Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 12, 1918, Image 8

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\ Bargain Table packed full with all kinds
of articles suitable lor Xmas Gifts, personal
or home use. Jardinieres, Sandwich Servers,
Fruit Baskets, Flower Bowls, Laundry or
Sewing Baskets, Dolls, Perfumes, Cretonne
Bags, Cushion Covers, Stamped Linen Goods,
all at just half the marked price.
Hundreds of desirable lengths of fabrics
for all purposes. Dress Silks, Dress Goods,
Ginghams, Përcales, Outings, Wash Goods,
White Goods, Underwear Fabrics, Linings,
Cretonnes, Draperies, Linens, Sheetings,
Pillow Tubings, in fact lengths of practically
every kind of Piece Goods in the store.
The Sensational Merchandising Event of the Year
Affording Hundreds of Opportunities for Securing Sane Sensible Christmas Gifts for every member of the
family, at Great Savings. Buy Now While selections are at their best.
Liberty Bonds taken in lieu of Cash at Face Value.
A $50.00 Bond will buy $50.00 worth of Merchandise at Sale Prices.
A $100.00 Bond will buy $100.00 worth of Merchandise at Sale Prices.
The Entire Slock of Ladies’ and Misses’
Fall 1918 Models in Suits, Coats, Dresses, Dress Skirts,
Silk Waists and Petticoats
Actual to 15c. Ladies’
Gift ’Kerchiefs,
9c. Each
Dress Shoes,
For the Great Victory Economjl Drive.
3 for 25c.
Plain white lawn hem­
stitched and hemstitched
Handkerchiefs with white
or colored Embroidery.
Buy Handkerchiefs for
Christmas Gifts.
The most remarkable Ready-to-Wear Disposal of new, high grade, stylish gar­
ments for Misses and Ladies. Garments any lady would be delighted to accept as
a Xmas Gift. Buy now while the selection is at its best.
Fittings and alterations by an experienced seamstress,
without any extra charge
Ladies’ Suits.
Ladies’ and
Serge Dresses.
Actual $25.00 Suits Salepriced
Actual $19.45 Dresses Salepriced .... $15.90
Actual $35.00 Suits Salepriced
Misses’ New Coats
Actual $25.00 Dresses Salepriced .... $21.65
Actual $45.00 Suits Salepriced
Actual to 50c.
Ladies $7.50 and $8.00
$19.65 Coats Salepriced
$25.00 Coats Salepriced
$29.85 Coats Salepriced
$34.45 Coats Salepriced
$38.45 Coats Salepriced
$57.85 Coats Salepriced
$68.45 Coats Salepriced .....
Ladies’ Patent leather
and Kid Dress Shoes in
Lace and Button styles.
High shoes with Mili­
tary, Cuban and Louis
Cuban Heels. All sizes
to choose from.
Actual $29.85 Dresses Salepriced .... $25.45
Actual $33.45 Dresses Salepriced .... $29 45
Actual $59.85 Suits Salepriced
Silk Dresses
Actual $19.65 Dresses Salepriced .... $15,45
Actual $25.00 Dresses Salepriced .... $19.85
Actual $31.50 Dresses Salepriced .... $26.45
Silk Petticoats.
Actual $5.00 Petticoats Salepriced .... $3 98
Actual $6.35 Petticoats Salepriced .... $5,39
Actual $8.85 Petticoats Salepriced .... $6 98
Values in
Xmas Ribbons,
33c. Yard.
Plain color and nov­
elty Ribbons for Gift.
Hair Bows and making
novelty Gift Articles. All
generous widths and per­
fect qualities.
Two Victory Economy Sales of
$1.98 and $2.59.
At $32.85 Each.
For Actual values up to $3.00 andtOver.
A great saving on the price of New Fall 1918
Overcoats in smart snappy styles and fashionable
weaves and colorings for Young Men and Men who
feel young.
In addition to this very special sale at this price
the entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats are
Radically Reduced in Price. Buy the Boys’ and
your own overcoats nowand save on the purchase.
Yardwide silks in the loveliest of qualities, color
combinations and designs.
Plain stripe, fancy
stripe, check and plaid Messalines, Shadow plaid
Serge Silks, and lustrous Chiffon Taffetas in a
great variety of patterns and colorings, Silks for
Dresses, Skirts or Waists. Buy them for gifts,
they will surely be appreciated.
