TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 12. 1918. undivided 1-3 of an undivided 1-14« $175.79 Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ essment 33.07 essment, ................................ $175.80 or an undivided 1-42 interest in said I Interest . 35.07 property, described as follows to-wit: 1.25 Interest........................................ In pursuance of warrant issued by I Cost of Advertising............... 1.25 Real Estate: All in Tillamook Coun­ Cost of Advertising.............. the Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ Lot 6, Block 1, Owned by ty, Oregon, to-wit: Farm "A”—West Lot 1 Block 6, Owngd by Dwight and Curtis, Ass ­ gon, the undersigned marshal of said half of Southwest quarter and south­ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.79 west quarter of northwest quarter Tillamook City, will on the 21st day essment ................................ $ 53.70 33.07 Section 22, containing 120 acres, AL­ of December, 1918, sell at the hour Interest .................................... 10.11 Interest, .................................... of ten o'clock A. M. at the front door Cost of Advertising............... 1.00 SO, begin at northeast corner of SW 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... of the City Hall of Tillamook City, Lot 7, Block 1, Owned by Lot 2 Block 6, Owned by j *4 of NW*4 said section, and run Oregon, .that being the building in W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $53.70 j thence S. 45 degrees E. to NW cor. Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ which the common council of Tilla- ' essment, ................................ 10.11 of SE quarter said Sec.; thence west $ 53.70 Interest, ................................ inook City holds its sessions, sell at 1.00 t o northeast corner of NW*4 of SW 10.11 Cost of Advertising, ........... Interest .................................... public auction to the highest bidder *4 of said Sec.; thence north to Lot 3, Block 6, Owned by 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... for cash in hand, the real property place of beginning, 20 A., all in sec­ $53.70 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, Lot 8, Block 1, Owned by hereinafter described: 10.11 tion 22 in township 1 south, range 9 Interest,.................................... Ass­ Said property is to be sold for de- ’ Dwight and Curtis, 1.00 West, ALSO: 9-14 interest In the fol­ Cost of Advertising ............... $175.79 essment ................................ linquent assessment made for street lowing, the other 5-14 belonging to Lot 4, Block 6, Owned by 33.07 improvements by the common council Interest .................................... 5 of decedent's children—Robert E. W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.78 Lee Donaldson, Joseph Wesley Don­ 1.25 if Tillamook City, Oregon, by ordi­ Cost of Advertising, ........... 33.07 aldson, Ivan Donaldson, Virgil Don­ nance number 352, adopted October Lot 1, Block 2, Owned by W. Interest........................................ Sth, 1917; 1.00 aldson and Jessie Donaldson Gieb- G. Dwight, Assessment, $ 53.26 Cost of Advertising.............. The respective lots or parts there­ Interest, .................................... 10.10 Lot 5, Block 6, Owned by isch: containing 61.50 acres, more or of, together with the respective Costs of Advertising,........... less: Commence at the NW corner of W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 1.00 amounts of the delinquent assess­ Lot 2, Block 2, Owned by W. Sec. 27, in township 1 south, range Interest, .................................... ments against each thereof, interest 9 west, W. M.; thence south 80 rods; G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.28 Cost of Advertising, ........... thereon and costs to date of sale, due thence run east 135 rods; thence run Lot 6, Block 6, Owned by 32.98 Interest .................................... upon each lot or tract, or part there­ north 80 rods to north boundary said 53.70 W. G. Dwight, Assessment 1.00 of, together with the name of the Costs of Advertising,........... section 27; thence run W. along said 10.11 Interest ....................................... Lot 4, Block 2, Owned by E. owner or reputed owner of each tract section line to place of beginning, 1.00 J. Gienger, Assessment, $53.20 Cost of Advertising, ........... respectively, as the same appears up­ containing 67^4 acres, more or less; 10.10 Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by on the docket of city liens of Tilla­ Interest .................................... Excepting out of the southwest cor­ 50.70 ner of said 67’4 acres, 6 acres be­ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, mook City, Oregon, are as set out in Costs of Advertising,........... 1.00 the following: Interest....................................... 10.11 longing to Margaret E. Jensen, (for­ Lot 5, Block 2, Owned by Em­ Tract beginning 330 ft. S. and 100 1.00 merly Margaret 26.63 Cost of Advertising, ........... ma Leach, Assessment, E. Parkhurst), ft. W. from the S. E. corner of Block Interest .................................... 5.05 Lot 8, Block 6, Owned by which she acquired from Amanda L. 8, Original Town of Lincoln; thence Costs of Advertising,........... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.79 Donaldson, et al, by two deeds re­ 1.00 lu5 ft. S.; thence W. 5 ft.; thence N. Lot 6, Block 2, Owned by S. Interest..................................... 33.07 corded in Deed Records of Tillamook 105 ft.; thence E. 5 ft. to the point Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 County, Ore., in Book 1 pages, 474 A. Moulton Assessment, $25.57 of beginning. and 475, leaving in the tract above, Lot 1, Block 7, Owned by Interest .................... •• .............. 