TILLAMOOK IABVICE TO “FLU” i CONVALESCENTS U. S. HEALTH SERVICE ISSUES WARNING HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 19, Squealing Before They’re Hurt. COAXING YOU TO SMILE. It is little surprising that anyone Her Indorsement. in Yamhill county should raise a “I want to get this check cashed,” protest against Grand Ronde road said a young wife to a clerk at the being designated a post road, which bank. "Yes. madam; you must in­ will enable that county to obtain fed­ dorse it though." "Why, my husband as well as state aid for the im­ seat it to me. He is away on busi­ increase in All Respiratory Dis eral provement of that long neglected ness.” "Yes, madam, but just in­ GPAiN AND ENGLAND REPORT part of Yamhill County, and which dorse it. Sign it on the back please, eases After the Influenza INCREASE IN TUBERCULOSIS is such a serious detriment to the and your husband * ill know that we Epidemic Probable. commercial interests of Yamhill and paid it to you.” The young lady AFTER INFLUENZA i illamook counties. It appears to us went back to tile desk and in a few­ Influenza Expected t* Lurk for Months. that the Yanihiilites are .squealing minutes came back with rhe --heck EPIDEMIC. How to Guard Against Pneumonia. before they are hurt and fail to see indorsed, "Your loving wife Sophia.” Common Colds Highly Catching—Im­ what-a great benefit it will be to U. S. Public Health Service Warns portance of Suitable Clothing—Could Yamhill county to have the Grand Credit to Spare. Ronde improved at governnientment Mr. Butterworth, the grocer, was Public Against Tuberculosis. 8ave 100,COO Lives. and State expense. They are evident­ looking over the credit sales slips One Million Cases Tubercu­ ly all at sea, and from our view one day. Suddenly he called to the Washington, D. C.—With the subsid­ they don’t know what they are I new clerk: losis in United States—Each a ence of the epidemic of Influenza the point talking about. When a level headed “Did you give George Callahan attention of health officers Is directed man like County Judge Nickell takes Source of Danger. credit?” to pneumonia, bronchitis and other hold of and boosts for a project to "Sure” said the clerk. “I diseases of the respiratory system improve the Grand Ronde road it I “Didn't I tell you to get a report Influenza Convalescent« Should Have which regularly cause a large number shows there are some men in Yamhill I [ Lungs Examined—Colds Which Hang of denths, especially during tlie winter county who use good business judg­ on any and every man asking credit? “Why I did”’ retorted the clerk, On Often Beginning of Tuberculosis. I season. According to Rupert Blue, ment and who are looking after the who was an earnest yodng fellow. "I No Cause for Alarm If Tuberculosis i Surgeon General of the United States Interest of that county. The parties did get a repor.t. The agency said he Is Recognized Early—Baton» Medi­ Public Health Service, these diseases who are protesting need not worry owed money to every grocer in town, will be especially prevalent this win ­ cines Not to Be Trusted. and come to false conclusions and, of course, if his credit was that ter unless the people are particularly about mail being delayed. good. I knew that you would like to careful to obey health Instructions. This is some of the silly stuff ******************** “The present epidemic.” said Sur­ that is being printed in Yamhill have him open an account here!” geon General Blue, “has taught by bit­ newspapers: Beware tuberculosis after In­ ★ ★ ter experience how readily a condition Only One. fluenza. No need to worry If * Messrs. Bloom and Warren have It happened in the German capital, * i beginning apparently as a alight cold gone to Toledo, reports a correspon­ ★ you take precautions In time. may go on to pneumonia and death, Two Socialists were standing talking !