed by careless
and immature judgment in the use of
fire arms it is too late to mend the
uatnage, and all we can do is to re­
gret, .which gets us no where. Let’s
guard the young. They are in our
charge.- Telephone Register.
------ o——
No matter how it turns out, Presi­
dent Wilson could' have saved much
wear and tear on the nervous system
of tne world had he made clear be­
fore he sailed for Europe just what
he proposed to do and defined the ex
act meaning of his peace terms, and
especially that relating to the free­
dom of the seas. Utterances of both
English and French statesmen and
newspapers betray their anxiety as
to what the president has in mind
and they are losing no time in mak­
ing their own intentions plain. It
may be the worry on both sides of
the Atlantic is without cause, but
why should have there been cause
for worry? The war was won by the
American people they are entitled to
a voice in the settlement, and thereis
thus early unmistakable evidence
that there will be no settlement
which they do not approve. The
president may give his terms, but
unless they are ratified by the people
they amount to nothing, and this be­
ing so it is hard to find a good reas­
on why they should not have been
told in advance just what tiie presi­
dent considers so important that he
insisted upon laying personally upon
die peace table. Such a course might
liave suved possible later complica-
llons. —Independent.
Hun Spirit Unchanged.
—°— •
Here’s hoping the new year will see
a paved highway from McMinnville
to Portland and from here to the
i. Certain portions of this high-
v.... should be completed the coining
year anyway.—News Reporter.
seconded later by that of Italy,
France and America, made it impos­
sible that Germany could win.
It was not easy to see the part
played by seapower, for much of it
was everted behind the curtain or in
the wings, nor any easier to under­
stand its effect. Yet the fact remains
that the navies of England ruled the
seven seas and silently held the Teu­
tonic powers in the unbreakable
grip of vice. Tiiere probably has
never been so perfect use of sea­
power as the use of the British navy
during the recent war. It is the one
arm of service that has dont what it
was set to do aud has done with
scarcely a slip, setback or instance of
recklessness. The -defeat of Craddock
off Chile is the only instance ot fail­
ure that now comes to mind.
Bismarck knew that neapower had
overthrown the great Nepoleon, and
BKmarck took pains to wage wars in
which seapower could not be used
against Prussia or Germany. But
Emperor William, who is said to
have told Mahan that he had devour­
ed his books on seapower, misread
them and mistook shadow for sub­
stance. He deluded himself into the
belief that his navy was a match for
England's and that Germany's future
lay on the sea. His delusion caused
him to lean on a broken reed and
brought him to a Waterloo.—Spokes­
man Review.
For Young and Old
IV0RY--The Largest and Best Assortment ever Shown in the City.
I CUT .GLASS ^We are Closing Out our Stock of Cut Glass at a Great Reduction. Now
is the Time to Buy Splendid Cut Glass for Christmas Presents.
FRESH PURE CANDIES, in bulk or package, or in pretty baskets.
MANICURE SETS-Lsatber Roll-Ups in Manicure Sets. AU prices.
LETTER KNIVES, Clocks in Ivory, Gold Watches, Ivory Picture Frames.
FLASH LIGHTS. Fancy Pipes, Cigars in Christmas Packages, Amber Cigar Holders,
Travelers Sets in Genuine Leather, Purses of All Kinds.
SHAVING SETS, Shaving Mugs and Brushes, Safety Razors, Card Games, Fancy
Playing Cards in Leather Cases.
B00KS--A11 the Late Books, Large Assortment of Reprints, Leather Covered Poems,
Leather Covered Bibles and Testaments.
TINKERTOYS, BiLHing Blocks, Dolls, the kind that will not break, Candles and
Holders, Potted Plants, Cut Flowers, Bulbs.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, Seals, Tags, Tape, Cord, Crepe Paper, Holly Paper,
Festoons, Very Choice Engraved Christmas and New Yeai’s Cards, Package
When the Prussian Guard returned
io Berlin last Tuesday, it was feceiv-
The Irish are to ask the President
eu with distinguished honor. Streets
to work for self-determination of Ire­
were decorated with evergreens and
land at the peace conference, and if
Llags, the troops marched under the
it could be made to apply only to
ulu national colors, and the bauds
those Irishmen who had the courage
played "Deutschland uber Allies,"
to fight for the right in the great
Hie same national song whose music
war, and not to those who spent
and words tilled Bering August 1,
their time in resisting conscription
1P14, when the Kaiser’s invincible
and in philandering with the ilun,
army started to make "Germany
we have no doubt that Mr. Wilson
over all a hideous reality.
would be glud to act.—Eugene Reg­
According to the head of the new
High Cost oí Living and High
German government, the army of
the kaiser was not defeated. Premier
A Corning. California girl adver­
Ebert, tne chosen leader of a new
tising for a position in-the Tillamixik
Elbert H. Gray, chairman of a spe­ democracy, addressing thu soldiers, dices opposing the general trend of
Headlight says: "A strong healthy cial committee ot the American Iron niadq this astounding utterance;
public sentiment ria away with
country girl wishes permanent em­ and Steel institute, gives wise coun­
"Your deeds aim sacrifices are un­
ployment on a large ranch. Can plow, sel when he urges employers not to exampled. No enemy overcame you. their judgment. It also teaches that
milk cows and do anything out doors attempt to reduce wage scales at Only when the preponderance of our the judgment of the aver» ge man on
and wear overalls.’ That girl should- present. He sees that while labor is opponents in men and material grew the street is more apt to be sound
not be required to look long for em­ receiving higher compensation than ever heavier did we abandon the than that of many a man to whom
we entrust the training of young
ployment when hundreds of bache­ ever before, wages are no higher struggle.”
men’s minds. In fact, it is a warning
lors who shy at the high heeled girls than are "proper and just" ill view
Germany does nut admit defeat, qot to permit our colleges to fall in-
with a low cut dress are searching of the cost of living. He predicts that When the figuting got too heavy, she
for a wife not afraid to work. - Sun. if business will be fair to its employ­ merely quit, in the sume breath, ., to the hands of men who have violent
prejudices or peculiar opinions or
------ o------
es, its customers and its competitors, Premier Ebert tries to convert Ger­
Already a number of people who the next five years "will be the most man atrocities into German honor by who become cranks on any subject.
We want level-headed men as pro­
went from this section to Portland progressive, prosperous and success­ saying:
fessors and teachers, and educators
and other places to work in the ship ful in our history.”
i "You endured undescribable suf- should strive to keep their heads
yurds liave commenced coming back
Ou the »ther hand labor should ad- ferlngs, accomplished incomparable
and more will follow shortly. A lot just itself to the fact that continu­ deeds, and gave, year after year level.—Oregonian.
of them won't be anything ahead for ance of present high wages must proofs of your unshakeable courage.
the move. Wages were high, but so mean a continuance of the present You protected the homeland from in­
Eagles or Dodoes?
were living expenses, and, since the high cost of living, for, as Judge vasion, shielded your wives, children
The naval appropriation bill, now I
war elided unexpectedly, the job Gary says, "labor constitutes the and parents from flames aud slaugh­
Isn’t lasting us long as anticipated. greater cost of production from the ter and preserved the qaiions work­ under consideration in the House
Those who had reasonable good Jobs raw material down to tne linished shops and lields from devastation. Committee, is furnishing an oppor­
tunity for the Republicans to initiate
here would have been wiser to have product and its use by the eoiistim- You can return with heads erect."
their announced program of re­
remained with them, itemizer.
