T1LLAMCOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 12, An American Victory. Wilson Would Have Lost. 1918. DELIGHTED IN HIS FREEDOM PEACE ADDS TO U. S. FOOD TASK NO GENERAL RULE POSSIBLE Had President Wilson been a can­ “The result of the election is real­ Matter of Proper Amount of Bodily Youngster's Chlsf Enjoyment of '7» ly extraordinary, inasmuch aa the didate for re-alection on November Exercise Must Be Left to Dis­ eatlon Came From His Defiance entire pro-German and pacifist vote S it is the opinion of the Dallas Dem­ cretion of Individual. of All Conventionalities. was behind the Wilson Democratic ocrat that he would have been de­ ticket, and in view ot the further feated most impresively—purely on “It Is an axiom that mental excel­ The be t sort of vacation and the tact that the enormous war powers Ms party policy. No man in American lence is to a very considerable extent finly kind that really is a benefit to ! Europe Needs Nearly Double ot the Administration have such ad- politics can be bigger or better than dependent upon a man’s physical cun- the one taking it, according to Lewis roit and unscrupulous partnership. I his party. This is true of the Repub­ dltion,” declared Secretary of State Last Year ’ s Supplies From Welsenberger, is the one on which sll regard the result as much more a lican as well as the Democratic party Robert Lansing. “It is equally true Conventional rules of conduct tire victory tor straight Americanism President Wilson has posed as being America. that rules of health, except the most broken. To enjoy a vacation one must than Republicanism, For a great superior to both the leadership and general, depend in large measure up­ do absolutely as he pleases, Mr. Wei- multitude ot Democrats, without the rank and file of his party. He on the individual and upon his peculiar nenberger continues. whose aid the victory could not have has chilled the leaders and lost pop- I In proof of this contention Mr. Wel- ECONOMY MUST CONTINUE. needs. been won, voted the Republican tick- j ularity with the mass of Democrats, “If I were asked to lay down rules nenberger tells the following story on el under issues of straight American- ■ because of numerous cases of polit- which might be applied generally,” con­ World Survey Shows Sufficient Wheat, n young lad with whom he hibernated ism, ot genuine democracy here at ical ingratitude. tinued the American premier, “I In the wilds of Michigan for several But Shortage of Fat»—Govern­ This Deinorcratic defeat on Novem- home, and of the aroused purpose to would embody them In the phrase weeks this summer. stand beside our allies and against mer 5 in no wise condemns the war ment's Stimulative Pro­ ‘More fresh air and less food.’ How The campers had taken a large sup ­ Germany to the end.—Former Presi­ ' policy of the party in power. Presi­ much bodily exercise should be taken gram Juetlfled. ply of towels with them, as bathing dent wilson has conducted the war— dent Roosevelt. and its character depend upon the was expected to feature the holiday since the United States entered it— ------ o------ individual, his physical >'onilition and, events. On arrival at camp each mem­ With the return of peace America 1« to an extent, on his tastes. Of couree, approximately as any other loyal Honorable Discharges. ber of the vacation,party received his American would have done. “Win the confronted by a food problem even exercise is, as a rule, beneficial, but apportionment of the towels and the Buck Private Slim and Shorty and war" has been an American motto lad was duly Included In the division. harder of solution than that with it ought to be a pleasure to the one and an American determination ever Red. On the second day of the vacation which we coped tn time of war. We taking it if he would get the best re­ Were talking of peace while undres­ since the declaration of hostile rela­ week Mr. Welsenberger was surprised have an entirely new world situation sults. tions with Germany on April 5, 1917. sing for bed. “It may sound like heresy, but I to find the young lad’s supply of In food. It will mean essential changes It was President Wilson ’ s party war Truth, Spoken By Accident. ■“It can’t come too soon tor me!” towels packed securely away In one In our domestic program. But more sometimes wonder whether exercise, on Democrats that he disliked and said Slim. when it is not a diversion, is really During the campaign of 1914, corner of the cottage, thus far un­ Important then this. It must of nece»- worth while. Certainly the mind is "‘Sherman was right. I hand it to him nis unwise