TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 28. 1918. SANITATION. knows the English to be honorable romance is passing from its streets, and committed to justice in the treat­ we are getting in its place pictures That the germ is the cause of most of the reality of a human nature ment of prisoners. deadly disease is more than mere The parallel is continually being which has not changed much since "Portland attorney lies in shell theory—it Is a real fact. The work drawn between William Hohenzol- an excited Jerusalem crowd yelled, hole twelve hours," is a striking of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ lern and Napoleon Bonaparte, and "Crucify him” in answer to the ques­ headline in Sunday’s Oregonian. But phoid hospitals in the canal zone, this naturally gives rise to specula­ tion of their governor. that’s nothing. We have known at- the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ tion as to whether there is not likely torneys to lie all their lives.—Ob- dence of the fact that the safety of to be some similarity in the punish­ server. man does not depend on good or bad ment of both defeated conquerors. Some Aliens Should be Deported. - o — luck, but upon the fight which each The St. Helena Idea seems to be a Several country papers were taken Aliens who canceled their first pa­ individual makes upon the disease favorite popular conception of a fit in by the first and fake report of the pers or who huve renounced their germs, the cause of most losses of fate for the ex-king of Prussia. signing of the armistice. The Mc- There are other suggestions, some citizenship in the United States in life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ Minnville papers were cautious and on to kill the germs of disease several reasonable, many fantastic, but one oroer to avoid military service under dldnt’ get bit. The Forest Grove News finds little dissension from the con­ the draft law should be deported. vital questions must be looked squar­ Times used an eagle and large heads ely in the face or disinfectanting will viction that it is absolutely neces­ This is no place for them. They be­ and took a whack at the Hillsboro sary for William Hohenzollern to be long to the countries fiom whence be little better than useless. First— papers for being slow In not getting adequately punished. That is good they came. They should be'sent back Has the disinfectant the power to in the fake report.—Carlton Sentinel. common law. A criminal who sur­ to the land they prefer, This is a kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, ------- o------- renders, even one who pleads gnilty, duty the government must not over­ Can the disinfectant be used safely The ban against the use of cream does not thereby escape the penalty look. It is not fair to the boys who whenever disease germs are found? or more than twenty percent of but­ of his crimes. That the exploits of have won freedom for the world for 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ terfat, more generally known to the Germany’s late ruler come under the these aliens to remain here, Back where and every where, and by any housewife as "whipped cream," has head of crimes is not to be question­ they should go. The United States body, and can it be used with safety? been lifted. Again It is permitted— ed. They were criminal in their con­ offers freedom for all. but those who Therefore a-disinfectant that can be if one has the sugar to spare—to ception and in the manner of their shirk their duty and refuse to accept used with safety must not be a poison have the whipped cream cake, short­ or coatine acid, whereas poisonous cake, or "brown betty” with whipped Where Germany’s Real Sinews of execution. There is an overwhelming the responsibilities should have none mass of evidence. of the rewards. disinfectants endanger the life of cream and other delicacies.— Ob­ War Came From. A large number of the lesser crim­ human beings or animals, this can be server. ------- o------- verified by turning to the files of That the American troops are pro­ inals of the war are sure to be pun­ Reason Enough. If coming events cast a shadow be­ ceeding to enter and occupy the ished. Provision to that effect is our daily papers. When buying a dis­ fore them then there is a big socialist Briey basin of Lorraine is of itself a specifically contained in the terms of infectant be sure what you buy as The Democrats in the House have cloud gathering on the political hor­ sufficient guarantee of Germany's the armistice with Turkey. And if your life may depend on that pur­ izon. The Bull Moose and the prohi­ future inability to resume the war. certain Turks, for example, are to a strong inclination to Government chase, look at the label, note the ownership of railroads and telegraph bition party have disappeared from If no other guarantee had been ex­ be tried for such wholesale murders germ killing power and if it is poison und telephones. The experience of the ballot and this year tor many of acted in the armistice, allied occupa­ as the Armenian massacres, how can or not. Disinfectants are measured the state offices the candidates were tion of this great iron district would there be any escape for the ringlead­ the country under government, oper­ upon the germ killing strength of confined to the hyphenated Rep-Dem make Germany powerless as a belli­ er of the gang, who directly caused ation of both these public utilities, undiluted carbolic acid, which they and the Socialist.