* Don’t diagnose your own con­ * Although the worst of the epidemic epl Is I dent of the Willamina Times, to in the street, and one, becoming ex­ ■h dition. Have your doctor exam­ * over, there will continue to . bi jo a large present the protest against a change cited, exclaimed: "I tell you what, 'h ine your lungs several times at * number of scattered cases, many of In mail route; also to try and secure that idiot of an emperor—” His * monthly Intervals. Build up your ★ a just amount of road money for them mild and unrecognized, which discourse was cut short. Turning * strength with right living, good * Rose Lodge and adjacent district. quickly, he was confronted by a * will be danger spots to be guarded ★ food and plenty of fresh air. against.” The Surgeon Genernl likened The Rose Lodge people are opposed policeman, who informed him that he Don't waste money on patent * ★ the present situation to that after a I seemingly to the new star mail route was under arrest. "What for?”’ ask­ medicines udvertlsed to cure tu­ * great Are, saying, "No Are chief who as proposed by County Judge Nickell * ed the captive, beginning to weaken. * berculosis. I understands hl« business stops playing of Yamhill county, and supported by Become a fresh-alr crank and * '* "For uttering treason against your the hose on the charred debris as soon the Tillamook County Count and emperor." "Oh, but you didn’t let me * l* enjoy life. * as the flames and visible fire have dis­ prominent business men of Tilla­ finish. I was going to say, 'that idiot ★ appeared. On the contrary, he con­ mook.—News Reporter. of an emperor of Japan,' ” “No yoy tinues the water for hours and even don’t” replied the policeman. There’s Washington, D. 0. (Special.)—Ac­ days, for he knows that there Is dan­ A vigorous protest is going to be only one idiot of an emperor. Come cording to a report made to the United ger of the Are rekindling from smol­ made against the proposed change in along with me.” States Public Heal* Service, the epi­ dering embers.” the mail route to the coast as asked demic of Influenza In Spain has al­ "Then you fear another outbreak of for by County Judge Nickell. Mail ready caused an Increase In the preva­ influenza?" he was asked. "Not neces­ An Unfortunate Start, lence and deaths from pulmonary tu­ sarily another large epidemic,” said from Willamina goes via Rose Lodge A commercial traveler on his first to Otis, and returns the same way. berculosis. A similar association be­ the Surgeon General, “but unless the trip called upon a chemist. He was tween influenza and tuberculosis was people learn to realize the seriousness Under Mr. Nickell's plan the route nervous as he put his hand into his would leave the present one at Lenos recently made by Sir Arthur News­ of the danger they will be compelled to pocket and drew out a card. holme, the chief medical officer of the pay a heavy death toll* from pneumo­ and go via Dolph to Hebo where it "You are fortunate” replied the from would connect with the route English public health service, In ill« nia and other respiratory diseases. Tillamook City to Taft. A new route druggist. analysis of the tuberculosis death rule The traveler was encouraged. Common Colds Highly Catching. would have to be established from In England. “I think so sir,” he said, “and the this route to Rose Lodge, but front In order that the people of the Unit­ “It Is encouraging to observe that ed States may profit by the experience people are beginning to learn that or­ the latter place to Lenos the route druggist who trades with us is even of other countries Burgeon General dinary coughs and colds are highly would be discontinued. Also the more so. My firm has the finest line Rupert Blue of the United States l’ule catching and are spread from person present one a tri-weekly, from Hebo of cosmetics in the world.” I "I should have thought it,” slow­ lle Health Service hue just issued a to person by means of droplets of to Dolph would be off. The change, warning emphasizing the need of spe­ germ laden mucus. Such droplets are if it is made, would cause quite a few ly responded the man of medicines; cial precautions at the present time. sprayed Into the air when careless or I changes in the umil service for the “her complexion looks natural," and "Experience seems to Indicate," says Ignorant people cough or sneeze with­ I south part of Tillamook county. Mail he handed back the photograph the Surgeon General, "that person» out covering their mouth and nose. It for those towns routed via Willamina which the youifg man had given him I whose resistance Ims been weakened 19 Is OI9U also guuu good LU to MlUiY know LUUl that pCVpitJ people IlllVtJ have i would be u day or two days later in mistake. The traveler didn't wait for an or­ by nn attack of Influenzu are peculiar­ learned something about the value of ■ than the service now i