Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 05, 1918, Image 4

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Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
quickly as possible. This may be con­
ident or the labor unions. The fact of Industrial employment. Of course, German general, hia two daughters sidered a little cold blooded on our the last of these, my brethern ye
of the matter is politics are playing
part, but those who will give the have done it unto Me.”
a part in the Mooney affair, for the to maintain a big standing array by oeen a retreat general that was sent matter a few moments consideration
politicians are playing into the those who are now in the army and
Another Liberty Loan is on th* hands of labor organizations to ob­ by politicians, but to avoid useless things the ex-kaiser knew how to will agree with us that this is the
tapis, and people predict that it is tain support.
waste of money and much higher tax­ oeat a hasty retreat, to save his own proper thing to do, for persons are
taking too great chances of coming
going to be hard to create the same
ation, the proper thing to do is to hide.
Alma Augusta Glad, daughter of
down with the disease after viewing
enthusiasm as in previous Liberty
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To commemorate the conclusion of keep as small a standing army as
Loan drives. Perhaps so, but if the the war, it would be a good idea to possible, considering that the run­
It it hadn’t been for the false news a dead body in a church, or the home Mr. and Mrs. Erick Glad, was bom
government must have the money, build victory highways instead of ning expenses of the country will report about the armistice being for that matter. Too many persons September Sth, 1894 at Wilson River,
why, we'll have to dig up.
putting large sums of money Into jump from one billion dollars annu­ signed, the young son of Mr. and are losing their lives on account of Tillamook Co., Oregon.
Mrs. Ben Vantress might have been Spanish influenza because they have
She was married May 25th 1918 to
useless monuments and other things. ally to four billion dollars.
Here's a hard problem. What did A victory hard surfaced highway
alive today, and the parents can not taken proper precautions and Mr. Arthur Hanson.
it cost the government to get out through the entire length of Tilla­
A new industry has been started in blame tNb Portland Journal for cir­ have been negligent when convales-
At the age of 14 years she became
ent, thus causing relapse.. It is a a Christian, and from that time until
rived spruce per thousand at the mook county would be something the Coquille valley, in Coos county, culating the false news.
government camps, including all the . useful and economical, as well as where some of the ranchers planted
much more serious disease than la-
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other expenses in connection with it? something to be proud of. That, we sorghum, realizing 1200.00 per acre
“We’ll eat the Journal building” grippe, and for a time baffled doctors her death she was an earnest, fearless,
Make a guess, for some day, probab­ j think, is the best way to commemor­ to« tueir pains. As the sorghum plant and "We'll treat all the people of as to the best methods of treating it. consistent and loyal Christian woman.
ly, we may obtain this desired infor­ ate the conclusion of the war in Til- makes excellent feed tor dairy stock, Tillamook County to a good dinner Persons who have suffered with the She had a practical religion that lived
I lamook county, which will be of mu­ there is no reason why the dairy­ if the news is not true,” was what influenza are too anxious to get out, and thrived in kindly deeds, generous­
tual benefit to all parts of the coun- men ot Tillamook county should not came over the phone to Dr. Boals when they should remain at home, ly bestowed upon the needy.
The women of England are not on­ ! ty. Another thing, employment must do some experimenting. Some of the when the false news of the signing and this is the cause of too many
The day she died, (December 1st,
ly taking a lively interest in the af­ be found for thousands of men who dairymen ot the county have done so of the armistice was sent out by the deaths.
