TILLAMOOK Sightseers Should Stay at Home. Two or three year» ago there was much discussion In this country as to whether or not the people of the United States were justified in trav­ eling on the high seas, thereby in­ creasing the possibility ot a break between this country and Germany, because of the latter's submarine ■warfare. Many urged that Americans should stay off the water rather than cross Germany’s ruthless path, but the opinion of the majority, that Germany should not be allowed to intimidate American citizens, ruled. The situation is different now. There is no teai- of Germany. She is not trying to bully the world today. Instead, she is begging for food to save many millions of her unfortun­ ate people from starvation. Russia is hungry to the point of threatened starvation ot a score of millions of her people. Belgium, France, Eng­ land, Italy, Serbia. Rumania, Austria, Turkey, Armenia—the peoples ot these countries are in desperate straits, and America must rush to the rescue with every pound of food that all the available ships ot the world can carry. Sightseers have no right today to occupy space on ocean vessels. If they have no better part to pay in this tremendous crisis than wondering about the world to satisfy their curiosity, let them restrain that curiosity until the starving are ted. But better yet. let them join the world-patriotic producers, and help save humanity Horn terrible disaster. Don't Forget the Hoad Question. ------o------ While the problems ot war and ot the first stages ot reconstruction have been absorbing our interest, It has been wise and patriotic lo toigel some of the problems of normal times in our own communities. But It is now time to resurrect one ot them with u whoop. Roads! There are no greater requirements for the welfare 01 rural lite than good roads. Even the automobile cun bling only halt saiistuctiou to travel between farm and town when the roads are muddy und heavy. The wagon or the buggy trip is one so uninviting that it is not made often enough. But a good dirt roud it doesn't require pave­ ment always to make a good high­ way—cuts the dlstunce in two for man und beust. County und stute au­ thorities should be ever on the job to muke the best rouds possible und keep them in the best possible condi­ tion with judicious expenditure of the people's money. And the farmer who lives ulong the road should be wutclilul for the appeurance ot cuts, poor drainage, chuck holes and the like. Half an hour and u dollar spent to correct a fault will often prevent weeks of bumpy or muddy travel and the expenditure of liulf a day und several dollars for later repair. Legislative Reforms. The people me demanding a higher standard of service in the state leg­ islature if that branch of the gov­ ernment is to enjoy respect. By the system known us direct leg- isiution the people showed that they distrusted legislatures us such, but that system hu.s not worked well. The people have a right to demand greater efficiency and less waste by less rash enactment of luws. Before a legislature tukes up und enacts u new law imposing a tux or creating burdens uffectlng all the people such law should be asked for by some one besides those interested in putting It over. The old order ot business, ‘'peti­ tions and remonstrances'** that was established uh u regular feature of legislative business should be reviv­ ed and no law passed until petitions for it are on file. In the same wuy, having one or two professional lobbyists, generally publishers from some big city, make lieudquartera at the stale house and take pei-sonul charge of the legisla­ ture is wrong. Americana should also rise above the petty practices of nepotism that manifests Itself in taking members ot their families to the state capitol and getting them fat sinecures dur­ ing the session. If this Is lo be a country with op­ portunity for all alike to get to the front. In peuce times us well us war, and if politically we are ull created free und equal, let our legislatures set a new puce. causes 01 tue war, anu millions ot powerless uiotuers wuu hau no voice ■vuatever in tue council that hurleu ciermauy s muuslious military ma­ chine upon inoitensive Belgium and auU the peaCe-uesinng people of France. iiumanity demands, now that Ger­ many is a ueieateu and suitenug ..uppiiant^or peuce anu foou, mat me uiiieu nations yieiu to me better nictates ot men nature and send .oou to tneir former enemies, Fresi- uent Wilson, rremier Lloyd Ueorge and Premier Clemenceau were quica iu aeimowiedge me obligation and mey are rigui. ue..enciai results of their gener­ osity are already visible. Encouraged uy their promise oi succor, me Mer­ man people are taking up the large lusks ot reconstruction and me pros­ pect mat mey will Uu.iu an omieriy government on eiillgutened and pro­ gressive lines have brightened no- uceable within the week. auuul I cheering sign is the surrender, with­ out treachery, of Germanys’ submar­ ines and tue stiuplated warships ot the German navy. Apparently, too, German atmies are lulling back in close accord with tne terms ot the armistice. These are the first evi­ dences 01 good faith that have come out ot Germany in more than four years and to that extent the Garmans are entitled to credit. Anarchy and bolshevism teed upon hunger, cold and disease, as the tragic experience ol Russia too well attest. They will vanish irom Russia when the.icussian people are succor­ ed. They would run riot In Germany if the new government there could not hold out expectations ot ap- proaching relief. Put Germany Under an Allied Re­ ceivership. HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 5, QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, SANITATION. will Issue receiver’s certificates I Nine hundred and eighteen weav- against it, these certificates to be a I ing and spinning mills, 86 