TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 21, 1918. billions in direct taxes . trade would make a much larger li­ brary than Dr. Eliot's five feet of In­ ATTRACTIVE ONLY TO TOURIST NEW PORTRAIT OF DICKENS formation, or the Chambers Encyclo­ Will European Nations Pay Us In pedia. Eastern City of Mosul Not a Place fn Engraving of Noted Author, Revor- Goods. Which Westerners Care to Now Barnes hadn’t ought to have •need by Lovers of Literature, Re­ Make a Long Stay. said that, because some fellow that cently Sold at Auction. In presenting the new revenue bill 1 knows less about Tariff and Free- to the House, Representative Kitchin trade than Barnes knows (If such a Mosul, the modern Nineveh, Is a A new portrait of Dickens, hitherto anticipating the argument of Repub­ thing is possible) might read and go picturesque but not altogether attrac- unknown, not only to his friends, but licans that part of the taxes should round believing it to be the Alpha tive city. The house« are built of even to his family, is surely a rare be met by increases upon tariff and Omego of the whole business. Irregular blocks of stone laid In thick discovery, says Christian Selene« ¿schedules, Is reported to have con­ , Barnes ought to know that the pro- mortar. They are usually covered Monitor, commenting on the fact that tended that it would be futile to try i tective tariff is the only thing that with a white stucco, made by burning Dickenslans had the pleasure of seeing to obtain more revenue from this has and will insure the worklngmau the local gypsum rock. its reproduction In a recent issue of source, for the reason that Imports of America, "a full dinner pail."— The roofs, of the same material as their paper. The portrait, which Is a have been decreasing steadily since Milton (Ill.) Beacon. the walls, are usually flat, with a crayon drawing. Is signed W. J. L„ ini­ war was declared. His exact lan­ waist-high parapet, but are not Infre­ tials which are believed to stand for quently domed. Doorways are often W. J. Linton, the famous wood en­ guage is not available for the reason ROAD COST IS REASONABLE. made of slabs of the easily carved graver, the author of several pictures that Mr. Kitchin has a habit of gypsum. withholding his remarks from the for “A Christmas Carol” and “The The streets are narrow and aim­ Chimes.” Congressional Record until all debate Clackamas Builds 4.05 Miles During Past Summer. less, forming a maze of tangled lanes. on the subject has closed. In order It was from Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, W. As there Is no system of sewerage J. Linton’s wife, that Dickens bought that his opponents may have nothing Oregon City, Or., Nov. 16 — Clack ­ whatever, they serve as repositories Gadshlll place, but there is apparently of his to expose as fallacious, but that Mr. Kitchin will continue to amas County construacted 4.05 miles for all the filth of the houses that no record that Linton ever visited evade the Tariff issue is well indi­ of standard five-inch hardsurface border on them, They are rarely so Dickens there. It cannot. In fact, be pavement during the season just wide that more than two men can determined whether this new portrait cated by his remarks. closed, at a cost per square yard of walk abreast. was done from life or not It evident­ Value of Import» Under Protection *1.015. These figures have been As a result of the fine dust. the ly has been to America at soma time and Free-Trade. First of alt, in the statement at­ made public by the County Court and filth and the glare of the aun on the or other, for on the back of It appears: tributed to him, Mr. Kitchin asserts Roadiuaster Tom Roots, who is just white walls, ophthalmia and lung dla- "New York Transfer Co., Dodd's Ex­ what is patiently not so, as a mo­ completing his third year as director eases abound. The files, which breed press, 944 Broadway, New York.” The ment's glance at the official statis­ of the Clackamas County’s “home­ In the open refuse heaps in astonish­ portrait was recently sold by auction ing numbers, swarm over everything. in London, and Is now the property of tics of the Department of Commerce made” pavement campaign. In spite of the fact that the aver­ They cause the button, common also Messrs. Leggatt Bros, of Cheapside. would have Informed him. The last fiscal year under the Republican pro­ age haul from the mixer to the op­ In Aleppo and Bagdad, an rdlment that tective policy, our imports totaled erations was three and three-quarter resembles a carbuncle and persists for IN MATTERS OF EDUCATION *1,813,000,000. We declared war In miles and that labor and materials several months and leave« an ugly April, 1917, and our imports for the have gone skyward during the past ■car. Opposite Mosul, across the river, Quettlen Where Authority for the fiscal year 1917 totaled *2,659,000,- year, the couuty was able to turn Proper Conduct of Operetlone are the last vestiges of Nineveh, cap­ out a high grade product that re- 000 an increase over 1913 of *846,- 8hould Be Rightly PlaoaA, ital of the second of the world’s great ceived