"?■1 1 ■■ ........................ - ■■■■■ ' - ' TILLAMOOK, OREGON. NOVEMBER 2H, 1918. Tiliamook Jottings i Will either rent or buy a dairy ranch of 15 or 20 cows, or will take charge of a dairy ranch.—Apply at this office. *2 One of the best bargains in a building spot, just at the edge of the city limits, can be secured 'for a few days. Nothing better in the county. You will buy if you investi­ gate. See Everson. 3lraììli0Ìjt. S i . jo PER YEAR. The Gem Theatre opens Saturday. i Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. ready well “over the top’L They are INFLUENZA BAN LIFTED. Nov. 30, and during the time they ------ o------ Clatsop, Coos, Jackson, Lincoln, Till­ ------ o ------ have been closed have installed a Do your Christmas shopping early amook, Baker, Sherman and Wheeler People Should Use Precaution And new ventelating system to meet the and avoid the rush a few days before W. A. Wise, dentist * The standing of the counties of the Keep Cases Isolated. requirements of the State Board of Christmas. Most of the stores will state, each county's quota, and each Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* health. have their Christmas goods on dis­ county's percentage of its quota sold Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. • £>. O. Worthington, of Wheeler, The following communication was play after Thanksgiving, and as help on that date, is shown in the follow­ died in Portland last week from received by Rr. R. T. Boats from the ■s somewhat hard to obtain it will be ing table: Let W. A. Church write your insur­ Spanish influenza. He was highly i great advantage to store keepers if ance. '• Official Per Cent to people will start in at once and buy respected at Wheeler, and his death State Board , . of , Health in , regard __ County Quita Sold hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough came as a surprise to many of his liftin8 the ban in Tillamook City, heir Christmas presents, and in this Benton ......... . . $271,020 87.6 Need a truck to haul your milk? Or friends. Co. * .vay customers will be better cared Clackamas . . . . 728,580 | Portland, Nov. 26, 1918. 75.1 anyihiag else? Got an old automobile? for and obtain better attention. This Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4, Clatsop......... . . . 370,860 On Saturday, November 9, Bryan Dr. R. T. Boals, Tillamook Ore. 139.0 See Shro ie, he will explain the rest. Wood, is of mutual benefit to the store­ Columbia . . . 19 years old, and well known Masonic Apartments. 87.8 It’s a “Truxtun Attachment." * in and around Amity, died of influ- i Dear Doctor:—Following our long keepers and their customers to shop Coos............. . . 275,020 470 640 Don’t fail to see the farm tank at For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one enza. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. distance conversation I took the early, especially in the morning if Curry........... 43,480 85.0 the Kuppenbender Warehouse. mile north of Tillamook on Wilson H. Wood, live at Hemlock, Tillamook trouble to go over your reports possible. From all indications there from will be a big rush of business for the Douglas .... . 469,040 87.4 river. Inquire on premises. H. F. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. r. County, and one brother and sister Tillamook County, and Jackson .... . 258,366 123.8 with this Stafford. next few weeks, and by starting buy ­ Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. live in Amity. ( 63.7 table before me, I deem it advisable ing early the people will be better Josephine . . . . . 221,260 In conformity with the rule formed Lane............. . . 620.000 Acute and chronic disease cured by 95.7 Wanted—Want to buy a Franklin served and better pleased. to lift the ban in your city, with elsewhere, all wood orders must be drugless methods. Asteopathic, chlro- Lincoln ......... .. 141,120 100. Fireplace—Smithy. • accompanied by payment in advance. patliic electric and the milk and rest the understanding that all cases of Linn............. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. cure so successful in stomach and influenza be strictly isolated and Annual Meeting of Tillamook Agri- Marion......... . . 971,800 79.6 ware.—R. W. Bennett. ♦ . cultural Council, Wednesday Polk............. . 321,160 Furnished rooms for rent, $2.00 a bowel disease, rheumatism and ner­ those in close contact with the sick 80.0 December 4, 1918. Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, week, water and lights, furnished. vous exhaustion. Room 4, Masonic Tillamook . . . .. 151,540 103.2 to use masks under proper sanitary ------ o ------ Tillamook. Phone 72-W. Washington . . . 533,440 Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., Bldg. Phone 169 R.. 97.4 The annual meeting of the Tilla­ * 94.3 Large modern Portland residence precautions. Each person should try mook County ’Agricultural Council Yamhill .... . 436,700 All kinds of mill feed at C. O. & Tillamook, Oregon. to protect himself and others Baker ........... For sale, choice Canary birds, to be with one or more acres of ground to . . 