TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 28, 1918. Gem Theatre Re-Opens Saturday, Nov. 30th During the time we have been closed we have installed a new ventilating system, re­ decorated and fumigated the Theatre, and in doing this we feel that we have made it safe for the public. We will open with a special program. MARY PICKFORD IN How Could You Jean ? Also a two reel Mack Sennett Comedy. Seven reels of fun and laughter. Show Starts at 7:00 P.M. sharp. Children 10c. Adults 20c. Portland Prepares to Welcome Butter FINDS TIME TO PRAY. Ana Cheese Makers. ------ o — Field Marshad Foch Doei Not Neg­ Portland is preparing to welcome lect Religion During War. the ninth annual convention of the year, to $2.00 per year. Advertising rates on new contracts will be 20c. i per inch in future for advts below one fourth of a page. Locals and readers will be 7c. per line. We have j been in the habit of inserting a good many items free and in future these I will have to be paid for at the line I rate. Buy Your Meat for Canning Now. ------- o------- Oregon Butter and Cheese Makers' A California boy, Evans by name, Association which will assemble here SIZES 14 TO 48. with the American expeditionary at the Portland Hotel, December 11 forces in-France has written a letter ¡and 12. Representatives of Oregon to his parents in San Bernardino, tel- Agricultural College and the State ling of meeting General Foch at close ‘Dairy and Food Commissioner’s of- I’st the local business men range in France. Evans had gone in- jflce will assist to an old church to have a look at it. I in making the visit of the delegates 4 As he stood with bared head, satisfy­ an interesting and helpful occasion. I Meat will be high this winter. Get MODERN DESIGNS The Oregon Dairy Council, an or­ J it now for canning, while it is cheap, ing his respectful curiosity, a gray man with the eagles of a general on ganization formed to further the in­ i Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per the collar of his shabby uniform also terests of all the branches of the l pound. entered the church. Evans paid small dairy industry will lend a hand in I Beef steak, 18c. to 2Sc. per lb. attention at first, but was curious to making the gathering a notable af­ Beef pot roast, 12tic. to 22c. per see him kneel in the church, praying. fair. pound. J. D. Mickle, State Dairy and Food The minute;, passed until nearly an Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per lb. WONDERFUL STYLES. hour had gone by before the gray Commissioner, in speaking of the Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb. coming convention yesterday said: man arose from his knees. All meats are government inspect­ "These are days of great opportun­ ed. Then Evans followed the gray man down the street and was surprised to ity for the butter and cheese makers Tillamook Meat Co. see soldiers salute him in great ex­ of Oregon. In fact the dairy industry citement, and women and children in all its branches should have more Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain’s stopping in their tracks with awe­ attention than ever before. Oregon Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere Tablets. struck faces as he passed. It was has a chance to become known all ov­ AT ----- Field Marshal Foch. Now Evans of er the United States and all over the "I am thankful for the good I have CROSS THE ST. San Barnardino counts the exper­ world, for that matter, because of received by using Chamberlain’s Tab­ ience of one of the greatest of his the excellence of its dairy products. lets. About two years ago when I be­ FROM CLOUGH’S The butter and cheese makers will gan taking them I was suffering a life. DRUG STORE. During the hour General Foch was have a big part in the success of this great deal from distress after eating, on his knees in that silent church in state as it comes before the country and from headache and a tired, lan­ The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, TILLAMOOK, ORE. humble supplication 10,000 guns more and more as a district rich in guid feeling due to indigestion and were roaring at his word. Millions of products that feed humanity and no a torpid liver. Chamberlain’s Tablets armed men were crouching in tren­ food is more important than food ob­ corrected these disorders in a short ches or rushing across blood-drench­ tained from the dairies. I hope every time, and since taking two bottles of >'layrng'13uckboard. ed earth at his command. Generals man in the two lines of business them my health has been good.” Do you know what duckboard is 7 and field marshals, artillery, cavalry, represented in the association will writes Mrs. M. P. Haiwood, Auborn, infantry, engineers and tanks fought come to the convention. He will be N. Y.