the official “ O. K." by the 000,000 while for the fiscal year empires. In places, great walls of the Portland City Engineering Depart- ending June 30 last they totaled Fundamentally the determining fac­ ancient city, built of tremendous tuent at an amazingly low figure. *2,946,000.000, an Increase of *1 masses of sun-dried brick laid on a tor In educational administration be­ With the completion of the final 133,000,000 over 1913, in spite of the high broad wall of cut stone, are still comes today one of finance. The many embargoes on export from Eu­ unit a few weeks ago the county traceable. The city was further pro­ school superintendents declare them­ now boasts of 12 miles of hard sur ­ rope and the prohibitions which our tected by a moat into which the wa­ selves nnable to raise more money lo­ own War Trade Board has placed on face constructed during the past ters of a small river could be con­ cally than Is already furnished. The three years. Last year the cost was many imports. The Republican aver­ ducted. It was hewn to a depth of whole question of educational finance age ad valorem rate of duty on the 91 cents and in 1916 the cost was 87 20 feet and a width of SO yards, and, in relation to local taxation has not yet cents per yard, averaging for the 1918 imports would have realized in been adequately considered to deter­ like the walls. Is In evidence today. port revenues to the Government three years on the 12 miles built 93 mine the validity of such statements. cents per yard. These figures are ex ­ *530,000,000 instead of the paltry Without going further Into this prob­ clusive of grading, but including op ­ TRUMPET NOT IN HIS LINE lem an agitation has been begun foi *180,000,000 derived from the Dem­ securing aid from the federal govern­ ocratic rate In the present law. But erating charges, upkeep, overhead and miscellaneous. Master of Organ a Distinct Failure ment. It Is argued that the federal au­ that is not the main consideration. The county constructed six miles When He Essayed to Play An- thority today Is In a better position for In Mr. Kitchin’s imposing array of other Musical Instrument levying taxes than Is the local author- figures it was shown that if the war during the past summer, the Concord ■i ■ HMF" lty; that (he nation as a whole Is like­ ran to 1920 our public debt would unit, between Milwaukie and Rusk There Is an amusing story told ly* to suffer unless national measures reach not less than *40,000,000,000, Hill; a stretch through Gladstone, and the chairman predicted that this 1500 feet in district No. 12 near the about Sir Frederick Bridge, the fa­ are adopted for combating Illiteracy. government need never expect its an­ Lefthwalte place, 1700 feet near mous organist of Westminster abbey, Americanizing the Immigrant, and Im­ nual budget to be less than *4,000,- Clackamas station and part of the and of how he was once guilty of proving the physique of the citizens, 000,000 hereafter. That is near *40 Ardenwald-Wichlta road. As the making a “row” within the edifice. and finally that teachers may now be per capita with our present popula­ plant is located at Bell station, it can It was at the time of the coronation regarded as performing service of na­ tion. Kitchin’s figures in this respect readily be seen that a long haul was of King George V. One of the re­ tional Importance—New Republic. are conservative. Our pension and In­ necessary on most of the work. The hearsals to take place was that of surance bill alone will exceed *1,000- cost, including grading, was *1,195. the state trumpeters, who practiced A Conslderabla Amount In all, *38,198.77 was spent in their fanfares within the building. 000,000 annually, and it is probable A certain little village In the West During their temporary absence Sir that Kitchin did not take into con­ hardsurface manufacture, and a stands some distance from the near­ Frederick Bridge thought he would standard five-inch pavement, known sideration the cost to the people of est good supply of pure water, and Government-operated railroads, tele­ as "Clackamas County Pavement” is see what kind of a fanfare he could Patrick Is the man who transports bar­ produce, and, borrowing one of the the product _ built by roadmaster graph lines, and merchant marine, rels of drinking water to the homes of contemplated as a permanent policy Roots who finds time to keep the hot trumpets, set about making such dis­ the village. cordant sounds that the clerk of the stuff going, in addition to supervis ­ by the Democratic party, or rather One day, says Chicago Herald, ing some 1100 miles of county roads. works came up and expostulated: “If the Wilsocialists of today. that row continues,” he said, “my as Patrick halted at the top of th< Under the Republican regime, Tar­ workmen threaten to go on strike, and river bank, a man famous for his in iff duties accounted for about 44 per Notice to Subscribers and Advertisers if they do the coronation will have to quisltlve mind stopped and asked: cent of our total ordinary receipts, “How long have you hauled watei be postponed.” Sir Frederick hurried­ while in 1915, under the Democratic Owing to the voters discriminating ly pnt down the trumpet, and soothed for the village, my good roan?” tariff law, and the Increase of Inter­ "Tin years, sor.” the workmen by playing a selection nal taxes, tariff revenues made up at the general election, giving Mult­ on the organ. “Ah, how many loads do you take It < but 30 per cent of the total ordinary nomah county a fair rate for legal a receipts, in 1916, but 27 per cent, advertising and other counties in "From tin to fifteen, sor?" Varying Length of Life In Fishes. and in 1917, but 20 per cent. The re­ the state an unfair rate, the county “Ah, yes I Now, I have a problem The length of life of fishes is vari- for you. How much water at this rat« mainder came out of the pockets of our own producers. Now then after papers will have to raise their adver­ able In the extreme. When we think have you hauled in all?” The driver of the water cert jerked the war comes the problem of keep- tising and subscription rates or go of the great number of enemies to ing these producers—the farmers, out of business. Hence we will raise which any fish is exposed, such as his thumb backward toward the river other predatory fishes, parasitic and replied: the laborers, and the maiufacturers the subscription price of the Head­ worms ano Crustacea and other para­ “All the water yes don’t see there —operating at a rate which will in­ light, commencing the first of the sites (which are usually harmless to now, sor.” sure the ability to live comfortable man but destructive to the fish) crabs, and at the same time meet the *4,- year, to $2.00 per year. Advertising sea birds, bacterial diseases, etc., we 000,000,000 budget which Kitchin rates on new contracts will be 20c. easily see that to live In the water Bird Songs. predicts. Certainly that cannot be per inch in future for advts below and escape all these dangers re­ It was the morning of June 20. I accomplished if foreign goods are one fourth of a page. Locals and quires many protections which at best stood at the gate of the farmhouse permitted to monopolize our markets, readers will be 7c. per line. We have can preserve .only a very small num­ where three roads met, and the air as they will under a tariff policy For a long ber of fishes beyond the spawning was full of bird songs. such as we are now compelled to ac­ been in the habit of inserting a good time. time I stood there and tried to note cept. The latest figures show that many items free and in future these Such protections to fishes are speed how many different songs I could hear. we have loaned to the Allies a sum will have to be paid for at the line of swimming, defensive spines and Near by were the alto joy-notes of the aggregating *6,089,065,000, w’hile rate. fins, the ability to distend themselves Baltimore oriole. Up from the meadow credits have been established like the puffer to prevent being where the trout flowed came the bub­ aggregating *6,602,000,000 of which Buy Your Meat for Canning Now. swallowed, teeth, electric organs, heavy bling, gurgling notes of the bobolink. ------ o------ Great Brltian has *3,345,000,000, corselets of scales which easily slip Robins, wood thrushes, song sparrows, France »2,065,000,000, Italy, *760,- Meat will be high this winter. Get from the skin and a high state of re­ chipping sparrows, bluebirds, vlreos, 000,000, Russia *325,000,000 and it now for canning, while It Is cheap. sistance against disease. gold finches, chebees. Indigo birds, Belgium »145,000,000. There will be Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per Thus, If a fish Is well protected, out flickers, phoebes, red-winged black­ of a large number of its kind a few birds, scarlet tanagers, catbirds, house large additions to these figures be­ pound. may live to reach unusually large sizes. wrens—altogether, without moving fore the war is over. And It is to be Beef steak, 18c. to 28c. per lb. Beef pot roast, 12*4c. to 22c. per There are records of very large fishes from my place, I counted 83 different the policy of every one of these coun­ of most known varieties. tries, so far as possible, to pay not pound. bird songs and bird notes.—Samuel Boiling beef, 9c. to 17c. per lb. only what we have loaned them, but 8covllle, Jr., in Atlantic. Beef for stew, 6c. to 15c. per lb. other war debts, which they have In­ Value of Introspection. All meats are government inspect­ curred, in goods instead of gold. To do anything worth while we must Easily Arranged. Now shall the American people, who ed. be something worth while, and we can­ One beautiful summer night, when Tillamook Meat Co. not be If we take it all out in talking. have been taxed to the utmost in this the crickets were chirping In the gruss war, be compelled by the cotton- The mind must receive impressions be­ and the caterpillars were dropping controlled crowd in Congress to Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain’s fore it can give them, the heart must from the trees, John Henry turned to feel before It can make others feel, the the charming girl who was sitting