s 1 LS. JtaWjt. y TILLAMOOK, OREGON. DECEMBER S i . jo PER YEAR. 5, 1918. 1 entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. mate position on the map. When we Dr. Wise will be at his office gains are not all gone yet. Some of LETTERS FGROM started it was so dark you couldn't Ray & Co. vs. J. S. Wilmot is a suit across the street south from the the best buys were listed today for TILLAMOOK BOYS. oven see the sky line, and here I had filed in the circuit court, for $127.55 court house until about December quick sale. A payment down, balance 1st. 2* monthly, places you in a home ot nothing but a compass to guide me for merchandise. W. A. Wise, dentist. • Letter From a Tillamook Boy In through the thick underbrush, parf your own. See Everson at once. * Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Bearing commercial orchard near The school library books for the Siberia. of which bad never been covered by At the regular meeting of the ----- -o------- various schools will be ready for Spokane, will trade for house or lib­ Marathon Lodge K. of P. Monday Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. • our skirmish line, straight toward erty bonds, or what ever you have. distribution in about two weeks. Waldo Doughty son of Mrs. L. E. D. J. Dunn, of Meda transacted Address Headlight. J-l, evening the rank of Knight was con­ Doughty, of Bay City writes the fol­ the German lines. Lukily it was light enough to see by the time I Dressmaking at my home or by the ferred upon R. L. Shreve, H. J. business in this city last week. Carl Shortridge, of Cloverdale, who Hickerson. Albert K. Stanley. Geo. B. lowing interesting letter from Si­ reached our line, but a trip like that day. Phone 143-W. Second Ave. East Let W. A. Church write your insur­ and Sth St. Mrs. J. E. Reedy. is not an every day occurrence. I had | *. has just recovered from an attack of Fenton, Guy Allman and A. Dershon. beria: the Spanish influenza, made a trip to After the initiation a lunch was Co. B. 31st Infantry. plenty of use form my compass that ance. t * Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is A. E. F. Siberia. time. t served. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough safe, clean and powerful. For sale at Tillamook Saturday. Dear Mother:—Well, It’s Sunday Just before I came here I got a let­ Dr. Wise has discontinued his trips I the Kuppenh||bder Warehouse. • Co. • | In the show windows of the City to Nehalem, Wheeler and Cloverdale, ' I Transfer Co., you may notice Borne again, a nice bright sunshiny day. I ter from you containing a copy of got your letter of Aug. 28th, yester­ the first 1 wrote from the last hos­ Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4, Let wour co-worker on the farm be on account of the influenza and bad 1 i 300 books, which are offered at Masonic Apartments. the Cleveland Tractor. On display at roadB until about Feb. 15. It I prices of 15, 25, 40 and 50 cents day. It sure seemed good to hear pital. Glad you like some of my ef­ from home again after two months, forts, but I would call the best Don’t tall to see the farm tank at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Suttons' market has located oppo­ each. All were purchased for a pri­ 1 suppose it won’t take the mail so rather poor excuses as literary epist­ the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist will be site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh vate library, and consist mostly of long to reach me after you get my les from one who should be able to Dr. J- B- Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. at the Wheeler Hotel Friday, Dec. 6, and cured meats. Your patronage so­ standard fiction. Many would make address. Mail day, which of course write. 1918. Come early and avoid the rush. licited. • satisfactory Christmas gifts. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • doesn't come very often, is sure a I dont’ like to say much in letters, For Sale — two year old colt, next great event here. though I would like to tell you what For Sale — five room bungalow and Let your 'Xmas gift be something Wanted—Want to buy a Franklin spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. lot, good location, close in, reason­ useful—something that is needed to I was sure surprised to hear that I see. I fear I cheat you all—but to Fireplace—Smithy. • Knight. • able. Call C. A. Swenson's place. make your home pleasant. A sugges­ you hadn't killed your fat hog yet, one who has been here it is so im­ Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ tion: Rocking Chairs for young and as I thought we had him the other possible to write anything which be­ Those who wish to see Dr. Wise Mutual Phone. ware.—R. W. Bennett. • old. Couches, Dining Table, Dressers, day for dinner, at least the pork that gins ot be real, that to attempt any­ about dental 'work should do so at Before buying your auto tires. In­ day tasted natural. There is a good show at the Gem once. thing only discourages. When we vestigate the Republic Standard five Set of dishes, One of the best Ranges I did my week's washing and mend­ get home, and get the aid of ques­ every evening. on the market and Heating stoves.