1918) she closed her beautiful life in
fairs of that country, but they are return from France. This is a pa­ and they consider it an excellent Portland Journal. Say, doctor, we
teaching her little Sunday School class
now becoming candidates for mem­ triotic duty we owe these men who food for dairy cows.
see that the Journal building is still
in the Christian Bible School, known
ber of Parliament. One of the aspir­ | gave up good situations, and any
standing in tbe same location and
"Little Buds" but she called them in
ants has a novel slogan. It is to the public improvements that can be
We were a little surprised to hear Tillamook people have not enjoyed
her closing moments, "Little Dew­
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effect that the kaiser be taken to made the coming year will wonder­ the other day that a dairyman made that good dinner that was promised
England and tried on a charge of fully help in giving men employ­ the remark that there was nothing them. It is often said that it takes a Highway Commission to Formulate drops” and then chanted as best she
could under the trying circumstances,
murder. It is too bad that the fall ment.
in dairying and he was going to sell lie to cover up a lie, but in this in­
Plans for 1919; $6,000,000
“Walking in the Light, the Beautiful
election is over, for politicians are
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Available For Work.
always looking for catchy slogans.
Light of God." When in health she
We are not one of those who com­ a success of dairying when butter
Strange to relate the woman who has plain because the government has fat is quoted over 80c. per pound ing and the other about treating the
With more than $6,000,000 avail­ worked in all the Departments of the
adopted the slogan is opposing ex­ closed down on building wooden would not make a success in any people of Tillamook county to a able for next year for highway con­ Church and has held various offices in
Premier Asquith, and there Is some ships and war material, for it was other line ot business. It is true that good dinner.
struction the state highway commis­ the Young Peoples organization and
probability of her winning a seat in the proper thing to do when the hay and feed is high, but the dairy­
sion has called upon the various the Sunday School.
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armistice was signed. It would have men who have played safe and
counties tor their grading budgets,
For five years she was in the Mu­
It seems that too many interests
been a wilful waste ot public money
The sob sisters who are wanting to continue these industries one day grown their own feed are not among­ want to butt into the peace con­ and as soon as they are received tbe tual telephone office, one year as man­
the allied countries to deal leniently longer than was absolutely necessary st the dairymen who contend that ference. Labor is making a move in commission will hold a meeting and ager and the remainder as operator.
Besides her husband and parents,
with Germany should not forget that especially In munition plants. Yet, dairying does not pay. Those who that direction and will hold a con­ formulate its hard-surfacing pro­
have paid exhorbitant prices for land
gram. Under the law the counties she leaves six sisters and four broth­
Germany carried on a barbarous
ference in France when the peace
on the other hand, there are those
blood-thirsty war. That is one phase who contend that the government and have to buy all their winter conference is in session, and now we must do the grading, and it will be ers and a host of friends to mourn her
feed, makes a wonderful difference
of the war that the peace confere“'* should continue the work simply to in the net profit of a dairy ranch. [see that the Irish Home Rulers want the general policy of the commission loss.
during the year to hardsurtace as
is not going to overlook, and it w
In closing these brief remarks we
be remembered that President Wll- give employment to men. It may The high price of feed should cause I to butt in. For the love of Mike, we many of the projects as the counties will say with consummate hope
work a little hardship on the men for the dairymen to consider the advis­ hope President Wilson will turn a are prepared to grade.
son told the people that Germany the time being, but other industries
Of the total $3,600,000 is available “Blessed are the dead who die in the
would be held to a strict accounta­ will soon start up and absorb all the ability of raising roots and not de­ deaf ear to the requests of the Irish­
men in the United States who want
bility. We hope that is one reason idle labor the coming year. There is pending wholly upon grass and hay him to intercede for Ireland, for the under the hardsurfacing act; $855,- Lord."
The funeral services were held at
000 under the Bean-Barrett act, and
why the President is going to France no reason why people should take grown in other counties. True this
to insist upon in the preliminary such a calamity view of the situation will entail more labor and interfere president will be confronted with which the government will match the Christian Church on Wednesday
with the easy going methods of Till­ the remark that Irish political lead­ dollar for dollar; $240,000 under the afternoon at 1:30 P. M., Rev. Harry E.
meetings of the peace conference.
when manufacturers are straining amook dairymen, yet for all that ers in Ireland protested against con­ state quarter mill tax; $350,000
Tucker preaching the funeral sermon.
