Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 19, 1918, Image 1

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Justice of the Peace Stanley is
down with the flu.
Very desirable apartments for rent
above the Gem Theatre. See A. C.
Go to the Harris Furniture Co. for
Christmas presents. Read our advts.
In other parts of the Headlight.
Wanted e. job for coming season by
a Swiss cheese maker to work in a
cheese factory.—John
H. Linder,
Hillsboro, R 1, Box 43, Ore.
Mistletoe for Christmas, for sale by
Roletta and Jimmie Watson, at their
home 2nd Ave and 6th St. block
south of Tillamook Garage.
Have you been in the new meat
market across the street from Daw­
son's store. They have the best meats
they can get. Give them a call.
The County Court authorized the
Assessor to extend amounts on tax
rolls of timberlands parolled under
the direction of the State Forester.
For Sale-—A small dairy ranch, one
mile north of Tillamook on Wilson
river. Inquire on premises. II. F.
In conformity with the rule formed
elsewhere, all wood orders must t>e
accompanied by payment in advance.
—A. F. Coats Lumber Co.
Furnished rooms for rent. $2.00 a
week, water and lights. >«rmsne«.
Corner of Second and Siitiweii Ave_
Tillamook. Oregon.
First class dressmaking. Long’s
Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs.
Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas
Disinfect your home with B—K. to­
day and make yourself safe from
deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen­
bender, both phones.
Suttons’ market has located oppo­
site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh
and cured meats. Your patronage so­
For Sale—five room bungalow and
lot, good location, clos^ in, reason­
able. Call C. A. Swenson's place.
Mutual Phone.
Wishing you a merry Christmas, lease of a dairy farm, the plaintiffs
The recent stornj did more damage 1918. She leaves a husband and dau­
I am, Yours truly,
at Bar View. It undermined the jet­ ghter, Mrs. Bertha Newcomb, a sister
claiming that the defendant is owing
G. B. Lamb.
ty railroad track near Captain Far­ Martha Miller, of San Francisco, two
them $1395.00.
leys’ house and carried away part of grand children and four great grand
County School Supt.
W. A. Wis. dentiat
the railroad track that was used to children.
Joseph Blaser vs. Ben Kuppenben-
Insurancion hay-Phone Watson.*
dump rock to protect the main line.
dcr is a suit filed in the circuit court
Dr. R. WDonohoe, dentist.
Near the rocks the Southern Pacific
Husband and Wife Flu Victims.
SLANDER SUIT FILED. for damages. Plaintiff claims that
had to bulkhead the railroad to pro­
Let W. i Church write.your insur­
defendant carelessly and negligently
It was with considerable regret to
tect it from being undermined.
drove his automobile into plaintiff’s
Ida Barnett Claims $10,000 From vehicle,
and was violently thrown
To be sure you have a place to live
’ Hooiroi Remedy at C. 1. Clough
Florence Phelps.—New Cases
to the road and dangerously and
buy a home today. Never has the de­ on Friday morning that Mr. and Mrs.
painfully lacerated and bruised, who
mand for houses been so great. Prop­ W. S. Terry had died from pneumon­
Dr. Raisey, Osteopath. Room 4,
erties are selling every day but bar­ ia, following an attack of influenza,
Ida Barnett vs Florence Phelps is now claims $1150.00 damages.
Masonic .partments.
------ o-------
gains are not all gone yet. Some of
a suit for slander, the plaintiff
Don’t ill to see the farm tank at
The Bank of Oregon City vs Oregon
the best buys were listed today for hours of one another, Mrs. Terry claiming $10,000 damages. The com­
the Kupenbender Warehouse.
quick sale. A payment down, balance passing away Thursday night and plaint alleges that without any Fisheries Co., and W. W. Ridehalgh,
monthly, places you in a home of her husband the next morning. The cause or reason, and with pure and Zoe Ridehalgh is a suit to re-
Dr. J.3. Grider, dentist, I. O. O.
your own. See,Everson at once.
♦ young couple were highly respected malice and intent to injure, defame, 1 cover $453.80, the balance of a prom-
Bldg, Tllamook, Oregon.
and had a large number of friends.
1 issory note.