397,720 by will be held in the court house on 10 2.1 C. M. Dawson’s. • sold cheap. Mrs. L. C. Daniels, three exchange for 160 acres of land in avoiding crowds and covering up the Wednesday, December 4th, at eleven Crook........... 82,160 68.7 Why not place your feed orders for miles south of Tillamook. Mutual Tillamook County. At least forty Deschutes .. . . 125,000 93.7 cough and sneeze. o ’ clock in the morning. At this meet ­ the future with Kuppenbender. * Phone. Gilliam......... . 112.,140 * acres must be cleared, and not too 97.6 This disease will probably remain ing the work of the past year will be 112,140 92.4 New Grant car for sale at a bargain First class dressmaking. Long’s far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, with us all winter and abviously reveiwed and plans for the work of Grant ........... Harney......... . .. 102,540 448 See Ben Kuppenbender. * Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. 4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. * the coming year will be taken up. Hood River .. .. 146,000 72.5 it would not be practicable to re ­ Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas Tillamook has an auto top ana The change of the organization into Wanted—-I want to rent a piano.— 27,9 harness repair shop in rear of main closed until there are no longer a County Farm Bureau will also be Jefferson . , . . 111,560 Smithy. * Burkhart. Klamath . . . . . . 238,000 63.1 i building opposite post office. Auto discussed. This will be in conformity Lake Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ any cases. ............. . . 119,580 72.6 We handle Trojan Powder. Best for day and make yourself' safe from lops, curtains and cushions repaired to the other states of the Union and Yours truly, Malheur .... . 236,200 37.0 stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- i and waterproofed, harness repaired. to the other counties of this state. 90,160 A. C. Seely, 73.0 If you can’t come, send your harness Born to the wife of Gilman Nunn, bender, both phones. This Farm Bureau will consist of Morrow ......... Sherman .... 66,000 114.0 at Manzanita Inn, a daughter. State Health Officer. i representative farmers from each Dr. Wise will be at his office across by parcel post to the Auto Top and 91.5 community i'n the county. The plan Umatilla .... . . 439,180 For sale or rent, the U Hara Farm the street South of the Court hours, Harness Shop, Box 146, Tiliamook, 77.4 * is not materially different from the Union ........... . 325,580 at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * about one more week before leaving Both phones, .... . . 208.540 63.9 B. McKIMENS IS KILLED Council plan except that it will in­ Wallowa To be sure you have a place to live D0NALD ■ Saturday ^ or b ' 8 Portland office. Wasco ........... Gem Theatre re-opens . . 423,380 74.9 buy a home today. Never has the de- clude all the communities, will be IN ACTION. Roy Church who is located with maud for night, Nov. 30. 50,260 110.9 changed in name, and, we believe, Wheeler .... houses been so great. Prop ­ the Spruce division in the state of 86.2 will give a more workable organiza­ Multnomah . . . 6,322,280 Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- I 1 Washington is reported ill with in­ erties are selling every day but bar- ( gains are not all gone yet. Some of Other Tillamook Boys Added to the tion. ei Warehouse. * ' fluenza. Teachers’ Examinations. What can the Farm Bureau do? County’s Honor Roll. the best buys were listed today for ------ o------ K. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ This is a big question. There is al­ Dr. Wise will be at his office i quick sale. A payment down, balance * pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * across the street south from the monthly, places you in a home of Notice is hereby given that the most nothing connected with the When it became known on Satur­ One Ford for sale, Apply to L. D. welfare of the farmers or farming County Superintendent of Tillamook • Hardin, 7 miles south of Tillamook.* court house until about December yoqr own. See Everson at once. day that Donald B. McKimens had community which the Farm Bureau County, Oregon, will hold thé regular 2* 1st. We are sorry to have to announce examination of applicants for State One lot and small house for sale, the death of Mrs. Ruth B. Elkloff been killed in action in France it may not do. The first thing they will Certificates at the court house as fol­ | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook are moving $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * be called upon to do is to outline a was with general regret and sympa ­ which occurred on Saturday, Nov., i from Beaver to Tillamook to make lows: For Sale—160 acres of land at , their home. Mrs. Cook is a niece of 24th. pneumonia being the cause of thy for the bereaved family, who had ^program of work for the County Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 18, Agent to carry out this next year, death. The funeral services were held previously been worried because the bandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * Mrs. Wise. 1918, at 9 o’clock a.m., and contin­ on Wednesday at the Christian young man had been gassed and The County Agent is not here to uing until Saturday, Dec. 21, 1918, Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms Lost, tire and mountable rim, be- ' Church, conducted by Rev. Harry spent two months ih the hospital. force any utopian schemes on the at 4 o'clock p.m. 205-206 Tillamook Building. * tween Tillamook and H. Rodger’s : Tucker. Young McKimens volunteered his farmers of the county b it rather to Wednesday forenoon—U. S. His­ same at ranch. Finder please leave aid them in every way possible in For sale, four sholts.