TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 19. 1918. government brought about by taking account it U a wonder that more vision as soon as possible to pave the control. It took control of food stuffs persons are not killed. The fatal ac­ road to Bay City, and although that ----- o------ and up went the price. It took con­ cident in Tillamook last week, comes part of the county is not receiving We wish our readers a happy trol of the railroads, and up went the under this head, and brings out the any direct benefit from the State Christmas. price for travel, and freight. It took fact that pedestrians on the public Highway Commission, it v- >uld be control of the express companies and roads are crowded off or run down indirectly If more of the county Had there been a cement sidewalk up went the price. It took control of if they do not get out of the way. road fund was expended in that di- to the depot there would be no occa- a large number of products, and up The editor has had some little ex- rectlon for hard surfacing. We base Sion for women to walk in the road went the price of merchandise, perience in noticing how some per- our contention on the fact that the and would have probably saved clothing and shoes, in fact every sou3 driving autos take little or no south part of the county has. thus one life. It is up to the city as well kind of merchandise took a tremen- notice of pedestrains, crowding them far, been benefited most by the as the county officials to see to this, dous jump in price on account of off the hard surfaced road as though ■State Highway Commission, to the ------ o—---- 'government coutrol. It is about time they had no right on the road. That extent of ten miles of hard surfaced '1 uis is a period of "Watchful ' the government got wise to the was one reason why the young wom­ load and eight miles of macadam on waiting” to Bee what the terms of situation now that thousands of men an last week met a premature death, the Three Rivers road, which, when peace are to be. It is hoped that ‘are being thrown out of employment and it is a surprise to us that more completed next year, will mean President V> ilson is holding Germany and who cannot obtain work, pedestrians have not been killed by »300,000 the county has received to a “strict accountability" tor her j reckless auto drivers. It is not right, from the Highway Commission in ruthless warfare. That is what he Two bills are to be introduced in yet it is customery for pedestrians to road work. We would not for one said he would do. the next State Legislature to expe­ give autos the right of way on pub­ moment say anything in opposition dite litigation, and whether they lic roads, brought about, no doubt, to these improvements, for they are Secretary Baker has changed his will have the desired effect is some­ by auto drivers forcing pedestrians a benefit to all parts of the county mind In regard to discharged soldiers what doubtful. It is a notorious fact off the public roads, for when two in the plan to give the county a We have a few Doll Buggies, Shoo Fly Reeking retaining their uniforms. The boys that too much time is wasted trying, autos and a pedestrian meet in the hardsurfaced highway from Clatsop Horses, Velocepedes, etc., which will goat great are to retain them is the new ruling and re-trying trivial cases with same place on a road the latter is County to Yamhill County. But we of the secretary, which is a right an unnecessary expense to the tax­ always crowded off the road to are inclined to think if the County sacrifice. Also a fine large line of decision. Many discharged soldiers payers. A number of these cases take avoid being run down or killed. It is Court would plan to pave the road will keep their uniforms as a sacred as much time as more important a well known fact amongst auto dri­ to Bay City, doing part of the work relic of the war. ' cases, and for that reason they vers that you never know what the this year, it would create a better [ should not be permitted to appeal other fellow is going to do, and this feeling and would be the right In fact, a great many nice ’Xmas suggestions are The doctors in Lane county as soon from one court to another, simply applies to pedestrians. They never thing to do. We felt a little disap­ as they have a flu patient send to because an attorney will not abide know whether auto drivers are go­ pointed when the county budget did to be found here. Come in and see for yourself. the Red Cross for a pneumonia jacket by the decision and if he can induce ing to turn out or run over them. not provide for a certain amount of and make their patient wear it. It is his client to appeal the case. The The whole trouble is so many per­ hard surfaced road in road district claimed that it will keep the pa- Supreme Court and the Circuit Court sons who drive autos think pedes­ No. 1 next year. Longer this is de- tient from getting cold and makes could save considerable time by hur­ trians have no rights, driving right layed the longer it will be before an even temperature. The Eugene rying up their work and eliminating ahead when they meet pedestrians the Nehalem country obtains hard Red Cross is supplying the pneumon­ delays and getting started a little and crowding them off the road. It surfaced roads. ia jackets free of cost. earlier in the morning, for there is is a serious matter to contend with, this reputation. The drive can only . price,—and asking them to plant a no reason why circuit court cannot but now the public can see tor them­ Oh, What A Change. be