TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 5, 1918, . • ■ f. 1.25 nance number 352, adopted October Interest on $35,000 street Cost of Advertising, ........... improvement bonds.......... 2400.00 8th, 1917; Lot 8, Block 3, Owned by The respective lots or parts there­ Interest on dock bonds .. .. 330.00 Dwight and Curtis. Ass ­ In pursuance of Warrant issued by of, together with the respective Street lighting............ ..... 500.00 essment................................... $122.09 I amounts of the delinquent assess­ Miscellaneous street repairs 335.00 the Recorder of Tillamook City, 22.98 ments against each thereof, interest Interest,.................................... Oregon, the undersigned marshal of 1.25 thereon and costs to date of sale, due Cost of Advertising, ........... Total...................... 16.300.00 said Tillamook City, will on the Lot 5, Block 4, Owned by upon each lot or tract, or part there­ Revenues. 21st. day of December, 1918, sell at Dwight and Curtis Ass- I $122.09 of, together with the name of the General License Fees . 15.00 the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the 22.98 owner or reputed owner of each tract Receipts of City Recorder's Interest,.................................... front door of the City Hall of Tilla­ 1.00 respectively, as the same appears up­ office .................................... Cost of Advertising, ........... 25.00 mook City, Oregon, that being the on the docket of city liens of Tilla­ Coast Power Co. franchise. . 90.00 Lot 8, Block 4, Owned by building in which the Common Council mook City. Oregon, are as set out in Dog Tax .................................... 20.00 Dwight and Curtis Ass­ of Tillamook City holds its sessions, Five mill tax levied on assess­ essment................................... I $122.09 the following: sell at public auction to tH* highest Tract beginning 330 ft. S. and 100 ed valuation of $410,000 22.98 Interest,.................................... bidder for cash in hand, the real pro­ for that part of budget des­ 1.25 ft. W. front the S. E. corner of Block Cost of Advertising, ........... 8, Original Town of Lincoln; thence perty hereinafter described.. ignated as General Fund. . 2050.00 Lot 1, Block 5, Owned by lu5 ft. S.; thence W. 5 ft.; thence N. Ten mill tax levied on assess­ Said property is to be sold for delin­ Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ 105 ft.; thence E. 5 ft. to the point ed valuation of $410,000 for quent assessments made for street essment............................... '.. I $175.79 of beginning. that part of budget desig­ improvements by the Common Council 33.07 | Owned by M. A. Baker. Interest, .................................... nated as Road Fund........... 4100.00 of Tillamook City, Oregon, pursuant 1.25 1 Assessment.............. Cost of Advertising, ........... $35.47 to an order of the Common Council 2.38 Lot 2, Block 5, Owned by interest ..................... Total.................................. $6300.00 made on November 8th, 1918. 3.72 Costs of advertising Dwight and Curtis Ass­ And that the City Council has The respective lots or parts thereof, Lot 5. Block 11, Stillwell Addition fixed Tuesday, the 10th day of De­ $53.70 essment ................. ............. together with the respective amounts 10.11 to Tillamook City. Oregon Owned by cember, 1918, at the hour of 8:00 Interest, .................................... of the delinquent assessments against p.m. at the City Hall in Bay City, 1.25 F. C. Feldschau, Cost of Advertising.............. each thereof, interest and costs to Assessment.................. $37.25 Oregon, as the time and place for Lot 3, Block 5, Owned by date of sple, due upon each lot or Interest ................................... . 2.85 hearing any and all objections, re- Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ Costs of advertising.............. 2.24 monstrances and discussions to said tract or part thereof, together with $53.70 essment................................... Lot 6, Block 11, Stillwell Addition proposed budget. the name of the owner or reputed 10.11 to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Interest........................................ Dated this 15th day of November, owner of each tract respectively, as 1.25 Assessment................................. $37.24 1918. Cost of Advertising.............. the same appears upon the docket of Lot 4,' Block 5, Owned by Interest ...................................... 2.85 J. C. McClure, city liens of Tillamook City, Oregon, Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ City Recorder. »8'3 .............. MujsHJOApu jo S1SO3 are as set out in the following. essment, ................................ ! $175.78 F. C. Feldschau. All in Maple Grove Addition to 33.07 Lot 7, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Interest, .................................... Tillamook City, Oregon: New Kind of Loan Shark. 1.25 to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Cost of Advertising, ........... Lot 1, Block 1, Owned by ------ °—;— A. Barnett. Lot 5, Block 5, Owned by A new kind of "loan shark” has Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ Assessment................................. $49.84 Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ developed. He is the money sharp essment, ................................ $175.79 3.36 essment, ................................ $175.78 Interest ...................................... who buys an equity in a Liberty 33.07 Interest..................... .................. 