TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 28, who do not believe this, notwith­ When the officers and men on the THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIOHT. German war vessels, on their way to standing that the Uuited States F. C. BAKER. Publisher. surrender, saw the allied grand fleet army played a most important part Subscription............................It.50 yr. NO 1919. LONELINESS AT NIGHT AT HOME IN LOFTY PLACES MUSIC’S AID TO MEMORY -------- I Like Nothing Else, a Strain of Music All Sorts of Animal Life Shared Roots Mountain Sheep Climbs With Safety Will Take One Back to Scenes of Guests Sojourning in Java­ of 400 war vessels, they must have in the last drive on the Western and Ease Where No Hunter Would of the Past. nese Hotel. blessed their lucky stars that they front. It Is not such a difficult mat­ Dare Venture. were not ordered out to fight that ter to return the men as it was to I could never forget the thoroughly formidable armada. Maybe they were take them over, for there is now no Of all American animals, bighorn, | Have you ever realized the power exceedingly surprised to see so many danger of submarines, but whether humanized character of this isle of the mountain sheep, Is one of the most that music has to carry the memory It need surprise no one that the war vessels, for the German people the United States army will be back the East nor admire It as I had Ceylon remarkable. Not only Is he remark­ •»ack years and years until the Illusion French and English are going to had been told that the submarines in three months is doubtful. That with its wealth of wilderness and wild able In appearance, but he is equally is so realistic that when your mind make the ex-kaiser surrender. ; would bring England to her knees. the men will want to get back to the life, writes William Beebe, in Asia remarkable in his ability to live, and returns to Its Immediate surroundlugs United States as soon as conditions Magazine. Yet I am forced to admit live well. In an environment where It you realize with a start it was only a ■ —-o------ -■ o----- of the armistice and peace terms are that never have I been on more Inti­ would seem that no animal of such | day dream—that you were not actual­ Bryan is It ¡3 16 to 1 that Billy There is a little difference of opin­ signed need surprise nobody, for they size could possibly sustain life. There, I ly and physically where your thoughts lost, st ayed or stolen, for he seems ion as to whether it was wise to con­ will want to get back to their homes mate terms with so many forms of animal life in any building as In a on the roof of the world, he not only were? A few bars from one of the old to have disappeared from the lime- tinue the office of county agricul­ and civil life as soon as possible. Javanese hotel. Fishes only were ab­ sustains life, but, winter or summer, I songs enrries you back to the old light. turist, for there are dairymen who sent, and I am convinced that If I appears to be fat and In the best of I home. You see the fields, the river, favor it while other oppose it. The The Bolsheviki movement in Eu­ could have remained. It would be only - ----- o- — - the “ould kirk” in the hazy distance. News reports say that the ex-Kais- dairymen who own farms and pay rope will not be confined there and • question of time when the remark­ condition. In America there are six species of [ You almost feel the evening breeze on the taxes are the best judge as to it would not surprise us very much er prays every day. His guilty con­ able climbing fish of Javanese waters mountain sheep. The largest and best j your cheek and hear the famlllur science must be troubling him, or be the merits or demerits of a county if we have Bolsheviki troubles in the would have flopped across my portal.1 known Is the truly magnificent big­ sounds—the lowing of the klne and is praying to his German Gott to pro­ agriculturist, after several years ex­ United States, started by persons When a gentle rain began to fall at horn, also called Rocky mountain j the bleating of the sheep. You’re liv­ perience, and it is up to them to de­ who have been using seditious lan­ dusk and continued throughout the sheep. Once abundant in the Bock- I ing again those dear old days just as tect him from the assassin’s hand. cide whether they think the office guage and pro-Germans. Another night, it seemed as if most of the In­ les. from Mexico to British Columbia. vividly as you did long ago. Demobolize the fellows that have Justifies the expenditure and they source of danger would be the release sect life of Java took refuge in our It Is now found only In small scattered Or the strains of an old waltz re­ are reaping that much benefit from of the large number of persons who been making us live on substitutes. room, and attempted suicide against bands. This Is due to man’s persistent mind you of your first dance years and That might be hard on the substitute the extra taxation. The dairymen have been enterned, who will be the our electric light bulbs. One of the hunting. It Is now protected for a | years ago. You live over again the should attend the budget meeting, first to join a Bolsheviki agitation first arrivals was a mole cricket I profiteer. days before the dance when you were where they can express their opin­ in this country. The war has been a spent ’much energy In pursuit of the term of years In some states, and Is so busy getting everything ready— ------ o------ ions, and in the meantime it would good thing in one respect. It proved first arrival, before I realized that race slowly Increasing In numbers. Look over the county budget and not be out of place for the Granges that there are more disloyal persons Bighorn is of a gray-brown color, •nd then the great night arrived. You see whether a little economy can be of the county to discuss the matter. in the United States than there suicide played no part in the life prob- ' with a white or cream-yellow patch on remember your entrance Into the bril­ A big ram will liant ballroom. You saw all those old effected. Taxation is going to remain Very few counties have discontinued should be, and raises the question as lems of gryllotalpa. Legions fol­ the hind quarters. The female Is friends whom you thought you had high for a number of years, and it the office of county agriculturist, and to how to purge the country of them. lowed. escorted by myriads of mos­ weigh 300 pounds. will be a good idea to practice econ­ from all accounts they are doing (They are a menace to the United quitoes, moths, beetles and nocturnal smaller. Both male and female have 1 forgotten until now. Then the excite­ dragonflies. Then the vertebrate phyla ment and the pleasure and the wonder­ omy in state and county affairs, for good work. States and It is natural to suppose passed In review. A great, bubble­ horns, but those of the latter are ’hort ful dances—the people you met for the that is what ¡.he taxpayers will have and straight, while those of the ram that they will be the first to join a eyed toad hopped fearlessly about our ------ o are Immense and curve back and first time and the faces you saw for to do in private affairs. Every dollar A lot of foolish things appear in Bolsheviki movemnt should one hap­ feet dlgnlfiedly searching the floor for around until sometimes they form al­ the last time. All this recalled by just that can be saved in running county pen to start here, as would a large a few bars of music. affairs should be put into hard sur­ print in connection with the war. number of radical Socialists who fallen Insects, while a pair of mice most a complete circle. one of which Is that the allies are go­ slipped from corner to corner on the This is one of the reasons why mu- faced roads. The bighorn lives In the most inac ­ ing to sink all the German ships that hold anarchists ideas. We do not an­ same errand. The air was winnowed cessible places among the towering sic has such a great liold on people— — -o — were surrendered by the terms of the ticipate that the Bolsheviki move­ now and then by small bats, and the and why its charm never wearies— William Gibbs McAdoo, secretary armistice. How absured, when the mnt would gain any considerable walls and ceilings were quartered by crags of the Rocky mountains, and why some music no matter how old. of the treasury and director of rail­ machinery can be used in other ves­ number of followers, but those who vacuum-toed lizards, pale-hued geckos travels with ease places In which it no matter how familiar or oft heard. would seem no creature lacking wings roads, has resigned. He was often sels, to say nothing of the great did affiliate with it could make which wiggled swiftly from moth to Is always new. It is a necessity that mentioned as a possible candidate quantities of iron in the modern war trouble by sowing the seeds of dis­ moth, or posed like delicate Javanese could possibly get about. ^It bounds there should be such music in every for the presidency two years hence, vessels that can be used for other content especially where there are la­ paintings on shojf. Over the electric down precipices which app’ear to the home, and thanks to the Ingenuity that but after the Republican landslide, purposes. In all probability a few of bor troubles. This may become a light a pair of Indian sparrows sat on onlooker to offer no foothold, and Its made possible the talking machine and he must have seen the handwriting the vessels wi., be given to th^Unlt- more serious question than most of their nest In the full glare, waiting for safe arrival at the bottom seems little the player-piano the musically un­ less than a miracle. It scales cliffs on the wail as to what is going to ed States government and brought to us are aware of, for during the pro­ the cessation of this artificial day. At trained are not dependent upon their happen to the Democratic president this country. cess of reconstruction there is going last we crept beneath our nettings and which the hunter dares not attempt— gifted and tutored friends for this to be more or less men out of employ­ In the darkness listened to the patter- People’s Home Journal. in 1920. blessing.