appeals to the people, in touched. He Immediately summoned sity require increased export. I don’t like the enemy—I want to the closing weeks ot the campaign, when more than three million men the lad and inquired whose towels Last year we shipped 11,820.000 tons not rested if It rebels ugainst certain to let him dictate the personnel of mere jobless in the United States un­ live!” he had been rslng, since his own sup­ of foodstuffs to the European Allies forms of physical training which ure der the existing tariff law before the Ar.d he dropped his shoes with an men who should receive their votes, ply was undlmlnlshed. He was not a Had the war continued we would have being taken, and recreation for the that sealed, for a certainty, party de- war came to the rescue, a Democrat­ expletive. little taken back by the lad’s reply: increased this enormous figure to 17,- mind of one engaged in Intellectual feat at the polls. The Dallas Demo- ic orator in Montana attempted to Private Red peeled ot his 0. D's.; "Aw, I didn’t wash my face yester­ 550,000 tons in the present year. Now, pursuits is, in my opinion, one of the How proud he was ot his peg-topped crat realized the situation, from long tempted to say that " the glorious day.” with ths responsibility of feeding mll- most essential purposes of exercls* ef Democratic party had relieved the political observation of its editor, knees! Even with face unwashed and tow­ lons of people liberated from tbe Ger­ the muscles. workingman of his shackles, ” — but “I believe, however, as I have said, He liked to march to the throb of the warned its readers, in last week’s is- els untouched, the young barbarian man yoke, our exports must bo brought sue, of impending party disaster. what he said, by a happy slip of the probably enjoyed the vacation trip up to at least 30,000,000 tons—prac­ that fresh air is one of the great re­ band, And he wanted to sail for the over- President Wilson’s party policy has tongue, was “sheckles.” The state­ more than did any other member of tically the limit of loading capacity at storatives, and the fact that exerciae cost his administration the loss of ment was so true that it brought an the party, Mr. Welsenberger says. •or ports. is generally taken in the open 1» oue seas land. of Its chief benefits.”—From “Secre­ What, war to be over—adventure. control of both houses of the nation­ outburst of laughter pnd applause And the reason for the lad’s enjoy­ World Feed Demand Increased. al Congress. It has cealed the fate of from an audience in which Republi­ ment. he believes, Is the fact that he tary Lansing'« Story of His Health fun, both? The end of the war will create an Red threw down his shoes with a the party, adversely, in the presiden- cans predominated. violated all rules of personal etiquette enormously Increased demand for food. and Energy," by Richard M. WInane tial election two years hence. Noth- sorrowful oath. and lived one entire day with his face Humanity demands that the starving in Physical Culture. Card of Thanks. Shorty scratched and scratched his ing short of a political miracle can Innocent of ablutions.—Indianapolis millions freed from Prussian oppres­ bring the party victory at that time. round head; sion shall have sufficient supplies to KILL OFF PREDATORY BEASTS We wish to thank our many friends News. Why should he worry, alive or dead? Too much “Me”; to much “My son- for their sympathy and kindness «»Bure tbelr return to health and pros­ in-law; ” too much “ Col Ed. House ” ' Work, food and sleep—a girl now perity. If these liberated nations are Ridding Ranges of Ravaging Rogue« has been a sad and expensive lesson shown us in the sickness and death REALLY NO TROUBLE AT ALL and then— faced with starvation they cannot es­ Results In Saving More Than of our beloved wife and daughter, al ­ In the army or out, whats’ the dif- for the Democracy. tablish orderly governments. Hunger »5,000,000 Worth of Stock. so for the beautiful floral offerings. Possibly American Colored Cook and — ---- o — ence again- iwd breeds anarchy in a people. The war I A. E. Hanson, French Baker Belonged to For Shorty liked peace, but he didn’t national Guard Company for Tilla­ to free the world for democracy will It is estimated that the bureau of E. Glad and family. the Same Lodge. mook. hate war; be lost after It has been won. Amer­ biological survey of the United States I ----- o------ So he laid down his shoes and ica must continue its work to libera­ department of agriculture is saving ! At the meeting of the Home Guard The American Red Cross canteen at tion and by sharing its