TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 12, 1918. Editorial Snap Shots ------- o George Creel, the government pub- U< ity man who circulated so many mistatements about air plane pro­ duction, is amongst the president's pa: ty on its way to France. Well, wouldn't that jar you, to have such a perverter of the .truth accompany­ ing the president. plight, for they can no longer fool the German people or the people of the world as to who is responsible for starting the world war and car­ rying on the most barbarlous, blood thirsty war in the history of the world. We, in common with most sensible persons, believe that the al­ lied countries should demand the sur­ render of the ex-kaiser and the war lords, and they should be made to pay the penalty of death for their past deeds. deadly nature of the disease* With | the disease so prevalent and liable to remain so. it will do no one any harm to become intelligently inform­ ed, for many lives will be saved by knowing how to properly care for those who are stricken with the in­ fluenza. SMITHY’S VARIETY STORE It will surely make the German people look up and take notice now that England has decided to place that country's indemnity at the enor­ "White washed!” That is what a mous sum of 938,800,000,000. When I Open Evenings. good ninny persons predicted would War Saving Stamps The Spanish influenza is France, Italy and Belgium add their be the ultimate wind up of air plane nary disease, und when it no ordl- demands for indemnities it will be a stated Do Your investigation. President Wilson has that hundreds of persons are is passing Taken in on Your ___ stupendious amount of money Ger­ pardoned the officers who were away because of improper treatment many will have to pay in its efforts guilty in the air plane scandal, and or negligence, it Xmas. Shopping Now. Purchases. looks as though to rule the world Whatever the allied who wasted millions of money the people should become more conver­ countries demand by way of indem­ people have been subscribing for sant as to the best methods of nities from Germany, there is sure to Liberty Loans. There are big sinners handling cases. be persons who are chicken hearted and little sinners, for in this neck of and who will consider that Germany the woods persons who manufactured This is intoxicating liquor from apples are of people a good argument in favor is being imposed upon and harshly holding on to their Liberty treated. This will give pro-Germans made to pay big fines. Is this justice, Bonds. The purchasing power of a and German sympathisers another to allow those who have wasted mil­ lions of the people’s money to go Liberty Bond today is half of what it opportunity to vent their bottled up will be in another year. It will then feelings. This is only a one-sided free? buy twice the amount of flour and way of looking at the situation and We have always had our misgiv­ other necessary things for the home. people must remember that as Ger­ In fact, in another year a Liberty many was cruel, barbarous and blood ings since Governor Withycombe ap­ Bond will have twice the purchasing thirsty in war, it would have been pointed Joe Keller parole officer, for power. Think this over before you equally or more so had she won the surprise to us that he is it is no decide to sell your Liberty Bonds to war. We are one of those who believe causing the governor trouble. bond buyers at a discount. that had Germany won the war she ----- o-------- would have practically bankrupt the From all indications the Spanish The Democratic party lost control allied countries with tremendous in­ influenza Is going to stay with us for a long time. It is well to make up our of both houses of congress because of demnities, and would have gobbled minds as to this and plan as to the mismanagement of the war and wast­ up Belgium, the best part of France 99 M 99 »» best methods to cope with the disease ing enormous sums of money. It was and England and imposed an enor­ in the future. We believe it is the brought about by pet politicians be­ mous indemnity upon the United proper thing to establish a hospital ing at the head of departments in­ States. With these facts starig one in 99 M 99 », for Influenza cases. The disease Is stead of men of known ability and the face, the chicken hearted pacif­ experience, and the squandering of ists and German sympathisers, we just as Infectious as small pox and 99 99 W other contagious diseases, and all large sums of money. That is why suppose will set up a big howl about persons suffering with it should be President Wilson lost control of both the harshness of the peace terms and 9 9 ,♦ 99 quarantined In a hospital for that houses in Congress. Within twelve will want the president to intercede purpose. This, to our way of think­ months Congress appropriated more in behalf of Germany. Germany is ing, is one method of coping with than twenty-three billion dollars and not entitled to any consideration and the disease and prevent it from the government lacked a financial should have none and should be spreading. We would like to see the policy. With that condition of affairs | made to pay all the allied countries local Red Cross and the County court it was not to be wondered at that the for the cost of the war, including take action in this matter, for the people protested. The airplane scan­ the money it cost the United States seriousness ot the influenza situation dal and wilful waste of millions of since she joined the allied countries. opened