—Exchange. ment. We have implicit faith in the lngs, and were lulled to sleep by the | It won’t be long before all the re­ strong arm of the government grap­ subdued small talk of all the little SMALL REWARD FOR BIG FIND The bank statements of the two strictions are taken oft, with no fear HAS FAD FOR COLLECTING city banks make a fine showing for of embracing Miss In Flu Enza. And pling successfully with and Bolshe­ bungalow beings. Man Who Discovered Gold in Aus­ a city the size of Tillamook, which most of us will be mighty glad, for viki movement, supported by public Anything Odd or Curious, San Fran­ tralia Remunerated by the Mag­ amounted to nearly one and a half we are all getting tired of mustn’t opinion, but we expect to hear that WHERE HINDUS ARE SUPREME cisco Man Is Eager to Add to million dollars, the First National do this and mustn'e do that and held pro-Germans and anarchists attempt nificent Gift of Five Dollars. His Possessions. Bank total amounting to 1831,248.01 up with the numerous drives, and to start a movement in the United Have No Equals in Balancing, Rope The first discovery of gold in Aus­ and the Tillamook County Bank bossed over by the various adminis­ States. Dancing and Other Performances “I met a man In San Francisco who tralia was made as early as 1839 by »««0,102.07. of Like Nature. trators and different organizations. COAXING YOU TO SMILE. a convict servant of a Scotch settler < goes In for collecting odd things on a Most of us have stood it without a ------o- ■ “I have seen many balancing, rope named McAlister. This man found a ' large scale," said a traveler. “He has, The ex-Kaiser was a food hoarder. grimace, for it was the right thing to "Don’t roll out of bed like a sailor" nugget of what he rightly conceived to begin with, several ropes which News reports from Berlin say that do, but down in our hearts feel glad says a newspaper doctor. "Stretch dnnclng and tumbling performances In to be gold while tending hls nnster’s have been used to hang celebrated circuses and theaters, hut they are not he had immense quantities of food the embargo and restrictions are to the muscles of the legs and the ab­ criminals. In the same room are a stored away, while the poorer classes come off, that is if the numerous domen Immediately alter awakening. equal to those of the Hindus in India.” sheep near where the town of Ballarat ■ now stands, and took It to McAlister,, number of menus obtained from hotels were unable to obtain sufficient food, bureaus and commissions can be Pulling on one’s stockings in bed is says a traveler. “It Is not unusual in who submitted it to the governor. Sir | in various parts of the world. He and a good many pro-Germans in the made to let go their soft jobs, hold­ a good way to accomplish this result India to see girls in their teens bal­ places considerable value on several George Glpps. ancing themselves on their heads United States did exactly »»hat the ing down nice little, fat Democratic and reduce flesh.’ corks which have been pulled from the The latter had It assayed, and found with their heels In the air, or walking ex-Kalser did. positions. Obviously, to follow these instruc­ on their hands and their feet with that it really was gold, but fearing a bottles of wine used on the tables of ■■■■ o------ tions, one should take the stockings their bodies bent In curious postures. mutiny of the convicts if the truth well-known persons, and a dozen book i -------- 0-------- The urrogant manner in which the marriageable to bed the night before. Most of the I once saw a performer in India were allowed to become known, he dedications ure considered au Impor­ One prospect of new government of Germany talk is young women obtaining husbands exercise, then, naturally will con- place her head in a hole 20 inches kept hls knowledge to himself. Mean­ tant feature of the collection. Some a pretty good Indication that they went glimmering when the boys in sist in finding the stockings among deep and emerge with a bracelet that while, he ordered the finder of the of the autographs in the collection have met with defeat but are not the spruce division left this city. A the bed clothes the next morning. specimen to be given n sovereign ($5) are highly prized because they re­ was concealed in the sand. conquored. Probably, after they large number of marriage certificates quired the expenditure of not a small “One of the most interesting per­ In recognition of his "enterprise.” -------o------ - know the terms of peace the govern­ have been issuesd to soldiers and lo­ sum of money and quite a little time. formances is that of women who dance This is probably the smallest re ­ Chicken Minus Feathers. ment and the German people will cal young women, who will make on ropes. One plays a musical in­ ward ever given to a white man for During his travels In foreign lands the ------ o—— feel subdued, but It must be taken their home In other parts of the The little six-year old daughter strument, while the other goes through what was the biggest find recorded In collector picked up the thigh bone of for granted that the spirit of revenge country. We wonder how many of was very observing and had fre­ gyrations, holding a number of ar­ history, for when, 12 years later, Ed­ a Syrian giant, a chameleon of Bar­ will prevail in Germany for many our boys in France are coming back quently seen her mother dressed for ticles in her hands and taking care ward Hargreaves rediscovered these bary, a great African lizard and a years. with French wives, for it is said that fashionable functions. One day she not to drop them. The Hindus exe­ same goldfields, many millions sterling rose which was said to be 100 years the Yanks are Infatuated with was watching the maid prepare a cute any number of sword-balancing were taken from them in the course of old. He even turned his attention to feats, The most difficult perhaps is a few months. beans, and has ten Chinese beans French young women. chicken tor tne oven. A good deal of discussion is going that in which the point of a sword 1 which are not familiar to the people "Oh. mamma!” the little girl ex- ■ ■ o on as to who won the war, for many is placed on the chin of the I per- of this country.” It may uot be such a loss of lime claimed. "Norah is takhig all the former.” are claiming the honor, Why, of Dread of Poverty. who feathers oft the chicken! ” course, it ,vaa the Democrats and education to the students in the A great deal of apparent poverty Gather Wisdom From Others. "Yes, dear,” replied the parent. flocked to Washington and filled soft public schools owing to the Influenza comes from dread of poverty. A man All Follow Bell Mule. It’s dangerous policy to consider I saves every cent and goes mind and embargo, if school boards would cut “She is dressing it. ’ Jobs who won the war. An old flea-bitten, hammer-headed soul hungry and, ten to one, he is yourself above the other man's mes­ "Why mamma, the chicken ain't out Christmas and other numerous -------o------ ewe-necked bell mare, slowly picking I starving somebody else at the same sage. If you're so superior your fel­ goln' to a ball, is it? ” holidays and utilize Saturdays for Wouldn’t that Jar you! Mr. Me­ her way across the corral at the re­ time, along with himself. He is really lows will never be content to let you o ■ — Adoo has resigned because the cos t teaching until the summer holidays. I mount station at Camp Zachary Tay­ poor, for the time being, although he Bit in silence. Besides if you don’t That Is what the snap shot man of living Is too high and his salary lor, followed by a long string of mules has a large bank account Poverty want to listen to what's going on you Food Conservation. would insist upon if he was a school ------ o------ - as Secretary of the Treasury Is in­ walking In single file, heads down and will come every time as the result of have no business there. Noise made director. The students need the edu ­ Park—There have been a good ears wagging, served as Illustration sufficient to keep him and his family. , the Improper attitude toward money. by you will Interfere with the hearing cation and the taxpayers should many chunges in geographies since 1 for an officer attached to the big can­ Why, six years ago the slogan of the I Money Is not a reality; it represents of those who do want to lenrn. You have value for their money. And this went to scnool. Demociutic party was to reduce the tonment who had Just finished remark­ things that we consider for our good. owe It to. yourself and others to pay is the way to obtain it. Wood.—1 suppose so. high cost of living , and the free I ing that “horse nature and mule na­ ' But there Is no poverty like that of attention or at least make it possible — o-- "For instance, 1 noticed in my ture and human nature were mighty , the starved soul that shrinks and trude tariff bill was introduced and "We lvave got to stop waste, .ex­ boy's school book that the .sam« contrary things any way you take dries up Into narrowness and compres­ for others to listen. Besides there are pusaed with that object In view. few people that can't learn from oth­ travagance and reckless expenditures 'Sandwich Islands' is no longer used" them." , sion. In getting the feeling of ers. Don’t be a prig. Remember any or the country is ruined. Unless there "That's so; we usually speak of “Now take those mules," he said.