percent. VETERINARIAN. Two hudred and eighty six sugar That the germ is the cause of most ' first claim against your economic re- | : refineries, 86 per cent. — Chicago Mutual Phone. sources. After you have paid off • deadly disease is more than mere I Bell Phone—32J theory—it is a real fact. The work these certificates to the last pfenning ' Tribune. Oregon. Tillamook of tuberculosis sanltorlums, the ty­ you can do as you please among your For Croup. ’ selves of your own war bonds. You phoid hospitals in the canal zone, ------o------ can take another country, establish the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy AVID ROBINSON, M.D., dence of the fact that the safety of| your government and resume busi­ ness under our receivership. But you 1 Is splendid for croup,” w rites Mrs. man does not depend on good or bad must pay the receivers’ certificates, Edward Hassett, Frankfort, N. Y. luck, but upon the fight which each PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and with the payment thus made we "My children have been quickly re­ individual makes upon the disease lieved of attacks of this dreadful will do what we can toward compen­ germs, the cause of most losses ot NATIONAL BUILDING, life and dollars. In selecting a weap- j sating the countries that have suf­ complaint by its use.” This remedy i contains no opium or other narcotic, fered from your crimes.’’ OREGON. on to kill the germs of disease several , TILLAMOOK The allies have made only an ar­ and may be given to a child as con- vital questions must be looked squar- . mistice with Germany. Its terms are ! fidently as to an adult. For sale by ely In the face or disinfectanting will T.. BO ALS, M.D., not the peace terms. They are only ' Lamars’ Drug Store—Pd. Adv. be little better than useless. First— conditions laid down to insure Ger­ Has the disinfectant the power to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON many's acceptance of the peace terms Few Escape. kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, that are yet to be framed. Justice, Can the disinfectant be used safely Surgeon S. P. Co. There are few indeed who escape restitution, reparation are a task of whenever disease germs are found? during the H. O. O. F. Bldg.) many yearB. Germany cannot pay its having at least one cold 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ debts in one year or in five years. It winter months, and they are fortun- where and every where, and by any Tillamook .... Oregon can pay them in annuity over a term ate who have but one and get body, and can it be used with safety? of 40 or 50 years, and justice and through with it quickly and without Therefore a disinfectant that can be the future safety of the world re­ any seriousness consequences. Take OBERT H. McGRATH, used with safety must not be a poison quire that she shall pay the debt to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and or coatine acid, whereas poisonous [ COUN’SELLOR-AT LAW, the last dollar that her industries observe the directions with each bot­ disinfectants endanger the life of tle, and you are likely to be one of can bear. human beings or animals, this can be ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING the fortunate ones. The worth and verified by turning to the files of TILLAMOOK, OREGON. merit of this remedy has been fully our daily papers. When buying a dis­ A Room With Bath. proven. There are many families infectant be sure what you buy as P ortiand O ffice Taking up the Netherlands adven­ who have always used it for years your life may depend on that pur­ 1110 W ilcox B ld . tures ol the former crown prince of when troubled with a cough or cold, chase, look at the label, note the Germany where we left oft a week and with the very best results. For germ killing power and If It is poison or so ago, we find that the holiday sale by Lamar’s Drug Store—Pd Ad or not. Disinfectants are measured QARL HABERLACH air has worn off to some extent. The upon the germ killing strength of excellency ot Dutch beer and the undilute/i carbolic acid, which they WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. cheerful willingness of the Dutch term a phenol coefficient. Look for FOR SPOT CASH soldiery to oblige with a cigarette the phenol coefficient on the label. T illamook B lock ANY ISSUE. are not so prominent in recent dis­ B. K. was tested by the United patches concerning the young man's States Hygiene Laboratory and found , Oregon. $100 movements. Instead we find dis­ $50 to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus quieting mention of unfriendly $500 $1000 or ten times stronger than undiluted crowds at the railway stations, greet­ EBSTER HOLMES, carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much ing the not-so-apparent heir with Send us your Bonds by registered, stronger than coal tar disinfectants . that inharmonious, throaty sound letter and receive highest market ATTORNEY AT-LAW —much safer. that ungry mobs so often affect. g a f e __ B — K. contains .no .poison, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, There is a likewise a falling olf in price by return mail. acid or oil. ¡the quality of the accommodations WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. Clean—B.-K. is colorless, leaves FIRST STREET, 200 Central Bldg. |ottered Prussia's retiring royalty. stain on floors or walls. Seattle Wash. The chief villlan of the piece, first TILLA MOÖK, OR EGO Nf I to arrive in Dutch soil, is nicely Drodorant—B"K- destroys foul 'housed in a nobleman s chuteuu, Notice. odors leaves no odor of itself. where daily he indulges his taste for Cheap to Use—B.