— thousand mile guarantee, price right Horse and buggy for sale, or will * ing yesterday afternoon, I'm getting tions, etc., we may do better, but for Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, trade for heifer. Apply at Dawson's at Tillamook Feed Co. * Allen Page’s Store. to be quite an expert at those two Tillamook. Phone 72-W. On Monday the city council passed arts now, though it took me quite a the present we sit and wait. A man Grocery store. * Mrs. Archie Dickey, of Portland, here does not like to think about war an ordinance, adding influenza to Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, will be enough to write much about it any­ Ford car for sale, either 1915 or spend Sunday at the Wagy parental the list of dangerous diseases, and while to learn. in Wheeler one week. The weather is still fine. It is al­ way. 1918 model. Apply to Ernest Gisler, home. Mrs. Wagy accompanied her gave the mayor power through this I think it is about time for dinner, * 3 on her return to Portland Tuesday. I ordinance, on the recommendation of most the same kind of weather that All kinds of mill feed at C. O. & Tillamook. C. M. Dawson’s. * For sale—Steel range—will sell the city health officer, to declare you are having over there this time I hear the dishes rattling anyway, Just received a car of mill feed at of year. so will close. I will be able to write Why not place your feed orders for the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices ; with or without cooking utensils. quarantines and regulate other mat­ The country too looks much like again before long though.—Tom. Apply to L. R. Cooper, 6th Ave and ters in coniection with the work of * 1 the future with Kuppenbender. * are lowest. home, plenty of hills, water and 8th Street. . eradicating disease. green grass. About the only ‘differ­ France, Nov, 7, ' 1918. WANTED—Common labor apply ' T. J. Sarchet is in from Portland The A. F. Coats Lumber Company The Spanish influenza situation in ence is that there are no trees at Cummings looking after his property interests. to Geo. Carlin, Supt. Dear Papa—Now I am in a con- Moberly Lumber Co. Garibaldi, Ore. are making extensive repairs to the this county continues to be serious, all in this part of Siberia. valescent camp. It has an advantage New Grant car for sale at a bargain I suppose (though I have heard over the hospital in that one can Martin Blaser and wife vs. Jeff | saw mill, and will soon have their with cases on the increase. It is such, See Ben Kuppenbender. * Fleck and wife is a suit filed in the j shingle mill ready for operation. that acting on the advice of the City nothing about it) that the Fourth usually get more to eat, but of course Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schultz made a circuit court to recover $1350.00 Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms’ and County heaity officials the Liberty Loan drive is now over, and it is not so comfortable. trip to Portland on Wednesday. 1 growing out of a lease of ranch. I 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office school board decided to postpone that it, like the three preceding I ran across Alfred Nolan here a opening the city schools indefinitely. loans was greatly oversubscribed. I Wanted—I want to rent a piano.— I Laura I. Leach vs. B. A. Leach and i hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ This was a very wise action, as so took a hundred dollar bond, we were couple of days ago. I was certainly * surprised. 1 did not know where he Smithy. * ' wife is a suit filed in the circuit days by appointment. many parents did not care to send not compelled to do so, but I thought was in France, in what outfit, or court to collect $450.00 on a prom­ Don’t throw away your old tires but their children to school under pres­ I could easily spare the money and whether he was here or not. Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at issory note. get an “Inner Tire” and get from ent conditions. The public cannot be that it would likely come in handy lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * . He looks just as well and husky as A. C. Everson, who has been serv­ ioo to 5000 miles more service out of too cautious at the present time, in when I get back to the states. You ever, and takes things just the same. We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ing on the Federal Grand Jury came each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.