Let your ’Xmas gift be something
Waned—Want to buy a Franklin
W. S. Terry had been in the employ disgrace, humiliate and bring plain­
useful—something that is needed to
of the Coast Power Co.
make your home pleasant. A sugges­
presence and hearing of one Mrs.
Jewiry, clocks, watches, silver­
The funeral services were held on
------ o------
tion: Rocking Chairs for young and
Mitchell, of Garibaldi, and other per­ I
ware.- R. W. Bennett.
Sunday from Undertaker R. N. Hen-
in Tillamook Coun-
old, Couches, Dining Table, Dressers,
sons concerning plaintiff malicious
Piaios and tuning, II. ,F. Cook,
kle’s Parlors, which was attended
ty to Become a Member.
Tillauook. Phone 72-W.
only by relatives and friends. Outside
on the market and Heating stoves.— relatives attending
"What are you doing down here
the funeral
Wh; not place your feed orders for
Allen Page’s Store.
with that whore? Why don’t you go I Everybody in Tillamook County
were: Mr. Terry’s father and mother
should become a member of the Red
the fiture with Kuppenbender.
W. G. Dwight and Rollie Watson and sister, Mrs. Carry James, of Port­ to Portland and run with a decent Cross. That is what the \ cal workers
At Sutton’s Market you can get a
have made a deal quite recently for land; and Mrs. Terry’s parents, Mr. whore?”
of the Red Cross are striving to
little pig pork roast for Xmas.
By reason of this slanderous, re­
the Joseph Haskins tract, being 12 and Mrs. A. E. Brown, and sister,
bring about. It can and should be
New Grant car for sale at a bargain
lots in Blocks 1 and — of Park Ad­ Mrs. Ira Landis, of Salem and broth­
done if everybody will do their bit.
for a second cause of action, plaintiff
See Ben Kuppenbender.
dition. These two blocks lay between er, E. T. Brown, of Hoff, Ore.
Workers in all parts of the county
For sale—Eight spring calves.
3rd and 5th Streets near the S. P.
Rev. Chas Gibson, of the Allied alleges that defendant used these are now at work hoping to obtain
depot. It is the intention of the pur­ Churches, conducted the funeral
Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore.
“She is a notorious prostitute like the above result. They are meeting
chasers to improve this property and services.
Wanted—I want to rent a piano.—
Miller and the lowest prosti­ with a good deal of success in some
to place the same on the market
Woods Samuel Terry was born Sept
tute that ever hit this country. She places, but not so in this city, where
shortly after the first of the year.
21,1886, in Okoholma. He was an
the work is dragging behind, so
Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at
O. A. Schultz returned from Port­ honest, upright man and he leaves a wrote a letter to my husoand,”
something will have to be done be­
lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. *
land on Sunday. The A. F Coats host of friends to mourn his depart­
tween now and Monday. The Execu­
W.c handle Trojan Powder. Best for '
Portland, Ore., Sept 15, 1918
Lumber Co., have an option on the ure. He was a member of the I. O. 0.
tive Board, of the Red Cross decided
My Dearest Love:
stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co.
saw mill at Hobsonvllle, and there F., Rebecca, and the encampment.
to put the Boy Scouts to work at
Yours of the 7 th recd and was sure
Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- i
are some probability that it will ac­ Deceased leaves a father, mother
once, and this no doubt will result
ei Warehouse.
quire that property. Should it do so three brothers and two sister to
in most everybody in this city be­
it will be put in working condition, mourn their loss. He died Dec. 13,
coming members of the Red Cross.
R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­
which, however would take some 1918 in Dr. Robinson’s Hospital of doubt me, for my love is for'you, as Some of the outside districts are do­
pairing. S. P. Watch inspector.
time, as there is considerable work Spanish Influenza just twelve hours true as the stars are above. But dear ing good work, but it is hoped that
For fresh and cured meats call
it seems as if we will never see or
to be done before it could start up. after his wife's death.
Sutton’s Market. Both phones.
everybody in the county will join the
tie with each other again. Babe is
Red Cross between now and Monday.