-K. 13 so much ’ privacy, peace and prayer. But his We desire to close our berry ac­ stronger tiian other disinfectants QR. L. L. HOY, ! eldest son gets rooms in the resi- counts as »oon as possible. Therefore that it does more disinfecting for the deuce of a village clergyman on a any person or persons holding tickets same money. Use it in Barber Shops, PHYSICIAN AND SURGECN small island inhabilanted by flsiier- for berries picked for, or sold to Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread T illamook B lock , I folk. Is there any significance in the Graves Bros., of Tillamook, will boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, separation of father and son, and in please mail them to C. S. Graves, cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ the diversity of their style of enter- Dallas, Oregon, for payment. Oregtn, en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, Tillamook, S. C. Graves. ' tainment? nursing bottles, operating rooms, The Dutch are naturally alarmed purifying air, sick rooms, etc. at the prospects ot having to > be hosts Notice to Subscribers and Advertisers T. BOI IS B.-K. is not a cure a11 but atbor* ■ to an indefinite assortment . of Ger- ough germ killer. Protect yourself man royalty. Like Macbeth, they in­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Owing to the voters discriminating now against any dangerous disease I quite rhetorically if the 1 line will germs that you may come in contact Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in> *t the general election, giving Mult ­ stretch out to the crack of < doom, with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in Office. There are entirely too many kings nomah county a fair rate for legal quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ Taxes Paid for Non Residents. and princelings and what not endeav- advertising and other counties in antee. B-K stands absolutely on T illamook B lock , oilng to make all speed out of Ger­ the state an unfair rate, the county what it does for you. Use It according many. So it is likely that Holland is Tillamook .... Oregon papers will have to raise their adver­ to directions then if you don’t find adopting a policy of gentle discour­ Both Phones. it exactly as represented by us we agement, by making the quarters of tising and subscription rates or go will refund your money—For sale by the aristocratic visitors not too at­ out of business. Hence we will raise Kuppenbender, bith phones. tractive. c ' hawk , the subscription price of the Head­ There may be other reasons for the light, commencing the first of the rusticating ot the crown prince. But in any event we are sorry for the year, to $2.00 per year. Advertising PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rates on new contracts will be 20c. pastor of the village of Bosterland Ornamental Fire Places Built Spokesman Review. per inch in future for advts below Bay City of Brick and Stone, All Fire Oregon Government officials al Washing­ ton are warning the public against a new manifestation of German prop- agunua—-n plea lor easy-going treat- nient in the peace settlements. Un­ der the cloak of a new government the Germans will employ every pos­ sible art if ice to slip out from under liie responsibilities of their monu­ mental crimes against civilization. Against the insidious propaganda the American people should keep constantly in mind the trank and fearless judgment of Dr. William iviuehlon, former managing director ot tne great Krupp gun factory. Dr. Muehlon, whe resigned in protest against the war, gave up a salary of ♦ 50,000 a year, refused a pension and later fled into Switzerland, de­ clared recently: "The peril of the hour is that the allies may become kind and human and extend the hand of sympathy before Germany is ready to confess the wrongs she has done and make restitution. The greatest possible disaster that could come to Germany is to escape responsibility. And the greatest possible disaster that could come to civilization would be tor the allies to permit Germany to escape its responsibility. Tile world’s heart should be soft Something to Ponder Over. and generous toward the hunger and ------ 0------ destitution of the German masses, Here are figures giving some i idea but adamant in compelling Germany of what Russia gave up to • Germany to pay in full for the gigantic,w reek­ in her surrender and what Germany age it lias made in Belgium, in lias to give back. France, and all oilier countries that Nine hundred und thirty thousand suffered irom this wantonly wicked square kilometers of territory. war. Fifty-six million inhabitants, Germany should be put under a re­ per cent. ceivership and the receivers should One-eighth of railway mileage. make Germany's debts to civilization Thirty per cent of her wheat a prior lien. If the kaiser had won aceruge. and German had kept Belgium, Bel­ Seventy-nine per cent of her iron gian bonds would have been obliter­ mining district. ated. There would have been no Bel­ Eighty-nine per cent of her coal gium government to pay them. Now mining district. that the allies have conquered Ger­ One-half ot her factories, including many why should they make them­ One thousand sevehty-three ma­ selves responsible for the payment of chine shops and metal working its internal war debts? plants, 46 per cent. They should say to the German | Six hundred and fifteen paper people: “We own you. We can march 1 mills, 4 3 per cent. our armies wherever we please upon Two hundred and thirty-three your territory. Still we do not want chemical plants, 45 per cent. to treat you as you would have Two thousand two hundred and treated Belgium. France, Serbia, eighty-nine distillers and breweries, Rumanian and Russia. We are will­ 56 per cent. ing to treat you as a bankrupt. In­ One hundred and thirteen tobacco stead of taking your territory we factories, 57 per cent. one fourth of a page. Locals and readers will be 7c. per line. We have been in the habit of inserting a good many items free and in future these will have to be paid for at the line 7SÆSS- 5