2.24 33.07 Costs of advertising.............. Interest,.................................... Lot 4, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Loan Bond that is only partly paid 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.25 to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by for by an employe who is purchasing Cost of Advertising.............. Lot 2, Block 1, Owned by it on the installment plan. Lot 6, Block 5, Owned bd J. W. Thompkins. Ass- Dwight and Curtis, These sharks have snipers among Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Assessment.................................... $37.24 $53.70 essment,................. working people and pay them for $53.70 1 Interest ...................................... essment................................... 2.85 10.11 Interest ..................... Interest....................................... 10.11 Costs of advertising.............. 2.24 acting as agents. The "agent” tips off 1.25 Cost of Advertising. 1.25 1 Cost of Advertising, ........... Lot 3, Block 6, Stillwell Addition a fellow-workman that he can get Lot 3, Block 1, Owned by to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by ready money in a hurry by selling Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by Ills liberty bond in spite of the fact Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ J. W. Thompkins. Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ he has not paid for it. Of course there $53.70. essment ...'.......................... $37.24 I Assessment .............. essment, ............................ $53.70 will be a discount. If the worker is 10.11 Interest .................................... 2.85 Interest ..................... 10.11 Interest,.................................... hard up he often falls for the bait. 1.25 2.24 Cost of Advertising, ........... Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.25 j Costs of advertising Tract beginning at a point 165 The discount is applied to the full Lot 4, Block 1 Owned by Lot 8, Block 5, Owned by price of the bond but is deducted ft. West from the S. W. corner of Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ from the portion already paid in by Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ Block 9, Stillwell ’ s Addition, thence essment ................................ $175.79 essment, ......................... .. .. $175.80 J N. 105 ft.; thence W. 105 ft.; thence the employe. The result is that the 33.07 Interest .................................... Interest........................................ 35.07 S. 105 ft.; thence E. 105 ft. to point employe often receives an amount 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.25 ’ of beginning. Owned by M. H. Reese. equal to only half the cash that has Lot 6, Block 1, Owned by accrued to his credit. The assignment Lot 1 Block 6, Owned by Assessment............ $74.48 he signs forces the employer to turn Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.79 • Interest .................................... 5.01 the bond over to the shark upon re­ essment ................................ $ 53.70 Interest, .........................'.......... 3.72 33.07 F Costs of advertising............. ceipt of the balance of the payment 10.11 Interest .................................... And the respective lots and tracts due. Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 ) 1.25 Cost of Advertising............... of land or parts thereof, described Lot 2 Block 6, Owned by Liberty Loan authorities are doing Lot 7, Block 1, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $53.70 herein, will be offered for sale to their utmost to head off these prac­ Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Interest, ................................ 10.11 satisfy the assessments, interest and tices. It would be well if employers costs due upon each tract, lot or par­ essment, ................................ I 53.70 Cost of Advertising............... 1.00 cel of land or part thereof, respec­ would post notices in their shops in­ 10.11 Interest .................................... forming employes that there is no Lot 3, Block 6, Owned by tively, and each lot, tract or parcel 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $53.70 of land or part thereof, will be sold need of their sacrificing their liberty Lot 8, Block 1, Owned by bonds. If it is necessary for anyone Interest,.................................... 10.11 separately. Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ to sell a bond, the full market price Cost of Advertising............... 1.00 Dated this 20th day of ovember, can be obtained for it over the coun­ essment ................................ $175.79 Lot 4, Block 6, Owned by 1918. 33.07 Interest .................................... D. A. Morrison, ter of any reliable bond house. The W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.78 transaction is a clean business trans­ 1.25 Interest................... ..................... Cost of Advertising............... City Marshal. 33.07 action and can be conducted in a Lot 1, Block 2, Owned by W. Cost of Advertising.............. 1.00 busiess way without working secret­ G. Dwight, Assessment, ? 53.26 Lot 5, Block 6, Owned by ly tnrough some broker who makes a Notice as to Stock Running at Large. 10.10 Interest........................................ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.78 ------- o------- long profit out of the necessities of 1.00 Interest, .... ............................... Costs of Advertising.............. Notice is hereby given, that at a an humble subscriber to the Liberty 33.07 Lot 2, Block 2, Owned by W. Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 general election held in the various Loan. At present the market discount G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.28 Lot 6, Block 6, Owned by precincts of Tillamook County. State on a $50 Liberty Bond is only about 32.98 Interest .................................... W. G. Dwight, Assessment 53.70 of Oregon, on the 5th day of Novem­ a dollar, which amount is more than Costs of Advertising.............. 1.00 Interest....................................... 10.11 ber, A. D.. 1918, a vote was taken balanced by accrued interest on $50 Lot 4, Block 2, Owned by E. Cost of Advertising.............. 1.00 for and against stock running at bonds bearing coupons due less than large in the precincts of said county three months from now, so that any­ J. Gienger, Assessment, $53.20 Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by of Garibaldi, Nehalem, and that por­ one owning a $50 bond and needing 10.10 Interest ..... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 50.70 tion of Wilson precinct described as the money can usually get the full 1.00 Interest....................................... Costs of Advertising.............. 10.11 follows: $50 for it over the bond banker’s Lot 5, Block 2, Owned by Em­ Cost of Advertising.............. 1.00 Commencing at the southeast cor- counter, or at least get within a dol­ 26.63 Lot 8, Block 6, Owned by ma Leach, Assessment, 18, in township 1 lar of the $50, depending on the ner of section 5.05 Interest .................................... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.79 south of range 7 west of Willamette amount of interest that has accrued 1.00 Interest, ................................ Costs of Advertising,........... 33.07 Meridian, in Oregon, and running and the relation of that interest to Lot 6, Block 2, Owned by S. Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 thence north along said section line the market price of the bond. $25.57 Lot 1, Block 7, Owned by A. Moulton Assessment, to the northeast corner of section 31 4.79 Interest .................................... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.80 In township 2 north of range 7 west; Highway Restriction Off. 1.00 Interest, ................................ Costs of Advertising,........... ------- o------- 33.07 thence west to the northwest corner Lot 7, Block 2, Owned by S. War restriction on supplies of la­ Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 of section 31, in township 2 north of $25.57 Lot 3, Block 7, Owned by S. Moulton, Assessment, range 8 west; thence south to the bor and material for highway con­ southwest corner of section 18, In 4.79 Interests .................................... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.69 township 1 south of range 8 west; struction have been abandoned in so far as same were under control of the 1.00 Interest,.................................... Costs of Advertising,........... 10.11 thence east to the place of beginning U. 8. Highway Council. States, coun­ Lot 8, Block 2, Owned by Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 at the southeast corner of section 18, ties and communities are at liberty Dwight and Curtis Ass­ Lot 5, Block 7, Owned by in township 1 south of range 7 west to proceed with their own projects $25.58 essment ................................ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $175.78 of the Willamette Meridian, In Ore­ for highway construction without 4.79 Interest................. ................... Interest, ................................ * , 33.07 gon. and that at such election a ma­ reporting in advance to the council 1.25 Cost of Advertising, ........... Cost of Advertising............... 1.00 jority of all the votes cast in said or awaiting its approval of applica­ Lot 9, Block 2, Owned by precinct and said portion of precinct tions on file. ThiB does away with Lot 6, Block 7, Owned by Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 were against stock running at large obtaining permits before December essment, .................................. I I 25.58 Interest....................................... 10.11 therein: and that in sixty days from 10 for highway work proposed to be 4.79 Cost of Advertising, ........... Interest, .................................... 1.00 the date of this notice it shall be un­ done during 1919. 1.25 Lot 7, Block 7, Owned by Cost of Advertising............... lawful for stock to run at large in Supplies of steel for bridge work such precincts of Garibaldi, Nehalem and of a few other materials are still Lot 10, Block 2, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 and such portion of WllBon precinct, under control by the War Industries Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Interest........................................ 10.11 under penalty of ten dollars for the Board, but applications for these ma­ $25.58 Cost of Advertising.............. essment ................................ 1.00 first offense and twenty dollars for terials is made through the contrac­ 4.79 Lot 8, Block 7, Owned by Interest ................................., . each and every subsequent offense, tors in the ordinary wuy at the time Cost of Advertising............... 1.25 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 175.78 to be recovered from the owner of the order is placed with the manu­ Lot 11, Block 2, Owned by Interest, .................................... 