Many Americans believe that hos­
trenchment in «ar expenditures. The
Take wheat for an example. It tilities should not have ceused until proceeding before the committee
Henry Ford is going to- give up costs the farmer mole
to produce the German army was destroyed. The have brought out already some start­
the management of the Kurd motor breadstuff and high i labor is the over reception of the Prussian Guard and
plain and begin the publication of a whelming factor in that increased the premier's sptech will strengthen ling facts. For instance, it appears
national weekly newspaper. Weil, if cost of production, It touches the the belief that the armistice was that of the 112 eagle boats to be
built by Henry Ford only one is in
Ford embarks in the newspaper busl- producer at every angle—in the signed ten days too soon.
commission, and 12 more are about
ness, it is very tortunale for him higher wages he paye directly, in
in quite another way, and right
over to the
that he made his fortune first, He high cost of seed, of farm animals here in Oregon, we have proof that ready to be turned
won't need to die a rich man if he and their feeding, of machinery, of the military autocratic spirit of the Italian Government. The entire con­
»ticks to tiie game long enough. And gasoline, of harvesting and threshing plain German people has not been tract is to cost about $50,000.000,
it may be tliut lie Is looking ahead, charges, of delivery to the railroad, changed by defeat. Miss Wilhelmina yet the navy department recom-1
for the Bible tells of the difficulty of transportation to the mills and Doerlier, teacher of a country school mends that it be proceeded with un- |
til completed. It is suggested that
of a rich man entering the kingdom from the mills to the consumer.
not tar from Salem, pasted a picture
while they are no longer useful for ,
of heaven.—Observer.
Beyond all that the farmer must of William Hohenzollern alongside war purposes, the eagles can be used
------- o
pay higher prices for everything that of Woodrow Wilson on the wall in the Phillipines and along our
If anyone wonders why the politi­ bought for his family's consumption of the school room. It scarcely need coasts. Such arguments are not ap­
cal complexion of the senate was He must have a greater profit to live be added that Miss Doerfler has re­ pealing to the Republicans of the
«banged in tiie midst of the greatest as well as he and his family lived be­ signed.—Telegram. ’
committee, and it is probably that
war the world has ever known the fore on a smaller profit for his dol­
they will insist that the Ford con­
answer is found in the report of the lar has sh- uuk in purchasing power
tract be cancelled. The appropria-
Only Unconscioutly Tools.
National Security League, which, by exactly as the workiaginan's dollur
! tlon for the navy last year amounted
- —o-------
the way, is non-partisan, and which has shrunk.
to $1,800,000,000 but this year the
What 1« true of wheat is equally I It would not be fare to assume that
concerned itself with records of votes
estimates call for $2.400,000,000. It
and not politics. This record shows true of meats, dairy products, vege- all of the nien whose names appear is certain that when the bill emerges
that on what are now considered the tables, fruits, metals, fuel, wool, on the list given by A. Bruce Bielas- from committee the republicans will
main war measures but 16 per cent leather and every other commodity. ki as "actively pro-Germans” before have succeeded In lopping from it
of the Democratic senators voted Increased wages have gone Into pro­ the United States went into the war some huge slices. Representative T.
right every time while on the same duction at every stage of a commod- knew that thew were working for S. Butler, of Pennsylvania, ranking
Germany or that they were counted
measure* the record shows that 57 tty.
republican member of the committee
If wages stay r up the high cost of as helpers of the German cause
per cent of the Republican senators
has signified his intention to insist
down. If the against the allies. Many of them on the elimination from the bill of
voted right evary time. With 50 living cannot come
Democratic and 39 Republican Sena­ high cost of living stays up, wages have such distinctly German names all war items that can now be dis­
tors the proportion voting right was can not fall. Any attempt to ignore that they no doubt intentionally did pensed with.—Umpqua Valley News.
66 per cent ot the Democrats and 81 or disregard that economic fact will all they could for the Fatherland,
per cent of the Republicans. Which be mischievous and demoralizing.— but many other names are as distinc­
tly non-Gernian, and, with rare ex­
goes to show that the voters had a Spokesman Review.
ceptions, other motives for their con­
very correct line on the situation
duct must be sought.
ufter all.—Hillsboro Independent.