peoples eyes and set We see no reason why the United justifies such action in every county. dollars them thinking. States should not demand an indem­ The Spanish influenza is killing nity. Another thing tha^ the chicken more persons than the United States It is the intention of England to hearted German sympathisers will lost in the world war, and as people alien enemies, now in deten­ object to is punishment for those in every section of the country sub- ■ i deport camps, to their own countries. who were responsible for starting the scribed lnrge sums of money for re- tion ' lief of our boys In France, it is even This is what the United States should war and for the inhuman slaughter more important that we turn our at­ do with the alien enemy and disloy­ I of women and children and cruelty tention to tlie sick in our own cities al persons in detention camps In the to prisoners of war. Lloyd George. and counties, for the disease, which United States. There were 6000 per­ I premier ot England, puts the ques­ looks more like a plague, Is liable to sons arrested und a considerable tion squarely upon the people of Editor Harvey and a League of remain with us for a long time. number of these are now in deten­ that country when he said: “The Kaiser must be prosecuted. Nations. Aln.iily between 3101,000 and 350,- tion camps in the United States. As 000 have died of the disease in the they did not appreciate the privileg­ The war was a hideous, abominable es they enjoyed in the mil- United States crime, a crime which has sent Editod Harvey of the North Amer- I United States with the prospect of were in sympathy with the cen­ lions of the best young men of Eu- lean Review’, has recently made some double that number being killed be­ and fore a great while. Therefore, it is trill powers, they are no longer fit rope to death and mutilation and editorial comment on the proposed I evident that some system be adopted subjects to remain in this country has plunged myriads of homes into League of Nations. Mr. Harvey says: I “The proposed league is to be com­ to cope with the disease, for a most and should be deported, That, any- disolution. "Is no one responsible? Is no oue mended provided it is found practical serious situation confronts us. The way, is the system to adopt in regard recent closing embargo failed to ac­ to those detained in detention camps, to be called to account? Is there to be i of which some thoughtful statesmen complish what was expected, so other and it is a policy that should be ad­ no punishment? Surely that is neith- have their doubts, and in the way of methods will have to be employed. opted when alien soap box and so­ God’s Justice nor man’s. The men re­ ■ which there are undoubtedly some We offer the suggestion of establish­ cialists hot air orators abuse the gov­ sponsible tor this outrage on the hu­ obstacles." .... ing an emergency hospital In Tilla­ ernment of the United States. One man race must not be let oft because i, Mr. Harvey then defends a league mook County with the hope that way to prevent Bolshevism getting their heads were crowned when they ■ for temporary purposes of for some specific object, citing the present prompt action be taken, ,so that all started in the United States is to perpetrated the deed.” suppress seditious agitators and by That is the kind of answer one league of the allies and the United Spanish Influenza cases cun be prop­ allowing disloyal persons in the de­ should give those who want to let states to fight Germany. He adds: erly cared for and quarantined. tention cutups to obtain their free­ Germany off as light as possible and "But because We have entered into From all Indications there will be dom, they will be the first to abuse who would not punish those whe this informal alliance is not the their privileges and sown the seed of considerable friction between Presi­ discord and Bolshevism. During the were responsible for starting the war slightest reason why we should now dent Wilson und Congrgees the next reconstruction period, when men will It may not be the right Christian or hereafter enter into one of the spirit, but we believe that the ex­ other kind, with any nation on two yeurs. Congress vested the presi­ dent with the power of an autocrat, be thrown out of employment, this is Kaiser and the war lords of Germany Earth.” time when they would find many should be executed and Germany Editor Harvey disagrees with the I to win the war which was the proper ,the 1 followers from the I. W. W. and made to pay all the allied countries friends of the proposed league who ' thing to do, but when he assumed what It cost them to conduct the say that because of the present al- | the position of political dictator and socialist ranks. Congress should do for war. Let that go down in history. It liance is so successful a permanent ¡ advised the people to elect only Dem­ the same as England, deport all alien , I will do more to prevent want In fu- alliance will also be successful. He I ocrats to Congress he started a po­ enemy and this would do a great deal . litical rumpus. It was a serious error to prevent the spread of Bolshevism Iture than adobting a chicken-hearted Saya: States. policy toward Germany. . “On the contrary, the very fact ¡ on the part of the president when he in the United ------ o------ that this one of limited scope and said politics were adjourned, .and a The small liability, is so efficient and satisfac- I Ford Deserved Defeat. few weeks after ussuiued the position get meeting attendance at the bud­ I tory in its working, is a most con- of a political dictator which does not (contrast to last week Is in marked when a paid agitator Henry Ford has been defeated for vincing argument against the other coincide with the principles of De­ mocracy. As a result of thia there stirred up strife and personal feel- United States senator in Michigan. kind.” will be considerable friction between Ing. We do not want to resurrect old He deserved to be defeated He uev- ¡ Mr. Harvey then clinches his argu- the President and Congress as both sores, never-the-less the paid agita­ was-a Democrat, but at tl’e dle’at'on ment as follows; tor did the county more harm than of the President, he was made the If. in the greatest crisis in our hls- houses will be controlled by Repub­ good, and we are one of those who party candidate. He insu"ed ;.n<: of-;,o,y. “lld '» the history of the world licans next March. believe it cost some of the timber fended all respecting men of p >1 tics w« have »•>*» temporary quasf-allian- ------ a----- owners thousands of dollars in the ce *° eminently adequate to all our] No one need have any fear about Incendiary fire up the Kllcrls river by going into the Minh-gan state convention that was to ratify hl, I needs, why should we, in less serious ( the government owning the railroads and munition works and will have to last September. Therefore, taking a n nc- times, assume any more binding ob- be Bryan had that crazy not lop when he | retrospective view of the situation, primary nomination, ■ind employed. It is well understood that Mr. Mc.- tng (practically) the Democratic • • The hi«tory of the | returned from Europe a few years we do not believe that any saving It is doubtful if lumber and build­ Adoo’s successor will have a man­ declaring he w’as not a Dem-1 world, moreover greately disparages party. <" ago and public sentiment was again­ was made in the expenditure of ocrat, never .was - - , » a Democrat and ,he v“h,e ot Permanent and complete ing material will be any cheaper, but size job, and this is true of every st it, us it is now. county funds by the agitation and never would be a Democrat. "Holier ‘alliances, either as a safeguard building hardware and metal will member of the administration who causing personal strife amongst the I against war or as an aid in war. The come down. Good building lots are remains. The feeling is therefore nat­ than thou ” was also his attitude to­ that Most everybody will admit people of the county.. BiH a budget fact is often ignored by advocates ?f certain to advance tn price and with ural that if mistakes have been made ward his own old party, the Repub ­ too much Federal and State legls- meeting is a good place for chronic foreign demand for lumber opening those who made them should have a alliances, that such compact* ate an lican, whose primary nomination he lotion have somewhat handicapped ¡knockers to vent their grievances up it will not fall in value. part in straightening them out, if exaltation of internationalism abo'.e had sought. He was rejected by the the railroads, and now that they are It is a patriotic duty for all who they can. If not the failure should be and apart from that we do not know nationalism. It I* strange that men Republicans and then declared him­ under government control, the ques­ plan residence or business building plain.—Hillsboro Independent. tion before Congress is what is best .that a budget meeting is good for self an Independent. A fine man to do not more fully appreciate this. It in 1919 to make immediate prepara­ anything else, for a county court 'is well enough to form a temporary accept a Democratic nomination and to do with them. If watered stock tions. It will help keep city and For Sale For a Short Time Only. could be eliminated It would not only I don't have to abide by anything that then proclaimed himself as being bet­ ‘or limited alliance for some specific country prosperous and that is the ' a budget meeting does. And it Is a purpose which both parties fully un ­ ter than all the elements in both the be a good thing for the railroads, as best guarantee for industries and en­ One of the best ranches in Tllla- well as the traveling public. We are I good thing, anyway, that It is left Democratic and the Republican par­ derstand and approve. But It is a couragement to returning fighting Ito do what it thinks Is the beat for very different thing for one nation | ties. "He went up like a rocket and | men. not In favor of government owner­ ¡the taxpayers. imook County, close to town, fine im­ came down like a stick.” to tie Itself first to another with an ! ship of railroads, but we do believe ------- o------- provements, good buildings, electric agreement to stand by it in every they should be under government Reaping What Was Sown. We do not wish to cause undue i thing which tuay arise. That l< prac­ lights, thoroughly up to date. This Join the Red Crou. supervision, similar to the public 'alarm, but the Spanish influenza is tically to abrogate its own national­ utility companies in thia state, so as Conducting affairs involving bil­ has never been offered for sale before liable to remain with us for a long The American Red Cross is asking ity in favor of the others. . . Na to prevent unnecessary competing lions with a slogan of "Win the war” and is only on the market now for a lines and that shipments be made time and it Is going to claim many every adult in the United States to tion* will not renounc* nationality