TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 1», 1918. ............... T «ay WHEELEN 1EP0BTE1 HAS 000 of alate tunda has been expended on the roads in this county and we FLOPPED OVER 1 -, z •• are told that we can expect but five Sow in Favor oi Bonding the County additional miles in 1919. Under the mandatory law we were for Hardsurfaced Highway». financially able to carry out our part 1 mat year, when the matter of as to road preparation, we could bonding the county was under con­ make demand upon the Commission sideration, the editor and a number and our demand would be acceded to % of our progressive citizens, went to and Instead of five miles of hard sur­ Wheeler and argued in favor of face road we would be listed for 1 J bonding the county for hard surfac­ twenty. 1 I do not wish to be understood as ed roads. It was a cold reception they received. Everything appeared cut belittling the State Highway Com­ and dried, for the Tillamookers met mission. They have done and are do­ with strenuous opposition of a pre­ ing much for Oregon, but it is up to arranged character. That, however, us to look after our own interests. If to furnish their cars as they were A statement of Dodge Brothers did not daunt the Tillamookers, for another bond campaign is launched it made them rustle a little harder, the greatest care should be exercised needed. war activities is due the owners and as a result they carried the that no mistake be made in any of of their cars. county with an overwhelming ma­ the proceedings and that all interests They were furnished, not in jority for state bonds as well as be fairly treated. I cannot think of hundreds, but inthousands—both county bonds. The Wheeler Reporter more capable men in the county to Dodge Brothers refrained, during was a dyed-in-the-wool anti-bond or- inaugurate and carry on a bond cam­ for the training camps here, and paign than the enterprising people of the progress of the war, from any gan. for service in Belgium, France Reporter did Wheeler, and I trust they will con- The last issue of the reference to the performance of the somersault act for thls is what tinue the good work by vigorously and Italy. the car in Government service. said: 'pushing the work along. Respectfully, "The time has come when the peo- , The record of those thousands of F. R. Beals. pie of Tillamook County should give It seems proper now, however, serious attention to the matter of camp and army cars is one in (. providing better roads and a compre- | N0RDLUND CHARGED WITH to disclose the facts, because they which any owner may feel the hensive plan should be adopt« / for i MANSLAUGHTER. are unusual facts—intensifying the building of hard surfaced high­ ------ o------ utmost pride and satisfaction. ways from the north line of the Who Killed Mrs. Leia Oberteuffer that good will which owners of county to the south line of the coun­ With His Automobile. Dodge Brothers Cars have always Their performance justified the ------ o—— ty ‘‘When the subject of bonding the The Grand Jury brought in an in­ manifested. compliment implied in their county for roads was being discussed dictment against August Selin N>,r- selection by the Government. the early part of last year, we were dlund charging him with manslaugh­ opposed to the plan. We felt that ter, who knocked down and k'lled Dodge Brothers car was the only with labor being drawn upon to meet Mrs. Leia Oberteuffer with his auto­ The great works in which nearly one of its class approved and the demands of the military estab­ mobile inside of the city limits oast three hundred thousand of their lishment and with the costs of all of town on the evening ot Decern- ' adopted by the War Department construction going skyward, that it ber 9th. The deceased was the dau M . >z • s • V . •• • .—.V . . « - cars have been produced in the was an inopportune time fur the ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. CUiicy. | In a separate Ordnance Works, past four years furnished a vast county to undertake to sell bonds and the wife of W. G. Oberteuffer. | and to undertake the work of recon- who 1s an engineer on a submarine built especially for the purpose, store-house of human energy structing our roads. chaser. The deceased was working nt i costing millions of dollars and and equipment for the ordnance ‘The w'ar is over. the Southern Pacific depot ind w.