—For sale by Lamar's Drug It’s a kind of a game first played In a primitive and mild sort of fashion as he commanded them to do and in royally welcomed. He will help every Store. Pd. Adv. by Rocky mountain goats and since no other manner, as he prayed in that other man who attends and will modernized and mage difficult by the WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS gather much inlormatipn and in­ little church. American army. The apparatus on Nor was it an unusual thing for spiration that will assist him in FOR SPOT CASH which one plays duckboard is a mixed General Foch to do. It is said that building up his own interests." ANY ISSUE. ...Z At the recent meeting of the Ore­ there is never a day that he does not - —o------ do the same thing if there be a gon Dairymen's League resolutions $100 church that he can reach. He never were adopted asking that the office $50 fails to spend an hour on his knees of Dairy and Food Commissioner be $500 $1000 slippery strips of rounded wood laid •’ crosswise about two inches apart, and every morning, and every night it is maintained as now as a separate and WHY cnsli them—when you know the money the same. He has done this during distinct administrative branch of the Send u> your Bondi by registered. is supposed to keep one's feet out of the mud. It does I While playing duck ­ will noon be spent? With a Savings or Check­ state government as the dairy indus­ letter and receive highest market his entire life. board one's feet are usually In the air. try represents an income of approx­ ing Account here at the big. strong First National Rank price by return mail. It is called duckboard, I suppose, be­ imately $20,000,009 annually and *, it will be no time at all until you will have a nice WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. cause of some silly belief that a duck Irish Corporal Captures Youthful is deserving of this recognition. nest egg." could walk it without falling. Even 200 Central Bldg. Hun in Shell Hole. The Oregon Dairy Council, which Only National Bank in Tillamook airplanes flying at a height of less Seattle Wash. was a temporary organization formed than 5,000 feet have been seen to wig ­ . „ DIRECTORS: Mike, a big Irish corporal, had just to assist the industry by spreading * "'■Bunn, Farmer. p Heise!. Farmer. gle and dip drunkenly while passing the doctrine for a greater use and captured a German in a shell hole. ~ Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. Sleep and Rest. above trench lines floored with duck- “Come down out o’ that,” shouted apreciation of milk and milk pro­ ------- o U. C. Lamb. RuHding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. boards. And when it is laid upon the Mike. The prisonei' was a wax-pale ducts, to assist the daiiymen in their IF. J. Riechers. Cashier. One of the most common causes of surface of the earth and there are no boy who afterward said he was 16 feed and labor problems and to help insomania and restlessness is indiges­ handy trench walls to help out—well, and who didn't look 14. He was very maintain a high standard of produyts tion. Take one of Chamberlain’s Tab­ it's lucky for Charley Chaplin that the weak, his helmet almost rested on and of herds, has been so successful lets immediately after supper and see wide world didn't see me operate. his narrow shoulders, his tunic was that a strong demand is heard for the If you do not rest better and sleep Nothing could ever again be funny to so big that the sleeves were rolled permanent foundation of the council. better. They only cost a quarter. For a man who saw me play duckboard out back eight inches, his trousers were As a result the council will soon be Sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.—Pd Ad. there In the comparative open of that so long that they bagged like a on a firm basis. O. D. Center, direc­ wood I—William Stevens McNutt, in zouave’s bloomers. The poor kid com­ tor of extension service at O. A. C. is Collier's Weekly. Call for School Warrants. menced to cry pitifully, like a girl. president, E. C. Callaway is secretary ------ o------ Wilson River Items. About Croup. “Niver you moind sonny,”’ said and J. D. Mickle, treasurer. On the Soldier's Appreciation. o------ ----- o----- All outstanding school warrants board are representatives of various Mike, "I’m no baby killer. Here let Recently a woman well known in Claude Ackley of Wilson river is If your children are subject to me help you,” and big Mike dropped branches of the dairy industry and are hereby called for payment issued America, who has devoted all her slowly improving, after a severe at­ croup, or if you have reason to fear bis gun, slid down into the hole, mill men, business men, representa­ by school district No. 9. Interest time to relief work since the war be­ tack of inflamatory rheumatism. their being attacked by that disease, where the boy might have turned his tives of the bureau of health and I ceases this 12th day of November, gan. was visiting a hospital. The com- George Williams and Leland Hoy you should procure a bottle of Cham­ 1 1918. others well known. own gun on unarmed Mike, and mundlng officer had sent a military are remodeling the old Overland au- berlain’s Cough Remedy and study ------ o—— Erwin Ilarrison, Clerk. brought him up. car for her. She entered the car just to into a bug for two, so girls get the