33.07 such Btock In a civil action in the facturer. There is no necessity of ad­ Dwight and Curtis Ass­ Cost of Advertising, ........... 1.00 name of the State of Oregon before a vance approval of the project by this $25.58 essment, ................................ And the respective lots and tracts of justice of the peace in the district In board. 4.79 Interest........................................ The Caital Issues Committee is re­ land or parts thereof, described here­ which such owner or keeper or either 1.25 in, will be offered for sale to satisfy of them may reside, and if there be taining control over the road bond Cost of Advertising, ........... Lot 12, Block 2, Owned by the assessments, interest and costs no justice of the peace in such dis­ issues and from indications will re­ Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ due upon each tract, lot or parcel of trict, then before any Justice of the tain such control until after the next Liberty Loan. It ha: liberalized $25.58 land or part thereof, respectively, and peace In the county. essment, ................................ Dated this 21st day of November, its policy, however, by granting per­ 4.79 each lot, tract, or parcel of land or Interest .................................... mits for nearly every highway bond A. D„ 1918. 1.25 part thereof will be sold separately. Cost of Advertising............... Erwin Harrison, County issue that has been passed to it for Lot 13, Block 2, Owned by Dated this 16th day of November, Clerk of Tillamook, approval. Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ 1918. Sentiment of national authority County, Oregon. $25.58 essment................................... D. A. Morrison. during war time has been strongly 4.79 Interest......................................... Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. Notice of Budget Meeting of Bay favorable to highway construction 1.25 ' Cost of Advertising, ........... wherever same could be conducted City, Oregon. Lot 14, Block 2, Owned by Notice of Sale. without too great interference with ------- o------- Dwight anr Curtis, Ass­ essential war work. Now that peace Notice is hereby given that the In pursuance of warrant Issued by $25.57 essment, ................................ Common Council of Bay City, Oregon, is In sight highway work will have the Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore ­ 4.79 the right of way it deserves as the Interest..................................... gon, the undersigned marshal of said upon the report of the auditing com­ main factor in developing the coun- 1.25 Cost of Advertising............... prepared mittee of said Council, has Tillamook City, will on the 21st day try. Lot 2, Block 3, Owned by Al­ of December, 1918, sell at the hour the following estimate of proposed bert Schlappi Assessment $53.70 of ten o’clock A. M. at the front door tax budget, as follows: Mrs. Isley's Letter. 4.79 of the City Hall of Tillamook City, Interest, .................................... Expenditures. -------o------- . 1360 1 00 Oregon, that being the building in Marshal's salary................... Costs of Advertising,........... In a recent letter Mrs. D. W. Isley, 360.00 Lot 3, Block 3, Owned by Kas­ which the common council of Tilla­ Recorder's salary................. of Litchfield. III., says, “I have used per Schlappi, Assessment $53.70 mook City holds Its session^, sell at City Attorney's Salary & At­ Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders 350.00 torney ’ s fees ........................ 4.79 public auction to the highest bidder Interest, .................................... of the stomach and as a laxative, and 24.00 Rent on fire house .................. for cash In hand, the real property 1.00 Costs of Advertising.............. 291.00 have found them a quick and sure General supplies ................... hereinafter described: Lot 5, Block 3, Owned by 50.00 relief.” If you are troubled with in­ Said property is to be sold for de­ Printing.................................... Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ digestion or constipation these tab­ Interest on $5000, Gen fund linquent assessment made for street essment................................... $122.09 bonds .................................... 300Ä0 lets will do you good.” For sale by improvements by the common council 22.98 Interest, .................................... if Tillamook City, Oregon, by ordi- W. L. Provost, judgment ,.. 1000.00 Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd. Adv. I Notice of Sala K KI nMiMinnw KEK- MBBOBEKOL CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting zvhere Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. t Andy used to buy the biggest for the money ’till one day Barney gave him a chew of Real Gravely. t I I > It was an hour or more before Andy said any­ thing. “How much longer does this Grave­ ly hold its good taste?” he says.—“Two or three little squares last me all morning,” an- swers Barney. “ This class of tobacco lasts so much longer it costs no more to chew it than ordinary plug costs.” • • • • It fet farther-that't why J»« can fet the gecd latte cf thh elate af tcbaccc withcat extra catt. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed m a pouch_____ P B GRAVELY TOBACCO CO ■ DANVILLE VA City Transfer Co We do a general Transfer and Delivery business, with speeial attention to moving Furniture and Pianos. Coal and Wood a Specialty. AL1EX. M c NAIR & G°- GENERAL HARDOUflRE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.