every effort to start the wheels of in­
A good deal of discussion is going dustry moving again. Take the build­ they should resort to more intensi­ scription and there was no conscrip­ front tfie automobile fund, and it is
expected that the various counties
on about the freedom of the seas, ing situation, the shortage of cloth­
to so large amounts of money sent Scotland, Wales the United States will co-operate in the sum of approx­ TILLAMOOK CHEESE
which means that no discrimination
ing, mercantile stocks, and food, it
be used in freights and fares over seems to us there will be abundance out of the county for hay. This is and Canada all submitted to con­ imately $600,000. The total for the
where the profits of a number of scription. but not so with the Irish, year is sufficient to complete the
all seas and International land routes
free of discriminations nor extortions of work to be obtained before very dairy ranches are eaten up. which for they opposed it. When you hear Columbia river highway from Astor­
A large educational campaign, con­
by particular nations or combines of long, and Instead of complaining and could be saved by raising roots and people in the United States advo­ ia to Pendleton, the entire length of sisting chiefly of display advertising
other cow feed. As the price of but­ cating Home Rule for Ireland and the Pacific Highway, the Tillamook in the daily newspapers, together
private ship owners and transit com­
panies. That is what the freedom of thrown out of work would have ter fat has reached a remarkably want the President to intercede, re­ highway to Portland, and a consid­ with personal work among the groc­
the seas stands for. which Germany a little patience and hustle up new high mark, this cannot continue now member that the political leaders of erable number of post roads and ers, hotels, restaurants, is to be
endeavored to stop when war was jobs with the same vim they did in that the war is over and it will not Ireland were opposed to conscription, lateral projects.
started soon by the Tillamook Cheese
rushing to the ship yards, they will
first declared by her ruthless sub­ not be out of employment long. They be long before normal conditions arc and had they made the same argu­ Complete Two Big Highways is Aim. association.
reached again. But what concerns ments against it in the United States
Although a delinite policy will not
Dairying has come more and more
marine policy.
may not be able to obtain the high the dairymen most at the present as they did in Ireland, they would be decided upon by the commission
industry of Tillamook. Fine herds
A serious condition now confronts wages they have been receiving, but time is how to grow more feed and have been called pro-Germans by the until the grading data from the have been introduced and scientific
counties is received, its members are attention given to greater milk pro­
the country, and more serious than
most persons imagine. Thousands of for those who are willing to work at quantities of hay. When one looks young men who were conscripted in favorable to tbe completion of both duction at low cost. This has led to
back a few years and considers ilie the United States have lost their the Columbia and Pacific highways the establishment of cheese factories.
workmen are being thrown out o reduced wages.
small amount of hay that w<u ¡hip­ lives in the world war. These were next year, if the interested counties Famous cheese experts were brought
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employment at a time when the cost
When the rived spruce camps were
of living is exceedingly high and started in Tillamook county we call­ ped into the county compared with taken from all sections of the United will agree to do the necessary grad­ from Holland, Switzerland and Den­
the large amount now. one naturally States, and now that the war is over, ing. It probably will be favorable al­ mark.
when It is going to be impossible to
find employment during the recon­ ed attention to the wilful waste of comes to the conclusion that the it must not be forgotten that there so to complete the Tillamook high­
As the factories enlarged there
struction period. The majority o timber and the menace of fire re­ dairymen have not exerted them­ was no conscription in Ireland, yet way to Portland under the same came problems of marketing and the
men who have been receiving high of felled timber in the woods. The
selling of this cheese on a basis
own teed. The dairymen who have the United States are wanting the
Further, it will be the general pol­ which would encourage the further
wages have not Baved any money, ex­
icy of the commission in employing
pecting that there would be plenty
but the fire traps in the tim­ most successful and made the most can obtain Home Rule. It will not be men in the construction work to give study of cheesemaking along busi­
of work at high wages for a long doned,
ber are now a problem to be dealt money, and who have not oeen trou­ long now before some of the Irish preference to returning soldiers, and ness lines. Carl Haberlach, a sales-
time. The collapse of the war upsets
for several years. We are relia­ bled and perplexed about the high agitators make a tour of the United since most of them will not return manager, saw the possibilities at Til­
all this, and the sudden change from with
that of the spruce fell­ cost of hay, which eats up the profit. States soliciting funds for what they until early in the spring, the award­ lamook and helped to organize the
war times to peace brings about a
only about twenty per This would have worked out more call home rule, which in fact, is to ing of contracts in all probability Tillamook County Creamery Asso­
serious condition of affairs wuieh
used, thus leaving satisfactorily if one could depend up­ provide plenty of mouey for the Irish will be deterred until February. In­ ciation. This is a purely co-operative
could hardly be avoided. With thou­
of the timber In the on a sertain price for hay. The ex­ political agitators who opposed con­ cidents then, it is expected that organization of 24 of the principal
sands of men thrown out of employ­
practically useless periences of the past few years have scription for Ireland, but raised no there will have been a material de­ cheese factories at Tillamook. By a.