a success by everyone taking a ' smaller acreage next spring! What The influenza, from all accounts, start at eight o'clock in the morning, selves the risks pedestrians run by has doctors on the anxious seat, for It is not a question of requiring more the fatal accident, it is about time Before leaving the New Jersey personal interest in it. A heart and peculiar sanctity attaches to the ac- there is a difference of opinion circuit judges, but it is a question of that reckless road hogs, who think state house for the White House, a dollar will give any man or woman tion of southern governors in such a case which protects it from the cen­ among them as to how the flu germ saving time and expediating the they have a right to hog the road, Gov. Woodrow Wilson announced a membership in the Red Cross. The drive closes December 23rd. sure of the American press? Yet you originates and operates. There must long and unnecessary delays in try- should be severely punished. that two things especially were go­ be flu waves, that roll over the ing cases, ------ o------ ing to characterize his administra­ There will be no memberships avail- 1 have probably not seen anywhere in country by the way some vicinities ------ o------ We have been hearing considerable tion, pitiless publicity and an open able on Christmas. They must be se­ the papers or magazines the news of get over the disease only to be at- The County Court should get busy discussion about President Wilson's door to all comers at the White cured before that time. Have Santa this action, or any criticism of it. tacked by another wave. right away and prepare to make as 14 conditions of peace, some of which House. George Creel has long been Clause place one in your stocking early a start in road work as possi- are so vague that no one can tell furnishing the pitiless publicity, and and then you can answer "here” Jeffersonian Simplicity. Admiral von Tlrpitz, former minis- ble. There is no sense in delaying what they mean. The president, no fewer people are received at the when asked "Where’s your button.” When President Wilson first run ter of the German navy and the man the road work and poking along doubt, will make them more plain White House than any previous for the presidency in 1912, the plat­ chiefly responsible for Germany’s in- until next fall before the road work when he meets with the representa­ administration tn the nation's his- A Bad Muss. tensive submarine activities, fled is finished. The County Court knows tives of the allied governments. What tory. The newspaper correspondents form upon which he was elected de­ from Germany as soon as the revo- now exactly what money it will have President Wilson’s attitude will be have not been received since May, The government has "knocked” clared for "a return to that simplic­ lutionists took the reins. This need for roud work and there is no valid in regard to making Germany pay 1916, and for a full year President the wooden ship building industry in ity and economy befitting a demo- not surprise any one, for the war reason why the road work cannot be the cost of the war is not known. Wilson has not given audience to a the northwest, and is boosting the cratic administration.” There was lords and junkers directly they started early the coming spring and England seems to have decided upon single newspaper correspondent. steel ship industry in the East, and entirely too much flub dub at the thought there would be a hanging get through with most ot it before conditions of peace, which are etn­ as usual the Democratic administra­ White House, so to speak, and it bee or a firing squad saved their the summer travel commences. If the braced in only five points, as given tion is discriminating. It was a bad was costing as much to run the gov- Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. necks and their hides by fleeing from County Court decides to lay several to the world last week by Premier knock out blow that the administra­ ernment a year as it now costs to Germany. miles of hard surfaced road north of Lloyd George: For Christmas, a membership in the tion gave the wood ship building run it a couple of weeks. ------ o- ■ — i this city, as it should do, contracts President Wilson and his "entour- "First—As far as justice is con- it cancelled a number There is a good deal of horse sense should be called for as soon as pos­ cerned we have an absolute right to Red Cross is a suitable and season- industry when notw “i‘t'hs‘tand“nr ‘that ***" went to Europe as ,he exch>- of contracts, 1 ____________ _ ___ ' able gift. The Red Cross is not being in what Lloyd George, premier of sible. There is another reason why demand the whole cost of the war sive occupants of a hugh vessel demobolized with the termination of it will throw thousands of men out with a crew of twelve hundred. Here Englund, said in his speech last week. Tillamook County, as well as other from Germany. ot employment at a time when work ■ the war. Its work is going forward, "The first consideration in the minds counties in the state, should plan are a few of the accompaniments: "Second—We proposed to demand of the allies will be the Interest of and curry out their road work as the whole cost of the war from Ger­ j backed by the American people. cannot be obtained elsewhere. The A famous hotel chef and twenty- Oregonian hits the nail on the head 1 1 here wil! come disasters and other the people upon whom the Germans early as possible. It will give em­ many. four cullinary assistants. when it makes these pertinent re ­ big events which will make the use have made war, and not the Interest ployment to a large number of men Two brass bands, of forty pieces, "Third—When you come to the ex­ of the German people, who have who will need employment during acting of it, we must exact in such I of the Red Cross necessary. The or- marks: and George Creel. “ Action of the United States Ship ­ I ganization is prepared to offer this made war and who have been guilty the reconstruction period, fo’r the a way that it does not do more harm A convoy of battleships and des­ ping Board in cancelling contracts ot that crime." That’s It exactly men thrown out of employment and to the country that receives it than i service on call, but it wants the for wood ships by wholesale in East. troyers. j spirit of America behind it and to Make the Germans pay and not the discharged soldiers will have to be the country that is paying it. An escort of airplanes and dirgi- obtain this spirit it is necessary to South and West is wholly consistent allied countries for the cost of the provided with work, and this is one "Fourth—-The commission appaint- I have the American people enroll as with its treatment of the wood ship bles into and out of harbors. war. Way of meeting the labor condition». ed by the British Cabinet believes A selected corps of telegraphers. members. That is why the Red Cross industry. It invaded an industry that A large corps of college professors, that it can be done. was growing and thriving on the I membership drive is being held this The Oregonian says: "Great Brit- 1 It Is estimated that Germany will "Fifth—The allies are in exactly Pacific Coast through private initia­ political economists, etc. etc. ian has hud an election and will have to pay the allied countries $116- the same boat. We shall pour in our ' week. This campaign has nothing to do tive on private contracts, seized all know the result in about two weeks. 640,000,000, the cost of the war. demands all together, and whatever McAdoo is a Quitter. with funds. It is not to raise money. the plants and all the ships on the Americans would worry their heads This is only a small sum considering they are they must come in front of ------ o------ ways, obtained the willing co-opera ­ It wants members and it wants every off if they couldn't rend the complete the loss of life, those maimed for life the German war debt.” The Philadelphia North American tion of the owners by an appeal to j adult as a member. The dues are one returns on the morning after." And,, and the terrible sufferings that the bluntly calls Secretary McAdoo "the Each of these points are plain maybe that England is a little more I war Inflicted upon the people of the enough for anyone to understand, dollar a year and you enroll only their patriotism, loaded them with quitter” in an editorial from which contracts to build ships of bad de ­ democratic than the United States, world. Those who consider this too and is what John Bull will demand | once. Throughout the country the is quoted: “The Secretary goes out for British soldiers in all the allied large a sum to impose upon Germany at the peace conference. It remains plan is to enroll 50,000,000 people. sign, disorganized and demoralized of his way to impress upon the pub­ their workmen with its labor policy, i L,ast year the membership drive net ­ fronts and in different parts of the should remember that if that coun­ to be seen whether the president will lic that his services to the nation world are giving an opportunity to try hud won the war, the indemnity accept them. It is safe to say that ted 22,000,000. That means that this made failures with some vessels ad­ has been performed at serious finan­ apted to Eastern and Southern lum ­ drive must produce twice as many vote for a member of parliament, and territory Germany would have France, Belgium and Italy will. cial loss to himself. The emphasis as a year ago. On this basis, Oregon, ber and thus gave all wood ships a may have been used in order to dis­ Hence the delay. imposed would have been such as to bad name without discriminating. if it is to maintain its record for ------ o— —. ^enslave the world. world. Germany was credit reports that he had not suf­ Tillamook City and County, like a A news item from Washington cruel, barbarous and blood thirsty in good many other places, undertook patriotic purposes, must enroll some­ Having wrought all the mischief, the fered heavily in this respect. One un­ board now concels its contracts, thing like 500,000 members. This, says that the spruce production is to war and would have been more so if to grapple with the influenza situa­ merit of his statement is leaves the shipbuilders with a vast doubted ' be Investigated. What’s the use? The that country, and not the allies, had tion by placing an embargo on pub­ however, is not the quota for the quantity of material on their hands, that it does not invite admiration on state, for there are no quotas in the airplane investigation wound up dictated the terms of peace. Do not lic meetings, schools and churches, much of it ill adopted to Pacific the pretdnee that the decision is an with a "whitewash”, after proving •forget or lose sight of these facts, when the city and county should campaign. It gives an idea, never­ coast types, and turns the industry act of patriotic self-sacrifice. Mr. theless. of what Oregon should pro ­ tlait millions of dollars had been ¡No doubt German propaganda and have strictle quarantined every per­ loose to shift for itself. This is Prus- McAdoo does not invoke the lofty wasted. Those who have visited 1 the German language and pro-Ger- son suffering with the influenza ' duce it the plaa of "Universal Mem- sianism as practiced by the United sentiments which he urged upon his 1 bership ” is carried out to the last ubandoned government spruce camps man newspapers will endeavor to and kept them querantlned for a cer- analysis, countrymen in his eloquent appeals States Government. know of the enormous waste that is Intimidate President Wilson for Ibe tain number of days before they "Where’s your button is being “The established yards had their to stand by the government at any left In the woods. Maybe un investl- i purpose of reducing the amount of j were allowed out of the home. That men graded according to skill and cost. And now, while a million young asked in Oregon this week. The per ­ gation If properly and intelligently I the indemnity. It Germany succeeds I is what should have been done, and were paying good wages when de­ Americans are to continue at their conducted, will give some idea as to in getting off by paying the cost of in our judgment, would, be more ef­ son who enroll* and wears the but­ mands for more wages came with posts of duty abroad for »30 a month ton will not be solicited a second what it cost the government to get the war and the loss o< Alsae-Loralw. fective than the closing embargo. . time. 'Join the rise of war prices and the scarci­ and up. the Secretary cooly announc­ is the one word slogan out rived spruce will be useful in­ and iter colonies. It wlU get off easy. Too many persons, especially those ty ot labor. The strike of 1917 might es that he cannot afford to serve the which has been plastered over the formation, and something the people Germany should be made to pay for having the disease in a light term, have been averted by prompt action nation at »12,000 a year, and must landscape of the Beaver state. should know. the sacrifice of life as well. have been carrying the disease and As indicating the economy with of the Government to adjust wages, abandon his work at a crucial time in order to make money. From any other persons Lave been exposed and The reason that so many universi­ taken the disaase. We have always which the Red Cross is administered but this was not taken until the in­ other member of the cabinet, or at a With another five miles of hard i dustry had been lied up for weeks, It may be stated that only two cents surfaced roud, the Three Rivers and ty professors lined up with the pro­ considered the flu just as infectious less troublous period in the nation”« Grand Ronde roads Improved, Tilla- ; Germans who opposed the war Is not as small pox and other infectious di­ .out of each dollar of the millions ap- with Pershing calling still for that history. Mr. McAdoo’s decision would bridge of ships. When action was j propriated have been needed to op ­ mook people will be able to get to to be wondered at, for tliwy emUbed eases and to tope with LI successful­ have no ominous meaning. But the "outside world” in their fllvvera German kulture through German ly is to quarantine or take all pa­ erate the Red Cross. Far each dollar taken, several degrees of skill were coming from him, and in view’ of the ignored, »4 men were paid as much contributed by the American people summer and winter in leas time propaganda in the United States ar tients to an infectious hospital. We »6 and »7 men and the half-skill- responsibilities , committed ---- to -- his than it takes to reach Portland on were born and educated in alien are fully aware that there are dif­ for war relief work, more than one as ed men loafed on the "soft things ’ ” j * ’ 11 reveals a concept of public dollar and one cent is expended for I the railroad. This is a wonderful im­ countries. The government inveati- ferences of opinion, even amongst °n h while the skilled i men got X^by Huh »n.i. ........ UP ...... .. ‘“ a"d provement, for It is only a few years gallons have connected the nauiea of doctors, but the quarantine method, that purpose, the e«tra cent being only »4 worth b of work because * * g further to confirm the belief since when thia county was bottled a number of leading university pro- to our way of thinking, is the best provided by interest. o«i the funds. ' doing he got no money for his suDerior !hat personal interests, and not pub- The funds of the organization are up in the winter. Thanksto the good feasors with the pro-German muw- way to cope with the disease. It is control the whole ad­ «kill. Cost of vessels was thus S rnn run up Uc ehecked aud audited by the govern ­ roads improvement, and when Tilla­ ment in the Unlted States. As this our opinion that the embargo should n beyond the ability of shipbuilders to ministration.” mook has a hard surfaced road placed them tn embarrassing poah- be lifted and a strict quarautin" put ment authorities. in the past 1. mure than »300.»00.000 has set private contracts when the cer- through the entire county, then, I tlons and bcings the unlversitlea I on, and put on good and ti^tht. From months For sale or trade, ■ --- one — sorrel mare •». ...-.o and not before, will we all fully they are connected with into had all Indications the dfeease will be ser­ been given to the Red Cross by the 1taln Project is that ocean freight J American people. This is the largest mU8t fal1 and ‘ hat value of tonnage 3,x years old ' weight 1500 lbs; and realise what a great blessing the repute, thg state officials having ious for the next twelve months, and one colt, ....... three ...