TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 5, 1918. HALF-PRICE BARCAIN TABLE. REMNANTS HALF-PRICE. A Bargain Table packed full with all kinds of articles suitable for Xmas Gifts, personal or home use. Jardinieres, Sandwich Servers, Fruit Baskets, Flower Bowls, Laundry or Sewing Baskets, Dolls, Perfumes, Cretonne Bags, Cushion Covers, Stamped Linen Goods, all at just half the marked price.______________ Hundreds of desirable lengths of fabrics for all purposes. Dress Silks, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Outings, Wash Goods, White Goods, Underwear Fabrics, Linings, Cretonnes, Draperies, Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Tubings, in fact lengths of practically every kind of Peace Goods in the store 36 inch Wide Bleached Muslins 25c. Yard All sizes—Actual $2.75 values Women’s Winter Union Suits $1,19 Each Cotton Hose Gift Hair Bow Ladies’ Gift Ladies’ Fibre Ribbons, 25c. Yard Handkerchiefs, 17c. Each. Silk Stockings, 69c. Pair. All sizes in splendid quality Gloves suitable for Gift Purposes. Values to $2.50. Men's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Underwear 63c. Garment All size«—Actual 11.25 values 6 for $1.00. Plain, embroidered, initialed and hemstitched Handkerchiefs for La­ dies. Values to 25c. All sizes in Black, white and a few popular colors at less than factory cost today. The Entire Stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ Keady-to-Wear Underpriced Ladies’ and Misses’-New Coats Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual $19.65 $25.00 $29.85 $34.45 $38.45 $57.85 $68.45 Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepriced . Coats Salepricedr Ladies’ Suits Actual Actual Actual Actual $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 $59.85 Serge Dresses. Actual Sults Salepriced .... Suits Salepriced......... Sults Salepriced.......... Suits Salepriced.......... $19.45 Dresses Salepriced Actual I $25.00 Dreases Salepriced Actual $29.85 Dresses Salepriced Actual I $33.45 Dresses Salepriced Silk Blouses . ... .... .. . . .... Silk Petticoats Actual Actual Actual Actual $5.00 Petticoats Salepriced .. .. Actual $6.35 Petticoats Salepriced . . Actual $8.85 Petticoats Salepriced Men’s Negligee and Boyls’ Shirts and Dress Shirts Blouses 43c. Each 59c. Each 95c. Each Actual 75c. to Palm Beach $1.00 Values Petticoats, $2.69 Each Great Victory Economy Sale of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses, $5 39 Each. For Models Actually Worth $7.00 and $ 7.50. Ladies' Misses A wonderful variety of styles, colors and finishes. Some are hemstitched, some embroidered, others tucked and pleated. All are exquisite and easily worth half as much more than the price asked for them. Splendid Gifts. U ill surely be appreciated. All sizes in stock. Ladies’ Silk Hose, QOr Pair M dll« $1.25 Values and up for ‘luantity only—mostly manufacturer«’ samples Black, colors and novelty color combinations. Lece and Embroider Remnants,