4.79 Owned by M. A. Baker. all in Sec. 27, Tp. 1 south, K. 9. W., W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.80 1.00 Assessment.................................... $35.47 Costs of Advertising,........... W. M. 61.50 acres. Interest ..................................... 33.07 Lot 7, Block 2, Owned by S. interest ...................................... 2.38 I Farm “B”: Lots 4, 5, and 7 and Cost of Advertising ............... 1.00 S. Moulton, Assessment, $25.57 Costs of advertising ............... 3.72 the southeast quarter of southwest 4.79 Lot 3, Block 7, Owned by Lot 5, Block 11, Stillwell Addition Interests .................................... quarter of Sec. 27, aforesaid; ALSO: W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.69 Commence at southwest . corner of to Tillamook City. Oregon Owned by Costs of Advertising,........... 1.00 F. C. Feldschau, Interest,.................................... 10.11 what was formerly George W. El­ Lot 8, Block 2, Owned by $37.25 Assessment.............. Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 mer’s land in said section 27, and Dwight and Curtis Ass­ 2.85 Interest ..................... which point of beginning is south­ essment ......................... .. $25.58 Lot 5, Block 7, Owned by 2.24 Interest....................... ................ Costs of advertising W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.78 west corner of Joseph Champion’s 4.79 Lot 6, Block 11, Stillwell Addition Cost of Advertising, ........... Interest, ................................ f , 33.07 Don. Land Claim No. 39; thence 1.25 to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Cost of Advertising............... 1.00 running East to land deeded by said Lot 9, Block 2, Owned by Assessment................................. $37.24 Elmer and wife to John , Crawford; Lot 6, Block 7, Owned by Dwight and Curtis. Ass ­ Interest ............................ 2.85 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 thence north 6.82 chains; thence essment..................................... 1 $ 25.58 •g .................... 3mS!).l9ApU JO SJSOQ west to west line of said Elmer’s 10.11 Interest, .................................... 4.79 Interest,.................................... C. Feldschau. land; thence south to place of be- 1.00 gitining, containing in the last tract 1.25 Cost of Advertising............... Lot 7, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Cost of Advertising, ...... Lot 7, Block ' 7, Owned by to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Lot 10, Block 2, Owned by 3 M acres, more or less, and in the W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 first tract, 124.84 acres, more or less, A. Barnett. Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Assessment................................. $49.84 10.11 and in all Farm “B” 128.09 acres, essment ............................... $25.58 Interest, .................................... Interest ...................................... ■ 3.36 1.00 Personal property belonging to Interest .................................... 4.79 Cost of Advertising, ........... Costs of advertising.............. 2.24 Cost of Advertising, ........... Farm “A”’—12 hogs and their in- 1.25 Lot 8, Block 7, Owned by Lot 4, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Lot 11, Block 2, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 175.78 crease, 2 mares and their increase; to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Interest, .................................... 33.07 59 cows; 6 heifers and their increase Dwight and Curtis Ass­ J. W. Thompkins. Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 together with all farm implements, $25.58 essment, ................................ Assessment................................. $37.24 And the respective lots and tracts of etc., as described in said inventory, 4.79 Interest ...................................... 2.85 Interest........................................ land or parts thereof, described here­ belonging to Farm “A”. 1.25 Cost of Advertising ............... Costs of advertising.............. ’ 2.24 Personal property belonging to in, will be offered for sale to satisfy Lot 3, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Lot 12, Block 2, Owned by Farm "B”—28 cows; 1 bull; 1 the assessments, interest and costs horse; 1 mare; and all farm imple­ Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by $25.58 due upon each tract, lot or parcel of ments, etc., as described in said in­ J. W. Thompkins. essment, ................................ $37.24 Interest .................................... Assessment .............. 4.79 land or part thereof, respectively, and ventory, belonging to Farm "B", 2.85 Cost of Advertising............... Interest ..................... 1.25 each lot, tract, or parcel of land or said interest in said real and per- 2.24 Lot 13, Block 2, Owned by Costs of advertising part thereof will be sold separately. sonal property to be sold together Tract beginning at a point 165 Dated this 16th day of November, for a lump sum. Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ ft. West from the S. W. corner of Charles A. Smith, Guardian. $25.58 1918. essment, ................................ Block 9, Stillwell’s Addition, thence John Leland Henderson, D. A. Morrison. 4.79 Interest ........................................ N. 105 ft.; thence W. 105 ft.; thence Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. Attorney for Guardian. 