* see we get a twenty per cent raise He has stopped more bullets than 1» its efforts to avoid this disease. stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. in on Tuesday, being excused until For Sale—-Willamette Donkey En­ Because of the "Flu” the Fairview in wages for overseas service. Also but they never hurt him much. He is For fresh and cured meats call the 11th. gine 914x11. Full equipment. Good school bard decided not to open we haven’t the opportunity or in- O. K. anyway. Sutton's Market. Both phones. The war is looking pretty good just | Thomas Gilliland who is a nephew as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer, school board decided not to open clination to spend as much money as Neskowin, Oregon. * Clover, Netarts, Maple Leaf, Tllla- we did in the States. Then too a now—and believe me! we are fight­ The county court is holding its of Mrs. Alex Watt, and previously re­ many things are cheaper here ing some battles around this camp, Anyone having room or apartment mook City schools, Hunt school and great regular monthlw meeting this week. sided in Tillamook was reported than they are at home. For Instance A million rumors a day start, and wounded in action in France. in their house which they would rent Bay City schools have remained clos­ For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm desirable party, unfurnished or par­ ed. Some of the schools opening in I can buy a whole pound of tobacco there are more battles here than the at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * 1 For sale—bay mare ^d colt six tially furnished—Address A-l eare other districts the attendance was for two rubles, (twenty cents), ordinary person could imagine the months old. To be sold cneap. Fred • only about one third to one half of about one tenth the price it is over Americans in. Rumers are causing Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- W. Pulcipher, Garibaldi, Ore. * of Headlight office. some wonderful cures too. The other enrollment, the parents objecting there. ei Warehouse. I Stray Jersey heifer on my place. The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ the Our quarters are sure fine, We are day some one started it that Ger­ children to school under V» V» MCI U1UUU11U V kVJ- .. chine XlfeVÀJVJ Agency 10 is 11 now permanently lo- to . sending in an old Russian barrack. the many had surrendered. One of the R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- Owner can have same by paying for V1U11V cated opposite the post office, where- ■pxIS ng c0 onB' pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. building, which is about sixty by the keeping of same. U1 Benzinger. The monthly meeting of the direc­ three hundred feet, is built of brick. fellows going about camp on crutch­ monthly payments may be made and One Ford for sale. Apply to L. D. Wanting to rent a dairy ranch with supplies ordered. Both Phones. tors of the Tillamook Creamery As­ The walls are thirty inches thick, es found himself to be all right at Hardin, 7 miles south of Tillamook.* from 20 to 40 cows. Apply to Ernest sociation was held on Mandty at the and there are eighteen stoves in the once, tucked the crutches under his Jos Atkinson, arrived home the office of the Sec., Carl Haperlach, arm, and started to walk after his T. E. Epplett returned from Inde­ Gisler, or Amstad, Tillamook. Ore. *3 first of the week. He joined the 1 mer- at which fifteen of the directors were building. The stoves are about three shoes. pendence on Tuesday. feet in diameter by ten feet high. If For Sale-—Berkshire pure bred chant marine and the boat he was Well, when Germany ‘comes One lot and small house for sale, pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. assigned to is tied up at San Francis­ present. Routing matters were taken we go into winter quarters here we through' with what we want, we fel­ up. All expressed themselves as be ­ will sure be comfortable alright. $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * E. Williams, Mutual Phone. co for repairs. lows over here will be as glad as any ing satisfied with the present cheese There is an old church here that Will either rent or buy a dairy Mr. and Mrs. Affalter, of Neskowin F. M. Brown, chief clerk of the outlook as far as prices and stocks we use for a mess hall. There are I guess, for we are not naturally 'blood-thiristy' as we may seem to ranch of 15 or 20 cows, or will take State Game Warden’s office and Ed. on hand were concerned. Nothing has were Tillamook visitors Monday. charge of a dairy ranch.—Apply at H. Clark district deputy game war­ been done yet about advertising for four steeples on it, they are odd the Hun when we meet him on the at For Sale—160 acres of land this office. *2 den, both of Portland are in the another year. It was decided to ask shaped. Probably you have seen field. bandlake. Inquire ot Dan Billings. ♦ i pictures of steeples like them. The Some day I will be a millionaire, I for bids on boxes for another year. Alvin Blum vs. Ray Hammond and county this week; one at the front of the building has guess; that is, if I get paid. I have Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms wife is a case filed in the circuit a plain cross but the three in a group Santa Clause is to visit Tillamook The following delegates from Mar­ been with the company just regular­ 205-206 Tillamook Building. * court to recover $40.00 growing out City Thursday Dec. 12th. He wants athon Lodge K. of P. will leave Mon­ at the back each have a triple cross, ly enough to have missed a few pay We buy and sell second hand autos. of the sale of a horse. to see all the boys and girls of the day to attend Grand Lodge which the lower cross bar of which is set days, so that now I have four months Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* Necd a truck to haul your milk? Or county. Look for his announcement will convene in