4 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DKCKMBK^ 19, 1918. ELEVENTH HOUR SHOPPERS WILL FIND HUNDREDS OF Sane, Sensible and Acceptable Xmas Gifts at Bargain Prices in this great CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. ^I^HIS advertisement has been prepared specially I for those who, for any reason whatever, have not been able to do their Xmas Shopping un­ til now. Realising the importance of time to all Gift Buyers at this season of the year the items below have been listed in as few words as possible, so that you may become acquainted with our en­ tire offering of Gifts with the least possible loss of time and trouble. NCE more can we voice the old, old Christ- mas wish “Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men.’’ To many this Christmas will be the most wonderful event possible because of the re­ turn of loved ones from ¿teenes of danger and deso­ lation. To others it will mark a year of sacrifice to a most sacred cause. In whatever circumstances this Xmas finds us let us all express our heartfelt thanks that Christmas this year will be free from the horrrors of war and its attendant destruction O Check the items wanted and then bring this list with you when you come to the store and you will accomplish your Xmas Buying. Liberty Bonds taken at face value in lieu of Cash. Store will be open Evenings until Xmas. GIFTS FOR LADIES Just in Time for The Xmas Silk Waist Busier, Gift Rain ‘Shine”Parasols. Black, fancy and plain Colors, very specially priced from ........................................................... $5 45 to Stylish “ Ballymede” Overcoats. Snappy styles, weaves and colors. Actual $40.00 values for..................................................... Also the entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ Over­ coats greatly reduced in price. New Models in Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses. .39 Ladies’ Silk Underwear. Gowns, Combinations, Camisoles and Knickers specially priced......................................................... 75c. to $7.45 Oregon Cassimere Suits. ',The Entire Shipment included in and Augmenting our two Great Victory Economy Sales at Ladies’ Silk Kimonas. All waal Cassimeres and Worsteds. Actual to $30.00 values for..................................................... Tan, Brown and Black. per pair from . cTl^a/ces this Event the c^Most Phenomenal offer Gift Dress and Waist Silks. $1.00 Flowing End Gift Ties. * Handsome patterns and colorings. Specially priced from ............................................................ 59c to Per yar, bought from the manufacturera at this price today. Most desirable fabrics for Coats separate Sk.rts. A gift any 1/ldy miss will appreciate. GZFT knit GOODS L^ISSES and ladies gihs’and th °' F ,nnke mo"t •«‘enable ire offerai a ,<,"H frora *hi‘" ?ou of ler^v. ,nclud*® «11 kinds of Jerseys with or without sleeves ?