* wealth, look about you. See all the child can ask questions that will con­ The County Court has made appli­ Is Immediate cessation In piling up them as the Hawaiian Islands now." “The education of a pack mule 18 a wonders of nature; believe that won­ cation to the State Highway Com­ enormous itulebieduess the people of "1 don't know but I'll bet a cookie thing that must be begun early. He ders will happen and then get ready found the wise. The ordinary speak­ er may have ideas that need the polish mission for another appropriation this nation will be hewers of wood it bad something to do with the food bus just two purposes In life. for them. After the day’s work is of a Gladstone. You are always a from the state road funds for an ex­ and drawers of water' for genera- . conservation movement." “One Is to carry 225 pounds dny done, build air castles, and then go tension of the live miles of hard I tions." In this manner Senator Mar- after day patiently and uncomplain­ in and lay a strong foundation under gainer when you get the other man’s -------o------ surfaced road that is Just finished I tin, of Virginia, majority leader, and ingly, and the other Is to follow the one of them. Expect to develop Into best. It may be a help to you some south of this city which was built by I chairman of the appropriations com- A Scot Shows Thrift. bell mare of the train, regardless of efficiency necessary for the bigger Job. day.—Pennsylvania Grit. the State Highway Commission and ' mlttee. who was re-elected last week where that animal may go. Well, English, Irish and Scottish soldiers there is in that corral an Illustration The key to this lies In your hands the county. The law calls for 20 without opposition, urges the irnme- Those Flattering Films. In doing the little things well.— Pat­ were returning to camp after a stroll miles or more of hurd surfaced road ulate necessity tor retreuchmeut. He Next to an unretouched photograph, of the effectiveness of our training. rick Fenton, In the Nautilus. In the south part of the county and thinks the curtailing of expenditures They were lootsore aud tired, and a The old mare hus started after a drink the moving-picture screen is the great­ — it Is the purpose of the County Court should begin without a day's delay. kindly farmer ou his wuy home from •f water and there goes every dad- est flatterer In the world. It doesn't Lead Poisoning In Waterfowl. to request the State Highway Com­ And so do most persona who see the market gave them a lift on the road. blasted one of those fool mules after flatter those who appear In the pic­ The soldiers were very grateful According to Mr. Alexander Wet­ tures so much as those who sit in mission to live up to the letter of the waste of ao much public utuney by a drink of water.” and wished to reward the farmer for more of the United States biological front and watch them. law, and if this Is done It will mean the Democratic party. his kindness. survey, lead poisoning In waterfowl, considerable more hardsurfaced road Nobody can attend a moving-picture Shallow Heroes. Said the Englishman: "Let's stand which haa been known for a number show without being reasonably confi­ put down next year. This is no time for banting up the It Is exceedingly tortuuate that the him a drink.” of years, has recently assumed consid­ dent that he has assimilated every­ war ended when It did. The next tew "Sure", said Pat "that is again the niade-for-the-occaslon hero. That self­ erable economic importance. Wild The truth Is now made known | months will be devoted to recon­ law. Let's give him some baccy?” exalting, keep-your-eye-on-me Individ­ ducks, whistling swans and a few oth­ thing. It la not like the spoken drama, where one learns, on picking up the ual Is extremely busy calling attention • bout the English prisoners being struction, coming at a time when er birds subject to the disease, pick "Hoot, ma laddies!” interjected treated in a much more cruel man­ there Is usually more or less shutting the Scot. "Don't be extravagant ;. Lets to personal merits, In the swirl of up and swallow pellets of shot lying paper the next morning, that he missed just about half the subtleties in the lier than prisoners from other coun­ down of industries. And another very ' ZsZaTV v mon and I w ish common-places you would never see In the mud in marshes and shallow performance and came near losing the .......................... . , . . shake hands with the them if they were not thrust before lakes about old shooting blinds. The I tries. Thia simply shows how bitter , important matter that Is a great ad­ him good nlcht.” your eyes. But he keeps you posted, shot remains In the stomach until It