food make de­ annually over »5,000,000 worth of live i thoughtfully swore. Dijon, France, boasts the possession mocracy safe in the world. i at the courthouse last Friday night POMONA GRANGE stock for the ranchers of the Rocky ELECTS OFFICERS. of Tom, a colored cook from the state those present voted to volunteer to In order to mwt this new situation mountain section as a result of Its In­ The New West Magazine. ------ o ------- of Georgia. Saturday nights Tom tbe Food Administration has made a ■ enlist in a company of the new Ore­ At a meeting of the Pomona Grange makes “something special.” The last careful survey of the food resources of tensive campaign against predntory an­ gon National Guard, under order of Building the West.” imals, which has been in progress dur­ Established 1910—For the devel­ 1 Adjutant General Beebe and a roster held at Pleasant Valley, on the 5th of Saturday in August the special was the whole world in relation to the to- ing the past three years. During this chocolate layer cake. Thomas had no i was started. It hoped that all the tai December, the following officers were demands. Computing supplies on period 60,458 coyotes, 8,085 bobcat«, opment of Western industi ies, agri­ suitable oven, aud so without the aid the basis of the avoidance of waste culture, mining, oil and scenic at­ I Home Guard organization will sign elected for the ensuing year: 1,821) wolves, 201 mountain Hons, aud of a single word of French he induced and war consumption, it Is found that Wm. Maxwell, Worthy Master. traction.!. Of interest to the West­ I up and as many others as possible. 137 bears have been trapped or shot, a nearby French baker to loan his I This will insure full equipment from wheat and rye may be obtained in suf ­ ern investor, farmer and sightseer. I. H. Moore, Worthy Overseer. and many other animals have been idle ovens. ficient quantities to meet economical ■ the state which has been lacking in Printed on high grade paper with Rose Crawford, Worthy Lecturer. poisoned. The income from the sale of world consumption; high protein feed “ How did you do it, Tom? ” Miss ! E. M. Johnson, Worthy Steward. copper half tone illustrations. Year, I the Home Guard organizations. for dairy animals will show a shortage pelts of animals killed by government Field, the directress, asked him. The business men of the county »2.00, copy 20c. Sample 10c. three C. C. Ward, Asst. Steward. of about 8.000,000 tons, while there hunters to protect live stock during the “ Oh, I jes ’ told him that these here should back the new company for it back numbers for 25c.. Send now. Geo. R. McKimens, Treasurer. will be sufficient supplies of other last year will aggregate approximately boys of ours would certan'y appreci ­ means a small pay roll, possibly The New West .Magazine, 1211 I Fannie Smith, Secretary. feeds to allow economical consump­ »100,000. This work is of special Im­ ate it if he would bake a little cake Walker Dank Bldg., Salt Lake City, state funds for an armory and more tion ; beans, peas and rice will also be portance, because the cattle and sheep Ole Redberg, Gate Keeper. for ’em. An* he didn't make no fuss Utah; 1004 White Building, Seattle, than all else protection from Bolsh- found bi sufficient quantities to main­ which are already on the range produc­ •bout it. ‘ Certainment, ’ be says, and Mrs. Jennie Gist, Ceres. evikism and I. W. W ism, which may Wash.; 790 Woodward Ave., Detroit ing meat, wool, and leather are afford­ bo I puts the cakes in the oven, an’ tain economy In consumption; there Mrs. M. N. Bays, Pomona. Mich. Address nearest office, or place arise. are sufficient supplies of beef to keep ed protection, and thus the actual that's all there is to it ” Call at the Sheriffs ’ office or see Thelma Blackburn, Flora. your subscription through this news­ of these essential commodities “Tom,” replied Miss Field, “you are pace with the capacity of refrigerating sources R. C. Jones and sign the new' roster. Mrs. Frank Bester, Lady Assistant are belnj; conserved for market. Fur­ paper.—Pd. Adv. Space. Y - jUBe—- a wonder.” 