—Canyon City Ea­ gerent. Had he not possessed this deaths infinitely more numerous and we feel confident, has set the peo­ term a phenol coefficient. Look for ple decidedly against government gle. stolen territory it is doubtful if the quite as horrible as those of the Ar- the phenol coefficient on the label. ownership. They have borne its in ­ Hohenzollern would have felt able to menians? ------- o------- B. K. was tested by the United Discussion of punishment for the flictions patiently, cheerfully, be­ We may expect a pitiful cry of pov­ start hostilities in 1914. States Hygiene Laboratory and found cause of the necessity of war; but Teutonic leaders, if it is carried on erty from the German delegates to More than half of this district of to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus the Peace Congress when the bill of 225 square miles was taken by sensible and on a proper legal basis, they have seen what it means and or ten times stronger than undiluted will be glad to see the end of it. — damages is presented, but It should Germany in 1871. When the present ' is quite legitimate and is undoubted- carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much fall on deaf ears. Germany can and war began three-fourths of the total iy forthcoming.—Spokesman Review New York Times. stronger than coal tar disinfectants This time the Times is correct; must pay in money and labor for the I German production of iron ore came J —much safer. and in this statement alone, the incalculable injury she has done. from this basin. From such of the Investigation Plain Duty. Safe—B-K. contains .no .poison, Tinies can find ample reason why the Justice demands that she derive no Briey district as remained in her acid or oil. voters, that is the voters that keep advantage of any kind from her hands, France obtainer two thirds of It is true that It is no part of the Clean__ B.-K. 18 colorless, leaves crimes, and justice should be done her iron supply. In the first rush of duty of the Republican majority in their heads in times of stress, decid­ stain on floors or walls. without the slightest tincture of 1914 the Germans occupied the the next Congress to engage, for ed that a Protection and conservative mercy.—Oregonian. whole of the territory, and since the I I merely partisan purposes, in purpos- majority should control congress. Drodorant— B-K. destroys foul ------- o------- odors leaves no odor of itself. war began they have mined an esti- eieas investigations into the proceed- Prominent men predict that the mated yearly total of 42,000,000 jngs of the present national admin­ Cheap to Use—B.-K. 8<> much Kaiser is Very Rich. United States will emerge from this tons of iron ore. Without the Lor­ istration. But it is the duty of that stronger than other disinfectants ------- o------- war the richest country in the world, raine territory Germany could never majority to bring to the light of day that it does more disinfecting for the The kaiser not only has sacrificed and that the country’s labor will be have made w-ar for four years. In whatever of useless waste and ex­ same money. Use It in Barber Shops, the people of Germany to, his ambi ­ well taken up in reconstruction work fact, German ironmasters have been travagance has accompanied the re­ Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread in expansion of industry and in lm- quoted as saying that the fight fusal of the administration to permit tion, but also is one of the greatest boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, proveinets that have been held hack would have been lost In three months check or scrutiny in connection with war profiteers. He has always been cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ by the war. That Is the sensible and That is to say, Germany would never the vast expenditures. There may be one of the largest shareholders in en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, cheerful view to take. Prosperity Is have started the war without the Republicans in the country who have the Krupp gun works al Essen, and nursing bottles, operating rooms, a: since the war began is said to have in great part dependent on the state Briey district. good reasons for resisting such inves­ purifying air, sick rooms, etc. of mind. If we all expect and work All this territory now goes back to tigations, but the people as a whole increased his holdings of stock $25,- B.—K. ia not a cure a11 but athor- for post-war prosperity, we will have France. Secure possession by France have a right to 1 know, and demand 000,000 worth. The kaiser is one of ough germ killer. Protect yourself it. If we howl calamity, panic and of her once lost territory will be one to know, whether or not the many the world’s enormously wealthy men. now against any dangerous disease bad times, we will have that.—Itein- of the basic conditions of any peace rumors as to wild I waste of public He is the greatest land owner In germs that you may come in contact izer. treaty. Thus Germany will be de­ funds, now openly charged by the Prussia, and has an immense private with by using B.-K. B.-K Is sold in - - -O------- prived of a possession that would be Democratic floor leader In the Sen­ income with investments of more quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ than $10,000,000 in the United After the blood and thunder, rev­ a continuous incentive to future war ate, are true. antee. B—K stands absolutely on olutionists, abdication, drives and all making, while at the same time I The people demand that responsl- States. His grandfather left him a what it does for you. Use it according horrors of war are ended we ought to France will gain an Important indus­ i bility be fixed for this ’’wild extrav- fortune of $12,000,000, obtained to directions then If you don’t find be glad to settle down to hard work trial asset.