Actual to $12. 75 Models
Continueing the Victory Economy Sale of
For Actual $40.00 Values.
New Millinery,
$4.90 Each.
Pattern Hats, Tailored
models and becoming
creations from our own
workroom. The Entire
stock is correspondingly
reduced in price.
Manufacturer's Samples
Ladies’ Hose,
39c. Pair.
Black, white and a
few colors. Lisle and
FibreSilk Hose in actual
qualities from 50c. and
up. Also Actual $1.00
Fibre Silk Hose for 69c
Actual to $30.00 Value
Actual to $1.25 Values in
Men's Flowing End
Dress Goods,
53c. Yard.
Gift Ties,
59c. Each.
Plain color fabrics in­
cluding 36 inch Storm
Serges and Granite Suit­
ings, and 36 and 42 inch
stripe, check and plaid
weaves in pretty cole rs.
The most wonderful
Tie Sale our Men's Shop
has planned heretofore.
Actual values to $1 00.
Buy Ties for Xmas—they
are sure to please.
56 inch Skirtings and
Actual $5.00 All Wool
Fall Coatings,
$1.79 Yard.
Gift Skirtings,
This price is actually
less than wholesale cost
today for these fabrics
in patterns suitable for
either Coats or Skirts.
48 inch all wool skirt­
ings in handsome stripe
and plaid designs in a
nice variety of colorings.
Real worth while gift
Men’s Suits,
A complete selection
of all sizes in Men’s AU
Wool Oregon Cassimere
and Worsted Suits.
Stylish models
pleasing colors.
Beginning Monday, December 16th the Store will remain open evenings until Xm.s.
Bird* Ignore Shell*.
The indifference of birds to the
noise of exploding shell fire IO the
war »one is regarded as moot extra­
ordinary. While horses, dogs, cats
and other animals are very sensitive
and show every evidence of fear, the
birds sing and chirp and fly about aa
merrily a* ever during the heavest
bombardments. The subject has been
much commented upon In England
and a recent number of the Journal
of the Royal Medical Service, after
discussing the subject says:
• “It is most extraordlnehow in­
different the birds are to the noise
of exploding
shells. In tn- early
morning the whole world
ling with the twitterlnrs, ->r.gs and
cries of the various ap«-ien. A shell
suddenly bursts with a loud rep. rt
in the middle of the w < vm I and jeu
hear tremendous crashing through
the branches, but ’he mn.de of the
birds goes on withy.it a moment's
cessation. Neither do they mind the
shirking of our own shells which
I daily pass over their heads, nor the
! bursting of the enemy’s anti air­
plane shells high up in the air above
, them."
How to Aasure Peace.
The greatest problem is how to set­
tle affairs in Germany so that that
nation will never again start a war of
conquest. We cannot forever keep
troops there We may take away ther
fleet and level her fortifications, but
they can buld new. There must be
some change of spirit. It is still an
open question how far the course of
German people ha« be«n due to the
evil purposes of their own hearts, or
to the deceptions practiced upon
them by their rulers. But anyway
they have from the beginning been
given a garble and a fasle version of
the war and its origin. If the Ger­
many knew the whole truth about
this war, and about the events that
shall succeed it as lime goes on.
they are much less likely to start
another. The alles should now insist the allied powers should insist that
ufon a bona fide free press, so that
ul record h* free,y »rln‘-
any German paper that is willing to d all over Germany, so that, the-
tell the truth can freely do so. Then
truth can at last come home.
at the coming peace conference a
W icked and crue! as the Germane
just and complete indictment againsi have been, yet the truth 1, a very
Germany should be presented. I'
,u, „ ,.s
should bring out the clear proof that LrprTng'u many 11 of wo,lld indeed
of them were
Germany started the war, the imp- ‘ eonvinced by many
. not
■ of such
ture of treaties and agreements, the a record If the > (reed m
perfidy of the German
system. is
Is thorm
------ spy system,
thoroughly established it wllf^t
the outrage of the army and navy, U
again ror
th» killing of women and babiea. the to sway the people by
T News.
whole story of barbarity. Then theater
the i hL^Z-Ump^Vaiiey