TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 28. RANGES ! Universal Columbia Idea ! Exceptionally Low Priced $40 to $90. AT These ranges were bought over a year ago at prices before the raise, and will give you the ben­ efit of these prices while they last. Also a complete line of WOOD & COAL HEATERS HARRIS FURNITURE CO. Tillamook, Oregon The Vtlve-in-head type engine illus­ trated her«, like all intern«/ coaibue- iron entfinee, require* an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cyl­ inder heat, burns clean in the com­ bustion chembers and goes out with exnavst. Zerolene fills these require­ ments perfectly, becetree it is correct» ly rnflnod from 9«l*ctod California ae* }hali-baao crude. ZEROLENE fifre Standard Oil for Motor Carr It Keeps the Engine Young! Zerolene keep« the engine young—full-powered, smooth­ running. and economical in fuel and oil consumption— because it is correctly refined from selected California asphalt-nase crude. Gives better lubrication with less carbon. Made in sereial consistencies. Get our Correct Lubrication Chart covering your car. At dealera er«r^whtnu>d Standard Oil Sarrica Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CelUornia) UAJVlB-SCHRflDER CO WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rdJAve. West, Tillanaoik Or. t Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE. SEE W. A. CHURCH. FOR INSURANCE. Fire, Life, Agilent, lutomobile. 2nd Ave. E, between 13t and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S Stephens. nance number 352, adopted October thence west to the northwest corner Lot 8, Block 3, Owned by of section 31, in township 2 north of 8th, 1917; Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ The respective lots or parts there­ range 8 west; thence south to the In pursuance of Warrant issued by essment...................... $122.09 of, together with the respective southwest corner of section 18, in the Recorder of Tillamook City, Interest....................... 22.98 amounts of the delinquent assess­ township 1 south of range 8 west; Oregon, the undersigned marshal of Cost of Advertising.. 1.25 ments against each thereof, interest thence east to the place of beginning said Tillamook City, will on the Lot 5, Block 4, Owned by thereon and costs to date of sale, due at the southeast corner of section 18, 21st. day of December, 1918, sell at Dwight and Curtis Ass- $122.09 upon each lot or tract, or part there­ in township 1 south of range 7 west the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at the Interest,....................... 22.98 of, together with the name of the of the Willamette Meridian, in Ore­ front door of the City Hall of Tilla­ Cost of Advertising, ...... 1.00 owner or reputed owner of each tract gon. and that at such election a ma­ mook City, Oregon, that being the Lot 8, Block 4, Owned by respectively, as the same appears up­ jority of all the votes cast in said building in which the Common Council on the docket of city liens of Tilla­ precinct and said portion of precinct Dwight and Curtis Ass­ of Tillamook City holds its sessions, essment................................... $122.09 mook City, Oregon, are as set out in were against stock running at large therein; and that in sixty days from sell at public auction to the highest Interest....................................... 22.98 the following: Tract beginning 330 ft. S. and 100 the date of this notice it shall be un­ bidder for cash in hand, the real pro­ Cost of Advertising............... 1.25 ft. W. from