given Rose ly susceptible to tuberculosis. With fresh nlr. In summer, when people Lodge and Otis, Several hundred der. million« of Its people recently affected aro largely out of doors, the respira­ tons of mail are carried each year with Influenza this country now of­ tory diseases (coughs, colds, pneumo­ south through Tillamook City, and Your Chance For a Good Business At A Great Bargain. fers conditions favoring the spread of nia, etc.) are Infrequent; In the full, 1 it is planned to route this mail via. tuberculosis." L ns people begin to remain Indoors, the | Willamina and Hebo, The proposi- The City Transfer Co., of Tilla­ wnham is to convert respiratory diseases Increase; In the tin»» lion hohinrl behind the the scheme One Million Consumptives In ths i the road from Lenos to Hebo to a mook, Ore., offers for sale cheap in winter, when people are prone to stay United 8tatea. I bulk or singley the following: "Then you consider this a serious in badly ventilated, overheated rooms, post road. Another thing made nec­ 1 Mack Truck. menace?" was asked. "In my opinion the respiratory diseases become very essary by it would be the improve­ 1 Maxwell Truck. ment of the road from Hebo south. it Is, though I hasten to add It Is dis­ prevalent 3 Teams horses. Willamina Times. tinctly one against which the people Suitable Clothing Important 3 Sets harness. can guard. So far ns one can estimate •> "Stllf another factor In the produo I Dray wagons. there are at present about one million i What's To Be Done With all This 3 Wood wagons. cases of tuberculosis In tho United tlon of colds, pneumonia and other re­ Clothing ? 1 Dump wagon. States. There Is unfortunately no spiratory diseases Is carelessness or Ig­ ------- o------ norance of the people regarding suit- I 1 Piano mover. complete census available to show ex­ able clothing during the seasons when I I Demoboliziation of the Military actly the number of tuberculous per­ Office fixtures and all equipment the weather suddenly changes, sitting forces of the nation will leave in po- sons In each state despite the fact that used in the business. most of the states have made the dis­ In warm rooms too heavily dressed or, sesaion of the government enormous For particulars inquire at the of­ what is even more common, especially stores of clothing. Clothing and ease reportable. In New York city, fice of the Company. among women, dressing so lightly that equipage on hand November 1, ten where reporting has been In force for many years, over .85,000 cases of tu­ windows are kept closed in order to be days before hostilities ceased, as berculosis «re registered with the De­ comfortably warm. Thia ia a very In­ shown in a report made public by Brig. Gen. Robert E. Wood, acting partment of Health. Those familiar jurious practice. quartermaster general and director with the situation believe that the ad­ Could Save 100,000 Lives. And Vocational Training. dition of unrecognized and unreported ------- o------- **I believe we could easily save one of purchase and storage, included: esses would make the number nearer btmdred thousand lives atmnally In Flannel shirts, {,7 42.824; cotton Approved by U. S. Gov. Officials. 60,000. The very careful health sur­ the United States If all the |>eople trousers and breeches 8,879,000 pair; The most thorough and practical vey conducted during the past two wouM adopt the system of fresh air slioes, 21.000,000 pair; winter draw­ school in all Engineering and Vo­ •years In Frnmlnghatn, Mass., revealed living iellowed, for example, la tuber­ ers. 21.050.000 pairs; winter under­ cational Sciences —offering com­ 200 cases of tuberculosis in a poputa- culosis sanatoria. There Is nothing shirts, 21.050,000; heavy and light plete courses in ONE HALF the el approximately 15,000. If the«« I mysterious about It—no apeclfle medi­ wool stockings, 46.100.000 pairs; time usually required by Universi­ jtropertlotts bold true for the United cine. no- vaccine The Important thing cunton flannel gloves, 1.599,000 ties. Blates as a whole they would Indicate la rigtit living, good food and plenty of pairs; leather glo.es. 3.084.000 Elimination of non-essential sub­ that about one In every hundred per- fresh air. pairs; Jersey und woolen knit globes, jects: intensified courses and indi­ |»ons Is tuberculous, Bach of these j 12.360.000 pairs; leather mittens. vidual Instructions enables us to "constitutes a source of danger to be Droplet Intectlow Explained In Plctoraa. 3,733,000 pairs; blankets. 5.000.000. effect the saving of time. guarded against” "The Bureau of Public Hearth, to say nothing of nearly 14.000,000 Well equipped shops, laboratories Treasury Department, has Just Issued yards of melton and 9.000,000 yards and field Instruments. What to Do. __ In his statement to the public Stir- a striking poster draw» by Berryman, of flannel for shirts. Courses in: Civil. Electrical, Me­ General Blue points out how the well-known Washington cartoonist. chinal and Mining Engineering. The poster exemplifies the modem Wh5 have had tafluena should Auto-Mechanics, Machine Shop, Stomach Trouble. protect themselves against tuberculo­ method of health education. A tew Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Commer­ "Before I used Chamberlain ’ s Tab ­ years ago, Ulster similar circumstance«, sis. "All who have recovered from In­ cial and Wireless Telegraphy. fluenza," snys the Surgeon General, the health authorities would have ta- lets 1 doctofred a great deal for We have fully demonstrated that "should liave their lungs carefully ex­ sued an official dry but scientifically stomach trouble and felt nervous and it is not necessary to spend four amined by a competent physician. In accurate bulletin teaching the role ot tired all the time. These tablest years in High School, and another fact. It Is desirable to have several ex­ droplet Infection In the spread of re­ I helped uie from the first, and Inside four years in University before be­ aminations made u month apart Sue* spiratory diseases. The only ones who» I I of a week's time I had improved in ing an Engineer. examinations cannot be made through would have understood the bulletin every way," writes Mrs L. A. Drlnk- Actual engineering work done by His clothing nor can they be carried would have been tbeoe who already- ard. Jefferson City. Mo. For Sale by advanced students. out In two or three mlnutea. If the I knew «11 about the subject. The man Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd. Adv. Opportunities to earn board and lunge are found to be free from tubers In the atreet, tbs plain citizen and the lodging. eulosts every effort should be made to many millions who toil for their living For Croup. New Term Beginning Jan 6th. keep them so. This can be done by would have had no tiino and no desire- Address right living, good food anil plenty of to wado through the technical phrase­ “Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ology." fresh air." Is splendid for croup," writes Mrs. Polytechnic College of Engineeruip 13 & Madison Sts. Oakland. Cal. Danger 8lgna. Edward Hassett. Frankfort. N. Y. The Burgeon General warned espe­ "My rhildreti have been quickly re­ the hwcmpotf cially against certain danger signa, lieved of attacks of this dreadful TOWERS FISH BRAND such as "decline" and “colds which complaint by its use." This remedy hang on.” contains no opium or other narcotic, These, ho explained, were often the and may be given to a child as con­ beginning of tuberculosis. “If you dn fidently as to as adult. For sale by­ not get well promptly, tf your cold Practical as a Lamars' Drug Store I’d. Adv. aeenis to hang on or your health and plow, and just strength decline, remember that these as necessary. are often the early signs of tuberculo­ I wr. BUY LIBERTY BONDS sis. Place yourself at once under the Make every FOR SPOT CASH care of a contpeteut physician. Tuber- rainy day ANY ISSUE. culosls la curable In the early stages. count. Patent Medicines Dangerous In Tuber, $50 culosls. $100 Batprprooft “Above all do not trust In the mho $500 $1000 d/wa/ufp coins, tunvtNZA. HIKVMONIA. AND leading statements of unscrupulous —o----- flrv .Varicod nsiScDUUB AM SHOAD 1HIS WAV patent medicine fakers There la no Send us your Bond» by registered thus — specltle medicine for the cure of tuber­ letter and receive highest market culosis The money spent on such Copies of this poster can he ob. price by return mail. medicines Is thrown away; It should talned free of charge by writing to the be spent Instead for good food and de­ Surgeon General, U. 8. Public Health WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. her vice. Washtagton, D. Q, AJTOWTHCn BOSTON pot living." 