Portland, Tuesday, almost a right angles with the other pay coming—and a fifth in sight. I Dec. 10. T. B. Handley, E. W. Stan­ two. There is also a cresent at the am not 'broke' though, for it hap- For bargairs in second hand auto­ anything else? Got an old automobile? in this paper. bottom of the cross. See Shro'ie, he will explain the rest. been a long long time since I was mobiles go to Case’s Garage. We are sorry to have to announce ley and H. T. Stafford. There will be Well it’s almost "chore” time so where I could spend any money. • the death of Mrs. Alma Larson which a class of Tyros go out at the same I had better bring this to a close. Dr. P. J. Sharp will take care of It's a “Truxtun Attachment.” time to join the Knights of Kharas- My pen is 'on the bum,' so that I Dr. Donohoe's patients while he is Tillamook City has a new meat occurred in this city Sunday. The san or "Dokies” the sunshine lodge , Good-bye, can hardly write, but I will try market located across the street from funeral was held at the Christian of the Knights of Pythias, among in Wheeler. Waldo Doughty. again before long anyway.—Tom. Church on Wednesday conducted by The budget meeting held this after Dawson's grocery. Call Sutton’s Mar- Rev. Harry Tucker. them will be Geo. B. Foster, H. J. | ket, both phones. noon at the court house was adopted Hickerson, R. L. Shreve, Dr. E. W. Tom Coati Writes From France. A strong healthy country girl Barnum, Dr. R. W. Donohoe, Albert i as read on motion of H. T. Botts. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hammer, of For Sale For a Short Time Only. on a wishes permanent employment • ——» October 28, 1918. Regular services at the Christian McMinnville, were visitors at the large ranch. Can plow, milk cows, K. Stanley, L. V. Everhardt ‘ and A. 1 Dear Papa:—In again—the hos­ Chursh next Sunday. The public are home of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Rowe last and do anything outdoors and wear Basch. Chancellor Commander Ralph One of the best ranches in Tilla­ Warren will go as chaperon to see pital, I mean. This time I am sick— week. cordially invited to attend. overalls. State salary. References ex­ that the Tyros safely cross the or at least I was. Feel all right now, mook County, close to town, fine im­ For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one changed. Box 271 Corning, Cal. * burning sands. Dr. and Mrs. Wise will leave for though. The trouble being here now provements, good buildings, electric Portland for a two months stay, in mile north of Tillamook on Wilson Acute and chronic disease cured by is that the fellows back with the lights, thoroughly up to date. This river. Inquire on premises. H. F. t a few days. outfit are getting leaves and here I has never been offered for sale before Stafford. • drugless methods. Osteopathic, chiro- Notice. pathic electric and the milk and rest am where we get none. Max Beals who is attending the - o------ and is only on the market now for a L. E. Partridge and wife returned cure so successful in stomach and The last trip to the lines was a University of Oregon spent Thanks­ To the taxpayers of the Port of to the city on Wednesday, after an bowel disease, rheumatism and ner ­ bad one. We were driving the Ger­ brief period. It will pay you to see giving with his parents. extended visit with relatives in the vous exhaustion. Room 4, Masonic Tillamook, Oregon. Everson. At a meeting of the board of com­ mans, of course, and, as usual they W. B. Summerville, traveling aud­ East. Bldg. Phone 169 R.. missioners of the Port of Tillamook, had lots of machine guns and the ad­ itor of the State Industrial Commis­ In conformity with the rule formed Judge Geo. R. Bagley will hold an Oregon held on the 4th day of De­ vantage of wonderful defensive po­ Your Chance For a Good Buiiness At sion is in the city on official business elsewhere, all wood orders must be adjourned term of circuit court com­ cember, 1918, the following estimate sitions. But it takes something more A Great Bargain. R. L. Cook, late of Blaine, has ac­ accompanied by payment in advance. mencing Monday December 7, and or budget of the receipts and dis­ than machine guns and positions to ' o cepted a position with the Clough —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. stop Americans, and that something will finish up the November docket bursements of the said Port for the The City Transfer Co., of Tilla­ is what the Germans have not got— mook, Ore., offers for sale cheap in Drug Co. Furnished rooms for rent, $xoo a which was adjourned on account of year 1919 was ordered published, as better men. bulk or singley the following: C. N. McKillip, of Hebo, was week, water and lights, furnished. the influenza situation in Tillamook. required by law: For myself, I saw the last fight RECEIPTS. transacting 1 business in Tillamook 1 Mack Truck. There will be a meeting of the ■ a Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., (trip to the lines, I mean) from a Saturday. Tillamook, Oregon. * Home Guard at the Court house on Balance on hand, Dec. 4 1918 Maxwell Truck. 1 different angle than the others. I after paying outstanding Thorobred Scotch Colly pup for went over the top the first day, but Teams horses. 