ment. and with the cost of living so
and a fire menace. What the cost per proven that there is no dependence objection to conscription in the Unit­ cline in the cost of materials and rigid inspection system, by constant­
high. It is bound to cause trouble. thousand to get out rived spruce
ly studying methods and product.
The only thing that can save trou­ amounted to is hard to tell, but the upon what the price of hay is going ed States and our boys bearing the equipment.
Tillamook has gained a wide repu­
ble is lower cost of living. Whether high cost is liable to scare one when to be, aud hay at $40.00 a ton is brunt of the fighting in France.
Good Record Made Thiz Year.
tation for uniform quality. It is a.
Despite that the war handicapped mild, but rich, full cream and lends
this can be brought about betore It is known. That, however, is not
next fall is somewhat difficult. But the point we want to raise at this on that method ot feeding their you hear persons talk about Home it in the presecution of road work itself to use as a real article of dpily
during the year, the commission con­
in the meantime every effort should time, for Mr. Hughes in his investi­
agitators in Ireland with pro-Ger­ structed 227 miles of highway, con­ diet.
be put forth to give employment to gation of the air-plane production,
The 24 cbeese factories at Tilla­
When, the German delegation went mans. and for the President of the necting up more than 800 miles that
men thrown out of work.
advised that the spruce production to see Marshal Foch he. as well as United States to intercede in their had already been built. Not a single mook in 1917 handled 44,901,303
pounds of milk, and from it manufac­
in the northwest should be scrut­
There is no doubt whatever that inized. It is the fire menace that all the generals on the western front, behalf would look altogether out of contract was awarded during the tured 4,974,328 pounds of Tillamook
season to patented paving companies, cbeese, valued at $1,188,845. It is ex­
France and England have prepared confront» the country and the men­
tor the reconstruction period, for as ace it is to the timber owners and more would have been the surrender nothing to bring about the defeat of and on two projects completed by the pected that the value of the Tilla­
soon as the armistice was signed it lite »nd property la Tillamook coun­ of the entire German army into his the kaiser who wanted to rule the commission with its own paving mook cheese industry in 1918 will
caused unusual activity amongst the ty. The government is responsible hands and the culmination at tbe world. Europe is now rid of the plant it did the construction work exceed $1,500,000.
manufacturers of thine countries, for the waste and the fire menace, greatest victory ot all a-pfs. Those kaiser and German Kulture. and considerably cheaper than the lowest
Each piece of Tillamook cheese
who had studied carefully tae num­ there would be peace and content­ bids submitted by the paving com­
and front the looks of things they which will exist for several years, es­ erous
which goes to the retail dealer will
drices on the western front
are going to get back\to normal con­ pecially on the Miami. To pick up figured out that a crushing defeat ment tn Ireland today if the Irish panies.
be so trade-marked that the customer
Home Rule agitators could be elimi­
One of the projects is what Is will be able to find the word Tilla­
ditions quicker than moat P«oP‘e and clear out and make uu provis­ awaited the German army in u few nated from that country. That is the
known as the Sheridan highway. mook on a half pound slice of cheese
think. It may take the United States ion to combat the meuace is hardly days. So did the Germans themselves,
a little longer than the allied coun­ right on the part of the government. for they forestalled the great defeat Home Rule question in a nut shell. Concrete was laid on this highway, as it comes from the grocery store.