T. B. Watt, of the Brighton Mills
One Ford for sale, Apply to L. D.
going to Lincoln Hl and is feeling
Co., returned from Washington, D. October 11, 1896, in Franklin Coun- quite a bit better than when we were The Red Cross button shows whether
Hardin, 7 miles south of Tillamook.*
you are a member or not. Hurry up
C., on Sunday, where he had gone on , ty., Neb. She came to Oregon in there. I will gtr to work this week.
For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm
and procure a button.
business connected with the saw mill 'April, 1902, with her parents, They
at Netarts. Enquire at the place. ♦
Mr. Watt said the living expenses resided a while in Portland and Ore­ sometimes Wish I could come over
For Sale—160 acres of land at I
were twice as high in Washington as gon City, when they finally settled there for a week this winter and
Circuit Court Cases.
bandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. *
in Chicago, the hotel, rooming house at Sandlake, Ore. For the past three visit my friends. Well dear remem­
Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms
Judge Geo. R. Bagley adjourned
and restaurant proprietors doing a years she had made her home in Til-
205-206 Tillamook Building.
profiteering business owing to the ■ lamook City. She was married April es you can depend on me Love. I circuit court on Saturday and left
Before buying your auto tires, in­
One lot and small house for sale, vestigate the Republic Standard five congestion brought about by the war 21, 1918, to Woods Samuel Terry, at wish you would write me the news for his home in HillBboro Sunday
>550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * thousand mile guarantee, price right
W. G. Dwight recently purchased Tillamook, Ore. Carrie was a member of Garibaldi. I saw Benson, he is morning. The other cases tried were.
Emma Perkins vs. A. L. Thomas.
of the Morning Star Rebecha Lodge,
We buy and sell second hand autos. at Tillamook Feed Co.
* the 50x100 foot lot at the north­ No. 52 of Tillamook, also of the getting himself a housekeeper. Dont’ Action for money. Verdict for plain­
west corner of 1st Street and 2nd
Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.*
Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms
Women’s Relief Corps. She was loved
tiff for $86.50.
For bargairs in second hand auto­ 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office Ave. East, on which were the old and respected in those orders for her and me away.
Edgar Woodward vs. A. F. Coats
Dear I wish you would send me a
mobiles go to Case’s Garage.
hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­
corner for years past. Mr. Dwight is colnscientious work in them. She died little present of some kind that I Lumber Co. Action for money. Jury
Dr. and Mrs. Wise left on Thursday days by appointment.
unable to agree and was discharged.
having these old building raised. The December 12, 1918, at Dr. Robin-
for a twe months stay in Portland.
A. F. Smith, M. A. Wheeler and Ed consideration we understand was in sq^’s hospital of Spanish Influenza. could wear and think of the one I
Reed Farmer vs. East Beaver
Emma Wilson Wesco vs. L. R. Wil­ Clark have filed claims for indemnity the neighborhood of $5,000.00. The She leaves to mourn her departure a love as 1 wear it. Well Dear Heart, Cheese Co. Action for money. Jury
son 1 b a suit filed to foreclose tax for cattle slaughtered, and the Coun­ deal was made through the office of father, mother, six brothers and one write me soon and be sure and get brought in a verdict in favor of
ty Court will consider the claims at Rollie W. Watson.
sister. The remains were laid to rest the right address so I will get your plaintiff.
mail. Love and kisses to the only
Tom. F. Jluffin vs. Alice M. Buf­
Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First
The fire loss sustained to a dwell­ in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Fair­ one I truly love.’ '
fin. Divorce. Decree for plaintiff.
National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore.,
For Sale—One dandy new Saxon ing belonging to E. T. Haltom which view on Dec. 15, 1918, and were
That defendant with further intent
Six, almost new, run just 700 miles, is located on 5th street west of Still­ laid to rest in the same grave. Rev to gratify defendant’s hatred toward
In Dr. Allen’s office.
Tax Levies Tillamook County, 1918.