A Bloodless Trafalgar and Its Mean­
With the great majority of this
last class the moving impuls must
Why not settle the war of words
have either been devotion to the pa­
over the issue of cigarettes by sol­
The British navy and the Gernian cifist cult or a prejudice against any
diets by leaving lt to the soldiers navy met on the high seas at last,
cause which was supported by men
themselves? The literature of the but It was after the war and without
of wealth, or a mixture of both. Col­
war appears to be practically unan­ fighting, and the Briton and the
umbia University seems to have been
imous in showing that most sol­ American together could have said:
a stronghold of this type of man. for
diers smoke cigarettes. and the eon- "We have met the enemy and they
no less than three of its professors
sumption seems to be only limited by are ours”! The meeting of the two
are on the list of the Kaiser’s’ friends
the available supply. So why not let armadas, although it was not a ra­
while Princeton has two. Dr. David
it go at that? It is of course proba­ ging tragedy of the ocean, neverthe­
Starr Jordan would not knowingly
ble that the American habit of de­ less had grandeur and struck the
heip the cause of such an urch-crtm-
ciding a question to suit ourselves note of grand drama. The surrender Inal as William
II, but he let his
•nd then attempting to force others of the German fleets marked the hatred of war
ran away with his
to do us we think best will prevail, downfall of Germany as a naval pow­ judgment as to
when war was not
but when a man gives up about er. put the American navy into the only justifiable
but necessary. Pro-
everything else aftd goes across th .-<'<oiid place, next to Great Britain,
feasor John W. Burgess was probably
seas to fight our battles It would and illustrated the indespensableness
infected with kulture while serving
seem that he might decide for him­ of seapower in war ns It had seldom,
as exchange professor at Berlin, in
self whether he desires to add what if ever, been demonstrated before.
tact the Kaiser seems to have pro­
opponent* of the cigarette declare is
There has never been a greater moted the
exchange system tor
a danger to health to other unheal­ triumph on the ocean than that
the purpose of injecting pro-German-
thy things he must encounter. It which was symbolized by the sur-
ism into American colleges. Robert
might be added parenthetically that render of the German navy. It sur-
1. Ford is so fervent a hater of Eng­
the writer does not smoke cigarettes. passed those victories off the XI le
land that his ruling passton could
— Independent.
mid off Trafalgar which destroyed easily be played upon, while Profee
------- o-------
French sea power more than a cen­ nor A. B. Hart, of Harvard, is al way ’S
Too many young boys of tender age tury ago and helped immeasurable to glad of a chance to
muckrake the
in McMinnville are permitted to car­ iring about the full of Napoleon. It corporations, whom
ry revolvers. This fact was noticeable hould make us understand clearly for this occasion the pro-Germans
called munition
on Nov 11. when everybody was Ju­ • Hat seapower won the war for Eng­ manufacturers.
bilating over the military victory. land and Its allies. From the first
The revelation is a lesson to men
Parents in thia town are concerned day of the war British sea power.
not to let ationg opinions and preju- J
Watch our Window each
day when we will place a
Rocking Chair for Sale at 15
per cent Discount for Cash
You will have to come early
as this is belozv cost
Also a large line of Rock
ers to Choose from at 10 per
cent Discount for Cash
Do Your Xmas. Shopping Here
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
This Store is where your $ Does Most Duty
PLUSH and all wool
Velur and Bilevia.
SIZES 14 TO 48.
Manish Serge, Broadcloth
and all Wool Poplin
Wool Jersey, Wool Serge,
Satin and Silk
| I III«
\ fl w i VU1
’ >
er prices then elsewhere
1\ ’{Mu WOMENS
The Store that give»» you more goods for les»»» Money. TILLAMOOK, ORE.
ï5?j;as?. t ÆS?
1 whether the young boys are sold pis-
What the Editors Say Itols,
or whether they associate with
boys permitted to carry them. There