—Apply at the Let your 'Xmas gift be something services, who with Guy Loerpabel, * tory, Writing (Penmanship), Music, the Tillamook Garage. useful—something that is needed to son of George Loerpabel, left Nehal­ solving the problems that come to Drawing. Headlight office. them. The farmers themselves, then, Dr. Wise has discontinued his trips We buy and sell second hand autos. to Nehalem, Wheeler and Cloverdale, make your home pleasant. A sugges­ em together and joined the Third or their representatives, are best Wednesday afternoon—Physiology, Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* on account of the influenza and bad tion: Rocking Chairs for young and Oregon. We have already reported qualified to lay out the work of the Reading, Manual Training, Compo­ old. Couches, Dining Table, Dressers, the death of Guy Loerpabel in action, sition, Domestic Science, Methods in 2t Set of dishes, One of the best Ranges and now we are sorry to hear of County Agent. For bargain in second hand auto­ roads until about Feb. 15. Destructive criticism never accom­ Reading, Course of Study for Draw­ on the market and Heating stoves. — mobiles go to Case’s Garage. the deuth of Donald B. McKimens. Regular services at the Christian ing, Methods in Arithmetic. * Both were splendid young men and plishes anything, but friendly criti­ Fred C. Baker and wife left Wed­ Church Sunday; December 1st. You Allen Page’s Store. Thursday forenoon—Arithmetic, cism, showing what should be done, nesday to spend Thanksgiving at are all cordially Invited to attend Mrs. A. M. Robinson, of Independ­ highly respected, and their deaths will accomplish wonders. History of Education, Psychology, these services, Harry Tucker, pastor. ence, and mother of County Clerk are a loss to the county. Eugene. . The great war is over but the food Methods in Geography, ' Mechanical Corporal Donald B. McKimens, son Mrs. A. A. Pennington returned : Asa B. Robinson and county-judge of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McKimens, of crisis is still with us, and we can- Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Dr. and Mrs. Wise will leave for Portland for a two months stay, in from Camp Lewis on Monday, where elect of Polk County, died on Thurs­ Mohler, Ore., who was killed in not look for conditions to be normal Study for Domestic Art. Thursday afternoon—Grammar, she had been called by the serious day morniing, cancer being the di­ action October 15. About a month for some time to come.. a few days. rect cause of death, Mr. Robinson The Department of Agricultural, Geography, Stenography, American illness of her brother. ago Mr. McKimens sent him some Mary Pickford in “How Could You lived in this city and clerked at La­ Typewriting, which is delegated by Congress to Literature, Physics, For Sale—five room bungalow and mar’s drug store some few years money by wire. Jean’’ at the Gem Theatre, Saturday, Methods in Language, Thesis for handle the food situation, frequently Corporal McKimens enlisted in lot, good location, close in, reason­ ago. I Primary Certificate. November 30. Company B, 162d Infantry! the old looks to the County Agent for infor­ Friday forenoon—Theory and mation regarding crops, labor, mach ­ Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First able. Call C. A. Swenson’s place. Emma Perkins vs. A. L. Thomas is Third Oregon) at the beginning of _ . _______ _ (Spelling), National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., Mutual Phone. a suit filed in the circuit court grow­ te war. After going to France he was inery, and other things. The County Practice, Orthography For sale—Steel range—will sell ing out of the lease of a. dairy farm, transferred to Company G, 104th In­ Agent, in turn, goes to his Farm Physical Geography, English Litera­ In Dr. Allen's office. * Bureau members who know the con- ture, Chemistry. The budget meeting will take place with or without cooking utensils. the plaintiff alleging that defendant fantry. In August he was gassed in ditions in their respective neighbor- Friday afternoon—School Law, Apply to L. R. Cooper, 6th Ave and failed to leave hay on the place to battle and spent two months in a next Thursday afternoon at the court Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. hoods. 8th Street. the amount of 1420.00 and had fail ­ hospital. He was released September house. * Saturday forenoon—Geometry, Again, the Experiment Stations are Claud Parrish, a brother of Mrs. ed alBo to account for |58.35 worth 16 and rejoined his company in ac­ Will Latimer left on Friday for Morris Leach is reported dead at of evergreen blackberries gathered tion, only to be killed a month later. established to work out the scienti­ Botany. Saturday afternoon—General His­ fic facts governing the best agricul­ Portland where he will take treat­ Camp Mills, N. Y. The cause of his on the farm and sold. Another sister, Louise McKimens, tory, Bookkeeping. tural practice. The County Agent and ment from a specialist. death is unknown. The following men have been re­ is taking a training course at the the Farm Bureau are to sort these G. B. Lamb, For sale, thorough-bred Red Island Rev. F. 8. Ford and wife of Banks, ported to the Adjutant General as de­ Good Samaritan hospital. Two other over and apply those that fit their Co. School Supt. Red roosters at $2.50. Enquire at are spending Thanksgiving at the linquent for failure to fill their brothers are also in the service, B. T. community. Consider the value of -------- 0-------- McKimens, in the tank corps at such a system throughout the coun­ Headlight office. * home of their daughter, Mrs. C. E. questionnaires. Leonard L. Gillam, Albert N-. White, Wilbur B. Spady, Camp Colt, Gettysburg and Frank G. try. Without it, it would have taken Dressmaking at my home or by the Trombley. Pay for October Butter Fat. and Jesse L. Reynolds. And the fol- on the U. 8. 8. Yorktown. longer and cost more lives to have Second a Ave. East day. Phone 143-W. secona » ------ o------ Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms lowing have been reported for fail- subdued the Germans for it helped I *■ 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office ing to report for physical examlna- ana 8th St. Mrs. J. E. Reedy. • Asa G. Krumlauf Mining. Carl Haberlach reports that farm­ materially in solving the food prob ­ — o — Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ tion: Jas. B. Waddicor, Jas. D. Sal- ers will be paid for October butter A telegram was received from lem which was so vital a factor in fat next week as follows: * safe, clean and powerful. For sale at days by appointment. ing, Earl B. Gilmore, Bradford, Rog­ the war. Washington, D. C„ stating that Asa Tillamook Creamery, 86c. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Don’t throw away your eld tires but ers, Wm. R. Bussett, Jas E. Copeland G. krumlauf was reported missing in If there are no farm problems in Maple Leaf Creamery, 86c. Let wour co-worker on the farm be get an "Inner Tire” and get from Oscar Allen, Alfred J. Nordstrum, G. France. Krumlauf was in the Tilla­ the County then farm Is going back- Holstein Creamery, new way, 80c., the Cleveland Tractor. On display at too to 5000 miles more service out of R. Huard and Fritz Schupbach. mook County draft, and left this city ward; if there are, then the County Alice N. Buffum vs. Thomas F. for Camp LewiB on the 25th of June, needs this farm bureau organization old way, 91c. each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.* the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Fairview, 85c. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Embum left on Buffum is a divorce suit filed in the and from there was sent to France. and its agent to help solve them. Elwood, 84c. For Sale—two year old colt, qext circuit court. These parties were Providing the “ Flu ’ ’ ban is lifted Red Clover, 83c. spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving married in Tillamook County on Oc­ His mother resides at Brighton and by December 4th, all interested farm­ at the Sumerlin parental home in he has two brothers in the service, South Prairie, 84c. Knight. tober 1st, 1914, and they lived to ­ ers are invited to be present at this both of whom are in the Navy. There Portland. Long Prairie, no.whey fat, 82c. gether until November 21st, 1917, meeting. If not, at leat a full attend­ If you hear laughter long and loud Southern factories as a rule range For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ when the defendant forced and com­ is a slight possibility that young ance of the council members and the its from the Gem Theatre crowd Sat- Krumlauf may not be killed, but may between 79c. and 82c. gine 9%xll. Full equipment. Good pelled the plaintiff to leave their new Farm Bureau members is essen ­ urday night. Factories close to Tillamook where as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer. home and deserted and abandoned turn up later, but of course no one tial. It is expected that some one can vouch that he will. i whey was separated received the fol­ Those who wish to see Dr. Wise Neskowin, Oregon. College will the plaintiff, and this without any from the Agricultural about dental work should do so at lowing amounts per 100 lbs. milk be present. Mrs. D. A. Pennington, mother of just cause. Plaintiff asks the court once. for whey cream returns, returns be­ W. Bunn, also to allow her to resume her A. Appreciate Publicity. A. A. Pennington, who has been here Mrs. N. J. Myers __ and son Robert, assisting in the care of her son dur­ maiden name, Alice M. Davis. Tillamook ing figured into butter fat prices. Vice-President Tillamook Creamery, 17.40c. per of Fort Codumbia came In on Mon­ ing his illness, left for her home at Agricultural Council. Lumbermen of the northwest may Fred C. Baker, Editor, 100 pounds milk. day to visit with Tillamook friends. Headlight. Tillamook, Ore. accept commercial business at their McMinnville, Tuesday. Maple Leaf Creamery, 16‘£c. per Horse and buggy for sale, or will Dear Sir.—I want to express to 100 pounds milk. Anyone having room or apartment pleasure. Government control of the The W. S. S. Drive. trade for heifer. Apply at Dawson’s in their house which they would rent mills was nominally relinquished you my apreciation of your very ------ o------ Holstein Creamery, 19.4c. per 100 Grocery store. * desirable party, unfurnished or par­ Monday night in accordance with a generous support of the United War With but little more than a pounds of milk. message received from Washington Work Campaign in the columns of month to go, it may be necessary to Fairview Dairy, 17*4c. per 100 lbs. Ford car for sale, either 1915 or tially furnished—Address A-l care during the day by H. B. Van Duzer, your paper. This service was of pe- put on special campaigns in some 1 milk. 1918 model. Apply to Ernest Gisler, of Headlight office. chairman of the flr production board. culiar value to the success of the counties of the state in order to put Elwood Creamery, 18^4c. per 100 Tillamook. * 3 Adolph Schild and Miss Emma Thos. B. Watt, Manager of the campaign owing to our inability to Thad Robison of the Tillamook Staehle, a popular young woman of Brighton Mills Company Is now in reach the people from the public Oregon War Savings Stamp "in the pounds of milk. Clover Leaf, 17c. per 100 lbs. milk. clear.” County Bank made a business trip to the Conneil district, were married in Washington, D. C., having been call­ platform. Henry E. Reed, associate state di- South Prairie, 14c. per 100 pounds Portland on Tuesday. Portland recently. They will make ed there by the government for con­ I am pleased to report that the rector of W. S. 8. work has complet- mil*. their home in this county. campaign was an entire sultation relative to the lumber busi­ success in ed a table showing the reiatlve Just received a car of mill feed at Three Rivers, applied on Separator this state, there having been report­ standing of the counties in the per- plant, 21c. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ ness conditions of the Northwest. ed subscriptions amounting to $1,- A. D. McGinchy. who has lived in are lowest. • chine Agency is now permanently lo­ centage of quota attained, and those Fairview paid over $4.20 on an cated opposite the post office, where the county for 30 years, was found 100.000. To this may be added at counties showing less than 85 per average per 100 lbs. milk. Mr. Hab­ For sale—bay mare and colt six monthly payments may be made and dead In his cabin at Meda on Satur­ least another $50,000 which I am ad­ cent of their quota subscribed will erlach says that prices should have •nonths old. To be sold cheap. Fred supplies ordered. Both Phqnes. day by John Baker. It was thought vised will be reported soon by var­ be considered in line for special been higher, but from 4c. to 5c. the W. Pulcipher, Garibaldi. Ore * that the deceased had been dead ious counties. This will make up the For sale—three high grade regis­ about a week. Coroner Hinkle made full increased Oregon quota amount­ campaign work between now and the lb. was charged for making cheese, Stray Jersey heifer on my place. first of the year. so as to pull all factories out even on Owner can have same by paying for tered Holstein heifers, two two-year an investigation and decided that it ing to $1,150,000 as requested by Counties more than 85 per cent ef­ making charge for the year. Supplies olds and one yearling and one milch was not necessary to hold an inquest, National Headquarters. Oregon is the the keeping of same. U1 Lenzinger. cow. Write. Mrs. J. A. Hazlltt. For­ as the man had evidently died from only state in the Western department ficient now are considered in a fair of all kinds are so much higher than way to reach their goal before the other years, that it has been neces­ Wanting to rent a dairy ranch with est Grove. Ore. natural causes. He was about 69 which was able to reach the in­ first of the year, when the campaign sary to charge more for making. It from 20 to 40 cows. Apply to Ernest J. P. Maginnis, who came to thia creased quota. For this result we are clones, but all county workers are would be poor business policy to op­ Gisler, or Amstad, Tillamook. Ore. *3 city from Wending and worked for years of age. His niece, Mrs. J. D. largely indebted ta you. Sullivan. and a nephew. Thomas Me­ being urged, nevertheless, to keep at erate factories at a loss while prices the lumber company, has bought an Very truly yours, For Sale—Berkshire pure bred Glinchy. at Portland, came in on it until success is clinched. are as high as they have been. O. W. Davidson, Pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. interest in the Tillamook Transfer Sunday to take care of the remains, Eight counties of the state are al- State Director. ®- Williams, Mutual Phone. • Co. which were buried on Tuesday.