For rent—A new three room fur­
well Ave. and occupied by county
plaintiff and injure and defame her
— o-------
nished house. Enquire Bell Phone sell at a great sacrifice—Bert Hud­ veternarian Dr. E. L. Glalsyer was the undertaking chapel and the I. 0. among the citizens of Garibaldi, did State and County ............ 16.8 mills
insured through the agency of Roilie
last October have the above letter Tillamook City ................. 15.2 mills
the cemetery.
read by one Mrs. Powell, as her City of Bay City.............. 14.8 mills
Dr. Wise will begin making his . Only four teachers are taking the W. Watson. The insurance on build­
agent, at a public meeting of the Town of Nehalem............ 17. mills
trips to Wheeler, Nehalem and Clov­ examination, viz: Miss V. Vanpatten, ing and contents was satisfactorily
County Superintendent And The
Red Cross Society at Garibaldi and City of Wheeler................ 19.
Dist. No. 36; Miss Bertha Meehan, adjusted on Tuesday and Wednes­
erdale about Feb. 15th.
did cause the letter to be printed Port of Bay City................. 3.4 mills
Real honest old fashioned Pork
Sausage is. hard to get, but you will and Mrs. Sylvia Hoskins, Tillamook. Thursday the 12th.
To all Teachers of Tillamook County: and disseminated among many of the Port of Nehalem ....... 5. mills
On Tuesday, in this city, Thomas
Port of Tillamook............ 2. mills
find it at Sutton’s market.
There has never been a time in the citizens of Tillamook.
For sale—Zonophone and twenty-
That by reason of these slanderous School dist. No. 1............... 1. mills
of the schools of this county,
size—made to five records, all in good shape, also ey were married by Rev. Chas. E.
statements and unwarranted and un­
order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side a fine sheperd dog and pair of rub­ Gibson, of the Allied Churches. The when the work is in such a chaotic just actions of the defendant plain­ School Diet. No. 3 .............. 1.4 mills
School Dist No. 5............... 1.3 mills
entrance-opposite. P. O.
* groom is one of the business men of are due to the general prevelance of tiff has been generally damaged in School Dist No. 6............... 1.1 mills
Go to the HarriB Furniture Co. for Street at Eichinger’s residence.
Tillamook City and the bride came influenza, and we cannot avoid the the sum of $5000,00
School Dist No. 7............... 2.1 mills
Christmas presents. Read our advts.
The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ from Portland, but recently from
School Dist. No. 9............... 3.3 mills
in other parts of the Headlight.
chine Agency is now permanently lo­ Lewiston, Idaho. The happy couple
Mary Cochran Overton et al vs School Diet No. 10.................... 4 mills
j we can help the conditions. The
Dr. Wise will return to Tillamook cated opposite the post office, where will make their home in this city and ’ health of the children should be Continental and Commercial Trust School Diet No. 11.............. 3.6 mills
about Feb. 15th to resume the prac­ monthly payments may be made and their friends hope that they will I closely watched and the Banitary and Savings Bank et al is a suit School Dist No. 12............... 1.1 mill 1
* have a long and happy wedded life.
tice dentistry in this county.
* supplies ordered. Both Phones.
| conditions in and around the school filed in the circuit court growing out School Diet No. 14............
of the will of Joseph W. Cochran. School Diet No. 15.................... 9 mills
In the matter of the levy for 1918, made the best possible.
Dressmaking at my home or by the
For Sale—Seventy ton of new ball­
day. Phone 143-W. Second Ave. East ed straw, stored in private barn near the same was extended on the county | No teacher Bhould attend, nor en­ Plaintiffs ask that on the filing of School Dist No. 17.......... 2.3 inris
and 8th St. Mrs. J. E. Reedy.
| •. freight depot at McMinnville, grown court journal, practically the same courage pupils in attending public the complaint a guardian ad litem School Dist No. 18........... 1.4 mills
Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is and bailed by myself on my farm. as published in the budget, with a gatherings of any kind at present. be appointed for the infant defend­ School Diet No. 21........... 5. m'lls
ant, Joseph Cochran Felt, and that School Dist No. 22 ..... . 5.8 mills
safe, clean and powerful. For sale at Address J. M. Henderson R. D. No. 2 few small changes, the totals being No school intertainments of any
* Box 113 McMinnville, Oregon.
• as follows:
kind should be given until the con­ the several defendants to the suit be School Dist No. 24...................4 mills
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
required to answer and set up any School Diet. No. 26.........