200 Central Bldg. ENGINEE] REFLEX SLICKER Seattle w«h. R. O. L. HIFILFELD, SANITATION - —o------ That the germ is the cause of most deadly disease is more than mere theory—it is a real fact, lhe ' "ol of tuberculosis sanitariums, the ty­ phoid hospitals in the canal zone, the vaccine laboratories aic a evi deuce of the fact that the safety of man does not depend on good or bad luck, but upon the fight which each individual makes upon the disease germ :, the cause of most losses ot life and uollars. In selecting a weap­ on to kill the germs of disease several vital questions must be looked squar­ ely in the face or disinfectantliig be little better than useless. First Has lhe disinfectant the power to kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, ; Can the disinfectant be used safely whenever disease germs are found. 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ where and every where, and by any body, and can it be used with safety. Therefore a disinfectant that can be used with safety must not be a poison or coatine acid, whereas poisonous disinfectants endanger the life of human beings or animal . this can be verified by turning to the files of our daily papers. When buying ft dis­ infectant be sure what you buy as your life may depend on that pur­ chase, look at the label, note the germ killing power and if it is poison or not. Disinfectants are measured upon the germ killing strength of undiluted carbolic acid, which they term a phenol coefficient. Look for the phenol coefficient on the label. B. K. was tested by the United States Hygiene Laboratory and found to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus or ten times stronger than undiluted carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much stronger than coal tar disinfectants —much safer. gafe_ B--K. contains .no .poison, acid or oil. Clean—B.-K. m colorless, leaves stain on floors or walls. Drodorant— B---K- destroys foul odors leaves no odor of itself. VET ER IX RIAN. Bell I'hone—3-J Mutual Phone. ♦ Onydi. jilkiniook NATIONAL l LLDlNG, I Il LAMOOK '•K'E i . on . ? <1. O. <> !•’. Itali) Ì illamook Oregon f~- ARI. HABERLACH A f l'OR.NEY Ai LAW. Oregon EBSTER HOLMES, FIRST STREET. TiLLAMOOK, OREGON Cheap to Use—B.--K. m «<' much stronger than oilier disinfectants that it does more disinfecting for the same money. Use ii in Barber Shops, PHYSICIAN ANIJ SURGECN Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, T illamook B lock , cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ en, laundry, nasal and throat splays, Tillamook, Oregcn. nursing bottles, operating rooms, purifying nlr, sick rooms, etc. i r. lm /i t « B.—K. 1* not euro all but athor- j __ I ough germ killer. Protect yourself X A . ATTORNEY--.T LA W. now against any dangerous disease i germs that you may come in contact Complete Set of Abstract Bo* ks in with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in Office. quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ Taxes Paid lor Non Residente. antee. B—K stands absolutely on T illamook B lock , what It. does for you. Use it according to directions then if you don't find rillainook - - . . Oregon it exactly as represented by us we Both Phones. will refund your money—For sale by Kuppenbender, bith phones. ilvv. DK '■ w.c HAWK PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Da' City Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. Oregon QK J. G. .TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to « I illamook ami Cloverdale* RALPH E. WARREN, rZLL A NOOK. ORE. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. I H T he . L atest T I I GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite Tillamook court - i j jbk O tgon. O1IN ,LELAND HENDERSON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lo - k Tillamook - . . . ROOM NO. 2fll. H. T. Bolls, at-Law. pree. *|Ucn,ej Electricity's latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney at- Law and Nolrary Public. W&tern Electric Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache - a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried any where—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra- tion. COAS! ICMtR CO THE ~ ELECTRIC STORP. Abstracts. Real Estate, ¿Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OKEGON. dflco - light The eomp|efe Electrf<. Power Plant •’ of ’bright, safe clean lc Iteht. No more hot. ' lamps.