—Spokesman Review, 1 agance,” which, if it has Ireen going through kingly graft. As an example it exactly as represented by us we at moderate pay, and live sensible of what unrestrained privileges can j on, is nothing less than a gross be- will refund your money—For sale by and sane lives. By the time the sol­ do to a nation, Germany ranks next I truyal of public trust. Ford's Tongue Runs Wild. Kupper.bender, bith phones. diers are all back home this country The people want no bi-partisan to Russia and Mexico where the peo­ should have lost any remnant of ple virtually have been under bond­ white-washing, they want no weak Henry Ford’s tongue has run wild age. taste for the long-haired orator and agutn. At a recent meeting on behalf or apologetic inquiry; they demand agitator, for the red radical, the of the United War Work Fund In intelligent, searching review of the bolshevik, the I. W. W., and such Statements On Who Won War. New York, he said that the house civil proceedings of the past two Ornamental Fire Places Built like. Most people experience a bad ------- o------- was full of bankers and that "they years. of Brick and Stone, All Fire taste when they think of them now. Arthur Bu'stbrain: "Woodrow Wil­ Millions of men have been, during Places absolutely guaranteed (the bankers) want to make other The chances are pretty good that this not to smoke or money re­ wars, for their own gain, so that our that period, making great sacrifices son won the war. He also started the Is going to be a more Ameri^tn coun­ funded. ’ boys can lose some more arms and for the republic; if others have been revolution in Germany.’ try after the war, and many of these Brick work of all kinds done wasting the treasure of the people, legs." Josebhus Daniels, Secretary of the alien citizens will be given tickets on short notice. Whose boys? Not Ford’s. His son, for local, or sectional, or partisan or Navy; "Admiral Wilson, with the back home?—Iteniizer. We make a specialty of re­ Edsel, claimed and was given exemp­ personal purposes, then the whole more or less conspicuous help of the pairing smoking Fire Placet. truth must be made known. tion from military service, The fol- United Press, won the war on Thur ­ In 1862 the country had an income • If the Republican party fails to go sday, November 1, 1918. tax with it fixed rate of 3 per cent on lowing comment by the Chlcago < into these matters thoroughly, it will Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, incomes between $600 and $10,000 Tribune is to the point: deserve and receive public condem­ "We do not know what bankers "I didn ’ t make that last trip to and a fixed rate of 5 perecent on In­ nation, The effort to "huBh up’” the France for nothing, although I must comes In excess of $10,000. In 1864 Mr. Ford saw in New York, bue we TILLAMOOK. ORE. facts must be defeated, and to this confess I was 3,000 miles away when this had been increased to a rate of do know bankers in Chicago whose end the rank and file of Republican­ the terms were signed." suns were not snugly at home like 5 per cent on Incomes between $600 ism should make its wishes known and $5,000, 7% per cent between Mr. Ford's Bon Edsel, whom Mr. Ford Herb Hoover: "I said food would to the men ’elected to Congress on was careful to see ran no risk of $5,000 and $10,000 and 10 per cent win the war and it did.” November 5. losing either arms or legs or Income on incomes over $10,000. There were Gerald Stanley Lee: "My articles There has been a serious lack of few great Incomes then, but there during this war. Very likely some of he honest publicity in connections with on how to win the war by advertis­ was relatively leas revenue to raise. the bankers wear the service pin ing won the war by reason of the the transaction of public business >n which Mr. Ford Is not entitled to Uncle Ham in the present war Is I reent months, but there must be no 2,000,000 weekly circulation of The spending every two months a aunt wear.” The worst enemies of thia country lack of it from now on, and if the Saturday Evening Post.” equal to (he total cost of the four George Harvey; "God be praised:” years of the civil war. There were during the war were those who stirr­ Republican party, as represented ,n Congress, fails to go to the bottom In Albert H. Laidlaw: “The Kaiser •tamp taxes for alnioat every conceiv­ ed up class antagonism, Whether able kind of business transaction, that was their intention or not, they these matters, it will be properly must have heard that I had been in while practically all products were did the work of the Kaiser, With the charged by the people with complic­ Class 1 A. I should worry who gets taxed. Any drafted man could escape majority of them, that was their in- ity In the "wild extravagance" Sena­ the credit." service by producing a substitute, or tentiou, and denunciation of capital tor Martin, talks about. Moreover, v T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregt n. T. boi sa ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Complete Set of Abstract Botkeini Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Both Phones, Oregon c - hawk PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hay City Oregot» QB J. G. .TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to 1 illamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt E Tillamook . . . O igon- J OHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , ‘Tillamook • . . . OlegaM> ROOM NO. 261. H. T.^Botte, at-Law. Brea. Attorney John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treae., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law Abstract«. Real Estate, ¡Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. DELCO-LIGHT The complet. Electric Light and Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot, smoky lamps. co | « ACKLEY 4 MULES Tillamook Garage, Tillamook Oregon.