6.7 mills
Tillamook has an auto. top and | County School fund .... $43,000.00 ditions are different.
Let wour co-worker on the farm be
Most of the schools of the county claims which they may have to cer­ School Dist. No. 28........... 3.6 mills
in rear
of j High School fund............ 10,000.00
the Cleveland Tractor. On display at harness repair shop
* building opposite post office. Auto General fund and state . 93,650.00 are now closed, and sucha s are open tain real property that belonged to School Dist. No. 31.......... 1.8 mills
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
Road Fund........................ 205,115.50 have a very small attendance. I J. W. Cochran.
School Dist No. 32 ....
1. mills
Just received a car of mill feed at tops, curtains and cushions repaired
(Except Tillamook City)
School Dist No. 33.................... 8 mills
trust the teachers will do their ut­
the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices
Laura Leach vs. B. A. Leach, Cas­ School Dist. No. 34.......... 3.2 mills
most in such schools as are open,
Both phoneB,
are lowest.
Total amount................. $352,566.02 that they may remain open and not sie Leach and G. E. Leach is a suit School Dist No. 35.............. 4 mills
Boys juvenile coaster brake bicy­
For sale—bay mare and colt six
Sheriffs throughout the state have endanger the health of thp children. filed in the circuit court to recover School Dist. No. 36 .... 4. mills
cle for sale by Jimmy Watson; at
months old. To be sold cheap. Fred
work making out the notices
Do not forget the Junior Red Cross $450,00 on a promissory note and to School Dist No. 37............ 9.6 mills
half price. Have outgrown this bike
foreclose on certain property.
School Diet No. 38................ 7 mills
W. Pulcipher, Garibaldi, Ore.
and want a larger one. See me at once 01 tax delinquency which will be Every school that is now open should
------o — ■
School Dist No. 39........ .. 5.6 mills
Wanting to rent a dairy ranch with this is a dandy Christmas present mailed to owners in lieu of advertis­ at one collect the membership fee for
Martin Blaser and Catharine Blas­ School Dist No. 42......... 3.8 mills
ing, as provided by the initiative law the school and forward to this office.
from 20 to 40 cows. Apply to Ernest for some little boy.
vs Jefferson Fleck and Lulu Fleck School Diet No. 45 ....
3.6 mills
Gisler, or Amstad, Tillamook. Ore. *3
Acute and chronic disease cured by The envelopes bear a notice to the to the Portland Chapter, and your 1 b a suit to recover the value of 25 School Dist No. 46......... 3. mills
For Sale—Berkshire pure bred drugless methods. Osteopathic, chiro- postmaster stating that the contents membership certificate and buttons tons of hay, which is placed at $750, . School Diet No. 48......... 3. mills
pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. pathic electric and the milk and rest pertain to official business of the for 1919 will be sent directly to you. and for the value of six head of cows School Dist No. 49.................... 5 mills
E. Williams, Mutual Phone.
.School Dist No. 51......... 1. mills
cure so successful In stomach and county and requesting return if not After your membership fee has been valued at $600.00.
1 School Dist. No. 54 .. .
------ o-------
Will either rent or buy a dairy bowel disease, rheumatism and ner­ delivered or forwarded. Four months paid, Mrs. H. C. Hanson, of Tilla­
Chester A McGhee was appointed School Dist. No. 56.......... 1. mills
ranch of 15 or 20 cows, or will take vous exhaustion. Room 4, Masonic after taxes are delinquent the sheriff mook will see that you get the lit­
charge of a dairy ranch.—Apply at Bldg. Phone 169 R..
will post a list of unpaid parcels at erature and material for work. She receiver in the case of Tillamook School Dist. No. 57 ... 1. mills
this office. _
Miss Anna Haugen, daughter of four places in the county and tile a has charge of the work department County Bank vs. William A Clark, School Dist. No. 60............ 2. mills
School Dist. 61 ................. 3.3 mills
of the county. Every school should be Minerva Clark and James Erickson.
The Editor and Mrs. Baker return­ Mr. and Mrs. Thore Haugen, will be copy with the county clerk.
ed from Eugene on Sunday, having
Yes, Guess This Explains It.