-.s "The time has now come when the returning home when the accident employing thousands of their work. Federal Government and the State happened. skilled motor workmen, Dodge i Government will undertake extensive The defendant was taken before Naturally, it will take time to road work. Employmen t must be Judge Bagley and he pleaded not Brothers undertook an important provided that there may be no dis­ guilty. He will be tried at the next adjust the motor works to its full duty designated by the War tressing period of inemployment. i- term of the circuit court. *" accustomed activity. Better road conditions must be pro '■^^rne ­ substance of the indictment is Department. vided that living conditions ---- uiiiuus on thq as follows: ! farms may be more attractive and^^ August Selin Nordlund is accused Gradually Dodge Brothers will thus tend to encourage a greater de” by the grand jury of manslaughter Without ths aid of their great resume the grateful task of con­ velopment of our farming industry as follows: The defendant on the 9th motor organization, Dodge with the increase of food products of December, 1918, did wilfully, un­ tinuing to deserve the good will which the world so sorely needs at lawfully,feloneously, negligently and Brothers could not have fulfilled of America—and indeed of the present. involuntarily kill Leia Oberteuffer the heavy obligation which they "Tillamook County should also ar­ while the defendant was driving an whole world. range to carry on this much needed automobile along and in a public were asked to assume by the work. Our experience of the past few highway in the night time, without Ordnance Department. Dodge Brothers consider good will years has proved conclusively that due caution or circumspection, the there is no ordinary macadam road automobile striking Leia Oberteuffer their most valuable possession. that can be laid in this county that in such a manner that she was The other service required of will witlmtand the traffic that is be­ thrown upon the pavement ford They will never knowingly do Dodge Brothers motor works, by ing put upon the roads. bly and violently that she was mor­ "There is only one solution. It is— tally injured and died within a few anything to lessen it ' the Government, was to continue Paved Highways. hours thereafter from the effect of "Conditions have changed, and we the injuries. are firmly convinced that Tillamook That the negligence and failure of County should arrange for the issu­ the defendant to then and there use ing of b^nds, the proceeds of which due caution, circumspection while I should be used in cooperation with driving the auto consisted of the I » the State and Federal Government following acts and commissions. I « in building permanent roads in this First. Defendant was not using I county.” any care, or watching, or paying any The local bonding measure was attetion to see or ascertain where he knocked out on a technicality by the was driving, or what was in front of I supreme court, but now that work is him. to be provided for soldiers returning Second. The brakes of the auto was from France the $400,000 would give defective that it could not be prop­ some of them employment, but the erly controlled. money is not available now and it Third. The wlndschield of the auto Io the town of Tillamook, now Tilla­ *' boundary | an(i that the matters therein stated would take some time to hold anoth­ was closed a^d in such condition on Notice of Hearing on Petition to Ex­ mook City, Oregon; thence north to or near the ; northeastern tend Drainage District. of said proposed extension, to be of are true, as I verily believe. er special election and carry the mat­ account of the water, dirt, mud and the southwest corner of said block suitable size to carry off the excess Subscribed and sworn to before ter through the courts. The people of moisture thereon that the defendant In the County Court of the State 16 thence east to the south west water upon the lands; the detailed me this 5th day of December, 1918. the county are overwhelmingly in was unable to see what was on the of Oregon, for Tillamook County. 'corner of Block 15, of said Miller’s plan for such ditch to be furnished Geo. Williams H. T. Botts. favor of a hard surfaced road highway immediately in front of the Notice is hereby given that hear­ ¡Addition; thence north to the north- Notary Public for Ore. through the entire length of the auto, and notwithstanding his know­ ing on the following petition will be ' west corner of said Block 15; thence by the engineer of the district here­ Carl Hunt. My commission county, and should another special ledge of these facts, he kept tke held at the Court House in the City • east to the northeast corner of said after; provided that the additional M. W. Harrison expires Dec. 21, 1919. election be called we feel convinced windshield closed and did not at­ of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, block 15; thence north to the north­ project and all expenses and tax I levies thereof or connected therewith that it would carry. tempt to open it or put it in any bet­ State of Oregon, on the 5th day of east corner of Block 13 of said Mil­ to be kept separate from the original Notice of Bond Sale. ------ o------ ter condition. February, 1919, for the purpose of ler’s Addition; thence east to the reclamation project of the district. To the Editor of the Tillamook Head­ Fourth, The defendant was driving determining whether the prayer of east line of lot 4 in Eli Goodspeed’s That the number of acres of land light. the auto at a speed of front 12 to 15 said petition shall be granted. „ Tillamook City, Oregon, offers for Park, according to the recorded plat to be added to the district by the Dear Sir.