directions for use, so that in case ------ o----- "Stop your cryin’, sonny. Nobody’ll as an ambulance filled with wounded ready for a ride. of an attack you will know exactly Putting In His Time. hurt you. There'll be eats for ye an’ passed by. As she noticed the thin, Rollie W. Watson is building a what course to persue. This is a ------ o ------ a good rest back there. But—” and pale faces, tears came into her eyes. new modern barn on his country favorite and very successful remedy TOWER’S FISH BRAND ’’I never could see what a tramp Mike paused and glared—-“if I could The soldier-chauffeur asked If she home, located one mile north of for croup, and it Is Important that get me paws on th’ big dirty fat slob does with his time." was ill. Fairview. you observe the directions carefully, "Never could myself," said Plunk- of a Prushun what sent a baby the “No,” she said, “these are tears of Mrs. Adolph Erickson has been ser- For Sale by Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd ville ’ s popular constable, "until I likes of youse out here I’d tie him to V gratitude and pride.” iously sick with the Spanish influ- Adv. is a corker that post an’ feed him lighted hand followed one around just to find out. "Miidame," replied the boy, simply, enza. 4 Men Wanted. grenades ’til there wah nawthing He ate four breakfasts and six din­ “ If I thought that my being a soldier for slaying -------o------ Carl Helsel and Carl Swenson are I ners." left of him. That’s the guy I'm after” was worthy of but one of yonr tears, organizing a basket ball team and Loggers and mill men wanted at ------ o------ and Mike picked up his gun and rush- I should feel that I had not lived in on the job-J would like to have every one at- the Brighton Mill Co. at Brighton. Having finished his meal the diner <’d on into the thick of the advance. vain.”—Red Cross Magazine. tend that can. ----------- (H--------- called for his check. Jack Robinson has purchased Will "Let’s see, said the waiter, "what » Huns to Wear Bark Shoes. Call For Bids. i ; Notice. 1. Williams’ ranch south of town and did you have?” ------ o------ To help out in the present great has moved out there. a — -o------ “Can’t tell you for the life of me," Bids are hereby called for the con­ scarcity of leather and the consequent Hershel Hollett, who has been struction of the Trask Drainage Dis­ A There has been a change in the was the reply; "but what I ordered dearth of footgear, a German army working for Jim Williams, returned ownership of the Tillamook Transfer was minced chicken.” trict's ditch. Plans may be seen at authority recommends the Introduction I 7 ----- o----- of linden bark moccasins such as are to his home at Blaine Saturday. the office of H. T. Botts, secretary, Co.. J. P. Maginnis buying an Inter­ Pete Harrington moved from Wil­ Tillamook City, Oregon. Bids will be Notice to Subscribers and Advertisers 3 worn by the Russian peasantry. Made son river to Willamina last week. est in the firm. We would appreciate Vakrptnti Ab « lately. from the bark of young twigs, these ------ o------ ’ received up to the close of Wednes­ the early settlement of all accounts shoes are said to stand two years’ day, November 27th, 1918, and Owing to the voters discriminating both owing by and to the firm pre- Notice. wear ; yet they are light and easy should be left with the secretary, H. DEALERS EVERYWHERE. I it the general election, giving Mult­ ~o and can be made to fit well. The lin- T. Botts. vious to November 23rd. We also A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON. nomah county a fair rate for legal den forests of the prince of Monaco, We desire to close our berry ac- *ish to thank our customers for near Lnon, France. Germans say. counts as soon as possible. Therefore advertising and other counties in Why He Looked Well. Previous business and to ask that Wlgg—Hello, old man, I congratu­ would supply sufficient bark to make any person or persons holding tickets the state an unfair rate, the county they continue to give us an oppor­ 1,000,000 shoes, and the making of for berries picked for, or sold to late you on your appearance. I never papers will have to raise their adver­ "Do you raise any small fruits them would furnish excellent light oc­ Graves Bros., of Tillamook, will saw you looking so well. tunity to serve them. around here?" tising and subscription rates or go Wagg—I do feel In pretty good cupation for prisoners and slightly please mail them to C. 8. Graves, H. Brooks. "Can’t raise anything small we will raise shape. You see I've been too infernal­ wounded. out of business. Hence Dallas, Oregon, for payment. J. P. Maginnis. around here, stranger. The soil is ly busy this summer to go away for 8. C. Graves. the subscription price of the Head­ too good.” A Question a rest. first of the PLUSH and all wool pfì A TÄ Velur and Bilevia. VLV A O Manish Serge, Broadcloth and all Wool Poplin W T T I’ r I iq 0 Lil 0 Wool Jersey, Wool Serge, TAT) Satin and Silk 17111 JjlO GOLDEN’S >— Deposit These Creamery Pay Checks REFLEX SLICKER $ij »' |4_l. light, commencing the