Death of Mrs. L. S. Maynard.
than ever, and the children need the I Alwin Blum vs Raymond and Au­
been away from home nearly three wife of Orland Ek Vantress on Christ­
practical lesson in helpfulness to gusta M. Hammond Is a suit filed in
mas day. the ceremony to be per­
Charles H. Henry, of Spartansburg,
We are sorry to announce the others. Let us have the enrollment I the circuit court to recover $50,00
For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair-
death of Mrs. Maria Maynard, wife this month of every school now in growing out of the sale of a horse, S.C writes the New York World that
bank A Morse gasoline engine in parents at Bay City.
of Mr. L. S. Maynard, which occurred session, and others as they open which the plaintiff claimed is a bal­ the reason the Democrats lost the
Large modern Portland residence
good order. W. D. Shafer, Rockaway.
recent election was because the pro­
ky horse.
on Tuesday at her old home at Fair­ later.
* with one or more acres of ground to view. The deceased lady was beloved
Germans voted the Republican ticket
-----o— -
Owing to the epidemic of "flu” the
exchange for 160 acres of land in I
Maude E. Pinckney vb . John C. Yes, this explains why Iowa, where
Geo. Grayson sold to Chas Swen­ Tillamook County. At least forty by everybody who knew her. The in­ State Teachers' Association has been
son the old Grayson property at the acres must be cleared, and not too terment was in the I. O. O. F. ceme­ indefinitely postponed. The Repre­ Pinckney is a divorce suit filed in one person in four bought Liberty
corner of Stillwell Ave and 2nd St. far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, tery at Fairview this (Thursday) sentative Council will meet on Fri­ I the circuit court. These parties were Bonds, went heavily Republican,
afternoon, where the funeral services day. December 27th, at Portland for married at Aitkin, Minn., on the 2nd while South Carolina, where one per­
during the week.
4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. •
of September, 1903. one son being son in twenty bought bonds, went
were held conducted by members of the business usual to it.
On Tuesday, at Bay City. Oregon. 1 Fairview Grange.
R. L. Shreve has resigned his po-
The chief object of this letter is to born to the union. The plaintiff al­ Democratic: why South Carolina,
sltion as road master, to take effect T. R. Elliott. Jr., and Miss Irene
leges cruel and inhuman treatment, which decorated the very tail end of
Maria Killinger was born in the
January 1st. which was accepted by Long were united In marriage, the State of New York in 1836 and mov­ remind schools now in session of claiming that her husband refused the procession in the matter of vol­
their duty as to the Junior Red Cross
ceremony being performed by Dr. 1 ed to Wisconsin when she was four
the County Court.
Our boys "on the other side” did not to contribute to her support. Plain­ unteer enlistments in the war, sent
Chas. Gibson, of this city. The hap- |
Need a truck to haul your milk?.Or py couple are favorable and well , years old. She was married to L. S. relax until their job was done and tiff asks that the court will allow a solid Democratic delegation to Con­
Maynard In 1855 and move to Iowa Hun beaten. Let us not quit until her $25,00 a month, custody of the gress, while Indiana, which topped
any.hiag cise? Got an old automobile?
known and their many friends ex­ in 1857. From there they went to
child and undivided one-half interest the whole list of states in the matter
onr job Is done.
See .'liro ie, he will explain the rest.
tend to them their best wishes for California where they resided for 10
of volunteer war enlistments in pro­
Christmas time is here. Now is the in certain property in Portland.
It's a "Truxtun Attachment.”
their future happiness.
portion to population, sent a solid
time for boys and girls to remember
Tillamook City has a new meat t
A South
Jefferson Fleck and Lulu M. Fleck Republican
market located across the street from , Go to the Harris Furniture Co. for years. She passed away at the age of 1 others. All that Is asked of them by
Carolina lecture on loyalty to the
Hawson's grocery. Call Suttoh’s Mar­ Christmas presents. Read our advts. 82 years, seven months and seven­ the Red Cross is the membership fee vs. Martin Blaser is a suit filed in
teen days, on the 17th of December, , of 25 cents.
in other parts of the Headlight.
the circuit court growing out of the flag and to the Union Is always in­
ket, both phones.
teresting, .even if not convincing
Tillarook Jottings