■ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBL» 12, 1918 stand the attacks of the great French who will be the president ad interim, comtuanuer. it reveals a character Thomas R. Marshall or Colonel I author uiiteieni Horn that which the House? ■ o------- _ 1 newspaper* have impressed ou me I Senator Chamberlain, chairman of military affairs committee, in his puuuc mind, but the picture is none | Why not get up a war between the Ch! ago speech last Friday, advocat­ I the less ihic.euiing and souinlling. I Turks and the boliseviki and let I everybody holler: "Go to it Turk; ed compulsory military training for His theory ot war, translated into men between the ages of 18 and 45, sausee terms, seems to be that the go to it bear?" ------- o------- in , ace times as well as war. And army that "never knows when it is John Sharp Williams demands the we are talking of a league of na­ ricaed will always ue the winner. I blood of the Kaiser. The senator from tions with judges on high, to prevent To quote: "A battle won Is a battle In which .Mississippi should remember that future wars, to make secure the pea* of the world. Do we mean all one will not admit oneself vanquish­ during the last big war this country experienced, the favorite marching we .-gty and strive for or Is it just an ed.” the author of this aphorism was a tune of our army was the demand internal lonal hope held out to be broken later. Maybe if we make the snnuy bum man of middle height, ¡that a certain favorite son of Miss­ Wi iitary salaries more attractive >. no uad been quieuy smoking cigars issippi be hanged to a sour apple there will be no need of compulsory rUruughout a memorable lemuary tree, but nothing ever came of it. day just tnree years ago. lawa. — Bank.-, Herald. A Columbia University professor ’ rend a battle is lost.'” i ventured. WON I ) E R FUL ST Y L ES. rue grey-biue eyes twiukieu into a refers to the United States'as "the We are not in sympathy with the nation that gave Woodrow Wilson government’s apparent wish to take smile. ' A battle lost,” he said, "is a bat­ to the world.” Don’t we get any the job of feeding all of Europe and "Ireland.” There is plenty, and tle winch one believes to be lost, lor credit for McAdoo? more, too, for big business to do at battels are not lost materially." George Creel is going to Europe to There was a pause, and tne speak­ home without reaching out, apparen­ Georgecreel the cable news from Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere er s cigar-aon flickered to the ground tly under the government’s aid, for ”-hy friends,” he continued, "it is Europe. The country has had pretty an expansion of its field. We had bet­ AT------ ter look after our home needs, dur­ thereiore true that the battles are near a stomach load of historical fic­ tion from that quarter during the CROSS THE ST. ing these reconstruction days or won morally.” it was General Foch who addressed war, but evidently we are going to there will be trouble ahead.—Willa­ FROM CLOUGH’S us—General Foch, who is today in continue to be treated to denatured mina Times. facts for some time to come. DRUG STORE. supreme command ot the allied ar ­ ------- o------- The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, 1ILLAMOOK, ORE. While Webster defines the word mies, the elected champion of civili­ At last the Socialists have got up a Armistice as a "brief suspension of sation against mnoeiiuurg and the full fledged heaven of their own in . [ hostilities by agreement,” all the Hunnish hordes. that is Foch all over—Foch ai-| Russia, but nobody has been trampl- world knows the term is at present being used merely uh a camouflage ways," said an old and Intimate ed on in tke rush of socialists to get I hau .... lett ____ us ,o iL They are like the man who ___________ for "unconditional surrender," since menu when tne general lor a few moments. "He was born a | dled a, . ,d woke U P in a strange place, Germany, is carrying out the terms 4 of the agreement by disarming her mathematician, out he has me tem­ with the remark; "Why, this doesn’t look like heaven.” The reply was: entire military force, surrendering perament ot a philosopher."' And this iuie, smoking-room des­ "It isn’t.” all of her submarines, the greater part of her artillery, navy, trans- cription adequately tits the man to n°t operate the postoffice de­ portation facilities, and border strong w horn the world in its hour oi agony | " holds, and also an enormous portion today looks tor victory. He has al-1 Partment in the interests of the peo- philosophic ple ra,her than Primarily for the of her territory, makes herself abso­ ways regarded with lutely impotent tor any further re­ UOUbt the wisdom of applying lo welfare of the mail order magnates? sistance against the carrying out of war the exact science ot mathematics And why put twenty thousand trucks whatever peace conditions the allies At the battle ot me Marne, which on the job of delivering merchandise may care to impose.