and an entire nation on its tiptoes brief period. It will pay you to see victims, and for that reason persons renew his or her membership, or to for Internatioalism. , . Nations over the shortest routes. should become more conversant as become a member. While the war may make treaties as men make con­ loyally eager to render support and Everson. withhold criticism in one thing, and The war lords of Germany, as well how to care for those who are has ceased and there will be no more tracts. But there is no more occasion conducting the same affairs back to stricken with the disease, for good Your Chance For a Good Business At war drive*, the need for help in the for alliance (ban there is for cliques as (he ex-kaiser and the ex-Crown a safe and normal basis with the na­ Prince are having an Interesting nursing is Just as important as a devasted regions is termendous. and and cabals in social life—things tion free to criticise and with time A Great Bargain. time solving the question as to who good doctor. People need more Infor­ millions of lives will be lost for which nine time out of ten are evil.“ to dessect official acts, is a very dif­ mation and It should be given them want of clothing unless we come to The City Transfer Co., of Tilla­ amongst them are responsible for ferent thing, and it is significant Outlook for Building Good. mook, Ore., offers for sale cheap in starting the war. They evidently as soon as possible, for in a serious the rescue. Also, we know that there that this is generally advanced o . — - - --'oiiird as bulk or Singley the following: -•-------- have short memories, for they all ac­ case of Spanish Influenza proper are many Injured soldiers still tn the the — real reason • for the retirement OL of The prospects for the lumber _ - .^mvtlirul cused England of starting the war. nursing plays an important part in hiospltals who will need care for dustry and the building trades in- 1 Mack Truck. ,n " i Secretary McAdoo. It is also signifl- the saving of life. This we want to many months to come. for cant that newspapers regardless of and the people of Germany, as well Impress 1 Maxwell Truck. _ _ _ _ upon those 1919 are batter than any time who have rela­ On next Monday a membership the nAitti».! as a large number of persona in the political affiliations hint that a re­ fives taken down with past year. All over the country comes drive will commense. the disease. 3 Teams horses. and during United States, believed It. Not so to­ | alization of what reconstruction 3 Sets harness. day. however. Truth has routed the Owing to the disease being so con­ , the week every person w'ill be asked news of increased building activities means has much to do with the sec- ' retary's desire to return to private false German propaganda, and there tagious. people are wise to keep to pay the annual membership fee of as restrictions are removed. 2 Dray wagons, Industrial and residence building la no one now who is foolish enough away from homes where they have one dollar. 3 Wood wagons. life, and while it is not plainly stat ­ This is the only way in which the programs for the coming year will to believe that England started the the disease, but It often happens ed. one can read between the lines of that persons cannot be obtained who make an increasing demand for lum ­ Red Cross will raise funds to carry l eDump wagon. war. It was the kaiser, the war lords, know how to handle cases of Spanish on its world wide relief work, and ber. The movement will be slower In the comment and veiled criticism 1 Piano mover. junkers and the general staff who Influenza. We wonder how may of every human being should feel it a the small towns and cities and the that is more openly given the cap­ started the war for world couqueat, our readers know Office fixtures and all equipment tain who Is one of the first to take how to properly country than in the large centers of privilege to contribute a dollar; and and they are blaming one another for a person suffering wlW an honor to wear the 1919 member­ industry. Labor will be more plenti­ to the lifeboats after having got his used in the business. with the hope of saving their own I care For particulars inquire at the of­ Spanish Influenza and know the ship button. ful as It returns from the shipyards 1 ship into difficulties. bide. They are. however. In a sorry I ___ fice of the Company. _____ _____ SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS, GREAT SACRIFICE ON DOLLS, BUG GIES AND CARTS— I have a double dose. 1 bought from two firms that were not sure of making delivery—both firms filled the orders complete so that I am overstocked. In order to move them note the low prices. Then come and see the buggies and carts—you will get the benefit of my loss. w icker Buggies Cut to $7.63 $5.95 Carts cut to $4.00 $8.65 398 3.50 2.35 1.69 3.15 2.56 1.85 1.38 6.75 6.25 3.95 3.00 Buggies ,, 5.62 5.00 2.90 2.45 Oth e rs at 75c., $1.00 and $ 1.20—C( )me now and make se- lection, get your pick of the lot DO YOUR XMAS. SHOPPING EARLY-NOW. If vou are short of funds, pick out the items you want and have us lav them aside—take them anytime before Xmas — trv them DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW ATTENTION ! Watch our Window each day when we will place a Rocking Chair for Sale at 15 per cent Discount for Cash. You will have to come early as this is below cost. Also a large line of Rock­ ers to Choose from at 10 per cent Discount for Cash. Do Your Xmas. Shopping Here HARRIS FURNITURE CO I