100 men are needed. Do it now. I Steward. thermore, clearing the range of preda­ Great Fat Shortage. That is what our boys said when it is expected that Major Drake Geo. Loerpabel, W. H. Christensen, they ate the cake. tory animals is muklng conditions mere When Good Fellows Get Together. ____ r a will be in Tillamook in the near fu­ Jhe most distinct reversal of policy Herman Tohl, Executive Committee. -------------------------- _ will come with pork and dairy prod­ favorable for stocking the grazing One can sympathize with the Ger­ ture to organize this company and Wm. Maxwell, J. I. Lowrance, Frank ucts, vegetable oils, sugar and coffee. areas to full capacity and for improv­ we want a full roster when be — *■ Deserves a Better Job. man functionary who came back I Bester, Finance Committee. Utmost economy will be required in ing the quality of the breeding stock. comes. We climbed into a motor accompan­ from the armistice meeting and told tl>e use of fats aud oils, in which there —United States Department of Agri­ R. C. Jones. ied by Marcus. Marcus, by the way, is the reporters about the regrettable t MRS. ED BLUM AND BABY DEAD. is a world shortage of about 8,000,000,■ culture. Captain Co. I. O. V. G. one of the characters of the unit. Ma­ lack of warmth with which he and , ------- o------- 000 pounds. Tnero are sufficient sup­ --------------------------- '«W jor Theodore Waters writes in the his companions were received by the Japanese Beetle In Nsw Jersey. Mrs. Ed Elum, a resident of the Christian Herald. He is more than plies for us to return to our normal French and (English leaders. It Pay Up Your W. S. S. Pledges. A public hearing on the proposed sugar consumption if other nations i Yellow Fir neighborhood, died last that; he is an institution, Is Marcus— must have been most disappointing continue their present short rations, quarantine of a portion of New Jer­ The following copy of a telegram Saturday from pneumonia, which re­ a product of the peculiar stress or even if their rations are slightly in­ sey on account of the Japanese beetle, and discouraging to the Germans, was received by G. B. Lamb, cam ­ sulted from a case of measles. On through which Jerusalem has passed. after all they had done to cultivate creased. If the European countries, a serious pest of certain vegetables a spirit of good fellowship among the paign manager for Tillamook county the previous Wednesday her little two He says he is 14 years old. But he however, are to resume their normal and fruit, was held by the United looks much younger aud acts much old­ sugar consumption it will be through States department of agriculture lu I months old baby died of measles and nations, to have so chilly a time at from state manager C. S. Jackson: Washington, D. C. Dec 5, 1918. was buried on Friday. Other members er. He can read and writes English, our continued conservation in order Washington recently. As a result of the gathering back of the French C. S. Jackson, Portland. I of the family were sick with the same Russian, French aDd Arabic, and he to share with them. There Is a sur- Infestation of the Japanese beetle lines. I most earnestly urge upon you disease and the mother sacrificed her nassed through all the regimes, Turk­ plus of coffee. In parts of Burlington county, X. The Germans, as we always have Of the world total required to pro- J, the proposed quarantine la In­ been tought, are a joval, friendly that your organization make every own strength in caring for her child- ish, German and English, and he has and good natured people. They thrive possible effort to the end that pled­ . ren. The funeral was hdid on Sunday. taken toll of each in the acquiring of duce these results North America will tended to prohibit the shipment from on hospitality, genial social Inter­ ges of War Saving Stamps be fullfHi­ | Deceased was 42 years of age and languages And baksheesh. Yet, strange­ furnish more than 00 per cent The this territory of green sugar corn, ripe ly enough, he is both Industrious and United States, including tbe West In­ tomatoes and ripe peaches which course and the agreeable cheerful­ ed before the close of the year. The ness of meeting their fellow man government’s monetary requirements was born within 200 yards of the place honest, aDd is the sole support of his dies. will be In a position to furnish might cause this pest to spread. A widowed mother. If you would know s total of about 20,000,000 tons— campaign of eradication authorized under sociable surroundings. Their were never greater nor more press­ where she died. A son, Ralph, who was stationed at what he looks like, imagine a gnome against our pre-war exports of about by congress is now in progress, and hearty laughter, their ringing ing than they are today. Expenditur­ the proposed quarantine is deemed songs, their easy friendliness around es for November were greater than Camp Lewis, arrived here Sunday af­ about three and a half feet high, as 6,000,000 tons. The bread grains situation allows necessary to support the measurre the festive’board make them desira­ in any similar period. These expendi­ ternoon. A daughter, Rosie, was very broad us a brownie and as brown as a tures growing out of the war must critically ill with measles the first of berry, with two big dark eyes that tbe world to abandon the use of sub­ that are being taken for the suppres­ ble companions. stitutes in wheat bread. Large sup­ But the French and English! There be met from borrowing from the peo­ the week, and at one time her life was shine out of the middle of a perpetual plies have accumulated In the Argen­ sion of this dungerous pest. smile. at the armistice meeting sat the ple and their magnificent response • dispaired of. . tine. Australia and other hitherto In­ Hie Expedient. first lord of the British admiralty to the government’s requirements I Mabie Oliva Bumgamer was bom accessible markets A continued high The army examiner was getting makes me confident .tat they will New Motive Power for Barges. maintaining a “cold attitude, never ' November 15th, 1876, being 42 years ! milling percentage, economy of con ­ somewhat out of patience with the In a novel English method of pro­ tempered by a friendly word.” There not fail to continue their support to and 22 days old at the time of her sumption and elimination of waste dull candidate before him. But b* pulsion for canal barges, a small air was Marshal Foch, holding himself the end that all payments resulting death. On January 11th, 1895. at the pump driven by the engine creates a make It possible for the world to re- controlled bls temper, and gave him so aloof that he only appeared brief­ from war necessities will be prompt­ a last chance to distinguish himself. age of 19 years she was married to vacuum In the chamber containing the tnm to a white wheat loaf. ly met. Much remais to be dose: our ly twice during the session and Of all our export possibilities In “Let it be supposed, sir,” he said, brave troops must be maintained and Edward Blum. Besides her husband propeller, and tlfls draws the water fata, the largest and most Important speaking “not a single word in the ironically, “that you were a captain in tone which formerly distinguished paid until their work is fully accom­ she leaves eight children, Ralph who above the level of the canal. This ar­ Item la pork. While we cannot supply command of Infantry; that in your the chivarious French nation.” The plished and they are returning to is at Camp Lewis, Esther, Rosie, Al­ rangement Is claimed to lessen the ero­ the world deficiency, ws will be able rear was an impassable abyss; that on their homes, This is net a time for us sive effects making Increased speeds win, Florence, Claude, Edna and Grace to help it enormously because of the Germans were ready to make a pleas­ both sides of you there rose perpen- ant party of It, but they found to relax our efforts and the treasury also her father, mother, one sister and practicable. A barge of 32 tons was past policies of stimulating production dlcular rocks of tremendous helght : The themselves burdened with the com­ department is making plans for one brother. 1 prepared for trial by mounting on It and restraining consumption, that in front of you lay the enemy. larger and even more Important work an old motor car engine of 18 to 20 government ’ s policy with regard to ------ o------ pany of killjoys. outnumbering you ten to one. What. How different from the good old during the coming year. Please make SILVER WEDDING CELEBRATED. horse power, and from preliminary stimulating tbs production of wheat sir, in such an emergency would you every effort to bring this statement tests was expected to run about five and of pork, tbe readiest source of German way! How different from ■ ■■■ o--------------- I miles an hour when loaded, and eight fata, is thus amply justified by the sit- dor the open handed and almost effusive before the people in your district On Saturday of last week Mr. and "What would I do?" responded th« uatloo upon the return of peace. manner in which Bismarck enter- and to urge upon them the continued Mrs. Rudolph Zweiful of Mohler, cele­ or nine miles t’hen empty. applicant, “I should resign I” holding of their War Savings Certifi ­ Famine Specter Still Stalks. tained the French envoys in 1871! cates, the fulfillment of their pledg­ brated their Silver Wedding anniver-1 Heroic Frenchman. How sadly different from the spirit The people of tbe United 8tatea Studying Deop-Sea Life. sary. Lieut. S. Coulter, French ace, twen ­ es and additional,purchase as their of gemuethlichkeit In which Ger- most continue rare and wise economy A peculiar advantage for the study ty years old, and who has brought means permit. About 70 friend« and relatives were man has tried to conduct the war! In the use of food In order to complete W. G. McAdoo. present and a fine dinner and supper down 17 Boche planes In France, has tbe work of liberating the world. Bnt of marine life Is credited the biological Things are getting in a bad state. — station established at Messina about given onlookers thrills by his nervy were served and dancing and other even with tbe utinoat conservation and Spokesman Review. A Resolution. performances at all fields In the Unit­ production In this country there will two years ago. The sudden rise of the amusements were enjoyed. —---- o------ ocean bed at the strait of Messina Those from Tillamook who attended ed States. He came over from France be In Europe for the next year or more causes very unusual upward current« England a Foreign Trade. Whereas, in the great struggle for a few weeks ago as Instructor. His fa ­ starvation beyond all human power to ------ o liberty and freedom, our beloved the anniversary were: Mrs. G. H. from great depths, and these are no According to the figures given out brother and sister George R. McKIm- •Ward, Mrs. Casper Zweiful, Mr. and vorite pnstlme Is to execute all the allay. In North Russia there are 40.- strong as to bring many of the deep- great stunts, such as spinnlg nose 000,000 people to whom food cannot by the British Board of Trade, the ens and wife has sacrificed a son on Mrs. A. Grunenwald, Mr. and Mrs. S. dives, loops and Immelinan turns with be made accessible this winter. Their sea animals forcibly to the surface, imports of the United Kingdom for the battle field In France; Be it re­ S. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hand­ where they are caught from small 200 feet of the ground. The average transportation Is demoralized in com the nine months of this calendar solved ley and John Zumstein. flyer, even If expert, prefers to try this plete anarchy. And even If Internal boats. The animals are taken under year were over four billion dollars, j That we the Tillamook County game several thousand feet higher, transport can be assured their ports of conditions less abnormal than usual. and the exports over one and a half I Pomona Grange express our deepest where be is safe. $75 Trap Drum Outfit for $25 00 entry would soon be frozen. Million« Many of them are able to produce light billion dollars. Balance of trade was sympathies, to the bereaved father - — o- more who have felt keenly the oppres­ and some even vary the color of the very much against the United King- | and mother. Base drum, foot pedal cymbol hold­ Golfing Prospects. sion of war will be beyond reach of as light at will. dom. She settled either with gold or i Resolved: That a copy of these er, snare arum, sticks, tamborim, An artillery officer, who had been slstance. securities. When peace comes, the j resolutiins be sent to the brother tom-toms, whstie, drum stand and Japanese to Fly In 8iberla. We must realize that upon out a fairly well known golfer and a keen United Kingdom will endeavor to | .and sister McKlmens, and a copy to Yuklteru Ozaki, son of Yuki Oza­ case to carry them in. all or $25 >d. enthusiast. was looking out across a shoulders rents a greater responslblll settle with manufactured goods. Will ! the Grange Bulletin, and the county See E L. Stewart or write Box 546 rolling plain in France that only re­ ty than we have ever before been ki, former minister of Justice of the United States retain a low or j papers for publication. Tillamook. cently had been heavily pounded by asked to assume. We must realize thut Japan, Intends to Join the Semenov Free Trade Tariff to the injury of Done at Pleasant Valley Dec, 5, millions of Ilves depend absolute!) troops with his alrcrsft. He will go shell fire. American industries? Industrial in-1 1918. upon the continued service and sacri with Senmvo, who recently brought ‘ T ’ ve seen some well trapped Don’t throw away your cld tires but dependence will demand a protective the crown prince a pair of Russian R. Y. Blalock, Mrs. M. N. Bays and flee of the American people. courses," he said, “ but I must say this get an “Inner Tire” and get from tariff. We must realize that the a;>ecter ot eagles from Genernl Semenov. Ozaki Ruth Desmond, Committee. too to 5000 mile» more service out of is the best bunkered course I’ve ever famine abroad now haunts the shun will take to Siberia another machln« run across. There’s a pit every 20 each tire at low co»L—See Shrode.* besides his own biplane. d«uce of our table at home. feet Par here must be about 200.” I —