—News Report­ his brilliant strategy did so much to for the mail order houses in competi­ win, the forces ot General von Hou- tion with the local retail merchant, er. sen smashed in both wings ol Foch s thus increasing the volume of busi­ In asking money for a survey of army, tty ail the rums ot military ness of this kind to the further im­ logged off lands with a view to pro­ mathematics he should have with­ pairment of the legitimate purposes viding homes for returning soldiers drawn his center, instead, with in­ of the postal service? If the govern­ Secretary Lane overlooks the fact stant decision, he struck at the ment proposes to operate the express that muscle and not surveys is what enemy's center, and von Hausens companies, why not turn the express business over to them, and make is needed. As a substitute for muscle legions fell back in dismay. Wnen tnree years ago i had the such rates that will pay the cost of some one has suggested that we might use our left over stock of high honor ot staying with General Foch operation, rather than tax other explosives and points to what they at his northern headquarters—a de- I classes of mail to fatten the fortunes did to the soil of Northern Erance — lightlul old house, built by some of the merchandise millionaires in a suggestion that will appeal to the old Flemish architect lor the arts of the larger centers of population? fellow who lute been toying with big peace rattier man me arts ot war— Why Do They Rejoice? stumps year in and year out without ne frequently elaborated this view. ------- o------- getting rid of them. Independent. War, he toid me, was not an exact ; Chicago Socialists celebrated science. The developments ot science plowmall of the German emperor, the There were twenty one automobile had, indeed, but increased the men­ list of speakers including Victor accidents at highway crossings on tal and moral effort required of each Berger. What did the Socialists have the Southern Pacific during the participant. It is only in the passions to do with the downfall of the Kais­ month of October, resulting in five urouseu in each man by the conflict | er? They had thirty-five per cent of people being killed, twelve injured that the combatant gains strength tile vote nad uflly half the popula­ and twenty-one automobiles damag­ tn wul to luce the hell of modern tion of Germany when the war was ed or destroyed. Of these, three au­ war. In the end the more enduring started and they stuck to the Kaiser tomobiles stalled on the (tack and passion prevails. in Germany and every other country were struck by trains; four automo­ tne man who talked like this in until the armies they tried to keep biles ran Into and struck the side of tlie old Flemish house in the winter from being raised in the United moving trains; one attempted to run oi laid has studied the mere mathe­ States and the allied nations put in around a cut of cars being switched matics of war all his working life. the knock-out-punch. The Socialists into the yards; one in the course of About the same age us his chief men­ pulled Russia out of the war, sold excitement turned down the track tal antagonist, LudeuuuiTf, he was us completely out to Germany and paid and ran into a cattle guard; one ran u youth a gunner. the Kaiser a big indemnity. They de­ into and broke down a crossing gate At the outbreak of the present war moralized the Italian army and pret­ lowered to protect pedestrains and Focu, although already famous as a ty nearly put it out of commission vehicles while train was passing; writer on military strategy, was sim­ last year. They tried to break down eleven tried to cross immediately in ply a corps commander at Nancy. the morale of France and England .front of approaching trains.—Sheri­ 1 hen, as now, a gieal German aimy land thus bring about victory for the dan Sun. oi c. muneuver ...™cdvcr under the eyes of tne j Kaiser aii(j Hi» cohorts. In the United fcaiaer was set-King a swill decision. Istateg the Socialists have been op- | pOS¡U _ g war ;e --------- Kaiser and have ... — on — u — Now That Peace is Here—Don't 1’ocii K remarkable strategy cheated the Germans then, and he t woke up | done all in their power to weaken the ■>8, Jump at Conclusion». one moining to find himself in com­ American cause. They stuck by the - ■ o------ Kaiser in Germany and held back Don't think thut the boys in mand of an army. Afterward came Ypres. the work of defeating him in the en- France will be buck in the next boat. It was at 2 o clock in the morning |emy .... countries, ------------- , thus prolonging the It took over a year to get them over of November 1 that Foch met French 1 war many months and causing the there. It will take some time to get tthein all back, and there will be a when the tide ot battle was running sacrifice of millions of lives. The _________ ___ in spite of and out lot lor them all to do before one of strongly agulnal us. It was suggest- | Kaiser is down ed, for the sake of prudence, that the | them. Socialists were willed the Kai- them comes back. ’ 8cr’8 estate in Germany. They laun- Don't think that you won't need to Britlsh should retire. The < develop-| - no — revolution -------------- 1 until the allies save food anymore Remember thqre I ment ot this suggestion was scatter-1 ched are millions of people who will have ed by Foch a Interruption, uttered in | and the United States had disposed to depend on tlie United States of uiose stirring macliine-guu-like sen­ of the German military forces. The America for practically everything tiences of his which 1 know so well. Socialists of the United States might _ __ be justified in telegraphing their they get to eut for u year or more * This is what he said; " 1 he Germans have sixteen corps. I condolences to the Kaiser, but but they they Mrs. Isley s Letter. after the war is over. This means we must continue voluntarily rationing Very well. We have only ten, with Lave no part or lot in the work of in a recent letter Mrs. D. W. Islev, until Europt* and the rest of the y ours. If you retire 1 shall remain. I overthrowing him; for they did all of Litchfield, Ill., says, "I have used world can plant now crops and grow Remain! The British army never they could to hinder and defeat the drew buck in Its history. As for my- American people in that task. Having Chamberlain’s Tablets for disorders them. Dont' think the man-power will no self. 1 give you my word as a soldier stuck by the Kaiser so loyally when of the stomach and as a laxative, and longer be needed Three million thut 1 will die rather than retreat. I he was still on his throw n, it is a have found them a quick and sure shame for the Socialists to desert relief." If you are troubled with in­ men are still out of industry. Govern­ Give me yours!" The soldiers round him listened in him now that they have failed to digestion or constipation these tab­ ment war work will continue at top speed for a long time, even after silence. It was Lord French who step- I break the will of the American peo- lets will do you good.” For sale by ped forward and grasped Foch firm- I pie to defeat him, and he is only a Lamar's Drug Store.— Pd. Adv. peace has been assured. Don't think that transportation ly by the hand. In that handshake I private citizen w ho wishes above all A GAIN we approach the Holiday Season. It will »oon be Stomach Trouble. w 111 be normal at once again—The the doom of the Germans at Ypres | else to remain private, time for u» to say to one another. "Merry Christina» and "Before I used Chamberlain ’ s Tab ­ was sealed. railroads all over the country will > -i ^“PPy New Year. What a splendid time for you to lets I doctored a great deal for A single instance will often illu­ Autocracy. have more than they can do in trans­ decide to put into your home those thing» which bring help, com­ ------ o stomach trouble and felt nervous and porting government supplies, raw minate it character more than pages fort. contentment and lasting cheer for every member of the family. The people of this country gave tired all the time. These tablest material and essentials for a long of description. That memorable in­ cident at Ypres explains General |evidence in the recent election of helped me from the first, and inside time to come. their opposition to autocracy. The of a week’s time I had improved in D^heTou^^V^? b?e^ de“’ eleCtnC for Don't think that the government Foch. "Gentlemen you have a great Gen- | politician who seeks to use party every way,” write. Mrs. L. A. Drink- will atop work on great contracts he house and bam; also electnc power to run the washer for armament Plans for the Navy eral’ said Lord Roberts to the staff I leadership or official position as a ard. Jefferson City. Mo. For Sale by converi^” andL othfw machinery, h bnng’city alone are not one-third completed, of General Foch when the British I personal asset, who refuses to take Lamar’» Drug Store.—Pd. Adv. conveniences and modern benefits to the country home—mate« tkl the |council or cooperate with others, who veteran visited the front after we understand, war or no war, and attempts to impose his own will upon these are only part of the govern- battle of Ypres. Few Escape. his fellows without their consent, ment'» defense plana. 1 here are few indeed who escape Time and Labor saved PERTINATE PARAGRAPHS. who insists upon dominating without having at least one cold during the Don't think that there wlll be more ------- o------- regard to the wishes or feelings or winter months, and they are fortun­ good» from which to chose Immed- Congress should demand that ex- convictions of others, Is a menace to lately Many factories will not get ate who have but one and get un- any party and any people. This gov- Tillamook Gara