—In response to a request miles an hour, and knew that he ' sale »14,500.00 of its bonds, to be dat- All persons owning or claiming an thereof; thence south to a point 60 from a number of people, that I ex­ was driving the auto at such »peed, Interest in lands described in said feet south of the south line of said proposed change of boundaries' will , ed October 15th, 1918; payable twenty press my views as to a suggestion and notwithstanding that he knew petition are hereby notified to ap­ GoodBpeed’s Park, thence west to the be thirty-seven acres, and that the years after date; redeemable after made in the last issue of the that he was unable to see through pear at said place on said date and northeast corner of Block 1 ot High­ owners, together with the quantities Wheeler Reporter relative, to bond­ the windshield he utterly failed and show cause, if any there be, why the land Addition to Tillamook City; owned by them respectively, are as five years; interest six per cent, pay­ follows: able semi-annually. Bids will be re­ ing Tillamook County to create funds negleted to attempt to do so until prayer in said petition should not be i thence south to the southeast corner M. W. Harrison, 12 acres. ceived up to the 6th day of January, with which to co-operate with the after he had driven the auto into granted. • of said block 1; thence west to the Henry Rogers, 3 6-10 acres. 1919. Must be accompanied with * State and Federal Government in and against the body of Leia Ober­ Erwin Harrison, west line of said Highland Addition; Claude Thayer, 7 acres. building permanent highways, I teuffer, and by reason of said negli­ check of five per cent of the amount Clerk of the County Court. thence south to the north line of N. M, F. Dawson Estate 3*4 acres. wish to state that I am heartily in gence, lack of care, caution and cir­ To the Honorable County Court of of the bid to guarantee purchase of section 31 aforesaid; thence west T. j. Harris, Sr. 3*4 acres. accord with this movement. No other cumspection the defendant killed, bonds, if bid accepted, Right reserv­ Tillamook County, Oregon; 1 300 feet; thence south 30 rods, more H. A. Miles, 2% acres. section in the State of Oregon is r~ 4? Leia Oberteuffer. ed to reject any and all bids. Bids t» The undersigned being the Board or less, to the north line ot Tilla- F. R. Beals, Trustee for J. R. Eld- well provided for in the State Bon Judge Bagley placed bail at $5,900 o< Supervisors of Tillamook Drainage ! 1 mook ninnlr Drainage T^rolnuon District, Diufrinf as act Arltrlnul. be addressed to the undersigned. Original- ridge, 1 acre. measure as Tillamook County, and which was furnished. District of Tillamook County, Ore-’ly established; thence west to the A. H. Gaylord, T. J. Harris, Sr. and wife, Mary with the exception of Coos County, gon, being thereunto duly authorized place of beginning, *9<*'** ¿ity Recorder. E. 2 acres. no other county in the state has a by a resolution adopted by said That It is proposed by the district D. W. Ijams, Estate, 3 1-3 acres. f __ _________ - — Notice, mandatory provision in the state board ef supervisors in session on to reclaim such lands for sanitary That the present main ditch of Notice of Annual Meeting of Stock­ I bond law. In order that we may Notloe is hereby given that positiv­ the 5th day of December, 1918, do I and agricultural purposes, and that Tillamook Drainage District is con­ holders of Tillamook Hotel Co. avail ourselves of these provisions in hereby respectfully petition your such proposed reclamation will be our north and south districts we ely no hunting is allowed on the M. Honorable body, and ask that the ■ conducive to the public health and structed across the south part of the W. Harrison’s farm, south of Tilla­ The annual meeting of the stock­ must meet the requirements of the mook City. Persons doing so will be boundary lines of said district be welfare, and public utility and bene- I ' lands proposed to be added to the district, and by constructing a ditch holders of Tillamook Hotel Company law by preparing our road bed for extended so as to include the lands fit; ____ leading therefrom in a northeasterly will be held at the parlors of th« the hard surface; in procuring Fed­ prosecuted. hereinafter described, which lands I That all the lands to be included direction all of the land to be added hotel building at Tillamook City« eral aid we must likewise meet cer­ are not desaribed by and included in i as herein described, would be prop- to the district by the proposed Oregon, on Monday, January 6th, Organ Wanted. tain financial requirements and the petition and decree of the court erly Included within Tillamook change of boundaries, can be drain­ 1919, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the pur­ these requirements cannot be logical­ Wanted to buy a good second hand incorporating