on continue to European manufacturers Tablets. soul must be Ailed before It can over­ the veranda at his side. • free America market, and to ac­ cept in payment of these debts goods ‘‘I am thankful for the good I have flow. "Edith," said he timorously, “there If people would only live more, If comes to me a thought, I might say a in a volume which will swamp our received by using Chamberlain’s Tab­ own industries? lets. About two years ago when I be­ they would only think more, If they fear.” “Well, what Is It?” queried the fair gan taking them I was suffering a would only sit In silence alone with great deal from distress after eating, their souls now and then, the words girl, as the other hesitated. The Beacon vs. the Banner. they gave out would mean so much "I suppose," responded John Henry, and from headache and a tired, lan­ ------ o------ more. But alas and alack, the art of One of the most iniquitous schemes guid feeling due to indigestion and conversation Is not lest, it Is flowing suggestively, hopefully, “that were I to steal a kiss you would have me ar­ of taxation ever devised Is the “Pro­ a torpid liver. Chamberlain’s Tablets on and on until one longs for silence tective” Tariff. It is second only to corrected these disorders in a short with a great and overwhelming longing rested?” "Perhaps,” was the ready rejoinder the revenue from the manufacture time, and since taking two bottles of that only silence may satisfy.—Ex­ of the girl, •'but you could find some­ and sale of booze. It is the father of them my health has been good.” change. body to pay rour fine, couldn’t you?” trusts, the mother of millionaires writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood. Auborn, •nd the tyrant of poverty. It makes N. Y. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Looked Like Lincoln’s 8layer. •he rich richer, the poor poorer and Store. Pd. Adv. Discipline. A curious footnote to history is J**ters class hatred wherever it ex- “The discipline In base hospitals In found in Simon Wolfs “Presidents I France precludes social relations be­ ■t». It is contrary to the spirit of Have Known.” Mr. Wolf, a Washing­ tween nurses and enlisted men. This WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS 2*ristianlty, abortive to the Brother- ton lawyer, a loyal Unionist nn<’> a is occasionally carried to extremes, as FOR SPOT CASH of Man and destructive of true friend of President Lincoln, wns yet evidenced by the following Incident. A ANY ISSUE. •Hnocracy. It Is the god of the crafty, also acquainted with John Wilkes certain nurse was found ringing the idol of the ignorant and the Jug­ o------- Booth and resembled him in appear­ doorbell of the officers’ quarters early gernaut of the poor.—Nebo Banner. $100 ance. He says concerning the as.'- $50 one morning. When asked what she , above is a most melodious com- $1000 si nation of Lincoln: “After tk* trag­ wanted, she replied that the villa In $500 **®*tion of words. edy I was compelled to remain In -------o------- which she and the other nurses were Barnes was always good at strlng- house until after Booth's capture, for quartered was on fire. After the fire Send us your Bonds by registered, °ut a lot of high sounding Jan- unfortunately I resembled him very had been extinguished, she w«* asked he never says anything, i letter and receive highest market much in feature—so much so that why she didn't give the alarm at once, ^^hat the editor of the Nebo Ban- ! price by return mail. Theodore Kaufman, the historical Instead of running the long distance to ------- o ------- tr»twhile editor of the Bib Cab- painter, asked me to sit for him for Ji ■s*'ntinel, of the Milton Argus, and | WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. his famous painting of *The Assassina­ the officers’ quarters. Her reply was: ‘We aren’t allowed to speak to enlisted fJ***ant Hill Messenger don’t know I tion of President Lincoln.' ”—The Out­ men.’ ”—From the Journal of the 200 Central Bldg. «Urding Protective tariff and free-1 look. Seattle Waah. American Medical Association. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. *"•* C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. Mike. laughed for chewing Gravely. The Judge came right back at Mike with a friend­ ly chew—just a couple of little squares off his plug of Real Gravely. Mike found that the chew clayed with him for a long while, and the more he chewed the better it tasted. "There’s the real tobac­ co satisfaction,” says the Judge: "and it costs noth­ ing extra to chew this class of plug.” // ftt farther— that'e whj yoa tan ftt the fond fatte of tbit elate of tobacco aitlmot extra coti. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug ____ each. piece packed in a pouch. POGRAVEIY jJOaACCO CO , DANVJLLE VA City Transfer Co. We do a general Transfer and Delivery business, with speeial attention to moving Furniture and Pianos. Coal and Wood a Specialty. ALEX. McNAIR & CO. general hardujare Kitehen Ranges and 1 Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. i See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.