big Idea of the whole thing. Every­ the Germans afe against England vantage In the war not being pro- f w— -------- — - ■ ■ O — With half a chance he’ll talk you Into has been ground into fine particles by thing Is right where all of us can get for getting into the war, for It spell longed until next summer in agricul- • -------- Both Dangerous. oblivion with hero tales of hls own ex­ bits of gravel, swallowed to aid di­ each detail without effort, and tn grub- defeat for Germany when John Bull tural conditions. — The men In France, . blng ’ those details we find great mat- ------ o ------ ploits. He carries his worth on the gestion. and part of the lead Is pro­ - or, at least, a large number of them. ' donned ills war duds. Of all the alli­ ter* for self-congratulation. — Film surface and when you have looked him ed countries the one country that will be back, in time to take part In I "A little learning Is a dangeruus gressively absorbed Into the system, over you have seen all there’s to hit*. resulting In slow paralysis, emaciation run. Germany hates moat is England. This raising next year's crop. As there is thing.” quoted the suge. the foot fool, ’’almost as Heroes of the tln-soldler type are and death. la shown In the cruel. Inhuman man­ going to be a big demand for most ' "Yes.” agreed th» Mr. Wetmore’s experi­ members of his class. Yon can tell ments show that In some cases a sin­ Learn to Be a Listener. ner in which English prisoners were everything raised on the farm, this Is dangerous as knowing it all." them by the rattle of their wares The man with brains In his head la treated and the deplorable accounts where man power, money and energy o------ gle No. fl shot Is sufficient to cause which they always carry around for death by lead poisoning.—Scientific i a good listener even if he doesn't they now give of the treatment they should be used to produce the biggest Her Sacrifice. exhibition purposes.—Exchange. know what men are talking about It’s received, calls for sever punishment crops of food stuffs ever raised In American. a pleasure to listen when you’re inter­ upon those who were responsible. the United States. Back to the farm "Miss Flapp is always talking ested. The next best thing Is to act Parental Advice. - ■ o------ la a good slogan right now. Ecology." about the duty of those at home to as though you were. That does not “My boy. now that you are going out Why not ? The voters of Oregon Although the word “Ecology" has mean that you are to act the hypo­ make sacrifices for the country. Is In'o the world to make your mark, you ■ o have set a price on legal advertising, long been known In Its meaning, lit­ crite. It means that you are to put she making any herself?" » ill probable have some love affairs." It Is perfectly natural that ""men giving Multnomah county a living tle practical attention has been given yourself at attention and the chances "Oh yes. She gave away her pet “Yes, dad.” rate and the other counties of the who are now In the army should canary to conserve the sugar sup- until recently to the methods of study are that you will become Interested. “ Rut I ought to warn you particu- state a much lower rate. Why not want to get back to civil life as soon ply." It connotes. Ecology Is that phase of You Just must learn to get Interested lar'v against one type of woman." have a bill Initiated and set the price as possible. It was no easy Job to biology that considers plants and ani­ In what concerns the world. Disregard “And what sort Is that, dad?" of cheese made in Multnomah county mobolize 3.000.000 men. Considering mals as they exist in nature, and stud­ wbat Interests others and thereby you A Matter of Principle to 'The kind who says she Is trying everything the United States made a at 10 cents per pound and cheese fiud herself. Ninety-nine out of a ies their Interdependence, and the re­ make confession - that does not count made In the other counties of Oregon remarkable record, uol only in mo- Mother What do you want anoth­ hundred men who join a woman in lation of each kind and Individual to to your credit. So even If you can’t at 6c. per pound? We will gamble bolixing a large army, but tn trans­ er doll for? You have doxens. that sort of search come to grief soon­ Its envlmnmert. It Is the study of confess the most lively Interest, find 2,000,000 men *- to that MO per cent of the voters would porting over Little Elsie—1 know It. but I am er or later."—Birmingham Age-Her­ the actions and Interactions of living out what there is about the thing that in Germany today vote for that kind of a bill. But , France. Even things and their reactions toward ex­ interests others and the result may bn firmly opposed to race suicide. ald. j there are persona In high authority would It be right to do ao? ternal Influences. I a revelation to you. Editorial Snap Shots.