and it was paved for $7000 less than
tries, for the reason that the demo­ That something will have to be done and surrendered by submitting to
Everybody appeared to commend the bid submitted for bitulithic. The Thus the quality of Tillamook cheese
cratic free trade tariff places manu­ to protect the lives aud property by the terms of the armistice. So anx­
will be carried through to the final
facturers in an embarrassing posi­ this menace is readily admitted, ious were the German delegates they President Wilson when he made the other project is located in Jackson consumer.
tion. European manufacturers know which calls for an investigation by wanted fighting to stop directly they
county, and it was constructed by the
held to strict accountability for her
this, and they are going to make the state officials.
met Field Marshal Foch. He could ruthless submarine activities. Now commission at a cost that was $2896
strenuous efforts to dump large
have continued the wzr and won that the President is on his way to less than the lowest bld submitted
- ■ o------
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quantities of goods Into the Un‘ted
The snap shot mail had a good great renoun, but he thought of the [attend the peace conference, we hope by the paving companies.
Slate« a« «o<>n a« poiwible, which th y many discussions with persons who additional loss of life it would be to
Mrs. Bertha Larson Eckloff was
he won’t forget that "strict account­
will do if the democratic free trade argued that it was England that the United States,
English and ability" speech. And it would be well
born in Sweden in 1866 and came to
tariff law remulna in force. This will started the war. Now the German French, armies, w hich was tn marked to romlud the Germans, who have
America with ber parents in 1886,
not only curtail the production.in people are wanting the kaiser and contrast to the German generals been appealing to President Wilson,
Louis Evan Getchell was born at locating in Phelps County, Nebraska.
the United Slates, but will throw his war lords tried Uy court martial sending shock troops Into the fight
Reedsville Meigs Co., Ohio, Sept. 20,
men out of employment especially for starting the war. It was German to be mowed d&wn by the thousands. with the hope of obtaining better 1883. and died at the Boats' hospital She was married to Frank E. Eckloff
in 1889, when they moved to Perkins
those demanding high wages, for It propaganda that persisted in saying
------- o-------
German submarines were sinking Tillamook, Oregon, Nov 19th, 1918, county and took up a homestead,
is impossible to have high wages and that Englund started the war. and
of Spanish influenza.
Wo cannot see why anyuue should
where they lived until 1894 when
free trade. Anyone who will give this which a large uuiuber of persons in raise the least objection. «specially passenger and hospital ships and the
He leaves a wife and five small they moved to Tillamook, where they
me moments' thought will readily the United States accepted as gospel those of hi» own party, to President
women and children and wounded children, his mother, Mrs. Florence have lived ever since. Mrs. Eckloff
that this
Is impossible.
Japan, truth.
Wilson atteuding tbe peace confer­ and sick soldiers to drown like so Getchhll, of Hebo, Ore., four brothers ' died Sunday, Nov. 24. 1918 reaching
ence. It Is the proper thing tor him to many. rats. We are one of those who and three sisters; viz: Charles, of the age of 52 years. Besides her hus­
country and will dump their goods
The way to rid the world of the doc There would be general com­ believe in holding Germany to a Tllamook, Ore.; Clyde of Dallas, Or.; band there are seven children, one
into this country.
ex-kaiser and the war lords and plaint if President Wilson did not at- "strict accountability” for her bar­ Clarence of Bremerton. Wash.; Robt, brother and one sister to mourn
junkers of Germany for bringing on teud the peace conference.
of Hebo. Ore.; Mrs. H. A. Chopard, of their loss, viz: Mrs. Almeda Rhodes,
barous methods of warfare.