«ox * tall with wiLu it. iron old, gray, iron ® gray i4rlA **•• “ uiu, ■* years U-oiirht 11A/1 »V _ w»... hard surfaced highway is to all charge of these Institutions should people are coming down with foe the sum ever handed over to any organ- niua ‘ Having disorganized the industry T , ht 1100 ^>8. Will trade for good ----------*V g _ ________ .., J ilairv do something to clear them of thia second tin», and fuc that, reason it is ization for humanitarian purposes ............................. rnwa . . __ parts ot the county. cows. Andrew nr Vetsch, Elmore bad reputation. That a number of just as wall to look at the situation and that the Red Cross has faithful- aud having extended the bad reputa- dairy ------ o------ ranch. ly carried out its mission is attested tlon of the Ferris and Hough ships universities were Impregnated with We are glad to know that there is from all standpoints and see if the ------ wherever built. a pronounced sentiment in Oregon disloyal professors seems to be the disease can be coped with more satis­ by the record it has achieved in ail ,o any w°od ships, I the Shipping Board turns the indus­ for good roads in all parts of the prevailing opluion, someth lug should factory front quarantine than the parts of the world. War ending does not end the en­ try out on the world with permission state and that the State Legislature be done, by the state officials having embargjo. And in closing .we want to deavor of the Red Cross. Remember to get all the private contracts it charge of them to eliminate this bad will discuss ways and means to pro­ make this assertion, that thousands for the universities« of persons are dying daily because the Halifax explosion, the San Fran­ can find. This is the reward of rally­ cure more money for road building. reputation. Oregon is a long way behind Califor­ should not be made to suffer on that they are not taking proper cate of cis«» earthquake, the Titanic dis­ ing to support of the country in time nia and Washington in this respect, account. There is a good many rum­ I themselves and going out too soon. aster, the Dayton flood, the Triangle of war. It Is also an example of gov­ we are sorry to say. If the State ors going the rounds that some of Use a little horse sense If you com« Waist Co., fire, the Perth Amboy ex­ ernment operation of industry in practice. The wood ship in­ Legislature can provide a few more the profassors at the Uutversity of down with the flu und go home and plosion. the Golvetson flood. All of actual these found the Red Cross prepared dustry will survive the blow and million dollars to be expended on Oregon showed pro-German tenden­ go to bed. keep as quiet .1» po. wiblo for thrive, but its worst handicap will duty. the toads every year it will be a cies when the United States eutered and don’t run the risk of tua under­ So far as known, the Red Cross be the sudden stlmului'it'rZceivid great benefit to Oregon It is gener­ the war. This, we consider, la a mat­ taker getting you by getting up and ally admitted that the State High ter that the state legislature should 1 going out too soon. But now for a will make no future drives for war from government contracts, which way Commission is doin ; pood work, take cognizance of and investigate, | strict quarantine in Tillamook coun­ funds. It wants a large membership, were as suddenly withdrawn.” because the membership will enable giving every part of the state u fair when it meets next month, for the ty. it to continue operating. One dollar share of the money coming Into its good name of the University of Ore­ -------o------ What Would You Think? or one person cannot do much in re­ hands. Yet that is not all. It is bulld- gon should not be connected with As the State Highway Commission lieving distress, but when the dollar Ing good permanent roads and the pro-Germans anti disloyal professors appropriated »92.500 for five miles Governors of eight southern states and the person are merged in the have issued a proclamation asking wlie were reported to be German of hard surfaced people are wanting more of them. pavement, in con- Red Cross, they become important spies. The. Universities need a few ------ o -■■■ holders of cotton,—now mostly spec­ tlnuatlon of the five miles recently One very essential thing that the more professors with the ear marks completed in the south part of the factors. • ulators. by the way—to hold cotton It is the hope of the campaign for 35c. per pound and urging a government doe» not appear to be of "made In the United States" and county. It is no more than fair that managers that Oregon will not fall smaller acreage next year. Suppose taking much interest In. although ft not "made In Germany.” the roads north of this city should down on this appeal. A year ago - o Is one of the most vital questions receive more consideration. ~ There- Oregon was the banner state in the eight governors of northern states that confront the working classes It There are too many reckless per­ fi re we think It right and proper that union for producing Red Cross mem- were to issue a proclamation - - urging * la the high coat of living, which the sons driving automobiles and on that the county Court should make pro- berships and It Is the wish to keep the holders of corn - to - hold It for »3.50 a bushel.—a corresponding Editorial Snap Shots NOTICE. Our Large Assortment of PYREX I I I The Wonderful Cooking and Baking Glass Ware. This ware is far better than Alluminum for All Purposes. ROCKERS for Children and Grown Ups. ! HARRIS FURNITURE CO