said district. i Drainage District, and can be drain­ ed and made more sanitary and pro­ pose of electing directors, and trans­ ly and promptly met except by a organ. William StHivenga, Tillamook The lands which we ask to have ed into the present drainage ditches ductive, but the same are low, wet acting all and any other business bond issue. included in the district are all those of this district, and all of the lands and swampy at this time for lack of that may properly come before ths Oregon, P.O. Box 1. Another important matter to be following desired to be added to the district such drainage. included within the meeting, including the approval and financed is the completion of certain boundaries, to-wit: as herein described, will be benefici­ That the said drainage can be pro­ ratification of all contracts, acts, by­ road projects in the northern and Beginning at a point 20 feet east ally affected by the operations of vided for a small cost per acre, and laws and proceedings, authorized, southern ends of the county; these of the west line of section 31 in the district. the value of the lands will be in­ adopted, and had by the Board of before projects must be completed township 1, south of range 9. west And Machine Shop. That the benefits of the proposed creased much more than the cost of Directors; and generally considering we can expect state aid, they involve «>. M. and 30 rods south of the reclamation of said lands will ex- reclaiming the same will amount to. the affairs of the company, and tak- ------ o------ a great deal of money and if carried In northwest corner of said section, said ceed any damage to be done thereby, We further petition your Honor­ ing any action The only school of its kind will be out by piece-meal methods point being the northwest corner of and that the best interest of the able Ijody to appoint three commis­ stockholders to edmpetent for ths the west. Selected by the U. S. take with respect Tears in the completion. In the mean­ the original Tillamook Drainage Dis­ land included, and of the owners of time we may lose out entirely. To •il­ Gov. for training soldiers for ac­ trict. as described in the petition such land, as a whole, and of the sioners, as provided by law, to as­ thereto. sess benefits and damages on ac- Dated December 19, 1918. lustrate the Importance of early ac­ tual war service. therefore, and running thence north public at large, will be promoted by count of said proposed change, Best equipped school of Auto ­ Robert H. McGrath, tion. I would call attention to the to the north line of said section 31; the proposed extension of said boun­ Secretary. Oregonian having stated a few weeks mobile Engineering aBd machne thence east to the west line, extend­ daries, and the operations of the Dated this 5th day of December 1918 Geo. Williams, ago that the State Highway Com­ shop west of Chicago. ed of Third Avenue East, in Tilla ­ district in relation thereto and that Expert Instructors, actual prac­ Carl Hunt, mission was contemplating having mook City, Oregon, and running this would be a proper and advanta­ For Sale For a Snort Time Only. tice in overhauling and repairing M. W. Harrison. repealed, at the next session of the -------------Q------------ thence north to a point 60 feet west geous method of accomplishing the cars. Supervisors of the Tillamook legislature, the mandatory provision I One of the best ranches in Tilla­ of the southwest corner of Block 30 reclamation of Baid lands. Over »30.000 in equipment in Drainage District of Tilla­ mook County, close to town, fine im­ In the State Bond Law as to Tilla­ of Thayer’s Addition, to what is now That Tillamook Drainage District mook County, Oregon. mook County, however, I doubt this shops, laboratories and garages. provements, good buildings, electric Tillamook City. Oregon, and running proposes if said lands are included A chance to earn board and State of Oregon, County of Tilla- lights, thoroughly up to date. This I’eing accomplished with the able thence east along the south line of within its boundaries, to drain said lodging while attending college. mook ss. Representation we have in the Senate has never been offered for sale before a ditch New Term beginning Jan. 6th. said Thayer’s Addition or Additions, lands by constructing and House. and an extension thereof to a point through the lands running in a I, M. W. Harrison, I George Wil­ and is only on the market now for a I Address. Thus far. despite the efficient ser- south of the southwest corner of northeasterly direction from the liams. nnd I, Carl Hunt, being first brief period. It will pay you to see ▼ices of our County Court, in its ef­ Polytechnic College Block 16, of A. A. Miller’s Addition present main ditch in the district, to duly sworn, each for myself, say that Everson. 13th and Madison St. Oaklond, CaL forts to procure state aid but 1100,- i i Good Will Given a New Impetus ACKLEY & MILLER, TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Auto-Mechanics