3 For sale, choice Canary birds, to be Friday evening at 8 o'clock for the liabilities........................... $2,322.42 sale. Inquire at Moulton's shop, Tlll- sold cheap. Mrs. L. C. Daniels, three purpose of organizing a National the rest of the time I was a "runner” 3 Sets harness. Proceeds of levy of 2 mills amook. (one who carries messages) between miles south of Tillamook. Mutual Guard company at Tillamook, all in­ on the dollar of estimate 2 Dray wagons. terested should attend. I regimental and battalion headquart­ Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. First Phone. assessed value of the 3 Wood wagons. ers, and later between advanced and Anyone who wishes to assist in the National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., Port $1,182,100 .............. 2.864.20 Mrs. Annie Anderson and daughter 1 Dump wagon. rear regimental headquarters. In Dr. Allen's office. * Ruby moved to Portland Sunday, charitable work of the community From this position one knows what Piano mover. 1 please leave their donations, other Total ........................... $4,686.62 Lowell Edwards, who Is attending where they will make their home for than cash, at Conover and Condit's is going on on in the whole sector Office fixtures and all equipment DISBURSEMENTS. O. A. C. at Corvallis spent Thangs- the present. his regiment holds, and more, rather ' used in the business. grocery store. This will avoid dubli- Maintenance and improve­ giving with home folks. First class dressmaking. Long’s cating and help to systemize our con­ ment Hoquarton slough. $4,000.00 than only what takes place just in i For particulars inquire at the of- front of him. He doesn’t get to shoot fice of the Company. J. C. Edwards returned from a Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. tributions to the needy. Balance to cover legal and or bayonet like those in the lines, business trip to Portland on Tues- Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas Large modern Portland residence other expenses incidental but he does have to "run” barrages, day. Burkhart. with one or more acres of ground to to proper management of and is often exposed to sniper and Notice. Chase High Grade Kohler and the Port................ 686.62 machine gun fire. It has its dangers The regular meeting of the Worn* exchange for 160 acres of land in —— o- - piano for sale—Inquire of H. F. en's Relief Corps will be held Satur­ Tillamook County. At least forty and its times of comparative safety. * The Tillamook County Creamery Total........................... $4,686.62 Cook, opposite postoffice. day December 7th. It is requested acres must be cleared, and not too The worst trip I bad was one in Association will entertain proposals far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, Please take notice that a meeting Maude E. Pickering vs. John C. that all members be present as this which I had a trip to make to a new to supply the various factories with 4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. • of the taxpayers of the said Port of advanced regimental P. C. (post of cheese boxes, both Longhorns and Pickering is a divorce suit filed in Is the annual election of ofifeers. Tillamook has an auto top and Tillamook is hereby called to meet command) to which no runner had Triplets for the coming season. This the circuit court. Regular shows at the Gem Theatre harness repair shop in rear of at the City Hall in Tillamook, Ore­ yet been. It had moved up during the 1 can be for all or part of the boxes, Mrs. H. R. McKinley left t on Fri- every evening. The management have building opposite post office. Auto gon, on the 26th day of December, night to the front line—and moved day of last week, for an extended recently put in a ventilating system tope, curtains and cushions repaired 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. the front line ahead with it. Import­ Anyone having bids to submit or visit with her parents. which complies with the state board and waterproofed, harness repaired. for the purpose of discussing the said ant message had to get there, and I propositions to offer, please leave them with Carl Haberlach, secretary of health. Both phones, • estimate or budget. was given the message, and two of the association, before December, For sale, thorough-bred Red Island By order of the Board of Commis­ guides to a place almost a kilometer Red roosters at $2.50. Enquire al 31st. 1918. Association reserves the Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ To be sure you have a place to live (as the crow flies) away, through right to reject any or all proposi­ Headlight office. • day and make yourself safe from buy a home today. Never has the de­ sioners: Secretary of the Port of Tillamook, the woods, from the place where I tions. Tarpaulins,—any ^lze—made to deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- mand for houses been so great. Prop­ By. C. W. Miller, Sec. had to go—and shown the approxi- Tillamook County Cry Ass’n. erties are selling every day but bar- order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side bender, both phones. I Tillamook Jottings 4 I