1.25 S. 105 ft.; thence E. 105 ft. to point Cost of Advertising............... Notices posted Nov. 11, 1918. Lot 14, Block 2, Owned by of beginning. Owned by M. H. Reese. First publication Nov. 14, 1918. Notice. Dwight anr Curtis, Ass­ $74.48 Assessment.............. Last publication Dec. 12, 1918. -------o------- $25.57 essment, ................................ 5.01 Interest ..................... To the taxpayers of the Port of 4.79 3.72 Interest..................................... Costs of advertising Notice as to Stock Running at Large. And the respective lots and tracts Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.25 Tillamook, Oregon. ------ o------ At a meeting of the board of com ­ of land or parts thereof, described Lot 2, Block 3, Owned by Al­ Notice Is hereby given, that at a missioners of. the Port of Tillamook, herein, will be offered for sale to bert Schlappi Assessment Oregon held on the 4th day of De­ general election held in the various satisfy the assessments, interest and Interest........................................ cember, 1918, the following estimate precincts of Tillamook County, State costs due upon each tract, lot or par­ Costs of Advertising,........... or budget of the receipts and dis­ of Oregon, on the 5th day of Novem­ cel of land or part thereof, respec­ Lot 3, Block 3, Owned by Kas­ bursements of the said Port for the tively, and each lot, tract or parcel per Schlappi, Assessment $53.70 year 1919 was ordered published, as ber, A. D., 1918, a vote was taken of land or part thereof, will be sold for and against stock running at 4.79 required by law: Interest, .................................... separately. large In the precincts of said county 1.00 RECEIPTS. Dated this 20 th day of ovember, Costs of Advertising,........... of Garibaldi, Nehalem, and that por­ Balance on hand, Dec. 4 1918 Lot 5, Block 3, Owned by 1918. tion of Wilson precinct described as after paying oatstanding Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ D. A. Morrison, liabilities.......................... $2,322.42 follows: City Marshal. essment, ................................ $122.09 Commencing at the southeast cor- 22.98 Proceeds of levy of 2 mills Interest........................................ ner of section 18, in township 1 on the dollar of estimate 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... Notice of Sale; south of range 7 west of Willamette assessed value of the Lot 8, Block 3, Owned by Port $1,182,100 ............... 2,364.20 Meridian, in Oregon, and running Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ In pursuance of Warrant issued by thence north along said section line essment................................... $122.09 the Recorder of Tillamook City, Total ............................. $4,686.62 to the northeast corner of section 31 22.98 Oregon, the undersigned marshal of Interest....................................... in township 2 north of range 7 west; DISBURSEMENTS. 1.25 Maintenance and improve­ thence west to the northwest corner said Tillamook City, will on the Cost of Advertising, ........... ment Hoquarton slough. $4,000.00 of section 31, in township 2 north of 21st. day of December, 1918, sell at i Lot 5, Block 4, Owned by range 8 west; thence south to the Dwight and Curtis Ass- $122.09 Balance to cover legal and the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at the southwest corner of section 18, in other expenses incidental 22.98 front door of the City Hall of Tilla­ Interest, .................................... township 1 south of range 8 west; to proper management of 1.00 mook City, Oregon, that being the I Cost of Advertising, ........... the Port............................ 686.62 thence east to the place of beginning building in which the Common Council Lot 8, Block 4, Owned by at the southeast corner of section 18, Dwight and Curtis Ass­ of Tillamook City holds its sessions, Total ............................. $4,686.62 in township 1 south of range 7 west essment, ................................ $122.09 sell at public auction to the highest Please take notice that a meeting of the Willamette Meridian, In Ore­ 22.98 bidder for cash in hand, the real pro­ Interest,.............................. of the taxpayers of the said Port of gon. and that at such election a ma­ 1.25 Tillamook is hereby called to meet jority of all the votes cast in said Cost of Advertising.............. perty hereinafter described.. Said property is to be sold for delin­ Lot 1, Block 5, Owned by at the City Hall in Tillamook, Ore­ precinct and said portion of precinct Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ quent assessments made for street gon, on the 26th day of December, were against stock running at large essment, ................................ $175.79 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. therein; and that in sixty days from improvements by the Common Council 33.07 for the purpose at discussing the said the date of this notice it shall be un­ of Tillamook City, Oregon, pursuant Interest....................................... lawful for stock to run at large in 1.25 estimate or budget. to an order of the Common Council Cost of Advertising, ........... By order of the Board of Commis­ such precincts of Garibaldi, Nehalem Lot 2, Block 5. Owned by made on November 8th, 1918. sioners: and such portion of Wilson precinct, Dwight and Curtis Ass­ The respective lots or parts thereof, $53.70 Secretary of the Port of Tillamook, tinder penalty of ten dollars for the essment ................................ together with the respective amounts By. C. W. Miller, Sec. first offense and twenty dollars for 10.11 of the delinquent assessments against Interest, ......................... each and every subsequent offense, 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... each thereof, interest and costs to to be recovered from the owner of Notice of Guardian ’ s Sale of Real and date of sale, due upon each lot or . , Lot 3, Block 5, Owned by such stock in a civil action in the Personal Property—Register Dwight and Curtis. Ass- tract or part thereof, together with t name of the State of Oregon before a No. 550. $53.70 the name of the owner or reputed I ; essment................................... ------ o------- justice of the peace in the district In 10.11 owner of each tract respectively, as ' Interest, .................................... In the County Court of the State of which such owner or keeper or either 1.25 Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. of them may reside, and if there be the same appears upon the docket of ! , Cost of Advertising.............. In the matter of the Guard­ no justice of the peace in such dis­ city liens of Tillamook City, Oregon, i ■ Lot 4, Block 5, Owned by I Dwight and Curtis, ianship of Rachel Smith, a trict, then before any justice of the Ass­ are as set out in the following. peace in the county. essment.................................... $175.78 minor, by Charles A Smith, All in Maple Grove Addition to Dated this 21st day of November, 33.07 Guardian. Interest........................................ Tillamook City, Oregon: Notice Is hereby given, that the A. D„ 1918. 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... Lot 1, Block 1, Owned by undersigned by virtue and authority Erwin Harrison, County Lot 5, Block 5, Owned by Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ of a license and order of sale of the Clerk of Tillamook, Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ essment.................................... $175.79 County Court of the County of Tilla­ County, Oregon. $175.78 essment ................................... 33.07 Interest........................................ mook. State of Oregon, made and en­ 33.07 tered into Its records the 11th day of 1.25 Interest,.................................... Cost of Advertising, ........... Buy Your Meat for Canting Now. 1.25 November, 1918, will from and after Cost of Advertising............... Lot 2, Block 1, Owned by Lot 6, Block 5, Owned bd Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ Meat will be high this winter. Get the 13th day of December, 1918, at the office of John Leland Henderson it now for canning, while it Is cheap. Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ $53.70 essment, ................................ Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per $53.70 tn the city of Tillamook City, Tilla­ essment................................... 10.11 Interest .................................... 10.11 mook County, Oregon, sell, at private pound. Cost of Advertising, 1.25 Interest,.................................... Beef steak, 18c. to 28c. per lb. 1.25 sale for cash to the highest and best Cost of Advertising, ........... Lot 3, Block 1, Owned by Beef pot roast, 12%c. to 22c. per bidder, all of the following described Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by Dwight and Curtis, Ass- I real and personal property situate in pound. Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ $53.70 essment ................................ Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per lb. the County of Tillamook and State of 1*8.70 10.11 essment................................ Interest .................................... Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb. Oregon, to-wit: 10.11 1.25 Interest....................................... Cost of Advertising, ........... All meats are government inspect­ AB of the Interest of said Rachel 1.25 Smith, as an heir at law of Amanda ed. Cost of Advertising............... Lot 4, Block 1 Owned, by Lot 8, Block 5, Owned by Dwight and Curtis, Ass- Tillamook Meat Co. L. Donaldson, deceased, and being an Notice of Sale. ---------- o---------- Unusual Times ARE facing the most extraor- inary situation in the history of our country. Never before have so many new problems—so many de­ mands for re-adjustment—thrust them­ selves upon men and women for settle­ ment. lliings big with fate are happening and we must know how to adjust our business—our homes—our personal lives to the new conditions. This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin Letter that represents a very unusual service at this time. In a clear and general way these Bulletins present the pith of facts that influence your welfare. This is one of the ways we are helping our friends and customers to meet the demands of the present and assisting them in their plans for the future. We will gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone free for the asking. Tillamook County Bank Tillamook, Oregon CLOUGH S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE i t 1 > > i DRUGGISTS. Hank pinned the bee on Ed for fair % Ed never could see any chew but a big hunk of oversweet tobacco. “You take this plug of Real Gravely,’’says Hank.“Take a small chew—two or three squares. See how long it holds its pure, rich taste. If you don’t admit that Gravely gives you tobacco satisfaction without extra cost, I’ll buy your plug for a month” Hanged if Ed didn’t walk in next day, grab off a plug of Gravely and throw down his money just like a little man! It tttt/•nkr-tbTl »¡.f tk. 1—4 •/ i * m «<•» •/ tan ntl. A- PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in PG GPAVELY TO PACCO ¿O a pouch DANVILLE VA AbEX. MeRfllR & c0 GENERAL HARDŒ1ARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating 5toves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere