Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 21, 1918, Image 8

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Thanksgiving Sale of
Thanksgiving Sale of
Ladies* and Misses* Sweaters,
Knit Caps and Scarfs.
Ladies* and Children's Hose,
Black, White and Colors.
The entire sample line of an eastern jobber was placed at
our disposal at a price reduction that was too tempting to
pass up. The line includes regular and outsizes in Ladies’
Cotton, Lisle, Silk Fibre and Silk Hose in Black, White and
colors, and in Boys’ and Girls’ Hose in Black and White and
Tan. Buy Hosiery in this Thanksgiving Sale and save on
the purchase of every pair.
A prominent Knit Goods manufacturer offered us his
sample line of Sweaters, Jersey Caps and throws at a big
price concession. Of course we jumped at the offer know­
ing how scarce this class of merchandise is today.
The complete line is now here and will go into our great,
.Thanksgiving Sale at wonderful savings. The color selec-i
tion is particularly good,___________________________________ j
The Store that Sells for Cash
Only—And Selling for Cash
Sells for Less.
Beginning Saturday, November 23rd
For the double Thanksgiving Celebration this
year you will need new linens for the festive
board and new garments in keeping with the
day’s festivities, and these very special Thanks­
giving Sales will help you supply all your needs at
great savings.
Don’t expect an early reduction in the price of
commodities or wages.
Previous experience
proves that prices will be maintained if not in­
creased in the days following the cessation of hosti-
ties in Europe.
When the 50,000,000 soldiers engaged in this war
are mustered out and returned to civilian life they
will have to be clothed from head to foot and there
is not half enough raw material in the world at the
present time to do it.
Statistics show that at the end of the Civil War
in this country Men’s ordinary suits sold for $75
to $85 and Calico at 75c. yard. What, therefore, con­
ditions will be like, after this the world’s greatest
and costliest war in the destruction of raw materials
and manufactured goods, we leave you to judge.
Our advice is to buy Now and continue to buy
all your needs as you can afford. If you do this
you will be grateful for our advice.
Take special advantage of these great Thanks­
giving Sales.
Men’s Overcoats,
Dress Shoes and Shirts
Greatly Reduced in Price.
Now is the time Men! to fill your dress apparel needs. These
Thanksgiving Sales offer wonderful opportunities for securing new
stylish and desirable wearables at great savings. Come in and
look them over the first opportunity.
Thanksgiving Sale of
The Famous
Men's Dress Shirts
Rosenwald and Weil
Overcoats for Men
Salepriced at
The New Ballymede style Overcoats
in heavy weight fabrics for Fall Wear.
Similar qualities in these Overcoats re­
tailed for very much more than this
sum in normal times. At the price quoted
therefore for this event'you are offered an
exceptional Oveicoat Bargain.
Made in 44 inch lengths these Bally-
tnede styles are just the right models for
the young fellows and the tnen who like
to wear young men’s styles.
CQd fift
Thanksgiving Sale Price.......... «pjT.Ov
oydctual $1.50 Values for
Men’s Dress Shirts in golf styles with
laundered or French cuffs.
New neat
stripes and good looking fabrics,
sizes to choose from
Thanksgiving Sale Price ........
Special Offer of
Boys* Union Suits
For Sizes 2 to 10 Years.
Sizes 12 to 16 years. Each $1.35.
Splendid wearing and good weight cot­
ton Union Suits for Fall and Winter wear.
High necks, long sleeves and aqkle
length. Verj- special values.
Thanksgiving Sale of
Thanksgiving Linens
Men ’s Florsheim Shoes
Genuine Importations
zydt Wonderfully Low Prices
For Such Lovely Qualities.
We urge you to view these beautiful pieces and sets
of Table Linens for they are exquisite in weave and de­
sign and for such wonderful qualities are very mod­
estly priced.
Luncheon Cloths and
$5.75 to $12.90
Table Cloths................
Napkins to Match
$3.50 to $11.95
Above Cloths per doz
Table Sets of Cloth
$18.65 to $34.85
and 12 Napkins............
For Actual $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 Values.
An extraordinary offering this Thanksgiving Sale of
the famous Florsheim Shoes! Tati Shoes with English
toes, Tan Button shoes with medium toes and Black
English shoes with cloth tops. All sizes and widths
from A to E.
Thanksgiving Sale Price........ . ..................................... «pj.O«)
Thanksgiving Sale of
The Entire Stock of
Ladies’ and Misses’
Fall and Winter Apparel.
An unprecedented offering of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Millinery in absolutely
the latest and most authentic styles at prices affording every woman an opportunity to
save on the purchase of her Thanksgiving wearables.
Ladies’ and
Misses Coats
Actual *19.55 Coats Salepnced .. $17.65
Actual *25.00 Coats . Salepriced
122 45
Actual *29.85 Coats Salepnced
$26 45
Actual *34.45 Coats Salepnced . $31.65
Actual (38.45 Coati
Salepnced • • ■ $5 88
Actual *45.00 Suite
Salepriced ... $41.35
Actual *51.85 Suite
Salepriced • •• $53.45
Silk Dresses
Actual *1».«5
Dresses Salepnced
Salepriced .. $61.35
Actual *25.00
Dresses Salepnced
Actual »31.50
Dresses Salepnced . $27.65
The Entire
Stock of
Fall Millinery
Plain and Fancy
Cotton Taffeta
Actual *2.00 and *2.25 Values
Salepnced . . $1.69
nery creations Is a most noteworthy event
and as Mira
Rundiet fa
season is rapidly
drawing to a clone we urge every woman In
this vicinity to attend this sale. Every Hat
$22 4«
to salepriced—absolutely nothing is renew
Actual *30.45 Dresses Salepnced
$26 35
ed—end the savings are wonderful.
Actual *68.45 Coats
$16 65
Actual *30.85 Dresses
Salepriced ... $22.35
Actual *35.00 Sults
Actual *57.85 Coate
Actual *25.00 Dresses
Actual *25.00 Suite
This Thanksgiving Sale of exquisite Milli­
Actual *7.00 and *7.50 values
Actual » 19.45 Dresses
Ladies* Suits
Salepriced . . $35.35
Salepriced .. $51.95
Thanksgiving Sale of
Select your model today.
Silk Petticoats
Actual *5.00 Petticoats
$4 29
Actual *6.35 Petticoats
$5 47
Actual *8.85 Petticoats
Salepnced . $7 45
To obtain just that correct finish to
your Thanksgiving Attire you will need
one or more pieces of Jewelry, but it must
be absolutely
stylish and authentic for
there is a vogue in Jewelry just as there is
wearing apparel.
•Merite Jewelry for Men, Women and
Children, shown in our "Little Paris Shop’’I
is both stylish and dependable, and yet
withal is very modestly priced.
For Men there are Scarf Pins, Tie
Clasps, Cuff Buttons, Watch Chains and
Watch Fobs; for Ladles there are La Val­
leries, Ear Drops, Lockets and Chains,
Brooches, Pin Seta, and Bracelets; and for
Children there are Rings, Brooches, Brace­
lets. Neck Chains and Beads.
Also there is a splendid selection of
Cigaratte Cases. Match Boxes, etc. in
various styles and finishes.
.After a most persistent search we were
able to secure a very special selection of
All Wool Blankets In medium and fine
There are plain
colors in white,
Rrev and tan and
plaid deaigiia in
pink, blue and tan.
For such splen­
did qualities and
at a time when
Woo/Blankets are
so scarce the price quoted are indeed