The death sentence passed upon the world war, 1s to hang the whole
------- p. , ■
Beaver, Ore.; Mrs. J. W. Hester, of of Powers. Ore.; Fred G. Eckloff. of
----- o- . —
Thomas J. Mooney, who
VO"’1C‘. outfit, and that is what is going to
The United States should follow
One word of advice to the people Hebo, Ore.; and Miss Edna Getchell, ; Tillamook; Louie F. Eckloff, of As­
ed for the bomb throwing In which happen by the trend ot events.
ithe example ot Eglaud. That country of lillamook
county. Discontinue of Salem. Ore. One brother Cecil was toria, Ore.; Mrs. Esther Davis, of
ren ins were killed and a num­
- -o-------
I is going to send all interned Germans holding funeral services In churches killed In action somewhere in France Lafayette, Ore.; Charles E. Eckloff,
ber seriously wounded In the . an
Some persons are advocating that back to Germany as soon as peace is over those who die front Spanish in­ October 5. 1918.
who is serving his country some­
Francisco preparedness parade
the United States maintain a large declared. And there is a strong sen­ fluenza. The way to spread the dis­
The deceased was laid to rest in j where in France; Mrs. Amelia B.
b,.,n commuted to imprisonment for navy and army, and in doing so timent in the United States to send
the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Hebo, near ,
jlr president Wilson interceded point out the unprepaiedness of this interned Germans. The government ease Is to expose the dead body of a his father, who died four years ago. Woolfe, of Tillamook; Mr. Louie
Larson, of Portland, Ore. and Mrs.
and asked Governor Stephens to country when war broke out. After will be making a mistake to allow
Rev. C. E. Pearson, of Beaver, held Carrie Peterson, of Crosby, Texas.
commute the sentence Mooney was a the aiging of peace conditions will be them to remain tn this country and that It throws off germs. In proof of a short service at the grave.
labor agitator and anarchist, and totally different in Europe. The big enjoy all the previleges In times of this it is stated that undertakers and Sleep well, tired heart and take thy i
he labor unions started a propagan­ standing armiea of the ceutral pow­ peace, and who were dangerous citi­ persons who have had to do with th«
The Allied Churchez.
da for his release, which was noth­ ers will be eliminated, tor those zens in Ornes of war. Ship them back dead persons have invariably come Be Still! sad hearts! God knoweth
ing more than intimidation and countries will have to devote their to Germany and prohibit them from
Chas. E. Gibson, D. D. Pastor.
threats. Every time labor leaders attention to raising money to pay returning is the right and proper 1 influenza embargo is taken off. there
Neighbors and friends are doing
¡is every probability that funeral ser­
.„evicted of murder, labor unions the big Indemnities Imposed upon course to adopt.
Preaching services at 11 a.m. and
all they can to help and comfort the 7:30
are used to obtain their
them Those who advocate a large
------ o —
[churches of persons who have died of
our way of thinking. President Wil- standing armies of the central pow-
school at 10 a m.. Prof. O.
ering from the influenza, and the
How funny. A German soldier In
son should not have butted in. and do not appear at all concerned about the Palestine theatre of war roasts [thia disease, and to prevent the dis­ ship-yard boys made up a gen­ V. White, Supt.
It was on that account another rank
ImZrehi*. who helped Blay and the heavy taxation. It will take con­ the German general, who was in not be allowed or permitted tn the erous purse of about $200.
The stress through which our
siderable money to keep a standing command of the German and Tur­ future And another thing, we would
Truly "Kind hearts are more than country is passing calls for a strong
wound dozens of persons at a Pn’r,,’,_ army of several hundred thousand kish armies. He makes the statement
cornets”, and their reward is sure,
le gathering It »■ • serious sltuatioti men. That Is not only one bad feature I that all that was saved from the like to Impress upon those who are because ot that unchangeable prom­ faith and a reconsecration of Self
when justice cannot take It. course but it take« that number of men out | »reck of Palestine's defeat was the
for Service. Let us all read Heb. X-
the disease to bury the body as , ise.
without the intervention of th. pres­
Editorial Snap Shots.